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1、人教版英语八年级上册期末复习专题卷 02句型一、完成句子1李华比张璐漂亮吗?Is Li Hua than Zhang Lu?2由于坏天气,我们不得不推迟运动会。We have to put off our sports meeting bad weather.3Lily和Lucy是双胞胎,可是他们彼此不同。Lily and Lucy are twins, but they are each other.4我有两个苹果,一个是红的,一个是绿的。I have two apples. One is red and is green.5我想告诉你一些重要的事情。I want to tell you .

2、6他比我知道的任何一个魔术师都有创意得多。He is much than I know.7事实上,并非所有人知道这个问题的答案。In fact, not everybody .8昨天汤姆生病了, Rita 代替他展示了才艺。Tom was sick yesterday, so Rita to show her talent.9这些达人秀和美国达人秀很相似。These talent shows are to Americas Got Talent.10每一位学生都在小组中扮演着很重要的角色。Each student the group.11到目前为止你有多少朋友?How many friends

3、 do you have ?12你们怎么去公园啊?这取决于天气。 How do you go to the park? It the weather.13人们有不同的爱好。例如:成龙喜欢功夫,而那英喜欢唱歌。People have different hobbies. , Jackie Chan enjoys Chinese kung fu and Na Ying likes singing.14事实上, 你表妹比李军学习更用功。 , your cousin is more hardworking than Li Jun.15我弟弟不像我跑得那样快。My brother doesnt run

4、I can.16由于糟糕的天气,我们今天无法在室外大篮球。We cant play basketball outside today the bad weather17人们看“中国好声音”节目时,通常承担着评判优胜者的角色。When people watch the show of the Voice of China, they usually in deciding the winner.18我不在乎我的朋友跟我一样或不同I dont care if my friends are me or different.19他们互不相识,却有很多相同特征。They dont know each o

5、ther, but they have many things .20你准备好竭尽所能努力学习,不是吗?You try your best to study hard, arent you?21我认为每晚至少睡8小时是很有必要的。 I think its very to sleep at least eight hours every night.22你在考试中越仔细, 你出的错误就越少。 The more careful you are in the exam, you will make.23Nelly是我们班最努力的女孩之一。Nelly is one of in our class.24

6、现如今电脑在我们的日常生活则扮演着一个重要的角色。 Nowadays the computer in our daily life.25西安有那么多好餐厅,我真的不知道该选哪一个。 There are so many good restaurants in Xian that I really dont know .26由于学习的努力,他在考试中表现不错。 hard working, he did well in the exam.27这些食物是如此的好吃,我吃了很多。The food was that I ate a lot.28他的头发比Sam的短。 He has hair Sam.29上

7、星期我一点儿也不觉得累。 I feel tired last week.30这些问题的答案非常容易。 The are very easy.31到目前为止,我仍有认为体育节目在男孩中很受欢迎。I still think sports shows are very popular among the boys .32他在这次学校的运动会中发挥了重要作用。He played an in the sports meeting in our school.33越来越多的人希望我们的中国梦能够实现。 people hope our Chinese dream can come true.34我有许多的爱好

8、,例如摄影和绘画。I have a lot of hobbies, taking photos and drawing.35昨天我们参观了历史博物馆, 看到了大量的古代物品。We visited the history museum yesterday. We quite a few ancient things.36那听起来容易, 但实际上很难。That sounds easy, but its very difficult.37你能在网上找到许多信息。You can find a lot of on the Internet.38他们将在那个村庄建一所小学。They will build

9、a (n) in the village.39他总是愿意帮助别人。He is always help others.40我的父母每天关注我的学习和健康。My parents my study and health every day.41她上周日做什么有趣的事情了吗?Did she do last Sunday?42昨天安娜比莉莉讲得清楚。Anna spoke _ than Lily yesterday.43鲍勃擅长编故事。Bob is good at .44城市影城有着最舒适的座位。City Cinema has seats.45你期待从其他同学那里学到什么?What do you lear

10、n from other students?46我在城里逛了一天,但是没有发现什么特别的。I walked around the town for the whole day, but I found .47他多长时间运动一次?每周至少运动两次。 How often does he take exercise? At least .48我妈妈说和学习成绩比起来她更在乎我的学习态度。My mother says she my study attitude more than my exam results.49这是全市最好的中学,他们有明亮的教室,优秀的老师和很棒的体育馆。This is mid

11、dle school in this city. They have bright classrooms, excellent teachers and a wonderful gym.50找喜欢看摔段吧,爸爸,因为它比其他影片更有教育意义。I like watching Dangal because it is than other movies.51多吃水果对身体有好处。 more fruit good for your health.52我的朋友和我一样都很外向。My friend is me. We are both outgoing.53他买了许多水果,如苹果、桃子等。He bought a lot of fruit apples and peaches.54这个老师很和蔼。她和孩子们相处得很好。The teacher is very friendly. She is kids.55他乐意和朋友们分享一切。He is willing to everything his friends.试卷第3页,共4页


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