2025届高考英语一轮复习写作之心理描写积累 清单.docx

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1、高考英语写作之心理描写积累一、 内疚句子:Every time I thought about the wasted study hours, a surge of regret and guilt flooded through me.翻译:每当我想到那些被浪费的学习时间,一股悔恨和内疚便涌上心头。英文:A deep sense of guilt gnawed at her conscience, reminding her of the mistake she had made.中文:一种深深的内疚感啃噬着她的良心,提醒着她所犯的错误。英文:He couldnt shake off the

2、 feeling of guilt that had settled in his heart like a heavy stone.中文:他无法摆脱那种像重石般压在他心头的内疚感。英文:Guilt consumed her, leaving her with no peace of mind as she recounted the events of the past.中文:内疚感吞噬着她,当她回想起过去的事情时,内心无法得到安宁。英文:With every passing moment, his guilt grew heavier, weighing down on him like

3、an unseen burden.中文:随着时间的流逝,他的内疚感越来越重,像无形的重担一样压在他的心头。二、 兴奋英文:Her heart raced with excitement as she anticipated the surprise party her friends had planned for her.中文:当她期待着朋友们为她准备的惊喜派对时,她的心跳因兴奋而加速。英文:He couldnt contain his excitement, jumping up and down like a child who had just received a long-awai

4、ted toy.中文:他无法抑制自己的兴奋,像刚收到期盼已久的玩具的孩子一样上蹦下跳。英文:A wave of exhilaration washed over her as she heard the news of her promotion.中文:当她听到自己升职的消息时,一股兴奋之情涌上心头。英文:Excitement bubbled up inside him like champagne in a freshly opened bottle.中文:他内心的兴奋像刚打开的香槟酒一样冒泡。英文:She was thrilled to bits when she won the firs

5、t prize in the national singing competition.中文:当她在全国歌唱比赛中获得一等奖时,她兴奋得不得了。三、 悲伤英文:Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grieved over the loss of her beloved grandmother.中文:她因失去心爱的祖母而悲痛万分,泪水顺着脸颊流淌。英文:A profound sadness settled over him, like a thick fog obscuring the sun.中文:一种深沉的悲伤笼罩着他,就像浓雾遮蔽了阳光。英文:Her

6、 voice broke with sorrow as she recounted the story of her familys tragedy.中文:当她讲述家人遭遇的悲剧时,声音因悲伤而哽咽。英文:He felt an overwhelming wave of grief wash over him, leaving him feeling utterly alone and helpless.中文:他感到一股悲伤的巨浪席卷而来,让他感到彻底的孤独和无助。四、 惊讶英文:Her eyes widened in shock as she heard the unexpected news

7、.中文:当她听到这个意外的消息时,眼睛因惊讶而瞪大。英文:He couldnt believe his ears; the announcement left him utterly stunned.中文:他简直不敢相信自己的耳朵,这个宣布让他完全惊呆了。英文:Astonishment washed over her face like a sudden wave, leaving her momentarily speechless.中文:惊讶如突如其来的波浪般掠过她的脸庞,让她一时说不出话来。英文:She gasped in surprise, her hands flying to he

8、r mouth in disbelief.中文:她惊讶得喘不过气来,双手不由自主地捂住了嘴巴,表示难以置信。英文:His jaw dropped in amazement as he witnessed the incredible turn of events.中文:当他目睹这一系列不可思议的事件发生时,惊讶得下巴都快掉下来了。五、 担忧英文:A look of worry creased her forehead as she waited for news of her missing child.中文:她在等待失踪孩子的消息时,额头上布满了担忧的皱纹。英文:Anxiety gnawed

9、 at him, making it difficult to concentrate on his work.中文:焦虑像虫子一样啃噬着他,使他难以集中精力工作。英文:She couldnt shake off the feeling of dread that had settled in her heart like a heavy weight.中文:她无法摆脱那种像重物一样压在心头的恐惧感。英文:His voice trembled with concern as he asked about her health.中文:他询问她的健康状况时,声音因担忧而颤抖。英文:Worry et

10、ched lines of tension across her face, reflecting her inner turmoil.中文:担忧在她脸上刻下了紧张的线条,反映了她内心的纷扰。六、 害怕英文:Fear gripped her heart, making it race and her palms sweat.中文:恐惧攫住了她的心,使她的心跳加速,手心冒汗。英文:A shiver of dread ran down her spine as she heard the eerie sound echoing through the dark hallway.中文:当她听到那诡异

11、的声音在昏暗的过道中回荡时,一股恐惧的寒意顺着她的脊椎滑下。英文:His eyes widened in terror, frozen in place as the shadow approached.中文:他的眼睛因恐惧而瞪大,身体僵住,一动不动,只见那阴影越来越近。英文:She couldnt tear her gaze away from the dark corner of the room, where she feared something might be hiding.中文:她无法将自己的目光从房间的黑暗角落移开,因为她害怕那里可能藏着什么。英文:A sense of panic surged through him, making it hard to breathe as he realized he was lost in the dense forest.中文:当他意识到自己迷失在茂密的森林中时,一股恐慌感涌上心头,让他感到呼吸困难。


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