江苏省沭阳县潼阳中学2021届高三上学期10月第一次模拟考试英语试题 (含答案).doc

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江苏省沭阳县潼阳中学2021届高三上学期10月第一次模拟考试英语试题 (含答案).doc_第1页
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1、潼阳中学潼阳中学 2021 届高三第一次月考英语试卷届高三第一次月考英语试卷 阅读(共两节,满分阅读(共两节,满分 40 分)分) 第一节(共第一节(共 15 小题:每小题小题:每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Brecon Beacons YAC has an amazing opportunity for budding(崭露头角的) archaeologists of all ages, in Sunderland in Tyne and Wear. T

2、hanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, professional archaeologists from Wardell Armstrong will be investigating an archaeological mystery and they need your help. Romans? “The site is a bit of a mystery”, Frank Giecco from Wardell Armstrong said. “There is a very nice cropmark recorded on

3、the site that has got lots of people very excited. Geophysicists failed to find anything relating to the cropmark. There is anecdotal evidence of Roman material being found, but nothing is officially recorded. We hope to finally answer the question of what is in this field, during the two weeks on s

4、ite. Is there evidence of any Roman occupation on the site? Can you help us find out?” Get involved This is an opportunity for both adults and children to take part in field walking and trial trenching (small hand- dug test pits for children). No experience is necessary, training will be provided by

5、 the professional archaeologists from Wardell Armstrong, and all equipment will be provided. Volunteers can attend for as few or as many days as they wish, but they do need to book a place. For more information, and to book your place, please contact Norman Kirtlan at . 21If you intend to take part

6、in the activity, you _. Awill be charged for using equipment Bwill be coached by experts in the field Cshould have worked with archaeologists before Dshould spare two weeks to stay at the site 22Whats the main purpose of the passage? ATo seek funding for archaeological research. BTo appeal for help

7、in proving findings based on anecdotal evidence. CTo find volunteers to help solve an archaeological mystery. DTo organize volunteers to help sort our data on the Roman occupation. B Listening to a radio broadcast in a foreign language is difficult for many of us. We may have studied the language fo

8、r several years, and are able to read it, perhaps even write in it. But listening and understanding the spoken language require special skills. Some people have a natural ability that helps them to learn a language quickly, while others must study for a long time. Everyone, however, can improve his

9、or her listening skills with practice. We are good listeners in our own language because we have had years of practice. We understand the grammar and the language. We know what to expect a person to say to us in almost any situation. We have been in similar situations many times, and we have heard i

10、t all before. We can understand it, even if we do not listen carefully. But this is not true with a foreign language. We must listen with our full attention. And we must try not to let the cultural style of our language affect our understanding of the foreign language. Listening to a foreign languag

11、e broadcast is easier if we know something about it. There are clues that can help us. One clue is the time of a day. Morning programs usually contain many short items of news, information or entertainment. The items are short because most of us are getting ready to go to work in the morning. Often

12、we do not have time to listen to long programs. Evening programs are different. There is time for more details about the subjects discussed. We can get a clue about the program from the music at the beginning, but we must be familiar with the music of the foreign culture. The kind of musicserious an

13、d slow, or fast and lightcan tell us what kind of program to expect. The name of the program can give us good information about what it will contain. Another good clue is the broadcaster. The more we listen to the same person, the easier it will be to understand him. His speaking style will become f

14、amiliar to us. Further, the broadcaster provides clues to the organization of the broadcast at the beginning of the program. The broadcaster usually gives us the highlights of the program to prepare us for the details that will follow. 23We are good listeners in our own language because _. Awe have

15、a natural ability of learning language Bour own language is much easier Cwe listen to our own language more carefully Dwe have practiced it for years 24If you dont have enough time, you can listen to _. Aevening programs Bprograms with soft music Cmorning programs Dfamiliar programs 25You can know t

16、he information of the program according to _. Aits name Bthe broadcaster Cits music Dthe time of the program C California has been facing droughts for many years, with certain areas even having to pump freshwater hundreds of miles to their distribution system. The problem is growing as the populatio

17、n of the state continues to expand. New research has found deep water reserves under the state which could help solve their drought crisis. Previous drilling of wells could only reach depths of 1,000 feet, but due to new pumping practices, water deeper than this can now be extracted (抽取). The team a

18、t Stanford investigated the aquifers (地下蓄水层) below this depth and found that reserves may be three times what was previously thought. It is profitable to drill to depths more than 1,000 feet for oil and gas, but only recently in California has it become profitable to pump water from this depth. The

19、aquifers range from 1,000 to 3,000 feet below the ground, which means that pumping will be expensive and there are other concerns. The biggest concern is the gradual setting down of the land surface. As the water is pumped out, the vacant space left is pressed by the weight of the earth above. Even

20、though pumping from these depths is expensive, it is still cheaper than desalinating (脱盐) the ocean water in the largely coastal state. Some desalination plants exist where possible, but they are costly to run and can need constant repairs. Wells are much more reliable sources of freshwater, and Cal

21、ifornia is hoping that these deep wells may be the answer to their severe water shortage. One problem with these sources is that the deep water also has a higher level of salt than shallower aquifers. This means that some water may even need to be desalinated after extraction, thus increasing the co

22、st. Research from the study of groundwater has just been published. New estimates of the water reserves now go up to 2,700 billion cubic meters of freshwater. 26According to the text, what causes the water crisis in California? APrevious drilling of wells. BThe messy distribution system. CConstant d

23、roughts in the area. DThe adoption of new pumping practices. 27The research teams think it _ to extract water from deeper aquifers. Aexpensive but practical Breliable and profitable Ccost- free but demanding Dcheap and environment- friendly 28What is mentioned as a consequence of extracting water fr

24、om deep underground? AThe damage to aquifers. BThe sinking of land surface. CThe decrease in operation costs. DThe negative effects on the climate. 29What is the authors purpose in writing the text? ATo encourage people to save water. BTo promote the seawater desalination. CTo introduce a new way of

25、 extracting freshwater. DTo draw peoples attention to the droughts in California. D To learn to think is to learn to question. Those who dont question never truly think for themselves. These are simple rules that have governed the advancement of science and human thought since the beginning of time.

26、 Advancements are made when thinkers question theories and introduce new ones. Unfortunately, it is often the great and respected thinkers who end up slowing the progress of human thought. Aristotle was a brilliant philosopher whose theories explained much of the natural world, often incorrectly. He

27、 was so esteemed by the scientific community that even 1,200 years after his death, scientists were still trying to build upon his mistakes rather than correct them! Brilliant minds can intimidate up- and- coming thinkers who are not confident of their abilities. They often believe they are inferior

28、 to the minds of giants such as Aristotle, leading many to accept current paradigms instead of questioning them. I, like many thinkers of the past, once believed in my mental inferiority. I was certain that my parents, my teachersadults in generalwere always right. They were like a textbook to me; I

29、 didnt question what was written on those pages. I respected them, and accepted whatever they told me. But that attitude soon changed. My minds independence was first stimulated in the classroom. A stern, 65- year- old elementary school science teacher once told me that light is a type of wave. I co

30、nfidently went through years of school believing that light is a wave. One day, however I heard the German exchange student mention that light could be made up of particles. As the others laughed at his statement, I started to question my beliefs. Maybe the teachers and textbooks hadnt given me the

31、whole story. I went to the library, did some research and learned of the light- as- a- wave versus light- as- a- particle debate. I read about Einsteins discovery of the dual nature of light and learned the facts of a paradox(悖论) that puzzles the worlds greatest thinkers to this day. Light behaves a

32、s both a particle and a wave, it is both at once. I realized I had gone through life accepting only half of the story as the whole truth. Each new year brought more new facts, and I formulated even more questions. I found myself in the library after school, trying to find my own answers to gain a mo

33、re complete understanding of what I thought I already knew. I discovered that my parents and teachers are incredible tools in my quest for knowledge, but they are never the final word. Even textbooks can be challenged. I learned to question my sources, I learned to be a thinker. I once believed that

34、 everything I learned at home and at school was certain, but I have now discovered to re- examine when necessary. Questions are said to be the path to knowledge and truth, and I plan to continue questioning. How many things do we know for sure today that we will question in the future? At this momen

35、t, I know that our sun will burn for another five billion years, and I know nothing can escape the gravity of a black hole. This knowledge, however, may change in the next 20 yearsmaybe even in the next two. The one thing we can control now is our openness to discovery. Questions are the tools of op

36、en minds, and open minds are the key to intellectual advancement. 30In the first paragraph, Aristotle is taken as an example to show that _. Ahe is the greatest and respected philosopher of all time Bhuge influence of great thinkers may block human thought Cadvancements are made when thinkers questi

37、on theories Dgreat thinkers often make mistakes and then correct them 31What does the underlined word “intimidate” in Paragraph 2 mean? AFrighten. BEncourage. CStrength. DPersuade. 32The author began to question his previous beliefs because _. Awhat he learned from textbooks before turned out to be

38、wrong Bhe was inspired by the different ideas from an exchange student Che was laughed at by other students for his unacceptable statement Dhe was not satisfied with his life and desperate to achieve success 33According to the passage, the author _. Alooks down upon great thinkers all the time Bneve

39、r doubts what he has learned in the textbook Calways throws himself into the laboratory Ddetermines to be a thinker and questioner 34We can conclude from the last paragraph that _. Athe author is not quite sure about his future Bwe human beings dont dare to predict future Ctheory of black holes will

40、 change in two years Dquestioning is necessary to promote advancement the 35What does the passage mainly talk about? AFollowing rules. BChallenging yourself. CQuestioning giants. DPredicting future. 第二节(共第二节(共 5 小题:每小题小题:每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可

41、以填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多 余选项。余选项。 Words have the power to build us up or tear us down. It doesnt matter if the words come from ourselves or someone else. The positive and negative effects are just as lasting. 36 Were usually too embarrassed to admit it, though. In fact, we really shouldnt be because mor

42、e and more experts believe talking to ourselves out loud is a healthy habit. This “self- talk” helps us motivate ourselves, remember things, solve problems, and calm ourselves down. Be aware, though, that as much as 77% of self- talk tends to be negative. 37 Often, words come out of our mouths witho

43、ut us thinking about the effect they will have. But we should be aware that our words cause certain responses in others. For example, when returning an item to a store, we might use warm, friendly language during the exchange. And the clerk will probably respond in a similar manner. 38 Words possess

44、 power because of their lasting effect. Many of us regret something we once said. We remember unkind words said to us as well. Before speaking, we should always ask ourselves: 39 If what we want to say doesnt pass this test, then its better left unsaid. Words possess power: both positive and negativ

45、e. Those around us receive encouragement when we speak positively. We can offer hope, build self- esteem and motivate others to do their best. 40 Will we use our words to hurt or to heal? The choice is ours. A. Is it loving? B. How should I say it? C. We all talk to ourselves sometimes. D. Negative

46、words destroy all those things. E. Generally people like positive and pleasant words. F. However, critical language may cause anger and defense. G. So we should only speak encouraging words to ourselves. 语言运用(共两节,满分语言运用(共两节,满分 40 分)分) 第一节(共第一节(共 20 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分) 阅读下面短阅读下面短文,从每题所给

47、的文,从每题所给的 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 My parents are from South Africa, and Im a vegetarian, which no one in my small hometown in Washington understood. I always felt 41 from everybody else at school. As hard as I tried to keep myself 42 , I started getting bullied(霸凌). I 43 who I

48、 was, wore really plain clothes, and tied up my bright red hair and 44 I wouldnt attract as much attention. Eventually, I 45 to an arts high school, which was much more 46 . There, I felt brave enough to show off the unique sides of my 47 and made friends who loved me for who I was. More recently, Ive 48 with confidence in my skin. When I moved to L. A. , I started getting bad cystic acne(痤疮). I didnt want to go outside, and if I had to, I would 49 makeup. Ive learned that you cant 50 control your skin, but you can control how you treat yourself. When I tell myself Im beaut


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