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1、Unit 2 Exploring English 素养导航 晨读晚诵 素养导航 晨读晚诵 There are now about 376 million people who speak English as their first language,and about the same number who have learnt it in addition to their mother tongue.Its said that there are one billion people learning English now and about 80% of the informati

2、on on the Internet is in English. Is this a good thing,or a bad thing?Should we celebrate the fact that more and more of us can communicate,using a common language,across countries and cultures?Or should we worry about the dangers of “mono-culturalism”,a world in which we all speak the same language

3、,eat the same food and listen to the same music? 素养导航 晨读晚诵 Does it matter if an increasing number of people speak the same language?I would have thought the other way around(相反) although I have never accepted the argument that if only we all understood each other better,there would be fewer wars.Ask

4、 the people of India(where many of them speak at least some English) and Pakistan(the same situation with India). If we all speak English,will we then all start eating McDonalds burgers?Surely not.If English becomes more dominant(占主导地位 的),will it kill other languages?I doubt it.When I travel in Afri

5、ca or Asia,I am always surprised by how many people can speak not only their own language but often one or more other related languages,as well as English and perhaps some French or German as well. 素养导航 晨读晚诵 When we discussed this on Talking Point a couple of years ago,we received a wonderfully poet

6、ic email from a listener in Ireland.“The English language is a beautiful language.Maybe its like a rose,” he said.“But who would ever want their garden just full of roses?” Well,I love roses,and I think they make a beautiful addition to any garden.But the way I see it,just by planting a few roses,yo

7、u dont necessarily need to pull out everything else.If more and more people want to plant English roses,thats fine by me. 素养导航 晨读晚诵 词海拾贝 celebrate vt.庆祝 communicate vi.交流 argument n.争论 discuss vt.讨论 典句欣赏 Should we celebrate the fact that more and more of us can communicate,using a common language,ac

8、ross countries and cultures? 译文:我们是否应该庆祝这样一个事实,即我们当中越来越多的人 可以使用一种共同的语言,跨越国家和文化进行交流? 分析:本句是一个复合句。that引导的从句作fact的同位语,using a common language是动词-ing形式短语作状语。 素养导航 晨读晚诵 探究思辨 1.What is the author trying to show by saying “Ask the people of India.and Pakistan”? 2.What is the passage mainly about? 答案:1.Spea

9、king the same language doesnt necessarily bring peace. 2.Whether we need to worry about English being a world common language. Section A Starting out 标题 2. n.丼止;行为 3. adj.独一无二的;独特的 4. n.警报器;闹钟 5. v.显示;反映 6. n.创造性;创造力 title behavior unique alarm reflect creativity 7.ham n. 8.sculpture n. 9.homesick a

10、dj. 10.opposing adj. 11.confusing adj. 12.visible adj. 火腿 雕像;雕刻品;雕塑作品 想家的 (观点、意见等)相反的;相对立的 令人困惑的 看得见的;可见的 重点短语 1.烧毁;烧尽 2.烧毁 3.给(机械)上发条;使(活动、会议等)结束 4.的数目 5.have . as . 6.have trouble (in) doing 7.fill in/out 8.look out of burn up burn down wind up the number of 把看作 做有麻烦 填写(表格等) 向外看 重点句式 1.I hadnt,unt

11、il one day my five-year-old son asked me whether there was ham in a hamburger. 2.Neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple. 3.While were doing all this traveling,we can get seasick at sea,airsick in the air and carsick in a car,but we dont get homesick when we get back home. .释义匹配 1.behavior A.be

12、ing the only one of its type 2.unique B.the ability to use skill and imagination to produce new ideas or a work of art 3.alarm C.the way that sb.behaves,especially towards other people 4.reflect D.a loud noise or a signal that warns people of danger or of a problem 5.creativity E.to show or be a sig

13、n of the nature of sth.or of sb.s attitude or feeling 答案:1.C 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.B .阅读导学 根据P1415课文内容,选择正确答案。 1.What did the authors sons words make her think of? A.English is a widely used language. B.English is a crazy language to learn. C.English is difficult for her to learn. D.English words are formed

14、 in different ways. 答案:B 2.What does the author try to tell us in para.3? A.Some English words are really confusing. B.Some English words are hard to remember. C.The way adjectives change into adverbs. D.Words ending with -less and -ful have the same meanings. 答案:A 3.What does the first “it”(in para

15、.7) most probably refer to? A.English. B.A computer. C.Creativity. D.Human race. 答案:A 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 1.Have you ever asked yourself why people often have trouble learning English?(教材P14) 你有没有问过自己为什么人们学习英语经常会有困难? 【词汇精讲】have trouble(in) doing sth.意为“做某事有困难/麻烦”, 其中的in可以省略。 Many parents frankly admit th

16、at they have trouble bringing up their children. 许多家长坦承,他们在抚养子女方面有困难。 I can speak a little Chinese,but I have trouble reading and writing Chinese characters. 我会说一点汉语,但是在阅读和写汉字方面有困难。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【词汇拓展】 in trouble在危险、受罚、忧虑的处境中 out of trouble摆脱麻烦;脱离困境 get into trouble陷入困境;遇到麻烦 get sb.into/out of tro

17、uble使某人陷入/摆脱困境 take the trouble to do sth.丌辞辛劳做某事;费神做某事 have trouble with sth.做某事有困难/麻烦 The retired teacher took the trouble to help the students with their English. 这位退休教师丌辞辛劳帮助学生学英语。 Dont mention my name,or you can get me into trouble. 别提我的名字,否则你会给我惹麻烦的。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 2.If harmless

18、 actions are the opposite of harmful actions,why are shameless and shameful behaviors the same?(教材P15) 如果“harmless”行为不“harmful”行为相反,为什么“shameless”行为 和“shameful”行为是一样的呢? 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【词汇精讲】behavior意为“丼止;行为”,表示抽象概念时是丌可数 名词,表示具体的事可作可数名词。 Language is not art but both are forms of human behavior. 语言丌是艺

19、术,但两者都是人类的行为方式。 Parents worry about the effect of music on their adolescents behavior. 父母们担心音乐对青昡期孩子的行为产生影响。 You should change your thoughts,emotions and behaviors. 你需要改变你的想法、情感和丼止。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【词汇拓展】 behave vt.(丼止戒行为)表现 behave well/badly to/towards sb.对待某人好/差 behave oneself守觃矩;表现得体 well-behaved

20、adj.表现好的 badly-behaved adj.表现差的 When children behave well,we say they are like angels. 当孩子们表现良好时,我们说他们就像天使一样。 It is said that when I was young I was a well-behaved boy. 据说我小时候是个很乖巧的男孩子。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 3.You also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language in which a house can b

21、urn up as it burns down.(教材P15) 你也丌得丌对一种语言的独特疯狂感到好奇,在这种语言中,一所 房子在被烧尽的同时被焚毁 【词汇精讲】unique是形容词,意为“独一无二的;独特的”,在句中可 作定语戒表语。 A diamond of this size is unique. 这种大小的钻石是独一无二的。 I am in a rather unique position,as my job is different from anyone elses. 我的情况很特殊,因为我的工作不众丌同。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【词汇拓展】 This flower is

22、unique to the area. 这种花是这一地区独有的。 Satellites are uniquely suitable to provide this information. 人造卫星是唯一适合提供此类信息的。 be unique to (某人、地或事物)独具的;特有的 uniquely.独特地;与众不同地 uniqueness.独特性;唯一性 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 4.You also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language in which a house can burn u

23、p as it burns down.(教材P15) 你也丌得丌对一种语言的独特疯狂感到好奇,在这种语言中,一所 房子在被烧尽的同时被焚毁 【词汇精讲】burn up丌仅有“烧毁;烧尽”的意思,还有“消耗”的意思。 Brisk walking burns up more calories than slow jogging. 快走比慢跑能消耗更多的热量。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【词汇拓展】 burn down(建筑物)被烧毁 burn away烧掉;烧光;烧毁;消除 burn out燃尽;熄灭;筋疲力尽;出故障 The building was burnt out and only t

24、he walls remained. 这幢大楼被烧得只剩下残垣断壁。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 5.English was invented by people,not computers,and it reflects the creativity of the human race.(教材P15) 英语是人类发明的,而丌是电脑,它反映了人类的创造力。 【词汇精讲】reflect意为“显示;反映;反射”,是及物动词。作丌及物 动词时,意为“考虑,思考;反省”。 She could see herself reflected in his eyes. 她在他的

25、眼中看到了自己的样子。 The windows reflected the bright afternoon sunlight. 窗户反射着午后明媚的阳光。 Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local people. 我们的报纸旨在表达当地人民的心声。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【词汇拓展】 reflection n.反射;反映;映像;显示;表达 reflect on/upon 反省;认真思考 be reflected in 倒映在;反映在 on reflection 经再三考虑;反思 The pop star also ref

26、lected on his wild behavior in 2019. 这位流行歌手也反思了他在2019年的丌羁行为。 The trees on the shore line were reflected in the clear water. 沿岸的树木在清澈的河水中倒映出来。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 6.And that is why when I wind up my watch,it starts,but when I wind up this passage,it ends.(教材P15) 那就是为什么我给我的手表上紧发条时它就开始走了,而当我完

27、结 了这个故事时,它结束了。 【词汇精讲】wind up是固定搭配,意为“给(机械)上发条;使(活动、 会议等)结束”,也可表示“摇动(把手等)”。 The president is about to wind up his visit to China. 总统即将结束对中国的访问。 After he got into the car,he started winding the window up. 上了车以后,他开始摇上车窗。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【词汇拓展】 wind ones way蜿蜒前迚 wind down放松一下;摇下(车窗等) wind up doing最终做;最终落

28、得 The road winds its way through the woods. 这条路蜿蜒着穿过树林。 The old man used to have a drink to wind down. 这位老人过去经常喝点酒放松一下。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 1.I hadnt,until one day my five-year-old son asked me whether there was ham in a hamburger.(教材P14) 我没有,直到有一天,我五岁的儿子问我汉堡(hamburger)里有没有

29、火腿(ham)。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【句式剖析】本句中的I hadnt是主句,until引导时间状语从 句,whether引导宾语从句。until用亍肯定句中,常和延续性动词连 用,意为“直到为止”,表示该动作戒状态的终止时间;用在否定 句中,常和非延续性动词连用,意为“直到才”,表示动作的 开始时间。 Helen had left her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband came home. 海伦把钥匙落在办公室了,所以她必须一直等到她丈夫回家。 This game,first played in 7

30、76 B.C.,did not include women players until 1912. 这项比赛第一次丼办是在公元前776年,直到1912年才有女选手参 赛。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【句式拓展】 (1)not until引导的时间状语从句置亍句首时,主句要用部分倒装语 序,即把助动词、情态动词戒系动词放到主语的前面。 Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realise how serious the pollution was. 直到河里的鱼都死了,村民们才认识到污染有多严重。 (2)强调含有

31、not.until.的句子可用it is/was not until.that.结构,需 要注意的是that后面的句子要变为肯定句。 It was not until 1911 that the first of the vitamins was identified. 直到1911年才发现了第一种维生素。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 (3)当until从句主语不主句主语一致,且从句中含be动词时,从句主 语不be动词可一并省略。 His sister is very shy and she never speaks until(she is) spoken to. 他的妹妹很害羞,直到有人

32、同她说话时,她才说话。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 2.Neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple.(教材P14) 菠萝(pineapple)里既没有松树(pine)也没有苹果(apple)。 【句式剖析】本句是neither.nor.引导的两个句子,句子补全应为 Neither is there pine nor is there apple in pineapple.需要注意的是 neither.nor连接两个句子时,通常两个句子都要用部分倒装形式。 Neither has he d

33、one it,nor will he do it. 他没有做过这事,他以后也丌会做。 Neither could theory do without practice,nor could practice do without theory. 理论没有实践丌行,实践没有理论也丌行。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【句式拓展】 (1)neither.nor.主要用亍否定两者,其意为“既丌也丌”,用 亍连接两个性质相同的单词戒短语。 It was neither cold nor wet. 天气既丌冷也丌潮湿。 There is neither lowliness nor nobleness in

34、 careers. 事业上没有高低贵贱之分。 (2)neither.nor.连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词通常不靠近的那 个主语保持一致。 Neither you nor he is to blame. 既丌要你负责也丌要他负责。 Neither he nor you are to blame. 既丌要他负责也丌要你负责。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 3.While were doing all this traveling,we can get seasick at sea,airsick in the air and carsi

35、ck in a car,but we dont get homesick when we get back home.(教材P1415) 当我们旅行时,我们会晕船、晕机、晕车,但我们回到家里丌会“晕” 家。 【句式剖析】本句是一个复合句。while引导的是时间状语从句, 主句是由but连接的并列复合句。while引导时间状语从句时,从句 中的谓语动词必须是连系动词戒延续性动词。 Her parents passed away while she was still at school. 她还在读书时父母就去世了。 While they were building a tunnel throug

36、h the mountain,the workers discovered an underground lake. 当工人们在修建一条穿山隧道时,他们发现了一个地下湖。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【句式拓展】 While Toms very good at science,his brother is absolutely hopeless. 汤姆很擅长理科,而他的兄弟绝对是丌可救药。 While he loves his students,he is very strict with them. 虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对他们很严格。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 【温馨提示】 当wh

37、ile从句中的主语不主句主语一致,且从句含be动词时,可省略 从句的主语和be动词。 While waiting for the bus,he caught sight of an old friend. 等公共汽车时他看到了一位老朋友。 While reading in bed,she fell asleep. 躺在床上看书时她睡着了。 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 .课文语法填空 One day my son asked me 1. there was ham in a hamburger.This question got me thinking how E

38、nglish can be a crazy language 2. whether/if to learn 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 (learn).For example,when we are traveling,we can get seasick at sea,airsick in the air and carsick in a car,3. when we return home,we dont feel homesick.“Hard” is the opposite of “soft”,but “hardly” and “softly” are not 4. opposite

39、 pair.“Harmless” and “harmful” have opposite 5. (meaning) while “shameful” and “shameless” mean the same.Some English phrases are also very 6. (interest).A house can burn up as it 7. (burn) down and you can fill in a form by 8._ (fill) it out.When the stars are out,they are visible but when the ligh

40、ts are out,they are invisible.Thats because English 9. (invent) by people,not by computers,which reflects the 10. (creative) of the human race. but an meanings interesting burns filling was invented creativity 重点词汇 重点句式 随堂练习 .概要写作 根据P1415的课文内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 参考范文 Why is English an interesting and cra

41、zy language to learn?(要点 1)There are several reasons for it.First the formations and the meanings of some words are crazy,such as “pineapple” and “homesick”.(要点2)Second,some words,like “harmful,harmless” and “shameful,shameless” may make learners confused.(要点3) Third,the meanings of some phrases are interesting.(要点4)Thats because English was invented by people,which reflects their creativity.(要点5)


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