2024 河北英语中考备考重难专题:一材多题型精讲(阅读理解D、完形填空、作文)39页(课件】.pptx

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2024 河北英语中考备考重难专题:一材多题型精讲(阅读理解D、完形填空、作文)39页(课件】.pptx_第1页
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2024 河北英语中考备考重难专题:一材多题型精讲(阅读理解D、完形填空、作文)39页(课件】.pptx_第2页
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2024 河北英语中考备考重难专题:一材多题型精讲(阅读理解D、完形填空、作文)39页(课件】.pptx_第3页
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2024 河北英语中考备考重难专题:一材多题型精讲(阅读理解D、完形填空、作文)39页(课件】.pptx_第4页
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2024 河北英语中考备考重难专题:一材多题型精讲(阅读理解D、完形填空、作文)39页(课件】.pptx_第5页
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1、河北 英语一 材 多 题 型 精 讲2024中考备考重难专题课件中考备考重难专题课件课件思路简介 一、设计初衷:一、设计初衷:义务教育英语课程标准(义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版年版)提到提到“充分认识语篇在充分认识语篇在传递文化意涵,引领价值取向,促进思维发展,服务语言学习、意义理解与表达传递文化意涵,引领价值取向,促进思维发展,服务语言学习、意义理解与表达等方面的重要作用等方面的重要作用。”基于此,特优选高质量语篇,改编成不同题型,使老师在基于此,特优选高质量语篇,改编成不同题型,使老师在讲解讲解不同的阅读任务时,帮助学生多层次、多角度地理解语篇,进而提高学生的不同的阅读任务时,帮助学


3、维。三、适用场景:三、适用场景:日常题型讲解或题型专项集训日常题型讲解或题型专项集训目目录录 语篇研读 完形填空1 阅读理解D23 作文缩写401 阅读理解阅读理解D解题步骤Step 1:浏览全文,获取信息文体主题内容段落What is your first memory of being in the kitchen?Perhaps its making biscuits with your grandparents,or preparing a great meal for a special occasion(场合场合).Cooking can make you feel better

4、when you are sad and remind you of the people and places you love.Cooking has been found to relieve(减轻减轻)stress and increase happi-ness.Like other creative hobbies,it allows you to use your imagination,try new things and show your personality(个性个性).Cooking also helps you to live in the present momen

5、t,because by keeping an eye on cutting and pouring,youre less likely to pay attention to your worries.In fact,some movements are repeated so often that they become something you can do over and over again and smoothly.When life throws up unexpected events and situations,cooking can be a safe and cal

6、ming activity.For example,during the pandemic(流行病流行病),eggs and butter were in high need,because so many people turned to baking cakes and bread to fill their time and to lift their spirits.Cooking is a great way to learn about different cultures and taste your way around the world.For example,pizza

7、and pasta bring you to Italy,sushi(寿司寿司)provides a taste of Japan,and tacos(塔可塔可)take you to Mexico.Cooking also brings people together.Sitting down to eat with friends and family builds strong social connections,which is known to be good for peoples health.外文素材改编自外文素材改编自THEWEEKJunior文体 主题 内容 段落 说明文

8、说明文人与自我人与自我烹饪的好处烹饪的好处relieve(减轻减轻)stress and increase happinesslive in the present momentlearn about different culturesbring people together4 4段段What is your first memory of being in the kitchen?Perhaps its making biscuits with your grandparents,or preparing a great meal for a special occasion(场合场合)

9、.Cooking can make you feel better when you are sad and remind you of the people and places you love.1.Why does the writer start the passage by asking a question?A.To support his idea.B.To tell a story.C.To introduce his topic.D.To make a survey.Step 2:分析题目,定位原文写作手法写作手法作者为什么开篇问了一个问题?作者为什么开篇问了一个问题?支撑他

10、的想法支撑他的想法讲故事讲故事引入话题引入话题做调查做调查问完问题,开始讲问完问题,开始讲Cooking同学们可以互相说说自己是如何做出这道题的2.What can cooking bring us according the text?A.More happiness.B.Creative hobbies.C.More pressure.D.New memories.Cooking has been found to relieve(减轻减轻)stress and increase happi-ness.Like other creative hobbies,it allows you to

11、 use your imagination,try new things and show your personality(个性个性).细节理解细节理解/信息转换信息转换细节理解细节理解/信息转换信息转换Cooking also helps you to live in the present moment,because by keeping an eye on cutting and pouring,youre less likely to pay attention to your worries.In fact,some movements are repeated.3.In the

12、 writers eyes,how does cooking help people to live in the present moment?A.By making people become more creative.B.By making people brave enough to try new things.C.By giving people chances to show their personality.D.By making people pay less attention to their worries.词义猜测词义猜测Cooking also helps yo

13、u to live in the present moment,because by keeping an eye on cutting and pouring,youre less likely to pay attention to your worries.In fact,some movements are repeated so often that they become something you can do over and over again and smoothly.When life throws up unexpected events and situations

14、,cooking can be a safe and calming activity.For example,during the pandemic(流行病流行病),eggs and butter were in high need,because so many people turned to baking cakes and bread to fill their time and to lift their spirits.与与safe并列,积极情绪并列,积极情绪4.What does the underlined word“calming”probably mean?A.Diffi

15、cult.B.Surprising.C.Peaceful.D.Exciting.标题归纳标题归纳方法方法好处好处传统传统准备准备 Cooking can make you feel better when you are sad.Cooking has been found to relieve stress and increase happiness.Cooking also helps you to live in the present moment.Cooking is a great way to learn about different cultures.各段都在讲好处各段都在

16、讲好处5.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.The Methods for CookingB.The Advantages of CookingC.The Traditions of CookingD.The Preparations for Cooking总结回顾Step 1:_,获取信息Step 2:分析题目,_解题步骤浏览全文 定位原文设问类型:词义猜测标题归纳写作手法Which,What,the best titleWhy,How,start the passage(by)What,the under

17、lined word,mean1.写作手法写作手法(1)Lin Tao supports his own idea by _.(重庆重庆B卷卷 2022.49)(2)The writer leads in the topic by _.(丽水丽水 2021.38)(3)The passage is written in the order of _.(重庆(重庆A卷卷 2021.51)(4)The writer wrote the passage in a _ tone(语气)(语气).(临沂临沂2021.34)拓展2.词义猜测词义猜测(1)The underlined word“utilit

18、arian”in the passage means“_”.(河北(河北 2019.59,2018.59)(2)The meaning of the underlined word“nature”in the passage is“_”.(河北河北 2017.58)(3)What is the meaning of the underlined phrase“adapt to”in the passage?(河北河北 2016.64)拓展02 语篇研读语篇研读主题内容(What)段落大意段落大意对于段落大意题,中考考试中,还可能会对于段落大意题,中考考试中,还可能会针对某一特定段落针对某一特定

19、段落的的段落段落大意大意进行提问,比如:进行提问,比如:What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about?(长沙(长沙2022.31)Which paragraph gives opinions from.?(河南(河南2019.58)找段落主题句找段落主题句What does each paragraph talk about?P1:Cooking can make you feel better when you are sad and remind you of the people and places you love.P2:relieve stress

20、 and increase happinessP3:live in the present momentP4:learn about different cultures,bring people together主旨大意主旨大意找文章高频词找文章高频词主旨大意题还有可能这么问:主旨大意题还有可能这么问:What is the passage mainly about?(河北(河北2019.52)What is the main idea of this passage?(河北(河北2016.65)What does the text mainly talk about?The benefit

21、s/advantages of cooking./What cooking can bring us.In which part of a magazine can you read the text?(河南2022.25)文章主要介绍文章主要介绍cooking 烹饪,所以应该是在杂志的烹饪,所以应该是在杂志的“生活生活 Life”版块版块可以读到可以读到。你可以在杂志的哪个版块读到这篇文章?你可以在杂志的哪个版块读到这篇文章?常见的版块有常见的版块有Health(健康),(健康),Travel(旅游),(旅游),Sports(运动),(运动),Science(科学),(科学),Culture

22、(文化)(文化).文章主题文章主题语篇目的(Why)What is the writers main purpose in writing this passage?作者写这篇文章的意图是什么?作者写这篇文章的意图是什么?作者意图作者意图作者主要介绍了作者主要介绍了烹饪给人们带来的好处烹饪给人们带来的好处,主要体现在,主要体现在以下方面以下方面:帮助人:帮助人们调节情绪,缓解压力,培养创新能力,活在当下,了解不同文化,建们调节情绪,缓解压力,培养创新能力,活在当下,了解不同文化,建立人际关系,健康生活等。立人际关系,健康生活等。通过介绍通过介绍“调节情绪,缓解压力,活在当下,建立人际关系,健康


24、野树立国际视野,涵养家国情怀涵养家国情怀,逐步形成,逐步形成跨文化跨文化沟通与交流的意识和能力沟通与交流的意识和能力。结构语言写作手法剖析(How)What is the structure(结构)of the passage?(河南2022.34)根据文章内容可知根据文章内容可知,文章第一段文章第一段总结性总结性提出了烹饪是很有趣的,第二、提出了烹饪是很有趣的,第二、三、四段三、四段分别介绍了其三个好处分别介绍了其三个好处,所以文章结构应为,所以文章结构应为总总分分结构。结构。文章结构文章结构同学们可以先画一下哦P1P2P3P4结构语言语言赏析(How)can,help,allow you

25、to,be a great way to;perhaps,also,like,for example,in fact,or,and,when,because,it赏析:在介绍赏析:在介绍Cooking带来的不同好处带来的不同好处时,作者分别用到了动词(词组)时,作者分别用到了动词(词组)can,help,allow you to,be a great way to,这样语言表达,这样语言表达更加灵活多样更加灵活多样,让读者让读者耳目一新耳目一新;在进行在进行句内、句际、段间衔接句内、句际、段间衔接时,作者用了时,作者用了perhaps,also等等副词副词,like,for example,i

26、n fact等等介词(短语)介词(短语),or,and,when,because等等并列连词、从属连词并列连词、从属连词以及以及代词代词it。这些单词短语的运用,让文。这些单词短语的运用,让文章章逻辑更加顺畅逻辑更加顺畅,可读性更高。,可读性更高。同学们觉得这些词好在哪里呢?还有哪些词你认为用得好呢?first memory,make biscuits with,prepare a great meal for a special occasion,sit down to eat with 赏析:作者在介绍赏析:作者在介绍第一次进厨房做饭第一次进厨房做饭的记忆时,使用了的记忆时,使用了firs

27、t memory;在;在描述描述具体的情境具体的情境时,使用了时,使用了make biscuits with,prepare a great meal for a great meal for a special occasion,sit down to eat with。通过对。通过对动作细节动作细节的描述的描述,将读者代入到,将读者代入到真实的生活场景真实的生活场景中,回忆起当时的温暖时刻。中,回忆起当时的温暖时刻。同学们可以积累自己喜欢的单词、短语、句型,写作文的时候可以用哦live in the present moment,be less likely to,pay attentio

28、n to your worries,a safe and calming activity,turn to baking cakes赏析赏析:作者在介绍作者在介绍Cooking可以让人活在当下时,使用了可以让人活在当下时,使用了live in the present moment,be less likely to,pay attention to your worries,让读者,让读者真真切地享受与体验烹饪过程中的乐趣切地享受与体验烹饪过程中的乐趣;在介绍;在介绍Cooking能抚慰人心能抚慰人心时,使用时,使用了了a safe and calming activity,turn to b

29、aking cakes。结构语言长难句分析(How)In fact,some movements are repeated so often that they become something you can do over and over again and smoothly.译文:事实上,有些动作经常重复,以至于你可以一遍又一遍地做。译文:事实上,有些动作经常重复,以至于你可以一遍又一遍地做。句子主干,被动语态句子主干,被动语态so+adv.+that+结果状语从句结果状语从句 如此如此以至于以至于先行词先行词定语从句,此处省略了关系代词定语从句,此处省略了关系代词that03 完形填

30、空完形填空解题步骤What is your first memory of being in the kitchen?Perhaps its making biscuits with your grandparents,or 1 a great meal for a special occasion(场合场合).Cooking can make you feel better when you are 2 and remind you of the people and places you love.1.A.buyingB.orderingC.preparingD.searching2.A.

31、happy B.healthy C.sad D.lazy 语境推断语境推断第一遍:读文章,掌握大意+盲填+看选项(不会的跳过;不确定的,标记纠结项)第二遍:再读文章,加深理解+补齐答案语境推断语境推断做饼干,所以是准备大餐做饼干,所以是准备大餐Cooking has been found to relieve(减轻减轻)stress and 3 happiness.Like other creative hobbies,it allows you to use your imagination,try 4 things and show your personality(个性个性).3.A.b

32、ring B.lose C.miss D.hide 4.A.crazy B.old C.easy D.new 语境推断语境推断语境推断语境推断“减轻减轻”的反义词的反义词创造力、想象力,所以是新事物创造力、想象力,所以是新事物Cooking also helps you to live in the present moment,because by keeping an eye on cutting and pouring,youre less likely to pay attention to your worries.In fact,some 5 are repeated so oft

33、en that they become something you can do over and over again and smoothly.It has been 6 to be soothing(舒缓的舒缓的).5.A.ideas B.plans C.rules D.steps 6.A.asked B.shown C.required D.chosen 语境推断语境推断语境推断语境推断频繁重复做频繁重复做做饭步骤做饭步骤结合上文,被证明结合上文,被证明.It has been 6 to be soothing(舒缓的舒缓的).7 life throws up unexpected e

34、vents and situations,cooking can be a safe and calming activity.For example,during the pandemic(流行病流行病),eggs and butter were in high need,because so many people turned to baking cakes and bread to fill their time and to lift their spirits.6.A.asked B.shown C.required D.chosen 7.A.Although B.Until C.

35、When D.Unless 语境推断语境推断逻辑推理逻辑推理当当Cooking is a great way to learn about different 8 and taste your way around the world.For example,pizza and pasta bring you to Italy,sushi provides a taste of Japan,and tacos take you to Mexico.Cooking 9 brings people together.Sitting down to eat with friends and fami

36、ly 10 strong social connections,which is known to be good for peoples health.外文素材改编自外文素材改编自THEWEEKJunior8.A.activities B.projects C.languages D.cultures 9.A.also B.never C.only D.ever 10.A.takes B.builds C.avoids D.invites语境推断语境推断语境推断语境推断第三遍:通读全文,验证答案不同文化不同文化另一个好处,并列关系另一个好处,并列关系语境推断语境推断建立建立总结回顾第一遍:读

37、文章,掌握大意+_+看选项(不会的_;不确定的,_)第二遍:再读文章,加深理解+_答案第三遍:通读全文,_答案解题步骤盲填补齐跳过验证标记纠结项04 作文缩写作文缩写请同学们根据以下提示,缩写“烹饪的好处”这篇文章。关键词:memory,remind,creative hobbies,live in the present moment,worries,calm,different cultures,bring people together 词数:80个左右个左右可以使用语篇研读部分的文章结构、要点表达、逻辑连接词语哦 参考例文:Have you got a pleasant memory

38、about your first cooking experience?It has been found that cooking can not only remind you of the people and places you love,but also make you feel better when you are sad.As one of the creative hobbies,cooking allows you to live in the present moment.Thats because youre less likely to pay attention to your worries.Besides,cooking cheers you up and helps you relax and keep calm in difficult times.Cooking is also a great way to learn about different cultures.And by sitting down to eat with friends and family,cooking brings people together.


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