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1、高中英语词组短语练习题(一)一、默写题(每题1分,共20分)1. 一对,一双;几个_2. 少许,一些_3. 许多,大量;得多_4. 相当多,不少_5. 大量的,大量,相当多_6. 一些,少许;一点儿_7. 大量,许多;非常_8. 一些,许多_9. 观点,着眼点_10. 一系列,一连串_11. 种种,各种_12. 首先,首要,尤其是_13. 接近;通向的入口_14. 根据所说;按照_15. 说明(原因等);解释_16. 控告(某人某事)_17. 对有相同的看法_18. 承认,让享有_19. 同意,商定_20. 同意,与取得一致,与相一致;适合_二、选择题(每题1.5分,共45分)1. I hav

2、e _ questions to ask you. A. a couple of B. a good deal C. a good few D. a lot of2. There are _ people in the park. A. a few B. a good deal C. a good few D. a lot of3. He has learned _ from this experience. A. a couple of B. a good deal C. a good few D. a lot of4. There are _ books on the shelf. A.

3、a couple of B. a good few C. a good deal D. a lot of5. _ students like sports. A. A couple of B. A good few C. A good deal D. A good many6. There is _ milk in the bottle. A. a couple of B. a little C. a good few D. a lot of7. There are _ trees in the forest. A. a couple of B. a little C. a lot of D.

4、 a good few8. A number of birds are flying in the sky, it means there are _ birds. A. few B. many C. a few D. a couple of9. From a different _, the problem looks easier. A. point of view B. series of C. variety of D. couple of10. There is a _ of events happening this week. A. point of view B. series

5、 C. variety D. couple11. There are a _ of colors to choose from. A. point of view B. series C. variety D. couple12. _ all, we must be honest. A. Above B. After C. Before D. At13. Students need _ to good learning resources. A. access B. according C. account D. accuse14. _ the weather forecast, it wil

6、l rain tomorrow. A. According to B. Because of C. Thanks to D. Due to15. He had to _ for his lateness. A. access B. account C. according D. accuse16. The police _ him of theft. A. accessed B. accounted C. accused D. according17. They _ about the movie. A. agree B. admit C. account D. accuse18. We _

7、on the price of the house. A. agreed B. admitted C. accounted D. accused19. She _ to our plan. A. agreed B. admitted C. accounted D. accused20. I _ with your opinion. A. agree B. admit C. account D. accuse21. She is always _ of others in study. A. ahead B. along C. aside D. about22. The project was

8、finished _ schedule. A. ahead of B. along with C. aside from D. according to23. Please come _ time. A. ahead of B. along with C. aside from D. according to24. We should _ for a better future. A. aim B. allow C. appeal D. apply25. I knew _ that he was lying. A. all along B. all at once C. all but D.

9、all in all26. All at once, the灯lights _. A. went on B. went out C. went up D. went down27. The car _ hit the wall. A. all but B. all in all C. all along D. all at once28. All in all, it was _ day. A. a good B. the good C. good D. an good29. All of a sudden, it started to _. A. rained B. rains C. rai

10、n D. raining30. The situation _ of no delay. A. allows B. admits C. agrees D. accounts三、填空题(每题1分,共20分)1. She _ (以为根据) her theory on extensive research.2. I _ (能,会) speak three languages.3. He _ (即将,正要) start a new project.4. The student _ (缺席,不在) class yesterday due to illness.5. She _ (习惯于) living

11、in a big city now.6. He _ (在方面活跃) volunteer activities.7. The little girl _ (害怕) the dark.8. My father _ (对生气) me when I broke his watch.9. The mother _ (为担忧) her childs safety during the storm.10. We should _ (知道,意识到) the impact of our actions.11. Eating too much junk food _ (对有害) our health.12. Th

12、e play _ (根据,以为基础) a famous novel.13. Regular exercise _ (对有益) mental health as well.14. She _ (忙于) preparing for the exam recently.15. _ (注意,当心) the slippery floor when you walk in the corridor.16. _ (小心,注意) the hot water, it may burn you.17. I _ (对有把握) winning the competition.18. The park _ (靠近,接近

13、) my house, so I often go there.19. Chemistry _ (与结合) physics in many research fields.20. People _ (关心,挂念) the environment protection more and more.四、语法填空(每空1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。My friend Lily loves reading. She is always eager _1_ (learn) new things from books. She often goes

14、 to the library near her home. The library has a wide variety _2_ books, which can satisfy different needs.Lily usually spends a lot of time there. She is very careful _3_ choosing books. She first looks at the cover and then reads the summary to see if it interests her. When she finds a good book,

15、she will sit down quietly and start reading. She enjoys reading _4_ (late) into the night.She is also good at sharing her reading experiences with others. She often talks about the books she has read with her classmates. They discuss different ideas and opinions. This helps them to think _5_ (deep)

16、and learn more.In her free time, Lily not only reads but also writes. She tries to write short stories. She believes that practice makes perfect. She is confident that she can improve her writing skills if she keeps on _6_ (write).She is proud _7_ her reading and writing abilities. She hopes to beco

17、me a famous writer in the future. To achieve this goal, she is determined to work hard and never give up. She knows she has to be responsible _8_ her own progress.Lily also likes to participate in reading competitions. She is always ready _9_ (take) on new challenges. In these competitions, she can

18、show her talent and learn from others. She is always looking forward to _10_ (get) better results.答案+解析一、默写题答案1. a couple of2. a little / a few3. a great deal / a lot4. quite a few / quite a little5. a large number / amount of / plenty of6. a bit of7. a great deal8. a lot of / lots of9. point of vie

19、w10. a series of11. all kinds of / various12. above all13. access to14. according to15. account for16. accuse sb. of sth.17. agree on18. admit to19. agree to20. agree with二、选择题答案及解析1. A。“a couple of”表示“几个”,用于修饰可数名词复数,这里“我有几个问题要问你”,A选项符合语境;B选项“a good deal”后接不可数名词;C选项“a good few”表示“相当多”,语义不符;D选项“a lot

20、 of”虽然也可修饰可数名词复数,但不如“a couple of”准确表达“几个”的意思。2. D。“a lot of”可修饰可数名词复数,表示“许多”,公园里有许多人,用“a lot of”合适;A选项“a few”表示“一些”,数量相对较少;B选项“a good deal”后接不可数名词;C选项“a good few”虽然也表示不少,但不如“a lot of”常用。3. B。“a good deal”表示“许多”,这里指从这次经历中学到了很多,且修饰的是抽象的内容(学到的东西),是不可数的;A选项“a couple of”表示“几个”;C选项“a good few”修饰可数名词;D选项“a

21、 lot of”可修饰可数和不可数名词,但在这里“a good deal”更强调程度。4. D。“a lot of”可修饰可数名词books,表示书架上有很多书;A选项“a couple of”表示“一对,几个”;B选项“a good few”表示“相当多”,语义上没有“a lot of”通用;C选项“a good deal”后接不可数名词。5. D。“a good many”修饰可数名词复数,表示“许多”,许多学生喜欢运动;A选项“a couple of”表示“几个”;B选项“a good few”虽然也表示不少,但“a good many”更常用;C选项“a good deal”后接不可数

22、名词。6. B。“a little”修饰不可数名词milk,表示瓶子里有一点牛奶;A选项“a couple of”修饰可数名词;C选项“a good few”修饰可数名词;D选项“a lot of”可修饰可数和不可数名词,但这里强调“一点”牛奶,“a little”更合适。7. C。“a lot of”可修饰可数名词trees,表示森林里有许多树;A选项“a couple of”表示“几个”;B选项“a little”修饰不可数名词;D选项“a good few”表示“相当多”,语义上没有“a lot of”通用。8. B。“a number of”表示“许多”,意味着天空中有许多鸟,所以用“

23、many”;A选项“few”表示“几乎没有”;C选项“a few”表示“一些”;D选项“a couple of”表示“几个”。9. A。“point of view”表示“观点,着眼点”,从不同的观点看,问题看起来更容易;B选项“series of”表示“一系列”;C选项“variety of”表示“各种各样的”;D选项“couple of”表示“几个”。10. B。“a series of”表示“一系列”,这周有一系列的事件发生;A选项“point of view”表示“观点”;C选项“variety”表示“种类”;D选项“couple”表示“一对,几个”。11. C。“a variety

24、of”表示“各种各样的”,有各种各样的颜色可供选择;A选项“point of view”表示“观点”;B选项“series”表示“系列”;D选项“couple”表示“一对,几个”。12. A。“above all”表示“首先,尤其是”,首先,我们必须诚实;B选项“after”表示“在之后”;C选项“before”表示“在之前”;D选项“at”没有这种搭配意义。13. A。“access”表示“接近;通向的入口”,学生需要接近好的学习资源;B选项“according”是副词或介词,不能单独作宾语;C选项“account”表示“账户,解释”;D选项“accuse”表示“控告”。14. A。“acc

25、ording to”表示“根据所说;按照”,根据天气预报,明天会下雨;B选项“because of”表示“因为”;C选项“thanks to”表示“多亏”;D选项“due to”表示“由于”。15. B。“account for”表示“说明(原因等);解释”,他不得不解释他的迟到;A选项“access”表示“接近”;C选项“according”是副词或介词,不能单独作谓语;D选项“accuse”表示“控告”。16. C。“accuse sb. of sth.”表示“控告某人某事”,警察控告他偷窃;A选项“accessed”是“access”的过去式,意为“接近”;B选项“accounted”是

26、“account”的过去式,意为“解释,认为”;D选项“according”是副词或介词。17. A。“agree about”表示“对有相同的看法”,他们对电影有相同的看法;B选项“admit”表示“承认”;C选项“account”表示“账户,解释”;D选项“accuse”表示“控告”。18. A。“agreed on”表示“就达成协议决定,同意,赞成”,我们就房子的价格达成一致;B选项“admitted”表示“承认”;C选项“accounted”表示“解释,认为”;D选项“accused”表示“控告”。19. A。“agreed to”表示“同意,商定”,她同意我们的计划;B选项“admi

27、tted”表示“承认”;C选项“accounted”表示“解释,认为”;D选项“accused”表示“控告”。20. A。“agree with”表示“同意,与取得一致,与相一致;适合”,我同意你的观点;B选项“admit”表示“承认”;C选项“account”表示“账户,解释”;D选项“accuse”表示“控告”。21. A。“ahead of”表示“在前面”,她在学习上总是领先他人;B选项“along”表示“沿着”;C选项“aside”表示“在旁边”;D选项“about”表示“关于”。22. A。“ahead of schedule”表示“提前”,这个项目提前完成;B选项“along wi

28、th”表示“和一起”;C选项“aside from”表示“除之外”;D选项“according to”表示“根据”。23. D。“according to”表示“按照”,请按时来;A选项“ahead of”表示“提前”;B选项“along with”表示“和一起”;C选项“aside from”表示“除之外”。24. A。“aim for”表示“瞄准,致力于”,我们应该为更好的未来而努力;B选项“allow”表示“允许”;C选项“appeal”表示“呼吁”;D选项“apply”表示“申请”。25. A。“all along”表示“一直”,我一直知道他在说谎;B选项“all at once”表示

29、“突然”;C选项“all but”表示“几乎”;D选项“all in all”表示“总之”。26. B。“went out”表示“熄灭”,突然灯熄灭了;A选项“went on”表示“继续”;C选项“went up”表示“上升”;D选项“went down”表示“下降”。27. A。“all but”表示“几乎”,汽车几乎撞到墙了;B选项“all in all”表示“总之”;C选项“all along”表示“一直”;D选项“all at once”表示“突然”。28. A。“a good day”表示“美好的一天”,day是可数名词单数,需要用不定冠词,good以辅音音素开头,所以用“a”;B选

30、项“the good”表示特指;C选项“good”不能直接修饰可数名词单数;D选项“an good”表述错误。29. C。“start to do sth.”表示“开始做某事”,这里用动词原形rain,突然开始下雨了;A选项“rained”是过去式;B选项“rains”是第三人称单数形式;D选项“raining”是现在分词形式。30. A。“allows of”表示“允许,有的可能”,这种情况不容许拖延;B选项“admits”表示“承认”;C选项“agrees”表示“同意”;D选项“accounts”表示“解释,认为”。三、填空题答案1. based2. can3. is about to4.

31、 was absent from5. is accustomed to6. is active in7. is afraid of8. was angry with9. was worried about10. be aware of11. is bad for12. is based on13. is beneficial to14. has been busy15. Be careful of16. Be careful with17. am sure of18. is close to19. combines with20. are concerned about四、语法填空答案及解析1

32、. to learn “be eager to do sth.”是固定搭配,表示“渴望做某事”,这里指她总是渴望从书中学习新事物 2. of “a variety of”是固定短语,表示“各种各样的” 3. in “be careful in doing sth.”表示“在做某事方面很小心” 4. late “late into the night”表示“到深夜”,这里指她读书到深夜 5. deeply “think deeply”表示“深入思考”,这里用副词deeply修饰动词think 6. writing “keep on doing sth.”表示“继续做某事”,这里指继续写作 7. of “be proud of”是固定短语,表示“为感到骄傲” 8. for “be responsible for”是固定短语,表示“对负责” 9. to take “be ready to do sth.”是固定搭配,表示“准备好做某事” 10. getting “look forward to doing sth.”是固定搭配,表示“期待做某事”


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