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Unit 1 Unit 1 Making friendsPB Start to readPC Project人教P E P 三 年级上册授课人:*时间:XX.XX.XXKnowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.学习能力目标学习能力目标通过阅读如何交友海报,学习词汇say,and,goodbye,toy,friend等语言知识目标语言知识目标通过阅读如何交友海报,体会标题、图片和文字之间的关系;能识别海报中的支撑句与结论句等。思维能力目标思维能力目标初步了解英语的语言表达,能运用所学词汇和句型进行简单的英语交际。文化品格目标文化品格目标学会与他人合作学习的能力。并能有意识地运用所学字、词、句,培养“说英语”的能力。核核心心素素养养目目标标eye smileear mouth help share arm hand Lead in Whats this?Whats this?这是什么?这是什么?Whats this?这是什么?这是什么?Its a poster.Its a poster.poster/pst(r)/海报Lead in postersposters电影海报节日海报活动海报Lead in Whats this poster about?Whats this poster about?这个海报关于什么?这个海报关于什么?Whats this poster about?这个海报关于什么?这个海报关于什么?A party.New school.Be a good friend.崔老师优质课件Presentation I say“Hi!and Goodbye!I say“Hi!and Goodbye!say/se/说,讲goodbye/dba/再见,同bye和,与崔老师优质课件Presentation I say“Hi!and Goodbye!I say“Hi!and Goodbye!I listen with care.I listen with care.仔细,细心崔老师优质课件Presentation I say“Hi!and Goodbye!I say“Hi!and Goodbye!I listen with care.I listen with care.I share my toys.I share my toys.toy/t/玩具崔老师优质课件Presentation I say“Hi!and Goodbye!I say“Hi!and Goodbye!I listen with care.I listen with care.I share my toys.I share my toys.friend/frend/朋友I help my friendsI help my friends崔老师优质课件Presentation I say“Hi!and Goodbye!I say“Hi!and Goodbye!I listen with care.I listen with care.I share my toys.I share my toys.I help my friends.I help my friends.I am nice to my friends.I am nice to my friends.圈出你在海报中读到的词崔老师优质课件Presentation Circle the words you read Circle the words you read in the poster.in the poster.Circle the words you read in the poster.arm ear eye hand mouthhelp listen say share smile你是一个好朋友吗?圈一圈。崔老师优质课件Presentation Are you a good friend?Are you a good friend?Look and tick.Look and tick.Are you a good friend?Look and tick.Presentation How can John make friends at How can John make friends at school?school?Listen and circle.Listen and circle.How can John make friends at school?Listen and circle.崔老师优质课件Presentation Hello,My name is John.Am I a good friend in school?Yes,I am.I wave my hand and say“Hi”.I smile too.I listen with care.I am nice to my friends.What should friends do?Smile.Be nice.Listen.Play together.Presentation Presentation What do you do with your friends?What do you do with your friends?Discuss in your group.Discuss in your group.What do you do with your friends?Discuss in your group.IsayHi!Ihelp.Ismile.Ishare.Ilisten.Iamnicetomyfriends.I keep my words.Show timeWhat do you do with your friends?Presentation Use activity 2 to make your mind map.Use activity 2 to make your mind map.Use activity 2 to make your mind map.Isay“Hi!”Ismile.Ilisten.Ihelp.Ishare.I keep my words.崔老师优质课件Presentation Friends listen.Friends help and share.Share your ideas in class.Share your ideas in class.Share your ideas in class.To make friends,I smile and say“Hi!”I listen and help.Discussion Self-assessment Self-assessment 自我评估自我评估 I can greet people and introduce myself to help make new friends.I can say the names of different body parts and use them to show friendly gestures.I can share ideas about what good friends should do to get along.I can read,write and say Aa,Bb,Cc and Dd.Think and say词汇(拼写,意思,)句型.Lets say Summary词汇:词汇:eye,ear,mouth,hand,arm,smile,listen,help,share;句型:句型:Am I a good friend?Yes,I am.I wave hand and say“Hi”.I.1.1.听录音跟读听录音跟读readread 部分课文。部分课文。2.2.熟读并背诵熟读并背诵readread部分。部分。3.3.抄写抄写readread部分对话一遍。部分对话一遍。4.4.你都是怎样和朋友友好相处的,你都是怎样和朋友友好相处的,用几句话用几句话介绍评价自己吧。介绍评价自己吧。5.5.完成配套练习完成配套练习Homework
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