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1、2023-2024学年第一学期三年级英语上册教学计划江山中心小学  刘凤英一、学生情况分析在启蒙学习阶段,小学生是否能保持浓厚的学习兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯,形成有效的学习方法,这对于他们打好基础,学好英语将起着极为重要的作用。在教学过程中一定要坚持面向全体学生,深入研究他们的年龄和心理特点,正确理解,把握和处理教材,采用生动活泼的教学方法,营造宽松和谐的学习气氛,用爱的情感,爱的行为和爱的艺术帮助他们构建知识,提高技能。磨练意志,活跃思维,发展心智和拓展视野。所以,在教学中,教师应该以学生的发展为宗旨,以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点,面向全体学生,始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放在


3、游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能书写字母和单词。对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。五、教学方法(一)会话教学融会话教学于情景表演之中,让学生在表演中练。(二)词汇教学巧用实物和卡片, 融词汇于会话教学中。(三)趣味故事教学六、提高教学质量的措施小学生主体性地位在英语对话教学中的体现,小学英语对话教学在整个英语教学中占有相当大的份量。怎样充分体现学生学习主体性地位呢?在小学英语教材中,安排了许多浅显易懂、生动活泼的对话。根据这些对话稍稍用心设计一下,便能让学生成为学习的主人,取得意想不到的效果。(一


5、能力,更能够体现学生学习的主体性。怎么说?对不对?应带怎样的表情?怎样演会更好?学生无论是表演的还是看表演的,都会在打分时找到他们需要的答案。(三)通过娱乐、竞赛形式激发学生的学习动机与兴趣。小学生中,就算是高年级的学生还是非常爱玩。我们可以利用小学生爱玩的天性。在对话教学中,设计各类竞赛、游戏。让学生在比中学,猜中学,玩中学,唱、跳中学。如藏卡片、快看快说、快听快指等。印象会特别深。(四)注重在教学中,运用手势。把一些单词、短语、甚至是句子与手势或是肢体语言相结合,让学生全身活动,手脑并用,即加深了记忆,又能抓住学生的注意力。龙岩市江山中心小学校备课表课     题Uni

6、t 1 Hello Part A教学时数2教 学 目 标Aims on the knowledge:1. To learn new words: hello, hi, nice, meet, you, I'm=I am, too, a, an, apple, banana.2. To know how to greet and introduce oneself: Hello/Hi, I'm.3. To learn the letters: Aa, Bb.Aims on the abilities:1. To develop students abilities of list

7、ening, speaking, reading and writing. Aims on the emotion: 1. To cultivate students consciousness of co-operation and competition.2. To develop students interest in learning English.教学重难点重点To know how to introduce oneself: Hello/Hi, I'm.难点To learn the letters: Aa, Bb.教 学 准 备Cards,cassette, some

8、objects.教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计Step 1 Step 2Warming up1. Greeting.T: Hello, I'm Miss Lin. You can call me Miss Lin.T: Hello! Ss: Hello!T: Hi!Ss: Hi!T: Hello, I'm Miss Lin.Ss: Hello, Miss Lin.T: Today we'll learn Unit 1 Hello Part APresentation1. Now let's make new friends.T: Who are they

9、?Ss: (They are) Wang Tao, Sally, Julia and Miss Gao.T: Let's see how they introduce themselves.T: Hello, I'm Miss Gao.  I'm= I am教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计 Step 3T: Hi, I'm Wang Tao.  I'm Sally. I'm Julia.Picture 1(1) Listen and follow.(2) Read together.(3) Role play. &nbs

10、p; Four students make up a group. One acts Miss Gao, one acts Wang Tao, one acts Sally, the last acts Julia.2. How to greet with each other.Picture 2A: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.T: you, meet, to meet you, Nice to meet you.  Nice to meet you, too.(1) Listen and follow.(2) Role pl

11、ay.   Ask some students to act Miss Gao. Miss Gao says:"Nice to meet you." The other students say:" Nice to meet you, too."Practice1. Let's act.T: Stick your photo here.  Hello, I am.  Hello, I'm Lucy.  Hi, I'm Li Ming.(1) Listen and follow.(2) Rea

12、d together.(3) Role play.(4) Self-introduction.   Hi/ Hello, I'm.3. Learn the letters.Aa, an appleBb, a banana(1) Listen and follow.(2) Read together.板 书 设 计Unit1 Hello Part AHello, I'm Miss Lin.I'm= I amA: Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.作  业  设  计1. Do the

13、 exercises of Lesson 1.2. Read the text.3. Copy the letters: Aa, Bb.龙岩市江山中心小学备课表课     题Unit 1 Hello Part B教学时数2教 学 目 标Aims on the knowledge:1. To learn new words: what, is, your, name, my, cat, dog.2. To learn sentences: What is your name? My name is .3. To learn the letters: Cc, Dd.Aims o

14、n the abilities:1. To develop students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Aims on the emotion: 1. To cultivate students consciousness of co-operation and competition.2. To develop students interest in learning English.教学重难点重点To To learn sentences: What is your name? My name is .难

15、点To learn the letters: Cc, Dd教 学 准 备Cards,cassette, some objects.教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计Step 1 Step 2Warming up1. Greeting.T: Hello, I'm Miss Lin. Ss: Hello!T: Hi!Ss: Hi!T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.2. Ask some students to introduce themselves to students.3. Review letters and words

16、.  Aa, Bb, nice, to, meet, you, too, hi, hello, Im=I am, apple, bananaT: Today we'll learn Unit 1 Hello Part BPresentation1. Learn sentences: What is your name? My name is .T: Hello, Im Miss Lin.  What is your name?  My name is Lily.Learn letters: name, your name, is your name, Wh

17、ats your name? 教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计Step 3Step 4Lily, is Lily, name is Lily, My name is Lily.(1) Ask and answer group by group.(2) Ask and answer with your partners.2. Listen and follow (1) Listen and follow.(2) Read together.(3) Role play.   Four students make up a group. One acts Miss Gao, one

18、acts Yang Ming, one acts Sally, the last acts Lily.Practice1. Ask and answer.S1: My name is Tom. Whats your name?S2: My name is Li Na.   My name is Li Na. Whats your name?S3: My name is Bob.(1) Listen and follow.(2) Read together.(3) Role play.(4) Play a game- chain question and answer.2. Learn

19、 the letters.Cc, a catDd, a dog(1) Review letters: Aa, Bb.(2) Learn new letters: Cc, Dd.(3) Learn new words; a cat, a dog.(4) Listen and follow.(5) Read together.Extention1. Sing a song. What's Your Name?(1) Listen and follow.(2) Learn to sing.(3) Let's sing.(4) Sing group by group教 学 步 骤教学

20、过 程个性 化 设 计2. Let's chant. ABCD(1) Listen and follow.(2)Read together.(3) Let's chant and clap hands.1. Learn to write.2. Listen and tick.3. Evaluate yourself.4. Read the words of Unit 1.板 书 设 计作  业  设  计1. Do the exercises of Part B.2. Copy the letters: Cc, Dd.    

21、 3. Read the text.龙岩市江山中心小学备课表课     题Unit 2 Greeting Part A教学时数1教 学 目 标Aims on the knowledge:1. Learn new expressions: Good morning. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Goodbye.2. Learn new words: good, morning, how, are, fine, thank, egg, fish.3. Learn the letters: Ee, Ff.Aims on t

22、he abilities:1. To develop students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Aims on the emotion: 1. To cultivate students consciousness of co-operation and competition.2. To develop students interest in learning English.教学重难点重点Learn new expressions: Good morning. How are you? I'm

23、fine, thank you. Goodbye.难点Know how to greet with others.教 学 准 备Cards,cassette, some objects.教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计Step 1 Step 2Warming up1. Greeting.T: Hello, I'm Miss Lin. Ss: Hello!T: Hi!Ss: Hi!T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: What's your name?S: My name is.2. Sing a song. Wh

24、at's Your Name?3. Let's chant: ABCD.T: Today we'll learn Unit 2 Greeting Part APresentation1. Learn to greet with students.T: Good morning.  good, morning, Good morning.教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计Step 3T: How are you?  I'm fine, thank you.  how, are, fine, thank  Goodbye,

25、 Fido.2. Listen and follow.(1) Listen and follow.(2) Learn to read.(3) Role play.Practice1. Lets act.2. Look at the picture and read.3. Listen and follow.4. Let's act.(1) Learn the letters.(2) Review letters: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd.(3) Learn the letters: Ee, Ff.(4) Learn new words: an egg, a fish.5. Eva

26、luate yourselves.板 书 设 计Unit 2 Greeting Part A  A: Good morning.  B: Good morning.  A: How are you?  B: I'm fine, thank you.  A: Goodbye, Fido.  B: Goodbye.作  业  设  计1. Listen and follow the text.2. Copy the letters: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd.龙岩市江山中心小学备课表课  

27、;   题Unit 2 Greeting Part B教学时数1教 学 目 标Aims on the language knowledge:1. Learn the letters: Gg, Hh.2. Learn new words: girl, hen.3. 初步运用单词: afternoon, Mr, boy, girl, hen.4. Learn new expressions: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Good afternoon, Mr. Wang.5. Function: be able to use English for gr

28、eeting accurately.Aims on the language skills:1. To develop students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2.能认读和正确书写字母Gg和Hh。3. 能根据图片说出girl和hen,并能看图识词。4. 能准确使用Good afternoon.等句子进行问候。Aims on the cultural consciousness: 1. To cultivate students consciousness of co-operation and compet

29、ition.2. To develop students interest in learning English.3.乐于接触异国文化,了解英美国家的问候习惯和对老师的称呼。教学重难点重点1.Learn the letters: Gg, Hh.2. Learn new words: girl, hen, afternoon, Mr, boy.3. Learn new expressions:Good afternoon, boys and girls. Good afternoon, Mr. Wang.难点正确书写Gg,能区别Gg的印刷体和书写体。教 学 准 备Cards,cassette,

30、 some objects.教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计Step 1 Step 2Warming up1. Greeting.    How are you? What's your name? Nice to meet you.2. Enjoy a song: The Morning Song.RevisionReview the words by flash cards.   what, your, name, Miss, apple, banana, cat, dog, egg, fish, good, morning.教 学 步 骤教 学

31、 过 程个性化设计Step 32. Today we'll learn Unit 2 Greeting Part B.Presentation(一)单词和句子教学:girl, boy, Mr. Good afternoon.1.  老师走到学生A面前,跟她打招呼 :   T: Good morning, A.   A: Good morning, Miss Lin.   T: Good girl.     Girl, a girl.   老师指向一位女生,引导全班同学说,“a girl”。指向两位女生,引导全班同学说

32、,“girls”。再指向一位男生,引导全班同学说,“a boy”,指向两位男生,引导全班同学说,“boys”。2. Play a game-唱反调T: a boySs: a girlT: boysSs: girls3. Ask a girl to act a pupil teacher, and introduce her to students.T: This is Miss Liu. Say "Hi" to her.Ss: Hi.S1: Hello.老师走到学生中间,任意指向一位女同学,引导学生用Miss+姓,来称呼她。随后指向一位男同学,引导学生用Mr.+姓,来称呼男

33、教师,请这位小教师用 Good afternoon!与同学们打招呼。4. T: Good afternoon!  Ss: Good afternoon!  after+ noonafternoon  T: Good afternoon, boys!  Boys: Good afternoon, Miss Lin.  T: Good afternoon, girls!  Girls: Good afternoon, Miss Lin.  T: Good afternoon, boys and girls!  Boys

34、 and girls: Good afternoon, Miss Lin.教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计(二)课文教学1. Listen and follow.(1) Listen to the tape and answer a question:    Who is he?(2) Listen and follow for twice.(3) Read together.(4) Give students 2 minutes to practice with their partners, then ask some groups to act.2. Play

35、a game.(1) Look at the picture and guess who he is.(2) Teach new sentence: This is Mr. Yang.(3) Listen and follow for twice.(4) Role play.   Four students combine a group and each student acts different roles.3.字母教学(1) Review letters: Aa-Ff.(2) Recite letters from Aa to Ff.(3) Let's chant.

36、  A is for apple. A, A, A.   B is for banana. B, B, B.   C is for cat. C, C, C.   D is for dog. D, D, D.   E is for egg. E, E, E.   F is for fish. F, F, F.(4) 利用字母卡片复习六个字母的读音,区别印刷体和书写体。(5) Play a game-Find Your Neighbor.2. 复习单词apple, banana, cat, dog, egg, fish.(1) 看图片说

37、单词。(2) Play a game-What's is missing.3.教学字母Gg, Hh和单词girl, hen.(1) 教师出示Gg卡片,以升降掉方式教授,询问学生Gg的形状像什么,再教Gg的书写形式,书空写Gg,区别印刷体和书写体,强调笔画顺序。(2)出示girl的图片,复习girl   G is for girl. G, G, G.教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计Step 4 (3) 老师出示Hh卡片,以升降掉方式教授,询问学生Hh的形状像什么,再教Hh的书写形式,书空写Hh,区别印刷体和书写体,注意笔画顺序。(4) 出示hen的图片,学习hen. &n

38、bsp; H is for hen. H, H, H.(5) Recite letters from Aa to Hh.(6) Play a game-唱反调T: Gg(声调)Ss: Gg(降调)T: hen(降调)Ss: hen(声调)Extention1. Sing a song: The Morning Song.(1) Listen and get the main melody.(2) Learn to read the lyrics.Nice to see your smiling face.2. Learn to sing.3. Listen and follow the tap

39、e.4. Sing together.2. Look and say.(1)Show the cards to review words: apple, banana, cat, dog, egg, fish, girl, hen.(2) an apple-apples, an egg-eggs,   a cat- cats, a dog-dogs,   a fish-fish, a banana-bananas,   a girl-girls, a hen-hens.   a boy-boys3. Listen and follow.4.Play a

40、game-唱反调。T: an apple    Ss: applesT: an egg      Ss: eggsT: a fish      Ss: fish.5. Learn to write.6. Listen and tick.7. Lets chant.教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计   A is for apple. A, A, A.   B is for banana. B, B, B.   C is for cat. C, C, C.   D is f

41、or dog. D, D, D.   E is for egg. E, E, E.   F is for fish. F, F, F.   G is for girl. G, G, G.   H is for hen. H, H, H.8. Recite letters from Aa to Hh.9. Finish the part of Evaluation Yourself.板 书 设 计Unit 2 Greeting Part B  T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.  Ss: Good af

42、ternoon, Miss Lin.  boy-a boy-boysgirl-a girl-girls作  业  设  计1. Listen and follow the text.2. Copy the letters: Gg, Hh.3. Do the exercise of Unit 2 Part B.龙岩市江山中心小学备课表课     题Unit 3 Numbers Part A教学时数2教 学 目 标Aims on the language knowledge:1. Learn the letters: Ii, Jj.2.

43、Learn new words: ice cream, jeep.3. Learn numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.4.初步运用单词:come, play, great, OK.5.学说童谣:Let's Run.6.Function:能准确用英语描述物品的数量。Aims on the language skills:1.To develop students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 2. 能认读和正确

44、书写字母Ii和Jj。3. 会说并认读数字one-ten.4. 能根据图片说出one-ten, ice cream,和jacket,并能看图识词。5. 能初步听懂会说Come and play! OK. Great!Aims on the emotion:1. 引导学生关注身边的数字,并用英语说出来,激发他们的学习兴趣和热情,提高学习的积极性和主动性。Aims on the cultural consciousness: 2.乐于接触异国文化,了解其他国家人民所喜欢与禁忌的数字。教学重难点重点1. Learn the letters: Ii, Jj.2. Learn numbers from o

45、ne to ten.3. Learn words: ice cream, jacket.难点能听说认读数字一到十。教 学 准 备Cards,cassette, shuttlecock, ping-pong.教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计Step 1 Step 2Warming up1. Greeting.2. Sing a song: The Morning Song.Revision1. Review the words by cards.   an apple-apples, an egg-eggs,   a cat- cats, a dog-dogs, &nb

46、sp; a fish-fish, a banana-bananas,   a girl-girls, a hen-hens.   a boy-boys教 学 步 骤教 学 过 程个性化设计Step 32. Enjoy the song: Ten Little Baby Ducks. 3. Today we'll learn Unit 3 Numbers Part A.Presentation1. Learn numbers: one to ten.2. Teach one.T: one, one, one.  one apple, one banana, one cat, one egg.3. Play a game-火眼金睛。T:


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