Unit 2 Section Ⅲ Reading & Writing (新教材)北师大版(2019)必修第一册讲义.doc

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1、Section Reading & Writing 速读课文,选择最佳答案 1When Esteban got a puncture,it was only to the finishing line. A300 metres B300 miles C300 yards D300 kilometres 2What did Esteban do when he got a puncture? AHe gave up to the race. BHe tried to catch up with the other competitors. CHe continued his race. DHe

2、got to the finishing line. 3Navarro finished the race and came Afirst Bsecond Cthird Dfourth 4What did Navarro mean by saying “Offering me the prize was worth more than what I did for him.”? AHe thought it is worthwhile to do that. BHe thought the prize was priceless. CHe thought he should receive t

3、he prize. DHe thought Esteban was great to give him the prize. 答案 14 ACDD Words and Phrases 知识要点1 sight n视野;视力;景象;名胜(复数) (教材 P40)Esteban had been cycling as hard as he could for hours and with the finishing line in sight. 埃斯特班骑自行车的时间已经很长了,而且终点线就在眼前 例 1 Some drugs can affect your sight.有些药物能影响视力。 例 2

4、 We laughed at the sight of his strange clothes.我们看到他那奇奇怪怪 的衣服都笑了起来。 造句 还能看得见那列火车。 The train is still in sight. 归纳拓展 within/in sight 看得见 out of sight 看不见 at the sight of. 一看见 at first sight 乍一看;第一眼 lose ones sight 失明 lose sight of 看不见;忽略 catch sight of 看见 come into sight 看见 链接写作完成句子 周围静悄悄的,看不见一个人。 I

5、t was very quiet all around with nobody in sight 他转头看去,但那时她已经不见了。 He turned to look back,but by then she was out of sight 在大街上无意中看见了一位多年不见的老朋友。 In the street I caught sight of an old friend whom I had not seen for years. 知识要点2 catch up with 追上;赶上 (教材 P40)Just a few seconds later,fourthplaced Navarro

6、 caught up with him. 几秒后第 4 位的纳瓦罗赶上了他。 例 1 They should take some crash courses to catch up with their classmates. 他们应该参加一些速成课程来赶上他们的同学。 例 2 To catch up with the rest of America economically, the South also needs a bettereducated workforce. 为了在经济上赶上美国其他地区,南方也需要受过良好教育的劳动力。 造句 我必须赶上同班同学。 I must catch u

7、p with my classmate. 归纳拓展 catch on 学会;流行;开始明白 catch on to 理解 catch hold of 抓住 catch sight of 看见 catch ones eyes 引起某人注意 链接写作完成句子 工作几天后,你就会对你的工作内容有所了解。 After a few days on the job,youll catch on to what youre doing. 抓住每次机会,那么你就有可能成功获得你想要的东西。 Catch hold of every opportunity and you will succeed in gett

8、ing what you want. 有一种独特的蓝色小花总能吸引我的目光。 There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eyes 知识要点3 response n回答;反应 (教材 P40)However,Navarro refused,and his response was: “Offering me the prize was worth more than what I did for him.” 然而,纳瓦罗拒绝了,他的回答是:“给我奖品比我为他做的值钱。” 例 1 I received an enco

9、uraging response to my advertisement. 我的广告得到了令人鼓舞的回应。 例 2 The product was developed in response to customers demand. 该产品是根据顾客的需求而开发的。 造句 她没有回答。 She made no response. 归纳拓展 (1)in response to 为对的回应/回答 give/make no response to. 不予回答/回应 (2)respond to. 对做出回答;做出反应;响应 respond that. 回答 链接写作完成句子 为了满足顾客的需要,开发了

10、苹果 11 手机。 The iPhone 11 was developed in response to customers demands. 她收到我的信,给我回了一个电话。 She responded to my letter with a phone call. 知识要点4 take advantage of 利用 (教材 P40)The two cyclists made amazing sporting gesturesNavarro for refusing to take advantage of Estebans troubles,and Esteban for offerin

11、g Navarro his medal. 两位自行车手表现出了高度的体育精神纳瓦罗拒绝利用埃斯特班碰到 的麻烦,埃斯特班主动给纳瓦罗奖牌。 例 1 He takes advantage of his fine secretary by leaving all the work to her and doing nothing himself. 他利用他那位能干的秘书,把所有工作都丢给她干,自己却什么也不干。 例 2 He always takes full advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals. 他总是充分利用对手的失误。 造句 他们决定利用

12、这么好的天气到乡村去。 They decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and go to the country. 归纳拓展 take (full)advantage of 充分)利用 to ones advantageto the advantage of sb. 某人有利 be of advantage to 有利 gain/win/have an (the)advantage over 过,优于 be at an advantage 利的,占优势 即学即练 单句语法填空 It would be to your advant

13、age to prepare questions in advance. They had a major advantage over their betterknown rivalstheir were products cheaper. 知识要点5 on the other hand 另一方面 (教材 P43)On the other hand, hard styles, such as kung fu, teach you to defend yourself using force. 另一方面,硬派风格的功夫教你通过使用武力来保卫自己。 例 1 Father and mother w

14、anted to go for a ride, and on the other hand,the children wanted to stay home and play with their friends. 父母想开车出去兜风,而孩子们却想在家里与朋友们一道玩。 例 2 Bert is extremely intelligent;on the other hand, , he is a very lazy student and therefore gets low grades. 彼尔特非常聪明,另一方面,他是个懒学生,因此他成绩不好。 造句 一方面,猫是食肉动物(predator)

15、;另一方面,它们身材矮小很容易 被捕食(prey)。 On the one hand, cats are predators, but on the other hand, theyre small enough to be prey. 归纳拓展 on the one hand.on the other hand. 方面另一方面 for one thing.for another(thing). 则再则 one.the other. 个另一个 some.others. 些另一些 链接写作完成句子 一方面我想把房子卖掉,但另一方面我又不愿搬家。 On (the) one hand I want

16、to sell the house,but on the other hand I cant bear the thought of moving. 我没有买那辆车。一方面,我不喜欢它的颜色,另一方面,我没有那么多 钱。 I didnt buy that car.For one thing,I didnt like its colour,for another thing,I didnt have enough money. 知识要点6 used to 过去常常 (教材 P43)The Chinese migrants used to gather in a park to enjoy cul

17、tural activitiesone of which was kungfu. 中国移民过去常常聚集在公园里享受文化活动,其中之一就是功夫。 例1 There used to be a cinema here, didnt there? 从前这里有一家电影院, 是不是? 例 2 Life here is much easier than it used to be. 如今在此地生活比起从前可容易多了。 造句 我过去一直住在伦敦。 I used to live in London. 归纳拓展 get/be used to (doing) sth. 惯于(做)某事 be used to do s

18、th./for(doing) sth. 被用来做某事 be used as. 为来使用 used to do sth. 去常常做某事 即学即练 单句语法填空 I found the job tiring at first but I soon got used to it. I wasnt used to city life,but now I have got used to living(live) in this city. Single scratch experiment model was used to give(give) a good explanation. 小片段填空小片

19、段填空 当他年轻的时候, 他常常步行去那儿。现在他的自行车虽然有时用来接他孙 子,但他已习惯了骑自行车去那儿。 When he was young,he used to go there on foot.Now he has got used to going there by bike,though his bike is used to pick up his grandson sometimes. 知识要点7 adopt vt.采用;收养,领养;正式批准,接受 (教材 P43)They adopted a training methodology from a Chinese milit

20、ary manual called Ji Xiao Xin Shu,written by the famed Chinese general,Qi Jiguang,who had himself defeated Japanese pirates. 他们采用了中国著名军事将领戚继光写的训练方法,称为纪效新书 ,他 自己打败了日本海盗。 例 1 Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan. 他们因没有亲生儿女, 所以决定领养一个孤儿。 例 2 Congress has adopted the new measur

21、es. 国会通过了新的议案。 答案 莎莉(Sally)四岁时被人收养。 Sally was adopted when she was four. 归纳拓展 adopted adj. 收养的;被采用的 adoptable adj. 收养的,可采用的 adoption n. 用,采纳;收养 链接写作完成句子 两岁之前,我被一对盎格鲁夫妇收养。 Before I was two,I was adopted by an Anglo couple. 这项新政策有望在下一次会议上被正式采纳。 The new policy is expected to be adopted at the next meet

22、ing. 丹尼是他们的养子。 Danny is their adopted son 知识要点8 work out 锻炼身体,做运动;计算出;制定出;被证明有效/ 切实可行;进展 (教材 P45)Spin classes are a safe and effective way to work out. 动感单车是一种安全有效的锻炼方式 例 1 We must work out a plan acceptable to all as quickly as we can. 我们必须尽快制定出一个大家都能接受的方案。 例 2 Ill give you five minutes to work out

23、 this problem. 我给你 5 分钟来解答这道题。 造句 我们学校的运动员每天在体育馆锻炼两小时。 The athletes of our school work out at the gym for two hours every day. 归纳拓展 work at 事;致力于,钻研 work for 工作,为做事 work off 去;解除 work on 续工作;影响;从事 work over 查;研究 work with 共事,与合作 即学即练 一词多义 He works out with weights twice a week.锻炼,健身 The situation wo

24、rked out quite well.结果是 I cant work out this problem.解决(问题) We have to work out how much food well need for the party.算出(数量、价 格、答案等) 链接写作完成句子 我挣的每一便士都是辛苦工作得来的。 I have had to work for every single penny I earned. 我花了一些时间去好好研究这些书籍。 I spent some time (in) working over these books Sentence Patterns 重点句式

25、 while 是转折连词,表示“然而” (教材 P40)Navarro had let Esteban finish in third place,while he came fourth. 纳瓦罗让埃斯特班名列第三,而他却名列第四。 句式分析:句中的 while 是转折连词,表示“然而” 。 例 1 He fell asleep while he was doing his homework. 他做着功课就睡着了。 例 2 I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 我爱喝黑咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。 造句 有些人伴随着音乐工作得更好

26、,而有些人则不然。 Some people work better to music while others do not. 归纳拓展 (1)while 引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候”。后跟延续性动词。 (2)while 引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,但却”。 链接写作完成句子 我准备晚餐的时候,他在洗澡。 He took a bath while I was preparing dinner . 虽然我了解你的见解,我还是不能同意(你)。 While I understand your viewpoint,I dont agree with you. 如何做细节理解题 细节理解题考查原文

27、提到的某事物、现象或理论, 题干针对原文具体叙述本 身发问。 一般包括直接理解题(在原文中可直接找到答案, 常用 who, what, when, where,why 和 how 等提问)、语意转化题(需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进行 语境上的转换, 两者存在表达上的差异,有时需要进行加工或整理后方能得出结 论)、数字计算题、排列顺序题、图表图画题等。 平时阅读训练时,注意作者描述人物、物体等细节的常用写作手法与技巧, 以及反映句子之间逻辑关系的词,如:because,since,for,as 等表示因果关系; after, first, next, later, meantime 等表示时间

28、关系; above, below, behind, in front of 等表示方位关系;but,on the contrary,on the other hand 等表示转折或相对关 系;furthermore,whats more 等表示递进关系;for instance,for example,such as 等表示例证关系。这些表示逻辑关系的词语能为考生解答细节题提供重要的线 索,从而为快速、准确地选择答案打下坚实的基础。 做这类题一般采用寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读文章,找出与 问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。另外,在题干 中寻找线索词,并注意题

29、干中的名词、动词、形容词等实词。注意线索词在文章 中的位置,并标出实词的出处。 解答此类题目有时还要注意细读全文,变通理解,多方归纳,综合事实细节 选定答案。 典例 (2019 全国卷)(节选) For Canaan Elementarys second grade in Patchogue, NY.,today is speech day ,and right now its Chris Palaezs turn.The 8yearold is the joker of the class.With shining dark eyes, he seems like the kind of k

30、id who would enjoy public speaking. But hes nervous.“Im here to tell you today why you should.should.”Chris trips on the“ld, ”a pronunciation difficulty for many nonnative English speakers.His teacher , Thomas Whaley , is next to him, whispering support. “.Vote for.me.”Except for some stumbles, Chri

31、s is doing amazingly well.When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion ,Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him. 24.What made Chris nervous? ATelling a story. BMaking a speech. CTaking a test. DAnswering a question. 答案 B 细节理解题。根据第一段“today is speech day”和本段最后一句 “With shining dark eyes, h

32、e seems like the kind of kid who would enjoy public speaking.”以及第二段第一句“But hes nervous”,可知,Chris 眼睛黑亮,似乎是 那种喜欢公共演讲的孩子,但是他却很紧张,故可知 Chris 是因为做演讲紧张, 故选 B。 即学即练 A 15yearold girl wrote to me and asked about figuring out what to do with her life.She wrote: “As a high- school student Im often being reminde

33、d to figure out what to do with my life, what job I would like to have and so on.I feel huge amounts of pressure when my teachers and parents tell me to figure out something now.Im young and I dont want to make a mistake and ruin my future.I know what I like and what my interests are but when I read

34、 about a job related to those interests, I feel as if I wouldnt enjoy it and I dont know why.” What an extremely hard thing to figure out: what to do with your future! Now, I cant really tell this young girl what to do, but I can share what Ive learned looking back on my life, and what I would tell

35、my kids.Heres what Id say. You cant figure out the future.Even young people who have a plan(be a doctor, lawyer, research scientist, singer)dont really know what will happen.Life doesnt go according to plan, and while a few people might do exactly what they set out to do, you never know if youre one

36、 of those.Other things come along to change you, to change your opportunities, to change the world. So if you cant figure out the future, what do you do? Dont focus on the future.Focus on what you can do right now that will be good no matter what the future brings.Learn skills.Go on adventures.Make

37、friends.These things will help in the future. Learn to be good with trouble.One of the most important skills you can develop is being OK with trouble.The best things in life are often hard, and if you run away from difficulty and trouble, youll miss out.Youll live a safe life. Learning is hard.Build

38、ing something great is hard.Writing a book is hard.A marriage is hard.All are amazing.If you get good at this, you can do anything.You can start a business, which you couldnt if youre afraid of trouble, because starting a business is hard and uncomfortable. How do you get good at this? Do things now

39、 that are uncomfortable and hard, on purpose.But start with small things.Try exercising for a little bit, even if its hard, but just start with a few minutes of it, and increase a minute every few days or so.When you find yourself avoiding discomfort, push yourself just a little bit more. 【语篇解读】 本文就

40、“怎样才能过好自己的生活”给年轻人提出了一些很 好的建议。作者认为不管未来会怎么样, 做好现在能做的是非常有益的。 1The girl wrote to the writer for advice about Ahow to study in school Bhow to live her life Cwhat to do with mistakes Dwhat to do with pressure B 细节理解题。根据第一段可知, 有一个 15 岁的女孩写信给我, 让我 告诉她应该怎样生活, 由此可知答案 B 项正确。 2According to the writer, the girls

41、 question is Afull of dreams Bcompletely wrong Cshort of thoughts Ddifficult to answer D 细节理解题。 根据第三段可知, 回答她的问题是很棘手的, 现在, 作 者无法告诉这个年轻的小姑娘应该怎么做, 由此可判断出答案 D 项正确。 3What young people should do now is to Afigure out the future Bmake a plan for the future Cdo something to change them Ddo well in what they

42、 are doing D 细节理解题。根据第五段可知, 别纠结于你的未来了, 做好你现在能 做的, 不管未来会怎么样, 这都会是有利的, 由此可知答案 D 项正确。 记叙文 1文体特点 记叙文是以叙述为主要表达方式, 以写人物的经历和事物发展变化为主要内 容的一种文体。侧重记人的记叙文,以介绍人物生平事迹为重点;侧重叙事的记 叙文,以叙述事情的发生、发展、经过和结果为重点。但是记人和叙事是分不开 的,记人需要用具体事件来表现人物,而叙事的灵魂是事件中人物的所作所为。 记叙文的六要素包括时间、地点、人物、事情的起因、经过和结果。 2写作指导 写记叙文时,首先应审清写作中涉及的时间、地点、人物、事

43、件。其次结合 题目要求(包括注意事项和参考词汇等),弄清写作要点。然后用英语罗列出相关 信息,包括可能适当增加的情节,并思考运用恰当的连接词。 记叙文的开头通常交代事件的背景,文章主体可按事件发生的顺序记叙, 也 可按人物活动的时间顺序或按空间位置变换记叙。 写作时应注意以下关键内容: (1)明确写作要点。只有明确了写作要点,才能合理安排文章内容,分清主 次。 (2)认真挑选细节。记叙文是由细节组成的,读者只有通过足够的细节才能 知道发生了什么事情, 但细节过多会使读者失去阅读的兴趣。 只有选用能表现主 要要点的细节,才能产生预期的效果。 (3)注意人称的使用。 叙述的人称(可以是第一人称也可

44、以是第三人称)通常是 一贯到底的。若需要交替使用两种人称,要通过适当的过渡提醒读者。 (4)恰当使用时态。一般来说,在叙述故事、游记时可用一般过去时和过去 完成时;在介绍人物时,要视具体情况而定。确定一个主要时态之后,后面的部 分在展开时就不至于发生时态混乱。这是确保记叙文语言流畅的一个基本条件。 假如你是李华, 请根据下面五幅图画写一篇短文介绍你和家人庆祝春节的经 过。 参考词汇:the Spring Festival Gala 春晚 the Lunar New Year Eve 除夕夜 【审题谋篇】 第一步 确定本文的基本要素 时间:中国传统节日春节; 内容:你家过春节的全过程; 人称:第

45、一人称; 时态:一般现在时/过去时 第二步 过节的顺序 1吃团圆饭; 2看春晚; 3大拜年。 第三步 组织语言 1常用短语 full of fun be drowned in admire. set off fireworks celebrate. look forward to 2句式结构 We all fathered around and had big dinner. Then the Spring Festival Gala began and it was wonderful. Many stars turned up on the stage,bringing us so muc

46、h pleasure that we were all drowned in admiring their performances. The midnight saw us setting off the fireworks to celebrate the beginning of a new year. At down,we all dressed up and paid a visit door to door. 【参考范文】 The Spring Festival was really full of fun. First,we all gathered around having

47、a big dinner.Then began the Spring Festival Gala.Just as was reported,it was wonderful.Many stars turned up on the stage, bringing us so much pleasure that we were all drowned in admiring their performances.The midnight saw us setting off the fireworks to celebrate the beginning of a new year.Then w

48、e ate dumplings.At dawn, we all dressed up and paid a visit door to door. We all hope we will have a good luck in the following new year and we are all looking forward to realizing our all dreams. 假如你是李华,两年前开始吸烟并上瘾,现在满身烟味发现很难戒掉,直到 有一天因为身体不适被学校足球队除名,开始下决心戒烟。方法如下: 1扔掉最后一包烟,列出戒烟的好处; 2随时提醒自己是非吸烟者; 3在紧张或压抑时做放松练习。 请你根据上述内容写一篇 80 词左右的记叙文。 要求:1.表达清楚,语言简洁,流畅; 2尽量运用对比等方法进行细节描述,突出人物的变化发展过程。 提示词:cigarette 香烟


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