川教版五年级下册英语Unit 3 Lesson 1 Coming to My Party Let’s talk ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx

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川教版五年级下册英语Unit 3 Lesson 1 Coming to My Party Let’s talk ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第1页
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1、川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Coming to My Party Lets talk second February 2nd fifth August 1st Whats the date today? It is September 1st. What was the date yesterday? It was August 31st. Would you like to play sports? : Would you like.?是用来礼貌地询问对方的意愿,是用来礼貌地询问对方的意愿, 是否“想要是否“想要”或委婉地提出请求、”或委婉地提出请求、 建

2、议或者陈述个人的想法。建议或者陈述个人的想法。 第一人称也可以用第一人称也可以用 should like,should / would like 与动词与动词 want 同义,但语气比同义,但语气比 want 更委婉,更礼貌。更委婉,更礼貌。 在结构上有:在结构上有: 1、 后接名词或代词。后接名词或代词。 Would you like some bread? 你想要面包吗?你想要面包吗? Would you like something to drink/eat? 你想要喝点你想要喝点/吃点什么吗?吃点什么吗? 2、后接不定式,表示想要做某事。、后接不定式,表示想要做某事。 Would yo

3、u like to go with me? 你想和我一起去吗?你想和我一起去吗? 3、 后接不定式复合结构,表示想要某人做某事。后接不定式复合结构,表示想要某人做某事。 Would you like him to do the work?你想要他去做这项工作吗你想要他去做这项工作吗? 如果你问别人要如果你问别人要 什么就用一般疑问句的句型什么就用一般疑问句的句型“Would you like.?”或特殊疑问句的句型“”或特殊疑问句的句型“What would you like.?”。”。 对于一般疑问句的肯定回答可以说“对于一般疑问句的肯定回答可以说“Yes, please./Yes, Id

4、like to.”,否定回答可以说“”,否定回答可以说“No, thanks./Sorry, .”;”; 对于特殊疑问句的回答可以直接说出想要的东西,即:对于特殊疑问句的回答可以直接说出想要的东西,即:Id like.当然,对当然,对 Would you like.?句型的答语也是很灵活句型的答语也是很灵活 的,要根据说话人双方的不同语境而定。的,要根据说话人双方的不同语境而定。 例如:例如: a、 Would you like another cup of tea? 你还要一杯茶吗?你还要一杯茶吗? No, thanks. / Yes, please. 不,谢谢。不,谢谢。/ 是的,是的,

5、请来些吧。请来些吧。 b、Would you like to go out for a walk? 你喜欢出去散步吗?你喜欢出去散步吗? Yes, Id like to. 好吧,很高兴去。好吧,很高兴去。 c、 Would you like to have a party with me this afternoon? 今晚你能和我一今晚你能和我一 起去参加一个晚会吗?起去参加一个晚会吗? Sorry, Im afraid not.对不起,对不起, 我恐怕不能去我恐怕不能去 1.打电话人接通电话后可说:Hello!接着说: This is sb. speaking.我是XX。/Could(Ma

6、y)I speak to sb.?/Is sb. in?但不能问:Who are you? 接电话人可说:Hello!Good morning/afternoon/evening.紧接着将自己的电 话号码或姓名告诉对方。如:(This is) 3531968./This is sb speaking. 2.问对方是谁,不说:Who are you?而应说: Whos that speaking(calling)?/May I have your name?/Is that sb.(speaking)? Hello. This is Lele.Whos calling? Hello, Rose.

7、 This is Zhuzhu speaking. Hello. This is Rose.Whos calling? Mrs Browns computer has something wrong.She is phoning her grandson Mike for help. ( )Yes, its Mike. Whos speaking? ( )Oh sorry, Granny. I have to do my homework. What about this evening? ( )Hello! ( )OK. See you this evening. ( )Hi, is tha

8、t Mike? ( )Its your granny. Can you come to my place now? My computer doesnt work! ( )Bye-bye. 1. Who are talking? 2. What time will they meet? Rose and Tingting. 7 oclock. 1. Is Rose free this evening? 2. Would Rose like to come to Tingtings birthday party? Yes,she is. Yes, shed love to. Rose: Hell

9、o. This is Rose.Whos calling? Tingting: Hello, Rose. This is Tingting speaking.Are you free this evening? Rose: Yes. Tingting: Would you like to come to my birthday party? Rose: Yes, Id love to. What time? Tingting: How about 7 oclock? Rose: OK. Ill be there on time. See you. Tingting: See you. Rose

10、: Hello. This is Rose.Whos calling? Tingting: Hello, Rose. This is Tingting speaking.Are you free this evening? Rose: Yes. Tingting: Would you like to come to my birthday party? Rose: Yes, Id love to. What time? Tingting: How about 7 oclock? Rose: OK. Ill be there on time. See you. Tingting: See you

11、. be动词在以下情况用原形。动词在以下情况用原形。 1.将来时态:将来时态:will/would/shall/should 或者或者 be used to be 2.情态动词后情态动词后 如:如:must/can/may/could/might等等等等+ be 3.当“当“be”要在祈使句中出现时,陈述句可借助助动词“”要在祈使句中出现时,陈述句可借助助动词“do”,否”,否 定句必须在前加上助动词“定句必须在前加上助动词“dont”,如:”,如: a、Dont be late! b、Do be obedient! c、Be careful! d、Dont be a fool! on tim

12、eon time和和in time的区别:的区别: (1 1)in time翻译成中文有翻译成中文有及时及时;迟早迟早的意思,具体是的意思,具体是 指正赶上时候或恰好在需要的时候完成了某事;指正赶上时候或恰好在需要的时候完成了某事; 【例句】:【例句】:She sheered off in time to avoid an accident. 轮船及时转向,避免了一次事故。轮船及时转向,避免了一次事故。 (2 2)on time翻译成中文有翻译成中文有准时准时;按时按时的意思,具体的意思,具体 是指按照规定的时间完成了某事;是指按照规定的时间完成了某事; 【例句】:【例句】:During my

13、 visit, with just the three During my visit, with just the three of us, dinner arrived on time, at about 8 p.m.of us, dinner arrived on time, at about 8 p.m. 在我的访问期间,只有我们三个人,在晚餐点准时到在我的访问期间,只有我们三个人,在晚餐点准时到 达,大概是在晚上达,大概是在晚上8 8点左右。点左右。 Rose: Hello. This is Rose.Whos calling?你你好,好,我是我是Rose.你你是是哪哪一位?一位?

14、Tingting: Hello, Rose. This is Tingting speaking.Are you free this evening? 你你好,好,Rose.我是我是婷婷婷婷.你你今今晚晚有空有空吗吗? Rose: Yes. Tingting: Would you like to come to my birthday party? 你你愿意愿意来参来参加我的生日聚加我的生日聚会吗会吗? Rose: Yes, Id love to. What time?我非常我非常乐乐意意参参加加你你的生日聚的生日聚会会,几点?,几点? Tingting: How about 7 oclock

15、? 7点点怎么样怎么样呀?呀? Rose: OK. Ill be there on time. See you.好的。我好的。我会会准准时时到到达达那里的。再那里的。再见见。 Tingting: See you.再再见见。 “ “再见”的英文常见表达方式 ( 一)什么时候都可使用的表达方式:1. Good-bye!再见!2. Bye now!再见啦!3. See you again!再见!4. Good night!晚安! (二)只用于亲友、熟人之间的表达方式: 1. So long!再见!2. See you!再见!3. Be seeing you!再见!4. Sweet dreams!好梦

16、! (三)希望下次再约会的表达方式: 1. See you later / soon!一会儿见!2. See you tomorrow!明天见!3. See you again next week!下周见!4. See you next term!下学 期见! Rose: Hello. This is Rose.Whos calling? Tingting: Hello, Rose. This is Tingting speaking.Are you free this evening? Rose: Yes. Tingting: Would you like to come to my bir

17、thday party? Rose: Yes, Id love to. What time? Tingting: How about 7 oclock? Rose: OK. Ill be there on time. See you. Tingting: See you. Rose: Hello. This is Rose.Whos calling? Tingting: Hello, Rose. This is Tingting speaking.Are you free this evening? Rose: Yes. Tingting: Would you like to come to

18、my birthday party? Rose: Yes, Id love to. What time? Tingting: How about 7 oclock? Rose: OK. Ill be there on time. See you. Tingting: See you. Rose: Hello. Rose.Whos calling? Tingting: Hello, Rose. This is Tingting .Are you this evening? Rose: Yes. Tingting: Would you like to come to my ? Rose: Yes,

19、 . What time? Tingting: 7 oclock? Rose: OK. Ill be there . See you. Tingting: . A: Hello. This is .Whos calling? B: Hello, . This is speaking.Are you free this evening? A: Yes. B: Would you like to come to my birthday party? A: Yes, Id love to. What time? B: How about oclock? A: OK. Ill be there on

20、time. See you. B: See you. A: Hello. This is .Whos calling? B: Hello, . This is speaking.Are you free ? A: Yes. B: Would you like to ? A: Yes, Id love to. What time? B: How about oclock? A: OK. Ill be there on time. . B: . C A C ( )1. Who was talking on the phone? A. Tingting and Lele. B. Rose and P

21、eter. C. Tingting and Rose. ( )2. Wholl have a birthday party? A. Rose. B. Tingting. C. Lele. ( )3. What time will they meet? A. 1:00 in the afternoon. B. 7:00 in the morning. C. 7:00 in the evening. 根据情境选择答案,根据情境选择答案, 将其标号填入括号内:将其标号填入括号内: ( )1. 你接到电话,想问对方:“你是Mary吗?”应说: A Are you Mary? B Is that Mar

22、y speaking? C My name is Mary. D This is Mary. ( )2.如果在电话里你想告诉对方你是Li Gang, 应说: A Im Li Gang. B Are you Li Gang? C This is Li Gang speaking. D My name is Li Gang. ( )3.如果有人打错电话,应说: A I think you have the wrong number. B Sorry. I cant hear you. C Its over there, I think. D Go and ask the policeman. summary 1. 听录音跟读听录音跟读lets talk。 2.小组合作运用新句型问答。小组合作运用新句型问答。 3. Try to make a new dialogue. 4.完成同步练习。完成同步练习。


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