人教版八上Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science.-Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:e066d).doc

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人教版八上Unit 6 I'm going to study computer science.-Section B 1a—1e-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:e066d).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. Section A (1a-2c) 年级:八年级年级:八年级 学科:英语学科:英语 上课教师:上课教师: 上课班级上课班级 教学教学 内容内容 分析分析 Im going to study computer science.是 Go for it!八年级上册第六单元的教学内容,本单元的语言功 能是 “简单谈论对未来的打算 (talk about future intentions) ” , 核心话题是 “生活目标 (life goals) ” , 语法重点是能正确使用 be going to 结构表示将来,使

2、用 want to be 结构谈论未来的理想,整个单 元的内容始终围绕“未来的打算”这一主线展开。本节课是以谈论梦想的职业以及打算如何实现 梦想为重点的听说课,主要内容包括 Section A 1a-2c. 1a 呈现职业词汇,1b 听力输入目标语句型 What do you want to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?,1c 对话训练巩固目标语 句型。2a-2b 通过听力拓展目标语句型, 进一步增加了谈论实现未来目标的时间和地点。2c 以问 答的形式帮助学生回忆复习巩固听力内容。依据课标教学建议(五)以及学科核心素养的有

3、关内 容,结合教材和学生实际,我对教材进行了适当的删减、拓展、整合,进行了创新设计,以任务、 体验为主要教学途径,更加注重学生综合语言能力的培养和提高。 学情学情 分析分析 1.学习起点:学生通过七年级的学习已初步掌握了部分职业词汇,并且熟知 want to be 句型,小 学也已接触过 be going to 结构, 这些都为今天谈论职业理想作了较好地语言铺垫。 学习的最大障 碍是对于自己心仪的职业以及如何实现它不会用英语表述,为此,我通过归类职业词汇和相关短 语来为学生搭建支架,提供帮助。 2.学习风格:随着课程难度的加深,部分学生对英语的学习兴趣有所减弱,学习上存在一定的困 难。我通过设

4、置游戏、调查任务、小组合作、评价反馈、提供完成任务的语言结构,增强了师生、 生生之间的多重互动,有效降低难度,使不同层次的学生均学有所获。 教学教学 目标目标 1.语言能力: (1)能熟读并口头运用 computer programmer, cook, doctor, engineer, violinist, driver, pilot, pianist, scientist9 个职业词汇和 want to be & be going to 结构。 (2)能以听、说、写的方式运用目标语句型表达自己对于未来职业的打算。 2.学习能力: (1)能运用教学辅助软件自学并检测词汇。 (2)能运用听前谈

5、论图片或预测、听中捕捉关键词等听力策略完成听力填空、连线、回答问题 等听力任务。 3.思维品质: (1)通过对梦想职业话题的讨论,促使学生主动确立未来职业规划,并为此不懈努力。 (2)人工智能对传统职业带来的威胁,引发学生对未来职业多元化、理性化的思考,与时俱进, 积极应对大数据时代可能给我们带来的各自挑战。 4.文化品格:实现个人梦想是实现国家梦想的基础,个人梦想以国家梦想为导向,加深了学生对 家国情怀的理解和感悟。 教学教学 重难点重难点 重点:能口笔头运用职业词汇和目标语句型表达自己对于未来职业的打算。 难点:能熟练自如地运用目标语句型完成调查任务并作报告。 教学策略教学策略 与手段与手

6、段 (1)情境教学、听说教学、任务型教学。 (2)话题引领、创设情境、直观感知、任务体验、品格提升。 课前准备课前准备 教师:PPT;活动用具。学生:复习学过的职业单词,通过教学辅助软件学习本节课新单词,完 成教师在软件上推送的词汇练习题。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节 教学活动教学活动 Step 1 创设情境,创设情境, 导入新课导入新课 1. Enjoy a song to lead into todays topic. T: Whats the topic of this song? S: About dreams. About jobs. T: Yes. Whats your d

7、ream jobs? This class, lets talk about our dream jobs. 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节 教学活动教学活动 4 4 分分钟钟 2. Show the result of preview about the new words and check them by guessing the jobs. T: You learned the new words before class. Lets see the result. Who got the most points? T: Lets check the words by guessi

8、ng the jobs. Step 2 感知语言感知语言 强化训练强化训练 1616 分钟分钟 1. Brainstorm. What other jobs do you know? T: Lets have a competition: Which group says more words about jobs. 2. Talk about your dream job. (T & Ss, Ss & Ss) A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be a/an. 3. Listen and fill in the

9、blanks. Then match the items in 1b. T: Everyone has a dream. Dream is really beautiful. But how are we going to do that? I have four friends. They want to be.How are they going to do? Lets listen to their conversations. 4. Check the answers and make a conversation. A: What do you want to be when you

10、 grow up? B: I want to be a/an. A: How are you going to do that? B: Im going to. A: What does he/she want to be when he/she grows up? B: He/She wants to be a/an. A: How is he/she going to do that? B: He/She is going to. (study math/English hard and get good grades learn how to teach children practic

11、e basketball/the piano every day take acting/singing/painting/dancing.lessons go to a medical school/a cooking school pass a driving test/learn to fly in college. read more books and keep on writing stories) 5. Listening practice. 2a & 2b (1) Pre- listening. Prediction. T: Just now, we talked about

12、our dream jobs. This is my friend Cheng Han. He is thinking about his future. Can you guess what he is going to do? Lets predict according to the picture. (2) While- listening. Finish 2a&2b. T: Yes. Cheng Han wants to be a teacher, just like some of you. And to achieve his dream, he makes some futur

13、e plans. Listen and answer the questions. Listening strategies: Just write down the key words. (3) Post- listening. Check the answers like this: A: What does Cheng Han want to be when he grows up? B: He wants to be a/an. A: Where is he going to work? B: He is going to move to./work in. A: How is he

14、going to do that? B: He is going to. A: When is he going to start? B: He is going to start when. Step 3 实施任务实施任务 拓展运用拓展运用 22分钟分钟 1:Welcome to the dream theater! Interview your classmates about their dream jobs and future plans. Show time: Choose a task. Make an interview or make a reporter. Name Wha

15、t How Where When Why Language needed: Whats your name? What do you want to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that? Where are you going to work? When are you going to start? Why do you want to be a/an? T: When other students show their conversations or reports, you should listen carefully.

16、 Because I will ask you questions. If your answers are right, Ill give you points. If not, Im sorry. 2.Show the survey result about students dream jobs. 3. Show a chart which is officially announced by BBC about career trends in ten years. T: With the development of Artificial Intelligence, many job

17、s are being replaced. 4. Have a discussion. What jobs will be replaced in the future? As for this situation, how are you going to do? Step 4 渗透情感渗透情感 提升品格提升品格 2 分钟分钟 Everyone has a dream. And our country also has her own dreamChina Dream. Only if everyone achieves his or her dream, will we be able t

18、o achieve our countrys dream. So study harder and harder to realize your own dream, to realize our China Dream. Homework Interview more classmates about their job plans. 板书设计板书设计 1 1 分钟分钟 Unit 6 Im going to study computer science. ( Section A 1a-2c) My dream job When are you going to start? Where are you going to work? How are you going to do that? What do you want to be when you grow up? 教学反思教学反思


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