


1、Unit 1 Lesson 2 Talking about squirrels Lets talk 川教 五年级下 Listen to a song Lets review Magic eyes squirrel a red squirrel Lead in squirrel two squirrels a mother squirrel a baby squirrel Look and。

2、Lesson 1 Seasons and Clothes Lets learn 川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Lets sing What do you wear? Free talk wear we(r)v. 穿; 戴; I wear a skirt. 巧记:wear同音词where skirt 英 sktn. 女裙; (连衣裙、外衣等的) 下摆;短裙 What do you wear。

3、Lesson 3 A book about animals Lets learn 川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Lets sing Hello song Lead in Where does she live? 她生活/居住哪里? She lives in Japan. 她生活/居住在日本。 England 英国 I live in England. Presentation Where。

4、Lesson 3 A book about animals Talk 川教版 五年级下册 SongSong forest river desert mountain sea Lead in bear Where does it live? It lives in the forest. Where do they live? They live in the forest. bear g。

5、Lesson 1 Seasons and Clothes Lets learn 川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Lets watch Magic eyes! T-shirt shirt sweater trousers skirt shoes jeans wear cap dress coat hat clothes What do you wear? Free talk Ask and。

6、Unit 1 Lesson 1 Planting trees Read and understand 川教版(三年级起点) 五年级下 A:Hello, Im __.I am going to tomorrow. What are you going to do? B B:Hello, Im __.A is going to tomorrow. I am going to tomrrow. W。

7、Unit 1 Lesson 1 Planting trees Lets learn 川教版(三年级起点) 五年级下 Listen to a song read a bookread a book What are they doing?What are they doing? They are ving They are ving play pingplay ping- -pongpong wat。

8、Unit 2 Lesson 3 Seasons and culture Lets talk 川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Lets watch Game time Mine sweeping 扫雷游戏 单词下埋着6颗雷,学生选择单词并读出, 如果单词下没有雷则可得分,如果有,则不得分。 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 ruler car Easter egg a piec。

9、Unit 2 Lesson 3 Seasons and culture Lets learn 川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Lets watch an egg a ruler a new car a big kite four blue cars a nice hat a nice kite three cameras an egg When is ________。

10、Lesson 2 Seasons and Months 川教小学英语五年级下 Lets learn Lets sing It comes after February. ________________ Christmas Day is in this month. _____________ Our Summer holiday(暑假) begins in this month. ____。

11、川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Buying a Present Lets talk Fast reaction money money piano socks blouse A: How much is the skirt? B: Its thirty-two yuan. Can I help you? I want. A: Can I h。

12、川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Coming to My Party Lets talk second February 2nd fifth August 1st Whats the date today? It is September 1st. What was the date yesterday? It was August 31st. Would y。

13、川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 sweater A: How much is the skirt? B: Its thirty-two yuan. 20 yuan/¥2020 50 yuan/¥5050 10 yuan/¥1010-ten yuanten yuan 100 yuan/¥100100 phone是喇叭的意思是喇叭的意思,是指用电话知听筒代表电话是指用电话知。

14、川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Coming to My Party Lets learn 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 1。

15、川教 五年级下册 Unit3Lesson3HavingaBirthdayPartyUnit3Lesson3HavingaBirthdayParty LetstalkLetstalk Lets Lets singsing Fast reaction sing eat birthday cut song Party Lets play a game How do you celebrate y。

16、Lesson 2 Seasons and Months 川教小学英语五年级下册 Lets talk Lets sing Review Rules(规则): We can use the first three letters and a dot to express month. February June plants grow March leaves fall Game( (快速、正确。

17、川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Fast reaction sing eat birthday cut song Party A: What is it? B: Its a cake. A: When do you eat it? B: Celebrate a birthday. A: When is your birthday? B: On June 1st. A: How old。

18、综合实践活动二综合实践活动二 同学们,今天是亮亮的生日,经过之前的学习和同学们,今天是亮亮的生日,经过之前的学习和 准备,我们把送给好友亮亮的生日礼物都制作好准备,我们把送给好友亮亮的生日礼物都制作好 了,现在我们可以登录自己的邮箱,给亮亮一个了,现在我们可以登录自己的邮箱,给亮亮一个 惊喜,将礼物送给亮亮同学了。接下来我们就把惊喜,将礼物送给亮亮同学了。接下来我们就把 礼物用自己的电子邮件发送。

19、第第4 4课课 巧画对称图形巧画对称图形 左右对称图形左右对称图形 左右对称图形左右对称图形 左右对称图形: 把一个图形沿 一条直线对折, 直线两侧的图 形能够完全重 合。 旋转对称图形旋转对称图形 旋转对称图形旋转对称图形 旋转对称图形: 把一个图形绕 着某一定点旋 转一个角度 360/n(n为 大于1的正整 数)后,与初 始的图形重合 任务一:尝试补全只有一半的蝴蝶任务。

20、综合实践活动综合实践活动 (一)(一) 新年祝福新年祝福 至此新春之际,你们有什么祝福要送给你们的至此新春之际,你们有什么祝福要送给你们的 父母,老师或同学吗?如果,老师要大家用我父母,老师或同学吗?如果,老师要大家用我 们本学期的知识来转送我们的祝福,大家能做们本学期的知识来转送我们的祝福,大家能做 到吗?想一想,我们做些什么东西来转递我们到吗?想一想,我们做些什么东西来转递我们。

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