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1、山东省日照市北京路中学2024-2025学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试卷 一、完形填空通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。In February 2007, about two hundred paragliders were in Australia to prepare for the World Championship. They included Ewa Wisnierska, a German paragliding champion (冠军). One morning, as the 1 were getting ready t

2、o take off, they noticed that a terrible storm was coming. However, they decided to 2 . After all, these were the best paragliders in the world.Unluckily, as the competitors took off, the weather quickly became 3 . Ewa tried to get away from the storm, but two huge 4 came together and caught her. Th

3、e clouds pulled Ewa up inside the storm like a leaf in the 5 . She flew higher and higher, with lightning (闪电) and hailstones (冰雹) all around her. “I was 6 ,” she told reporters afterwards. “The last thing I 7 , it was dark. I could hear lightning all around me.” She 8 to about 10,000 meters high an

4、d then lost all her senses. At that height, the temperature was about -40. After forty minutes Ewa woke up. She was still inside the storm. It was dark and hailstones were 9 past. They were as big as tennis balls. Finally, Ewa came out of the storm cloud and 10 towards a small farm and landed 11 . S

5、he fell to the ground, too 12 to call for help. When her team 13 her, she was 60 km away from the place where she took off. She was covered in icebut alive!Ewa was sent to a (an) 14 for treatment at once, but a few days later, she competed in the World Championship. “Flying is too fantastic to stop

6、15 an accident,” she said.1ArunnersBcompetitorsCpilotsDwinners2Aget upBturn onClook upDcarry on3AcolderBcoolerCworseDwetter4AstormsBcloudsCbirdsDhands5AwindBrainCtreeDworld6AshakingBpullingCdreamingDsmiling7AdecideBrepeatCconsiderDremember8AguidedBdroveCreturnedDrose9AflyingBwalkingCcryingDpushing10

7、AclimbedBjumpedCheadedDswam11AcomfortablyBsafelyCsadlyDsecretly12AproudBnervousCweakDbrave13AservedBcaughtCvisitedDreached14AhospitalBschoolChotelDoffice15Anext toBaccording toCbecause ofDinstead of二、阅读理解This is the latest information about the flight someone searched for. United Flight 87DEPARTSARR

8、IVESCity: Qingdao, ChinaGate: 16Expected Time: 5:10 p.m. Expected Date: Wed., June 20, 2022 City: New York, the United States Gate: B64 Expected Time: 7:45 p.m. Expected Date: Wed., June 20, 2022 Time difference between two cities: 12 hours Status: Delayed because of heavy rain. (Expected Departure:

9、 1 Hour 25 Minutes Late) Basic information: United Flight 87 Aircraft: Boeing 777-220Capacity: 267 people (50 United Business First, United Economy)Speed: 550 mph Meals: Dinner and breakfast are served during the flight. Non-alcoholic beverages such as tea, coffee, juice and cola are provided in bot

10、h United Business First and United Economy. Wi-Fi access is available for purchase on the flight. Pricing ranges from $ 1 for one hour of access to $15 for 24 hours. It starts at the time of purchase and end when you disconnect. Entertainment: Seatback on-demand entertainment is available, with a gr

11、eat choice of pre-recorded movies, television shows, video games and music. On Channel 9, you can listen to live communications between the cockpit (驾驶舱) and air traffic control.16Why is the flight delayed (延迟)?ABecause of air traffic control.BBecause of network problem.CBecause of late arrival.DBec

12、ause of poor weather.17What in-flight entertainment can passengers enjoy?ALots of films.BPlaying ball games.CSinging.DCommunications with the captain.18The flight time is about _.Amore than two hoursBtwelve hoursCmore than fourteen hoursDone hour and twenty-five minutesWhen my sister Becky was young

13、, she was bitten (咬) by a dog. From that day on, she didnt like dogs. But all of that changed when my uncle had to be away for a week. My uncle left his dog with us to take care of. The dogs name was Rex, and he was huge. Poor Rex liked following my sister around very much. She hated that because of

14、 her fear of dogs.One day, to get away from (摆脱) Rex, my sister tied him to a chair in the yard and went for a walk in the forest. She looked back and saw him pulling at his rope (绳), but he still stayed there. While walking in the forest, Becky suddenly saw some wolves eating a deer (鹿) that had ju

15、st been killed. Normally, wolves would not attack (攻击) a human, but when they are eating, they can be very dangerous, especially for a child. Slowly, the wolves began to move towards Becky, making a circle around her. She was close to a tree, so she caught a lower branch (树枝) quickly and tried to cl

16、imb up the tree. One of the wolves caught her foot. Luckily, she was able to pull herself up, but her foot was badly hurt. She shouted for help, but no one was around. She thought she was going to die. Suddenly, Rex appeared. There he was, running through the forest, pulling the chair. It was not ea

17、sy for Rex, but he made his way to Becky in the tree. He attacked the wolves, soon they ran off.When Becky and Rex got home, everyone was shocked and happy that Rex had saved my sister. He licked (舔) her face as the doctor treated (治疗) her foot. Now, Rex is my sisters favorite friend in the world. T

18、he doctor told her, “A dog is a mans best friend.” My sister smiled and added, “And a girls best friend, too.”19What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to (指的是)?AA dog bit her.BRex was huge.CRex followed her around.DHer uncle left Rex with them.20The right order of the following st

19、atements is _. Becky shouted for help Becky climbed up the tree Becky saw Rex running to her Becky was circled by wolvesABCD21Why did Becky change her attitude to Rex? Because _.ARex was poorBRex saved her lifeCRex licked her faceDRex attacked the wolves22According to the passage, what will most pro

20、bably happen next?ABecky will often play with Rex.BBecky will never go to the forest.CBecky would like Rex not to follow her.DBecky will return Rex to her uncle happily.China is home to tea and has a long history of tea culture. As time goes by, the tea culture has developed greatly.In the Tang Dyna

21、sty, people not only drank tea, but also ate the tea leaves. That was why tasting tea was called “tea-eating”. In the Song Dynasty, the way people drank tea became romantic and was full of art. In the Ming Dynasty, tasting tea returned to its true nature of “drinking tea”. People put dry tea leaves

22、in the cup and then poured boiled water into it before drinking. And in the Qing Dynasty, the tea culture finally came into common families. Drinking tea became part of their daily life. At the same time, there were more tea houses.Nowadays, making tea around a stove (围炉煮茶) has become popular among

23、young people. This is a special way of drinking tea. Many young people like to choose a quiet and comfortable environment to make tea. While boiling tea, there must be delicate and tasty snacks like small oranges and sweet potatoes on the charcoal (炭) stove, satisfying peoples eyes and mouth. And be

24、autiful cups and teapots would bring them more pleasure in mind. What they enjoy are art, spiritual world and the deep Chinese tea culture. Away from their busy work and life, they feel calm and peaceful in mind.In fact, people began to make tea around a stove in ancient times. Traditionally, about

25、the art of making tea, the most important part is the types of tea, water quality, the control of fire, the choices of tea tools, and the skills of brewing (沏茶). In some ways, the art of making tea is a kind of communication between tea and people.As time passes by, Chinese tea culture continues to

26、develop. Modern tea culture has mixed traditional and modern art and life, showing a more open and colorful culture. 23When did people not only drink tea but also eat the tea leaves?AIn the Tang Dynasty.BIn the Song Dynasty.CIn the Ming Dynasty.DIn the Qing Dynasty.24What does the underlined word “d

27、elicate” in paragraph 3 probably mean?ABoring.BAttractive.CAwful.DLarge.25Why is making tea around a stove popular with modern young people?ABecause they enjoy calm and peace in mind.BBecause they can stay together with families.CBecause they like eating oranges and potatoes.DBecause they want to re

28、turn to the ancient times.26What is the best title for the passage?AThe types of the tea leaves.BThe environments of drinking tea.CThe future of the tea culture.DThe development of the tea culture.Sometimes when the rain falls hard and fast on you, it might hurt a little. But what happens when it hi

29、ts a mosquito (蚊子)?In 2012, David Hu, a scientist at Georgia Tech, became interested in this problem and decided to do a research. He used a high-speed camera so that he could watch the mosquitoes in very slow motion and find out what theyre doing when theyre out in the rain.What he found is that wh

30、en a raindrop falls on a mosquito, its like when a bus hits a person. Besides, the little insect (昆虫) is hit by a raindrop about once every 20 seconds. So why dont we see many dead mosquitoes after it rains?A mosquito is as big as a raindrop, but it is much lighter 0.002g only. This saves its life i

31、n raindrop hits. Because the mosquito is so light, when it is hit by a raindrop, it wont experience a force that is strong enough to kill it.The study also found that when a mosquito is hit by a raindrop, the insect is pushed by the raindrop and falls together with it. But the mosquito doesnt get we

32、t easily because it is covered with hairs which keep off water. After dropping about 6 cm, it will roll off the raindrop and fly away.However, this trick isnt always successful. If the mosquito flies too low when it is hit by the raindrop, it wont have time to fly off. Then it will hit the ground an

33、d meet its death.27What does the underlined word “motion” mean?ATime.BMovie.CStep.DMovement.28What protect mosquitoes in the rain?ATheir mouths and their noses.BTheir eyes and their ears.CTheir legs and their wings.DTheir body weight and their hairs.29When is it dangerous for a mosquito in the rain?

34、AWhen it flies too close to the ground.BWhen the rain falls too hard and too fast.CWhen it is hit by raindrops too many times.DWhen it drops for more than 6 cm in the rain.30Which of the following is a proper title for the passage?AHow Raindrops Hurt MosquitoesBWhen Mosquitoes Are in DangerCWhy Mosq

35、uitoes Arent Hurt in RainDWhen Mosquitoes Meet Their Death三、单词拼写31I (很少) watch movies on my smart phone because its not good for my eyes.32Look! The (树叶) on the trees are in different shapes!33We should (鼓励) the farmers to plant more trees.34There is a park (对面) the hotel.35Bad news (传播) faster.36So

36、me parents tell their children not to speak to (陌生人).37You shouldnt leave your child in the house (单独).38Mary found great fun working in the small (花园).39Reading (广泛) will make you a wise man.40If you dont do it now, youll only (后悔) it.41Shenzhou-16 spaceship was sent into space (精确)at 9:31 a.m. on

37、May 30th.42Local plants and animals are well protected in (国家) parks.43Tom was a from classes yesterday because he caught a cold.44The old man felt a bit l with his wife gone.45There were too many p in the bus and the air in it was dirty. I chose to travel by train.46Tom is such an h person that we

38、all trust him.47I missed the last bus, so I had no c but to walk home.48The little girl used to feel n when speaking in public.49We are all p of the achievements weve made in the past 70 years.50Whoever breaks the law will be p .四、短文填空Technology is developing fast and it 51 (become) an important par

39、t of our life. Then what will the world be 52 in the future?3-D food will be both delicious and nutritious (有营养的). We can use 3-D printers to print some basic materials. 53 (science) believe that we just need to turn on a printer in the kitchens and then we can enjoy 54 (we) favorite food whenever w

40、e like.5G network will allow many more people to get information. Big companies like China Mobile and China Unicom will start to offer 5G. 5G 55 (expect) to download (下载) about 10 times 56 than 4G. For example, we can download a film within just 1 second. But with a 4G network, it takes about 10 min

41、utes. Space tour will be a piece of cake. For us common people on the earth, the dream of travelling around space 57 (come) true. In the coming years, spacecraft will be as popular as buses, trains and planes. We can leave our home and enter space 58 (take) an adventure (冒险). And even we will get us

42、ed to 59 (live) there.You wont worry 60 the quality of the things you are shopping online. Some researchers are working on computer screens that can feel a sense of touch when you touch them. “If youre shopping online for clothes, you could feel their fabrics (面料).” said Cynthia, an engineer at Texa

43、s A&B University, US.In a word, just as Jules Verne said, “Anything one man can imagine, other man can make real.”五、任务型阅读In 1971, a poor young man traveled across the country, trying to make a start for himself. On the way, he had completely run out of money, so he had no food to eat and had

44、 to live in his car.This continued until one morning. After sleeping in his car for a week, he walked into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast. After eating his first good meal in weeks, he found he had to lie to the owner, telling him he had lost his wallet. He was so embarrassed (尴尬的) that hi

45、s face turned red. The owner walked behind the young mans seat. He bent down (弯腰) and stood up with a 20 dollars in his hands. It seemed as if it had fallen on the floor. “Young man, you must have dropped this,” the owner said. The young man was so surprised that he couldnt believe his eyes! He quic

46、kly paid for the breakfast and left.On the way out of town, he realized, “Maybe nobody dropped the money at all. Maybe the owner just wanted to help me in a way that didnt embarrass me. What a kind person he is! If I have a chance in the future, I will do the same to help others.”Now getting older, the man lives near Kansas City. He keeps helping those homeless people on the streets these years.61Why did the young man travel across the country? 62Where did he live when


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