川教版五年级下册英语Unit2Lesson3SeasonsandcultureLet’slearn ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx

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川教版五年级下册英语Unit2Lesson3SeasonsandcultureLet’slearn ppt课件(含教案+练习+音频视频素材).pptx_第1页
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1、Unit 2 Lesson 3 Seasons and culture Lets learn 川教川教 五五年年级下册级下册 Lets watch an egg a ruler a new car a big kite four blue cars a nice hat a nice kite three cameras an egg When is _? Its in _. Tree Planting Day Mar. May(Labour) Day May Mothers Day May Childrens Day June Winter vacation Jan./ Feb. Easte

2、r Apr. East ist (r)复活节 Easter egg 复活节彩蛋 Easter 复活节(Easter),是 纪念耶稣基督于公元33年被 钉死后第三天复活的事迹。 基督徒认为,复活节象征重 生与希望。在西方教会传统 里,春分之后第一次满月之 后的第一个星期日即为复活 节。东方教会则规定,如果 满月恰逢星期日,则复活节 再推迟一周。因此,节期大 致在3月22日至4月25日之 间。复活节也是合家团聚, 或踏青郊游的日子。复活节 中最具代表性的吉祥物就是 彩蛋(Easter eggs)和兔子了。 You need. need用作情态动词时,后接动 词原形,此时其没有人称和数 的变化. p

3、aint pent n. 油漆 v. 在上刷油漆; 用颜料画; 把描绘成; painter pent(r)n. 油漆匠,画家 paintbrush pentbrn. 画笔; 漆刷. 复数paintbrushes paint+er paint+brush 1. Boil eggs for five minutes. 把鸡蛋煮五分钟。把鸡蛋煮五分钟。 2. Put the eggs in cold water for ten minutes. 把鸡蛋放在冷水里十分钟。把鸡蛋放在冷水里十分钟。 3. Paint the eggs with patterns or faces. 把鸡蛋涂上图案或脸。把

4、鸡蛋涂上图案或脸。 colors brown red orange yellow black blue green pink paint/color Easter eggs B:I need an egg. Lets talk paper pep(r) n. 纸; 纸张; a piece of paper一张纸 paper 作名词时意思是: 纸,是不可数名词。 three pieces of paper 三张纸 Is it a piece of paper? What does she need? No, it isnt. Its a card. She gives a card to her

5、 friend. 给.卡片 She needs a card a paper boat一个纸船 To make a paper boat.What do we need? boat bt小船 We need a piece of paper. ship 和 boat 的区别是: 1.Boat和 ship虽然都表示“船”,但却是不同类型的 船。 2.Boat 表示“小型船只”。例如小艇,小木船或者其 他需要用桨划行的船。也用于一些特定的谚语中。 3.Ship 意为“船”“舰”,一般表示较大型的船只, 一般不需要桨来推进,如轮船、汽船、大型帆船等。 ship 轮 船 painter paintbr

6、ush paint boat Easter egg give a card to a piece of paper car Look and read Game time B: I think I need a boat. B: I think they need a boat, too. B: I think Lets talk Work in pairs. She needs a nice hat. 她需要一顶漂亮的帽子她需要一顶漂亮的帽子 。 What do they need? You need a ruler. 你需要一把尺子。你需要一把尺子。 I need an egg. 我需要一

7、个鸡蛋。我需要一个鸡蛋。 We need a camera.我们我们 需要一架照相机。需要一架照相机。 They need a big kite. 他们需要一个大风筝。他们需要一个大风筝。 He needs a new car. 他需要一辆新车。他需要一辆新车。 I think I/you/we/they need a boat. I think he / she needs a boat, too. 油漆匠油漆匠,画家画家 画笔画笔; 漆刷漆刷 复活节彩蛋复活节彩蛋 小船小船 给给.卡片卡片 一张纸一张纸 Listen and circle. Game time Mine sweeping

8、扫雷游戏 单词下埋着6颗雷,学生选择单词并读出, 如果单词下没有雷则可得分,如果有,则不得分。 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 ruler car Easter egg a piece of paper camera kite new moon need nice they pan boat give a card to think painter paintbrush too egg hat What do they need? He needs a paper boat. He needs a new car. We need Easter eggs. The painte

9、r needs some paints. We need some pieces of paper and a pencil. The cat needs fish. summary I think I/you/we/they need a boat. I think he / she needs a boat, too. painter油漆匠油漆匠,画家画家 paint油漆油漆 paintbrush 画笔画笔; 漆刷漆刷 boat小船小船 Easter egg复活节彩蛋复活节彩蛋 give a card to给给.卡片卡片 a piece of paper一张纸一张纸 1. 读读lets learn 部分单词部分单词 2.同桌之间互相询问同桌之间互相询问日常所需。日常所需。 3. 默写本节课单词,句型。默写本节课单词,句型。 4.完成同步练习。完成同步练习。 Homework


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