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1、2024届北京市朝阳区高三下学期第二次六校联考英语试题一、完形填空I moved to a new city and took a job in marketing. I didnt really understand whether it applied to me. I enjoyed doing things that I felt had 1 . As the months passed, I felt it just wasnt for me. I needed to find a way out.A job advertisement for an editor for a new

2、 youth magazine came at exactly the right time. I applied and was successful. My role was to help teams of young people edit their content and help them with their work. I had assumed the magazine would be a(n) 2 of games and dull reviews, so I was 3 when one of the first pieces written was about so

3、cial welfare. 4 , I found something I was interested in. I felt a 5 in me straight away. I had a purpose again. Days were lost to discussing hot topics and 6 the words of their strong and opinionated (坚持己见的) voices. 7 in their world, I could see myself making a difference to the teams writing abilit

4、y. As our website 8 increased and the work shifted to reflect what our audiences wanted, I developed a greater understanding of what young people might want to read.The biggest change the job brought, though was to my well-being. It is rare you find yourself in a job you love, one that you are happy

5、 to 9 each day. I was thriving in this creative environment, inspired by the talented young people I was helping to 10 their careers. Now, I realize that there are jobs that will keep you happy, energetic and inspired.1ApurposeBconvenienceCrestrictionDentertainment2AreplacementBmixtureCinnovationDsy

6、mbol3AamusedBembarrassedCtouchedDsurprised4ANaturallyBGenerallyCFrequentlyDFinally5AcontrastBshockCchangeDshame6AreadingBtranslatingCspellingDcopying7ATrappedBHiddenCInvestedDImagined8AhitsBpagesCprofitsDadvertisements9Aleave behindBgo intoCrefer toDset aside10AtransferBrescueCdisciplineDfurther二、语法

7、填空阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个适当的词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。The protection of the Yellow River is one of the top concerns for Chinese leadership. In the past two decades, the Chinese government 11 (strengthen) the protection of wetlands along the Yellow River, 12 (make) various wild birds gather

8、in this area. The rising number of wild birds has brought a benefit for birdwatchers, who are very thankful for 13 the government has done for the people. Further efforts will be made to bring more beautiful environment to the Yellow River.语法填空The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in peoples liv

9、es. Buying something as 14 (base) as a coffee pot is not exactly simple. Easy access 15 a wide range of everyday goods leads to a sense of powerlessness in many people, ending in the shopper giving up and walking away, or just buying 16 unsuitable item that is not really wanted. In the past two year

10、s, Chinese Consumer Association has conducted many studies 17 findings show that many electrical goods bought in almost every family are not really needed.语法填空A video went viral online that showed a man saving a 2-year-old girl who 18 (stick) in the burglar bars of her apartment in Nanning.On Sunday

11、, the toddler, who was home alone, climbed to the balcony of her home on the fifth floor and became 19 (trap) in the burglar bars. Xu Hongwei, a former member of the armed police, climbed up the buildings balconies 20 (reach) the girl and held her up with hands to keep her from falling for nearly ha

12、lf an hour. He comforted her by saying, “I am with you. Come on, climb down the balcony.” The girl was finally saved with the help of other neighbors.三、阅读理解Urban gardens are valuable assets to communities. They provide green spaces to grow sustainable food, build community cohesion(凝聚力), make new fr

13、iends, connect with the earth, and much more. So, lets check out our list of 4 inspiring urban gardens in the US. Gotham GreensWhere: New York &ChicagoWhat: Gotham Greens first started in Brooklyn and now has four locations in New York City and Chicago. Their flagship farm in Brooklyn produces o

14、ver 100,000 pounds of greens per year. But it doesnt just produce healthy local vegetables. It is using high-tech greenhouses with solar panels to make sure the food grown is healthy and sustainable. Baltimore Urban Gardening with StudentsWhere: Baltimore, MarylandWhat: The Baltimore Urban Gardening

15、 with Students(BUGS)program encourages students to get their hands dirty and plant vegetables through their after-school and summer programs. Many of these kids dont have access to green spaces and have never had the opportunity to grow food. ReVision Urban FarmWhere: Boston, MassachusettsWhat: ReVi

16、sion Urban Farm in Boston works in partnership with the ReVision Family Home-a shelter for 22 homeless parents and their kids. The farm provides these families with information on healthy eating, and access to the farms fresh vegetables. The organization also provides job training to help families e

17、scape the cycle of poverty, SwaleWhere: New YorkWhat: Swale, a floating food forest located on a large boat, is an innovative project meant to inspire citizens to rethink the relationship between our cities and our food. This urban garden serves as both a living art exhibit and an educational farm F

18、ood forests are sustainable gardens that include vegetables, fruit, nut trees, bushes, herbs, and vines-each one complementing the other in a symbiotic(共生的)relationship.21What is special about(Gotham Greens)?AIt offers homeless families information on healthy eating.BIt creates a sustainable garden

19、on a large boat.CIt provides job training for students.DIt uses high-tech greenhouses to grow healthy food.22Which urban garden offers first-hand farming experience?ABaltimore Urban Gardening with StudentsBSwaleCRevision Urban FarmDGotham Greens23What do these four urban gardens have in common?AThey

20、 create job opportunities for farmers.BThey are inspirational multinational project.CThey are important for city dwellers(居民, 居住者).DThey have educational and entertaining purposes.In the 2010s, 34-year-old Brianne Miller travelled around the world as a marine biologist. No matter how remote the loca

21、tion, she made the same alarming discovery: huge amounts of plastic littering the water and threatening marine life. Miller knew she needed to do something.Canadians throw out three million tons of plastic waste each year, 33 percent of which comes from food packaging. Approximately one third of all

22、 food produced worldwide goes to waste, too. Miller, determined to fix the problem, imagined a shop that went further than banning plastic bags a place that avoided both wasteful packaging and the bad habit of wasting food itself.In June 2018, Miller opened her first zero-waste grocery store in Cana

23、da. She named it Nada, and ensured everything was designed to make the zero-waste shopping experience easy. You can bring your own containers, though its not necessary: right by the front door are sanitized (消毒过的) glass or plastic containers, free for the taking.Nada sells various food items, all 10

24、0 percent package-free. Miller is clear that the store doesnt try to compete on price. For example, popcorn with paper package at a regular store may cost 70 cents per 100 grams; at Nada, a customer might pay $1 per 100 grams. Even so, zero-waste shopping can still come with savings. Take products t

25、hat typically come packaged in large containers, like spaghetti sauce, a large part of the traditional cost would be in that glass jar.Although the early days of the pandemic were tough on the business, Miller timely turned to online ordering and delivery, though in a very Nada way. Everything from

26、olive oil to fresh eggs comes delivered in sanitized containers, which are collected with the next round of deliveries.Those containers do so much more than just reduce waste. They get people thinking big, just as Miller hoped. “Theyre tagged with Nada stickers, so you can see how many times the con

27、tainer has been used,” she says, and then smiles.24Brianne Miller was inspired to start her business by the fact that _.Afood packaging generated tons of wasteBplastic litters posed a threat to marine lifeCpeople formed the bad habit of wasting foodDlots of food produced worldwide went to waste25Whi

28、ch of the following can best describe Miller?ABrave and cautious.BCaring and humorous.CCreative and determined.DOptimistic and thoughtful.26What can be learned from the last two paragraphs?AMiller thinks her efforts worthwhile.BMiller stopped her business during the pandemic.CNada suffered serious l

29、osses because of the pandemic.DContainers were recycled during the pandemic to save money.In the genetic age, ecologists jobs are made much easier by two things. One is that every organism carries its own chemical identity card, in the form of its genome (基因组). The second is that they drop these ID

30、cards everywhere they go. Urine, bits of fur stuck to a hedge, even shed skin cells: all deposit DNA into the environment. Cheap gene sequencing allows scientists to harvest this “environmental DNA” (eDNA) from soil, sand, water and the like, and use it to keep track of which species are living wher

31、e. “Every organism,” of course, includes humans. In a paper published on May 15th in Nature Ecology & Evolution, a group of researchers from America and Europe report that such eDNA surveys pick up large quantities of human DNA as well as the animal sort. That DNA can be readand potentially matched

32、with individualsby anyone with the right equipment.The researchers did not set out to study “inadvertent human genetic bycatch”, as they call the phenomenon. The work began at the Witney Sea Turtle Hospital in Florida, during an investigation into a viral turtle disease. The researchers sampled wate

33、r from the turtles tanks, as well as from ocean water and beaches upon which the creatures nested, looking for viral DNAThey expected to sweep up DNA from other species during their trawl (拖网). What was surprising, according to Jessica Farrell, a biologist at the Witney Hospital and one of the paper

34、s authors, was just how much human DNA they found. Even though many of their sampling sites were not near towns and cities, they found human genetic material in every sample they examined.Interested, they expanded their search. In both Florida and in Ireland they found human DNA in rivers, with conc

35、entrations especially high as they flowed through towns. They found it in beach sand, and even in air from rooms in which humans had been working. Human DNA is not quite everywhere: it was not detectable in deep ocean water, or on remote beaches closed to the public. But anywhere that humans are, th

36、eir DNA appears to be as well. In one sense, that is unsurprising. But advances in gene-sequencing meant there was enough information in the samples to deduce plenty of things about the humans in question. The researchers could pick out males thanks to DNA from the Y chromo some. They could infer an

37、 individuals ancestry, and even spot mutations (突变) that affect a persons disease risk. David Duffy, another of the papers authors, said the amount and quality of the DNA they recovered “far exceeded” the minimum necessary to be included in Americas database of missing people. Dr Duffy and his colle

38、agues did not try to identify individuals in their study, for moral reasons. But they had no doubt it could be done.27Which of the following about eDNA is true according to the passage?AIt provides a way to track the migration of animals.BIt allows researchers to restore individual organisms.CIt can

39、 be easily collected from all types of environments.DIt contains a wealth of genetic information about various species.28In this passage, the word “inadvertent” (paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to “_”.AfamiliarBaccidentalCinsensitiveDregular29What can be inferred from the passage?AThe application

40、 of eDNA for identity confirmation has aroused concern.BAs expected, the researchers detected much human eDNA in their search.CAn individuals gender and ancestry can be confirmed by means of eDNADeDNA is instrumental in upgrading Americas database of missing people.30Which of the following might be

41、the best title for the passage?AUnintended Discoveries in Turtle Disease ResearchBThe Ecological Significance of Environmental DNACHuman DNAs Prevalence in Environmental SamplesDUsing Genetic Information to Identify Missing PersonsIn recent years American society has become increasingly dependent on

42、 its universities to find solutions to its major problems. It is the universities that have been charged with the principal responsibility for developing the expertise to place men on the moon; for dealing with our urban problems and with our deteriorating environment; for developing the means to fe

43、ed the worlds rapidly increasing population. The effort involved in meeting these demands presents its own problems. In addition, this concentration on the creation of new knowledge significantly impacts on the universities efforts to perform their other principal functions, the transmission and int

44、erpretation of knowledgethe imparting (传授) of the heritage of the past and the preparing of the next generation to carry it forward.With regard to this, perhaps their most traditionally acknowledged task, colleges and universities today find themselves in a serious bind generally. On the one hand, t

45、here is the American commitment, entered into especially since World War II, to provide higher education for all young people who can profit from it. The result of the commitment has been a dramatic rise in enrollments in our universities, coupled with a radical (激进的) shift from the private to the p

46、ublic sector of higher education. On the other hand, there are serious and continuing limitations on the resources available for higher education.While higher education has become a great “growth industry”, it is also simultaneously a tremendous drain on the resources of nation. With the vast increa

47、se in enrollment and the shift in priorities away from education in state and federal budgets, there is in most of our public institutions a significant decrease in per capita (人均) outlay for their students. One crucial aspect of this drain on resources lies in the persistent shortage of trained fac

48、ulty, which has led, in turn, to a declining standard of competence in instruction.Intensifying these difficulties is, as indicated above, the concern with research, with its competing claims on resources and the attention of the faculty. In addition, there is a strong tendency for the institutions organization and functioning to fu


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