2020新教材:外研版必修一英语unit 3 Language Points 1ppt课件(含练习).ppt

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1、Unit 3 P2 Language Points1 Family matters 1. A play is a story performed on a stage. It has a plot, settings, characters and actions, as well as dialogue between characters. 一部戏剧就是在舞台上表演的一个故事。一部戏剧就是在舞台上表演的一个故事。 其中有情节,背景,人物和动作,还有人其中有情节,背景,人物和动作,还有人 物之间的对话。物之间的对话。 character n. 1)person in a novel, pla

2、y, etc (小说、戏剧(小说、戏剧 等中的等中的)人物人物, 角色角色 He is familiar with the characters in the novels of Charls Dickens. 他熟悉狄更斯小说里的他熟悉狄更斯小说里的人物人物。 I really liked the script and the character. 我真的很喜欢那剧本和我真的很喜欢那剧本和角色角色。 2) mental or moral qualities that makes a person, group, etc different 性格,个性性格,个性 What does her h

3、andwriting tell you about her character? 你从她的笔迹中看出她有什么你从她的笔迹中看出她有什么个性个性? The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper. 他他性格性格中的唯一缺点好像就是脾气急。中的唯一缺点好像就是脾气急。 2. (nervously approaching the table) 很紧张地靠近桌子很紧张地靠近桌子 approach v. come near or nearer to (sb/sth) in space or time 走近;靠近走近;靠近 As you

4、approach the town, the first building you see is the church. 走近走近那座城镇的时候,首先看到的就是教堂。那座城镇的时候,首先看到的就是教堂。 You must approach the bird very quietly, or it will fly away. 你必须悄悄地你必须悄悄地靠靠近近那只鸟,否则它会飞走的。那只鸟,否则它会飞走的。 当我毕业了,我想集中精力搞乐队并且当我毕业了,我想集中精力搞乐队并且 拥有一份音乐方面的事业。拥有一份音乐方面的事业。 3. I want to focus on my band and h

5、ave a career in music when I leave school. focus v. focus on sth 集中(注意力、精力等)于集中(注意力、精力等)于 Im so tired I cant focus on anything today. 今天我太累了,精神今天我太累了,精神集中集中不起来。不起来。 The discussion focused on three main problems. 讨论讨论集中集中在三个主要问题上。在三个主要问题上。 (把(把)集中(于)集中(于) 1. It took an extraordinary effort to focus o

6、n preparing his classes or correcting his students work. 集中在集中在备课和批改学生作业备课和批改学生作业上上花花 费了他很多精力。费了他很多精力。 2. 请集中考虑以下问题。请集中考虑以下问题。 Please focus your minds on the following problem. 4. Lawyers help people and are respected by others. 律师帮助人们并且受到他人的尊重。律师帮助人们并且受到他人的尊重。 respect v. admire or have a high opini

7、on of sb or sth (because of sth) 尊敬或敬重某人尊敬或敬重某人 We all should respect our parents and teachers. 我们都应该我们都应该尊敬尊敬我们的父母和老师。我们的父母和老师。 I respect you for your honesty. 我我对你尊重是由于对你尊重是由于你为人正直。你为人正直。 respect sb for sth 因某事尊重某人因某事尊重某人 respect n. 尊敬,敬重尊敬,敬重 1)win/earn/gain the respect of sb 赢得某人的尊重赢得某人的尊重 The o

8、ld man won/earn/gain the respect of all the people who lived in the town. 这位老人这位老人赢得了赢得了镇里所有居民的镇里所有居民的尊重尊重。 The students have the greatest respect for their history teacher. 学生们非常学生们非常尊敬尊敬他们的历史老师。他们的历史老师。 2) have/show respect for sb 对某人表示尊敬;尊敬某人对某人表示尊敬;尊敬某人 1. We respect our Chinese teacher for his

9、great knowledge. 我们因为我们语文老师的博学而尊敬他我们因为我们语文老师的博学而尊敬他。 2. 他的智慧和幽默赢得了员工们的尊敬。他的智慧和幽默赢得了员工们的尊敬。 His wisdom and humor earned him the respect of the employees. 5. Here comes my boy. 我儿子来了。我儿子来了。 表示地点、时间或方位的表示地点、时间或方位的副词副词或或介词短语介词短语here, there, now, then, up, down, away, off,in, out, in the room, on the wal

10、l等置于句首且主语为名词等置于句首且主语为名词 时时,引起引起完全倒装完全倒装,即将谓语完全放在主语之前。即将谓语完全放在主语之前。 Here comes the car. There goes the bell. Out rushed the kids. On the wall hangs a beautiful painting. 墙上挂着一幅漂亮的画。墙上挂着一幅漂亮的画。 主语 谓语 车来了。车来了。 铃声响了。铃声响了。 孩子们冲出了教室。孩子们冲出了教室。 1. 树下坐着一个男孩。树下坐着一个男孩。 Under the tree sat a boy. 2. At the meeti

11、ng place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River lies Chongqing, one of the ten largest cities in China. 中国十大城市之一中国十大城市之一重庆坐落于长江重庆坐落于长江 和嘉陵江的交汇处。和嘉陵江的交汇处。 6. You cant be serious. 你不可能是认真的吧。你不可能是认真的吧。 You cant be friends with everyone. 你你不可能不可能跟所有人都是朋友。跟所有人都是朋友。 So in a way, women cant be replaced

12、 because they make half the sky. 因此在某种程度上,女性因此在某种程度上,女性不可能不可能被取代,被取代, 因为她们能顶半边天。因为她们能顶半边天。 cant be 不可能是不可能是 7. Stop daydreaming. 别做白日梦了。别做白日梦了。 stop doing 停止做某事(停止做原来的事)停止做某事(停止做原来的事) stop to do 停下(手头的事)去做另外一件事停下(手头的事)去做另外一件事 Hearing the doorbell, she stopped washing the dishes. 听见门铃声,她听见门铃声,她停止洗停止洗

13、碗了。碗了。 Stop playing computer games, as you still have so much homework to do. 别再玩别再玩电脑游戏了,你还有那么多作业要做。电脑游戏了,你还有那么多作业要做。 Hearing the doorbell, she stopped to open the door. 听见门铃声,她听见门铃声,她停下手中的活去开停下手中的活去开门。门。 remember doing sth remember to do sth forget doing sth forget to do sth regret doing sth regre

14、t to do sth 记得做过某事记得做过某事 记得要去做某事记得要去做某事 忘记做过某事忘记做过某事 忘记要去做某事忘记要去做某事 很遗憾很遗憾/后悔做了某事后悔做了某事 很遗憾很遗憾/抱歉去做某事抱歉去做某事 1. She reached the top of the hill and stopped _(rest)on a big rock by the side of the path. 2. The two girls stopped _(talk) when they saw me. talking to rest 8. Calm down, OK? 冷静一下,好吗?冷静一下,好

15、吗? calm down to begin to feel more relaxed and less emotional, or to make someone do this 冷冷静下来;镇定下来静下来;镇定下来 Maybe you should calm down first. 也许你应该先也许你应该先冷静下来冷静下来。 How do I control myself? I can not calm down. 我怎么能控制自己?我无法我怎么能控制自己?我无法冷静下来冷静下来。 It is hard to succeed when you follow in someone elses

16、footsteps. You have to find your own way. 模仿别人很难成功,你必须走出一条自己模仿别人很难成功,你必须走出一条自己 的路。的路。 1. My dog follows me to school. 我的狗跟着我去上学。我的狗跟着我去上学。 跟随跟随 2. Night follows day. 黑夜接着白天。黑夜接着白天。 接在接在.之后之后 3. Follow this road to the bridge. 沿这条路一直走到桥边。沿这条路一直走到桥边。 沿着沿着.行进行进 4. The dogs followed the fox. 这些狗一齐追赶着那狐狸

17、。这些狗一齐追赶着那狐狸。 追赶;追逐;追求追赶;追逐;追求 5. The cat followed every movement of the mouse. 猫注视着老鼠的每一个动作。猫注视着老鼠的每一个动作。 注视;密切注意注视;密切注意 6. Do you follow me? 你听懂我的话了吗你听懂我的话了吗? 听懂;领会听懂;领会 7. Follow my advice. 听我的劝告。听我的劝告。 听从;采用;信奉听从;采用;信奉 8. Disease often follows malnutrition. 疾病常常起因于营养不良。疾病常常起因于营养不良。 因因.而产生而产生 活学活

18、用活学活用 从上面给出的例句中我们可以看到动词从上面给出的例句中我们可以看到动词 follow在不同的语境中会有不同的含义,在不同的语境中会有不同的含义, 不仅仅表示“跟随”。大家还知道哪些不仅仅表示“跟随”。大家还知道哪些 follow含义呢?请选择几个进行造句或对含义呢?请选择几个进行造句或对 话练习。话练习。 Review focus on cant be stop doing calm down 集中(注意力、精力等)于集中(注意力、精力等)于 不可能是不可能是 停止做某事(停止做原来的停止做某事(停止做原来的 事)事) 冷冷静下来;镇定下来静下来;镇定下来 SelfSelf- -ev

19、aluationevaluation Do you know the meanings of the following words and expressions? Can you use them correctly? character approach respect focus on 完全倒装句完全倒装句 cant be stop doing calm down 注注: : 另附另附 word word 文档。文档。 点击此处链接点击此处链接 Individual activity I. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the w

20、ords given. 1. We _ (respect) his good personality. 2. Stocks are getting cheaper, but I believe it is still too early to _ (jump). 3. Today were going to _( focus) womens struggle to build wealth. 4. He _ (can) from America, for his English is not good at all. 5. _ (calm) for a minute and listen to

21、 me. jump in with both feet focus on respect him for can t be Calm down 1. 一开始我开车慢慢靠近,然后加速驶过。一开始我开车慢慢靠近,然后加速驶过。 (approach) _ 2. 对老人我们应该表示尊重。对老人我们应该表示尊重。 (show respect for) _ 3. 他戒烟了。他戒烟了。 (stop doing) _ 4. 那个女发言人在他们中间。那个女发言人在他们中间。(among) _ 5. 他演这个角色很投入。他演这个角色很投入。(character) _ _ He has stopped smoking. At first I approach it slowly, then speed up. We should show respect for the old. II. Translate the following sentences into English. Among them is the spokeswoman. He got into the character that he was playing.


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