Unit 7 单元词组背诵--人教版九年级英语上册.doc

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1、 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 词组句型 1. 某人拿到驾照 get ones license 2. 16 岁的青少年 sixteen-year-olds 3. 被允许做某事 be allowed to do sth. 允许做某事 allow doing sth 允许某人做某事 allow sb.to do sth. 4. 担忧、担心 be worried about 5. 做兼职工作 have part-time jobs 6. 扎耳洞 get/have ones ears pierced 7.

2、 选择他们自己的衣服 choose their own clothes 8. 不够谨慎 not serious enough 9. 理发 cut ones hair/have(get) ones hair cut 10. 停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环 stop wearing that silly earring 11.他似乎没有太多朋友。He doesnt seem to have many friends. 12. 和朋友共度时光 spend time with friends 13. 使用闪光灯 use a flash 14. 看见毕加索的著名绘画作品,我感到非常兴奋。Im really exc

3、ited about seeing the famous painting by Picasso. 15. 呆在我身边 stay by my side 16. 给我休憩的温暖怀抱 give me warm arms to sleep in 17. 让我避免危险 keep me from danger 18. 给我一个拥抱并把我高高举起 give me a hug and lift me up 19. 咳嗽得厉害 cough badly 20. 10 点之前回来 be back by ten 21. 回想那段时光 think back to those times 22. 跟妈妈顶嘴 talk

4、back 23. 我不需要(你)告诉我做什么。I should not be told what to do! 24. 在外面呆到 10 点后,我上学迟到。I was late for school from staying out past ten. 25. 我懊悔(跟妈妈)顶嘴,懊悔不听妈妈的话。I regret talking back, not listening to Mom. 26. 妈妈最懂我,她只想让我最好!Mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best! 27. 从工作中学到很多 learn a lot from wor

5、king 28. 你认为应该鼓励青少年自己做决定吗?Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions. 29. 为他们的社区做社会工作 do social work for their community 30. . 让青少年远离网络 keep teenagers away from the Internet 31. 搬出去 move out 32. 管理他们自己的生活 manage their own lives Section B 1. 上课迟到 get to class late 2. 参加考试

6、 take the test 3. 通过考试 pass the test 4. 数学考试不及格 fail a math test 5. 妨碍功课 get in the way of their school 6. 尽可能多地按照他们所想的去实践他们的爱好 practice their hobbies as much as they want 7. 在校队 on ones school team 8. 看到实现某人的梦想 see sb. achieve ones dreams 9. 由自己来决定 decide for oneself 10. 对(做)某事严肃、认真 be serious abou

7、t sth/doing 11. 花更多的时间在家庭作业上 spend more time on ones homework 12. 关心 care about 13. 我自己做出这种选择 make this choice myself 14.有机会做某事 have a chance to do sth 15. 我们不反对跑步。We have nothing against running! 16. 他需要考虑如果他最终成不了一名专业的赛跑运动员,那将会发生什么。 He needs to think about what will happen if he doesnt end up as a

8、professional runner. 17. 我父母一直教导我在校努力学习和进大学是多么重要。 My parents have always taught me how important it is to work hard at school and enter university. 18. 它是我曾经唯一想做的事。Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream. 19. 关闭手机 keep off -温馨提示:- 【全册成套 精品教案、课件、试题、素材、教学计划】 可到百度搜索“163 文库” ,到网站下载! 或直接访问: 【163 文库】 : 1,上传优质课件 试题 教案 资料赚钱; 2,便宜下载精品资料的好地方!


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