Unit 4 Period2 Using language (第一课时语法课:定语从句)教学设计 (新教材)2020外研版高一英语必修第一册.doc

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Unit 4 Period2 Using language (第一课时语法课:定语从句)教学设计 (新教材)2020外研版高一英语必修第一册.doc_第1页
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Unit 4 Period2 Using language (第一课时语法课:定语从句)教学设计 (新教材)2020外研版高一英语必修第一册.doc_第5页
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1、教学设计 课课 题题 Unit4 Friends forever Using language(grammar) 学学 科科 英语英语 班班 级级 Class 授课授课 教师教师 教教 学学 目目 标标 1 恰当运用定语从句对目标内容进行修饰、说明。 2 通过了解限制性定语从句的结构和表意功能,掌握关系代词的用法,并能够在实 际语境中运用。 3 掌握关系代词的用法,在真实语境中巩固对定语从句的理解。 重重 点点 引导学生自己去发现、总结限制性定语从句的使用规律。 难难 点点 理解关系代词的用法,引导学生发现并总结不同的关系代词能够替代的先行词类型 及其在从句中能够充当的成分。 教教 学学 方方

2、 法法 Situation Approach. Learn grammar through practice. 教教 学学 内内 容容 与与 过过 程程 Step1 Discover rules: Attributive clauses(1) 第一步:引导学生独立朗读并对比两组例句,发现其在句子结构上的不同 之处,并关注第一组例句中的粗体部分。 第二步:学生分组对比两组例句,基于活动中的问题展开讨论,发现并归 纳限制性定语从句的表意功能、 关系代词的基本用法及其在语篇层面的效 果。 第三步:请个别小组分享答案并总结限制性定语从句的表意功能和用法, 教师可根据学生水平酌情进行补充和扩展。 第四步

3、:学生在文中找出更多由关系代词引导的限制性定语从句,体会其 表意功能和用法。 Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions. a We can stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with. b The digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests 1 What does “that” refer to in sentence

4、 (a)? 备注备注 2 What does “who” refer to in sentence (b)? Compare them with the following sentences and answer the questions. c We can. stay in touch with people. We want to remain friends with them. d The digital age also enables us to find people. These people share our interests 3 What is the differ

5、ence between the two groups of sentences? 4 Why does the author choose to use sentences (a) and (b) in the reading passage? 5 What other words are used to introduce attributive clauses? What do they refer to? 参考答案 1 “That” refers to “the people” in sentence (a). 2 “Who” refers to “people” in sentenc

6、e (b). 3 Sentences (a) and (b) both contain a clause defining a noun in each sentence. Sentences (c) and (d) are each constructed with a pair of simple sentences, with one defining a noun that appears in the other sentence in each pair. 4 Because there is a closer link and connection between “people

7、” and the clause defining it in sentences (a) and (b). It also makes the passage clearer, and creates an emphatic effect on the people or things being defined. 5 Other words used to introduce attributive clauses include “which”, “whom” and “whose”. They can refer to an object or a thing, a person as

8、 the object of an action and the relationship of belonging. Step2 Presenting 定语从句讲解定语从句讲解 定语从句是由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引导的从句,其作用是作定 语修饰主句的某个名词或代词,其功能相当于形容词,被修饰的名词或代 词被称作先行词。 关系词一般有三个功能: 起连词作用,引导从句; 代替先行词; 在从句中充当一个成分、起一定的句法作用。 定语从句中关系代词的基本用法如下 其中 that 与 who 指人作主语或宾语时均可互换; that 与 whom 指人作宾语时可互换; that 与 which 指

9、物作主语或作宾语 时均可互换;that, which, who(m) 作宾语时,在口语或非正式场合可以省 略。例如: He is the man that / who won the first prize in the competition. 他就是在这次 比赛中获得第一名的男子。 Is this the girl (that / who / whom) you talked of in your letter? 她就是你在信 中谈及的那个女孩吗? The train that / which has just left is for Shenzhen. 刚出发的这趟列车是开往 深圳的。

10、Where is the book (that / which) I bought last week? 我上周买的那本书在哪 儿? Step3 Rewrite sentences 教师带领学生改写句子,在真实语境中巩固对定语从句的理解。 第一步:学生独立阅读语篇,整体理解语境和语篇大意。 第二步:学生分组,然后按要求改写画线句子,比较并讨论改写前后的表 达有何不同。 第三步:请个别小组分享改写的句子,全班核对答案。 第四步(适合程度较好的班级或学生):请学生根据语篇内容,简要介绍 Lucy,并鼓励学生在介绍中恰当使用由关系代词引导的定语从句。 Rewrite the underlined s

11、entences with that, which, who, whom or whose. 参考答案 1 Lucy is my friend who / that has a hearing problem. 2 So I learnt a new language which / that allows me to “speak” with my hands. 3 Lucy is a smart girl whose ideas are always inspiring. 4 I sometimes have problems (that / which) I cant solve. 5

12、Lucy is a good listener (whom / who / that) I enjoy sharing moments of my life with. Step4 Practice 教师引导学生在真实、具体的语境中运用定语从句,并鼓励学生通过参加 集体活动结交志同道合的朋友。 第一步:学生独立阅读语篇,整体理解语境和语篇大意。 第二步:学生分组,选择恰当的关系代词填空,补全语篇。教师引导学生 复习网络论坛文体的特点。 第三步:请个别小组阅读完整的语篇,全班核对答案。教师鼓励学生通过 参加集体活动结交志同道合的朋友。 Complete the online forum post

13、 with that, which, who, whom or whose. Walking group welcomes new members! Walk and Talk is a group 1_ meets every Sunday. It is free to join. Walk and Talk is perfect for anyone 2_ weekends need some excitement. We are all teenagers 3_ love walking and making new friends. We want you to join us! Th

14、e next walk 4_ is open to new members is on 22 July. You can also bring your friends. However, anyone 5_ you bring must be over 12 years old. Come along and join the fun! 参考答案 1 that / which 2 whose 3 who / that 4 which / that 5 whom / who Step5 Homework 联系生活实际,写一篇其他集体活动的招募帖。恰当使用由关系代词引导 的定语从句,号召志同道合的朋友加入。


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