
上传人(卖家):淡淡的紫竹语嫣 文档编号:807362 上传时间:2020-10-22 格式:DOCX 页数:8 大小:506.38KB
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1、sunny | sni| 晴朗的 show | | 展览,展示 interesting |ntrst| 有趣的,有意思的 weather |we| 天气 become | bkm| 变成,变为 windy |windi| 有风的 cloudy |kladi| 多云的 high |ha| 在高处 honey |hni| 蜂蜜 drink |drk | 饮料 ant | nt | 蚂蚁 bee | bi | 蜜蜂 cloud | klad | 云 rain |ren | 下雨 meet |mit | 遇见 lose | luz | 丢失 know | n | 知道 what happened? |

2、 wt hpnd | 出什么事了? climb up | klam p | 爬上 hold onto |hld ntu | 抓紧 fly away | fla we | 飞走 在早上 in the morning 在一个雨天的早上 on a rainy moring 去公园 in the park 看一场有趣的鹦鹉表演 see an interesting parrots show 在空中 in the sky 到了的时间 Its time for sth Its time to do sth 在面包和蜂蜜上面的蚂蚁 the ants on the bread and honey 吃早饭午饭晚

3、饭 have breakfastlunchsupper 空中黑色的云团 the dark clouds in the sky 骑车去公园 go to park by bike 在公园放风筝 fly kites in the park 乘飞机去 fly to 带着午餐去公园 bring lunch to the park 炎热的寒冷的天气 hotcold weather 一整天 all day 饥渴交加 hungry and thristy 我们所有的人 all of us 在九月 20 号 on 20th, September 在阿姨午餐上的蚂蚁 the ants on aunts lunch

4、 做得好 well done 拣三张卡片 pick three cards 看电影 watch a film 做家务 do the housework 野炊 have a pinic 游泳 go swimming 把它写在日记里 write it in the diary 飞走 fly away 抓紧 hold onto 爬上山 climb up the hill 想知道为什么 want to know why 想喝些果汁 want to drink some juice Would like to drink some juice 延伸词组 在九月 20 号 on 20th, Septemb

5、er on the 20th of September on September 20th 骑车去公园 go to the park by bike ride a bike to the park 以下交通方式的介词;可 以这样记忆 (可以站在里面的,大一点的交通工具用 on) on a bike on a bus on a train in a car 一场有趣的鹦鹉表演 an interesting parrot show 一场精彩的动物表演 a wonderful animal show bring ,take 的区别 bring 一般有“把。带过来,拿过来”的意思 如 bring yo

6、ur coat here 把它带过来这里,拿过来这里 而 take 是“把。带走,带离这里”的意思 take away your coat 把你的大衣带走,带离开这里 _(take, bring) the apples there and _(take, bring) some pears here please see sb doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 See sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事 类似的词还有 watch , hear, notice, look at. on 在.上面(有接触) under 在.下面 in 在.里面 near 在.附近 behind 在.后

7、面 over 在.垂直上方(无接触) in front of 就是指在某物的前方。 in the front of 是指在某物的内部靠前的地方 between 在.之间 on the left 在.左边 On the right 在右边 along 沿着. across 表面穿过 through 内部穿过 英文日期表达方式英文日期表达方式 一说 书写方面 先看下面的两个例子: 1. 2014 年 10 月 23 日October 23(rd), 2014 2. 2014 年 1 月 17 日January 17(th), 2014 从上面的例子可以看出,英语日期的表达与汉语不同。英 语表达的顺

8、序为月、日、年, 因此 2014 年 11 月 8 日就可写成 November 8th, 2014, 还可表示为 November eighth, 2014。 另外,也可写成日、月、年,8th November, 2014 即 the eighth of November, 2014。 二说 朗读方面 在朗读时,月份一般直接用英语读出;日则要读 成the 序数词; (三)英美文化差别 在日期方面,美英的表达方式是有差别的。以日为先,月 份为后,此为英国式,美国式则与 此相反。如二零一四年三月二日的写法: 2nd March, 2014 (英) March 2,2014 (美) 串记口诀 月份

9、名称词 January 一月 February 二月,三月 March 五月 May。 April 译四月,August 八月份。 June July 六七月,September 九月份。 October 译十月,十一十二紧相随。 November 十一月,December 年末尾 January n. 一月,正月(略写为 Jan.) February n. 二月(略写为 Feb.) March n. 三月(略写为 Mar.) April n. 四月(略写为 Apr.) 【引申】April Fools Day 愚人节(每年的四月一日)。 May/mei/ n. 五月 June n. 六月(略写

10、为 Jun.) July n. 七月(略写为 Jul.) August n. 八月(略写为 Aug.) September n. 九月(略写为 Sept.) October n. 十月(略写为 Oct.) November n. 十一月(略写为 Nov.) December n. 十二月(略写为 Dec.) 在某月,用介词 in,注意月份前不加冠词。若说在四月 一日,则说 on April 1st. April Fools Day/All FoolsDay 1 April 愚人节(4 月 1 日);April Fool(4 月 1 日愚人节)受愚弄的人。 ( )1. A. teach B. t

11、eeth C. leave D. live ( ) 2. A. life B. ride C. dress D. countryside ( )3. A. for B. very C. life D. laugh ( )4. A. question B. look C. week D. clock ( )5. A. wait B. way C. what D. violin ( ) 6 . A. purse B. turn C. Saturday D. shirt ( ) 7. A. longer B. singer C. English D. stronger ( ) 8. A. cool

12、B. moon C. food D. foot ( ) 9. A. the B. thirsty C. anything D. fourth ( ) 10. A. walltet B. watch C. water D. what ( ) 11. A group B cloudy C round D found ( )12. Acopy B. on Choney Dgot 选出一个与划线部分读音相同的 ( )1. apple A. april B. also C. away D. animal ( )2. over A. glove B. stove C. love D. become ( )

13、3. school A. child B. machine C. stomach D. chess ( )4. now A. blow B. cow C. bowl D. show ( )5.oranges A. clothes B.mangoes C.earphones D.houses ( )7.weather A. breakfast B. great C. teach D. really ( )8. found A. famous B. country C. south D. trouble 在早上 在一个雨天的早上 去公园 看有趣的鹦鹉表演 在空中 到了的时间 在面包和蜂蜜上面 吃午

14、饭 空中黑色的云团 骑车去公园 在公园放风筝 乘飞机去 带着午餐去公园 炎热的寒冷的天气 一整天 饥渴交加 我们所有的人 在九月 20 号 在阿姨午餐上的蚂蚁 做得好 拣三张卡片 看电影 做家务 野炊 游泳 把它写在日记里 飞走 抓紧 爬上山 想知道为什么 It was sunny in the morning. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: Liu Tao and I went to the park by bike. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: There was a parrot show in the park. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: We saw some interest

15、ing parrots. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: The weather became windy and cloudy. 否定句: 一般问句: We flew kites high in the sky. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: It is time for lunch. 否定句: 一般问句: We brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: We saw some ants on the bread and honey. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: There wer

16、e some bees too. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: We could not eat our lunch! 肯否定句: 一般问句: 提问: In the afternoon, there were black clouds in the sky. 否定句: 一般问句: We were hungry and wet. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: They saw some interesting parrots in the park. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: They were hungry and wet. 否定句: 一般问句: The children went to

17、the park by bike. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: They flew kites in the park. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: They saw ants and bees on their lunch. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: It rained all day on 20th September. 否定句: 一般问句: The children saw a parrot show. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: They flew kites in the park. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: They brought lunch to the park

18、. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: They were hungry because they did not have lunch. 否定句: 一般问句: 提问: 辨音。 1. ( ) arm hard 2. ( )luck party 3. ( )card am 4. ( )ant park 5. ( )here dear 6. ( )hear near 7. ( )hair year 8. ( ) ear cheer 二、按要求写词。 1.near( 近义词) 2.in front of ( 反义词) 3.here( 同音异形词) 4.rainy(动词) 5.cloudy(名词) 6.be

19、come(过去式) 7.see(过去式) 8.happy( 反义词) 9.took(原形) 10.lose(过去式) 三、填空。 1.It Sunday today. We (go) to the park w our parents this morning. 2.We (see) interesting parrot show last week. 3. you hungry on that day?Yes, we . 4. What Jim in his office now? He (write) letters his friends . 5.We all wet in the (r

20、ainy) that day. 6.One day, the little boy (fly) a kite the mountain, but it (be) windy there. The kite (fly) a . 7.On (twenty) of February, we (go) to have a picnic in the park. 8.They (bring) some bread and honey with (they) last week. 9. you have lunch on that day ?No. There (be) so many ants on o

21、ur bread and honey. We (can) not eat the food at all. 10.It was (rain) yesterday( 昨 天 ).And it (rainy) heavily(严重地, 大量地). There (be) a lot of (cloudy) in the sky. 11. there a fashion(时尚) show in the building? No, there . 12. It was half past eleven . It time lunch. But he not ready. 13. your mother

22、angry when(当时) she your homework last night? 14.Long long ago. There a tiger. It no friend because he (be) not nice others. 15. (not) walk t the forest. There are many beasts(野兽) in it. 四、选择题。 1.( ) The children very happy in the garden last night. A. looks B. were C.are D.was 2.( ) he have any hobb

23、ies? Yes, he liked the piano. A. Does,playing B.Did, playing C.Does,plays D.Did,plays 3.( )What ? He his model plane. A. happens, losts B. is happening, is losting C. happened, losted D.happened, lost. 4.( ) Sam know why. A.wanted B.wants to C.want to D.want 5.( ) he look his sister and played with

24、her well? A.Could,at B.Can ,after C.Can, for D.Could, after 6.( )It was in the morning. But it in the afternoon. A.sunny, rainy B.sunny, rained C .rainy, sunny D.rained,sunny 7.( )It just now(刚才). A. is ,rainy B.was, rained C.was,rainy D.is ,rain 8.( )Was there black in the sky? A. some,cloudy B.any

25、,clouds C. some,clouds D.any, cloud 9.( ) Who the bread?Tom did. A. takes B.take C.took D.taked 10.The kite flew high and we hold it. A.cant , onto B.couldnt, onto C.can,on D.could,on 完形填空。 There 1 four seasons(季节) in my 2 . They are Spring, Summer,Autumn and Winter.In 3 ,it is warm(温暖的).The flowers

26、 come out and the trees 4 green.We usually 5 kites in the park.There are a lot of 6 in Spring in my city.Summer is very 7 . Sometimes it 8 heavily(严重地,大量地).People usually 9 and eat ice -creams in summer.Autumn usually 10 in August.Its a beautiful season.It is not 11 in summer.People often go 12 in A

27、utumn.The 13 is not very good in winter.Its always very cold .Sometimes it 14 .We can 15 . ( ) A.was B.are C.is D.were ( ) A.home B.city C.school D.room ( ) A.season B.Winter C.Spring D.school ( ) A.are B.very C. turn D.turned ( ) A.play B.flew C.fly D.played ( ) A.rainy B.rained C.rain D.rains ( )

28、A.cold B.long C. cool D.hot ( ) A.rained B.rains C.rainy D.rain ( ) A.going swimming B.goes swimming C.went swimming D.go swimming ( ) A.bring B.comes C. at D.goes ( ) A.hot B.as hot as C.cool D.as cool as ( ) A.climb B.climbs C.climbing D.climbed ( ) A.time B. weather C.sky D.day ( ) A.snows B.snow

29、ed C.snowy D.snow ( ) A.make puppet B.play chess C.make snowmen D.do puzzles Friday Sept.22nd 2014 sunny 星期和日期写在左上角,天气写在右上角 日期格式用月日年(美式)或日月年(英式)都可以 1. 年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份 可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如:December 18, 2014 或者 Dec. 18, 2014 2. 如果要写星期,星期要紧挨日期,它既可以放在日期 前面,也可以放在日期后面,星期也可以省略不写。星期 和日期之间不用标点, 但要空一格, 星期也可缩写。 例如: Thursday Dec. 18, 2014 或 Dec.18,2014 Thursday 3. 天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Snowy 等表示。天气通常位于日记的右上角。


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