Unit 6 Period 1 Starting out & Understanding ideas教学设计 (新教材)外研版2019高一英语必修第一册.doc

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1、教学设计 课课 题题 Unit6 At one with nature Starting out & Understanding Ideas 学学 科科 英语英语 班班 级级 Class 授课授课 教师教师 单单 元元 目目 标标 1 语言能力目标 能够理解和人与自然相关的内容,通过阅读文章,理解文章大意,分析作者的写 作意图。 2 文化意识目标 能够了解中外人民与自然和谐相处的情况,正确认识人类生活与自然环境的关 系,增强尊重自然、合理利用和开发自然资源、与自然和谐相处的意识,同时树 立文化自信。引导学生了解龙胜各族自治县人民尊重自然、合理利用自然、改造 自然的行为,加深对语篇和单元主题的认

2、知,认识人与自然和谐相处的重要性。 3 思维品质目标 能够正确判断文章作者的观点和态度,辩证地理解人类生活与自然环境的关系, 科学分析和评价不同地域人类生活的差异及原因,提高与自然和谐相处的自觉 性;在深入理解文本的同时联系自身,实现知识与思维能力的迁移。 4 学习能力目标 能够通过了解人类如何与自然和谐相处,激发英语学习的兴趣;能够多渠道获取 英语学习资源,巩固本单元所学语言知识,丰富自己的相关知识,开阔眼界,提 高英语运用能力;能够选择恰当的策略与方法,监控、评价、反思和调整自己的 学习内容和进程。 重重 点点 1. 了解龙脊梯田的建造背景、建造原因和运作原理,并恰当地运用所学介绍龙脊梯

3、田。 2. 理清文章结构,把握说明文的文体特征,并迅速找出关键细节在文中的位置。 难难 点点 概括并简述龙脊梯田的运作原理,培养学生对此类逻辑关系的梳理能力和看图复述 课文的能力。 教教 学学 方方 法法 Interactive Reading Approach 教教 Step1 Warming up 教师引导学生观看视频,了解威尼斯目前所面临的问题,初步导入话题。 备备 注注 学学 内内 容容 与与 过过 程程 第一步:播放无字幕视频,请学生通过看画面和听旁白,试着回答问题。 第二步:再次播放视频,学生检查答案是否正确。如果学生理解有困难,可带 字幕多播放几遍。 第三步:学生以小组为单位,联

4、系实际,思考并讨论面临相似问题的中国城市 或城镇。 Watch the video and answer the questions. 1 What are the problems faced by Venice? 2 Are there any similar cities or towns in China? Introduce one to the class. 参考答案 1 Venice is faced with the problems caused by water. Saltwater is slowly damaging the bases of Venices build

5、ings, making the city gradually sink. Floods also hit the city each winter, causing more problems. 2 Students own answers. Step2 Starting out 教师带领学生讨论自然环境对不同地区人们生活的影响。学生以小组为单位, 根据图片内容,联系自身经历,讨论问题答案,介绍家乡的自然环境及对自己 生活的影响。 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 1 How does the natural environment

6、 influence the lives of the local people in each picture? 2 What is the natural environment of your home town like? How is your life influenced by it? 参考答案 1 In Russia, it can get very cold with heavy snow in winter, so people live in houses with inclined roofs and wear thick clothes for outdoor act

7、ivities. In the UK, the mild climate and parks in towns and cities provide a pleasant natural environment in which people can relax and enjoy life. In northwest China, the yellow earth is thick and compacted, so people build cave dwellings as their place of residence. In Myanmar, the climate is hot

8、and humid and there are many rivers. Many people live in bamboo houses on stilts, which keep them above the water. 2 Students own answers. Step3 Understanding ideas Activity 1 Before-reading Task1 第一步:请学生看图,描述图片中展示的有关壮族和瑶族的信息。 第二步: 学生分组讨论图片内容, 联系实际, 交流更多有关壮族和瑶族的信息。 第三步:请部分小组代表分享关于壮族和瑶族的知识,其他小组进行补充或展

9、 开讨论。 Look at the pictures and talk about what you know about the Zhuang and Yao ethnic groups. Task2 请学生带着任务阅读、理解课文。 Read the passage and find out what problems the local people solved by working with nature. 参考答案 Two problems are solved. The first one is that there are few large, flat areas of lan

10、d in the region for people to grow rice. The other one is that the mountains are steep and the soil is shallow. Activity 2 Reading .Reading for the authors purpose. 引导学生通过主题句、关键词等把握文章大意,理清文章结构,分析作者的写 作意图。Choose the authors purpose in writing the passage. 1 To praise the wisdom of the ethnic groups l

11、iving in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 2 To explain how people worked in harmony with nature to create the Longji Rice Terraces. 3 To describe the beauty of the Longji Rice Terraces and to attract visitors to this scenic spot. .Reading for detail information. 教师通过此活动引导学生关注文章的具体内容,考查学生对文章细节的理解和 信

12、息的整合。 第一步:学生阅读文章概要,理解活动意图。 第二步:学生分组活动,各小组回归课文,找出四处信息错误,讨论并改正。 第三步:请部分小组选择代表分享答案,其他小组进行补充。 Read the summary of the passage and correct four factual mistakes. The Longji Rice Terraces were built by the local Zhuang ethnic group alone. Though there are many large, flat areas in the region, they built t

13、erraces on the mountains to have more areas to grow rice. The terraces are cleverly designed, and can wash away the shallow soil. There are hundreds of waterways, along which rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces. Today, local people use modern methods to maintain the terraces, an

14、d they attract lots of visitors from all over the country. 参考答案 The Longji Rice Terraces were built by the local Zhuang and Yao people. Since there are few large, flat areas in the region, they built terraces on the mountains to have more areas to grow rice. The terraces are cleverly designed, and c

15、an hold the shallow soil. There are hundreds of waterways, along which rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces. Today, local people use ancient methods of agriculture to maintain the terraces, and they attract lots of visitors from all over the country. Activity 3 After-reading 第一步:

16、确认学生理解指令和图片中的内容,明确活动意图。 第二步:请学生回归课文,总结龙脊梯田的运作原理。 第三步:学生两人一组,讨论运作原理并画出流程示意图。 第四步:各小组将自己的示意图与学生用书中的图片进行对比,改进自己的示 意图,并看图复述龙脊梯田的运作原理。提醒学生复述时适当运用连词、过 渡语和定语从句。 第五步:请部分小组进行复述,其他小组进行补充或评价。 Work in pairs. Read the passage again and find out the working principle of the Longji Rice Terraces. Then use the pict

17、ure to retell it in your own words. 参考答案 During the rainy season, rainwater moves down the mountains along hundreds of waterways that connect with each other and the terraces. The sun heats the water and turns it into vapour. This forms clouds, from which rain falls down onto the mountain terraces once again. Activity 4 Homework Think & Share: 1 Why do the local people still keep their traditional way of growing rice? 2 In what other ways do people live in harmony with nature? Give examples.


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