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1、写作专练卷写作专练卷 专练一专练一 (限时:40 分钟) .应用文写作 假如你是高三学生李越。请代表你班同学给新来的外教 John 发个邮件,主要内容 包括: 1.邀他周末和同学打球; 2.之后请他一起用晚餐; 3.请教如何提高英语成绩。 注意:1.词数 80 左右,开头已为你写好; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear John, Im Li Yue,one of your students from Grade Three. Looking forward to your joining us! Yours sincerely, Li Yue 【参考范文】 Dear_John, I

2、m_Li_Yue,one_of_your_students_from_Grade_Three.I am writing to ask you whether you are available this weekend.Some of my classmates,me included, would like to invite you to join us in playing basketball.Besides,we will be grateful if you can have dinner with us.Actually we also want to take advantag

3、e of the dinner time to ask you for some advice on how to improve our English grades.As you know, the college entrance exams are approaching,and it is high time that we made every effort to achieve our dream. Looking_forward_to_your_joining_us! Yours_sincerely, Li_Yue .读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完

4、整的故事。 Christams Day was coming.I was just a kid then,and my big sister told me there was no Santa_Claus.I fled to Grandma because I knew she always told me the_truth.Grandma was home,and I told her everything.She was ready for me.“No Santa Claus?”she shouted.“Ridiculous! Dont believe it.That rumor h

5、as been going around for years,and it makes me mad.Now,put on your coat,and lets go.” “Go where,Grandma?”I asked.“Where” turned out to be Kerbys General Store, the one store in town that had just about everything.As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten_dollars.“Take this money,”she sai

6、d,“and buy something for someone who needs it.Ill wait for you in_the_car.”Then she turned and walked out of the store. I was only eight years old.Id often gone shopping with my mother,but never had I shopped for anything all by myself.The store seemed big and crowded,full of people competing to fin

7、ish their Christmas shopping.For a few moments I just stood there, confused,holding that ten-dollar bill,wondering what to buy and who to buy it for.I suddenly thought of Bobbie_Decker,who was a kid with bad breath and messy hair.He sat right behind me in Mrs Pollocks second grade class.Bobbie Decke

8、r didnt have a coat.I knew that because he never went out playing during_the_winter.His mother always wrote a note,telling the teacher that he had a_cough,but we kids knew that Bobbie Decker didnt have a cough,and that he didnt have a coat.I would buy Bobbie Decker a coat!I settled on a red one,whic

9、h looked really warm,and he would like that. “Is this a Christmas_present for someone?”the lady behind the counter asked kindly,as I laid my ten dollars down.“Yes.”The nice lady smiled at me,put the_coat in a bag and wished me a “Merry Christmas”. 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2.至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续

10、写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: That evening,Grandma helped me cover the coat with Christmas paper. Paragraph 2: Grandma and I waited breathlessly for Bobbie Deckers front door to open. 【参考范文】 Paragraph 1: That evening,Grandma helped me cover the coat with Christmas paper

11、.She wrote “To Bobbie,From Santa_Claus” on it,after which she drove me over to Bobbie_Deckers house,explaining I was officially one of Santas helpers.Grandma parked on the street near Bobbies house,and I took a deep breath,and dashed for his front door.Seeing no other people notice us,I put the Chri

12、stmas_present down,rang his doorbell and then Grandma and I walked away and hid in_the_car. Paragraph 2: Grandma and I waited breathlessly for Bobbie Deckers front door to open.And finally it opened.Out went Bobbie Decker.Seeing the_coat in the bag,he looked very astonished and then called his mothe

13、r to go out.After hearing them say“Thanks” to Santa Claus,I felt very proud of what I had done.At that time I decided to be Santas helper for ever.It was on that night that I realized the_truth that he who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree. 专练二专练二 (限时:40 分钟) .应用文写作

14、 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 Peter 最近在某电视台举办的汉语演讲比赛中获得 第一名,他给了你重要的人生启迪。请写信向他表示祝贺与感谢。 注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【参考范文】 Dear Peter, Congratulations to you on your winning first place in the Chinese Speech Competition held recently.You deserve the honor.The past years have seen your devotion, persistence and

15、strenuous efforts,eventually your rapid progress in Chinese learning. To be honest, what I admire most is your diligence and determination.Its from you that I have learned a valuable lesson,that is,“No pains,no gains.”Therefore,I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for what you have taugh

16、t me. Wish you greater achievements in your study! Yours, Li Hua .概要写作 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 France has become the first country to ban supermarkets from throwing away unsold food.The new law,which was passed,requires supermarkets to donate unsold food to charities and food banks.If supermark

17、ets do not obey the law,they will face a $4,000 fine.Each year,France throws away about 7 million tons of food.That is one-fifth of the amount of food bought each year.Along with individual consumers, restaurants and stores add to the food waste. Other European countries are also making efforts to r

18、educe food waste.In Denmark,a new “waste” supermarket has opened,where customers can buy leftover food at cheaper prices. Arash Derambarsh is a municipal councilor(市议员) in Paris.He started a petition(请 愿书) to the French Parliament to adopt the supermarket food waste law.“The situation is very simple

19、,”he said.“On the one hand,we have supermarkets that throw away kilos of unsold food every day.On the other,we have millions of poor people in France.” Derambarsh published a book called Manifesto Against Waste.In the book,he wrote about his experience as a poor student barely able to pay for rent.“

20、I was hungry and ashamed of admitting it.I wanted to turn it into a positive experience so others would not end up in this situation.”Derambarsh is now campaigning for the European Union to adopt similar supermarket waste laws.He is urging the United States and other countries to adopt such measures

21、,too. Some people welcomed the new law.Louise Saint-Germain is president of a small non-governmental organization.She said the increase in donation will allow her group to “feed more people and provide a more diversified food basket”.But others are worried the law will lead to more donations than th

22、ey can handle.Aline Chassagnot manages a Salvation Army store.“We simply dont have the technical and logistical(后勤的) ability to hand out more food to more people.And were not the only ones,”she said. 【参考范文】 In order to reduce serious food waste,France passed a law to require supermarkets to donate u

23、nsold food.(要点 1) Other European countries also take measures to handle this issue.(要点 2) Arash Derambarsh did a lot for the implementation of the new law and appealed to the European Union and other countries to adopt similar laws.(要点 3) Some people support the new law for it will benefit people in

24、 need while others worry it is hard to carry out to some degree.(要点 4) 专练三专练三 (限时:40 分钟) .应用文写作 假定你是李华,你的英国网友 Peter 写信询问你如何度过你的业余时间以及这样 度过业余时间的好处,请你给他写封回信。 注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【参考范文】 Dear Peter, Im glad to hear from you.Actually,I spend most of my spare time reading. I have been in love

25、 with reading since I was young,and reading has become an important part of my life.I usually get lost in reading,through which I can explore the beauty of the world and enjoy much fun.Besides,by reading,the rich knowledge, novel ideas and wisdom of great authors can broaden my horizons and help me

26、become a learned man.How do you spend your spare time?Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua .读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 An owner of a dress shop had problems with a young lady,a psychology_major, whom she had hired as a salesgirl. The first day a lady came into the store, and the sal

27、esgirl, Miss Brampton, asked if she could be of help. “Id like a suit for the fall,”the lady said. “Well,do you want the suit because you need it?Or have you just had a fight with your husband and are trying to get even by making an_expensive_purchase?” “I beg your pardon?”the lady said. “Perhaps yo

28、u suspect he has a girlfriend,and you think this is the only way you can get back at him.” “I have no idea what youre talking about,”the_customer said. “Spending money in anger is an expensive form of hostility (敌意).My advice is to think it over for a few days.Buying a new suit wont save your marria

29、ge.” “Thank you!”the customer said coldly and left_the_shop. “Shes angry with me now,”Miss Brampton whispered,“but in_a_week shell be grateful to me.” The shop_owner decided to let the incident pass,but that afternoon another customer came in,and Miss Brampton asked if she could be of help.The lady

30、told her she was going to the Kennedy Center,and wanted a dress that would knock everyone dead. Miss Brampton said,“We have some lovely evening_dresses over here for insecure people.” “Insecure people?” “Yes.Didnt you know clothes are one of the main ways women compensate for insecurity?” “Im not in

31、secure,”the lady said angrily. “Then why do you want to knock them dead at the Kennedy Center?Why cant you be accepted for yourself instead of what you wear?I can sell you a new dress that will attract_attention,but then you would never know if it is you or the dress that makes people stop and stare

32、.” 注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2.至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1: By this time the dress shop owner decided to step in. Paragraph 2: The last straw for the dress shop owner took place an hour later when a college student came in to buy a miniskirt. 【参

33、考范文】 Paragraph 1: By this time the dress shop owner decided to step in.She headed to the salesgirl and said,“Miss Brampton,if the lady wants an evening dress,just let her see our evening_dresses.”Unexpectedly,the_customer said,“No,your girl is right.Why should I spend so much money just to get a few

34、 compliments from people who really dont care what I wear?Thank you for helping me,young lady.Its true that Ive been insecure all these years and didnt even know it.”The customer walked out of the shop. Paragraph 2: The last straw for the dress shop owner took place an hour later when a college stud

35、ent came in to buy a miniskirt.Once again,Miss Brampton spent thirty minutes in giving a vivid and emotional lecture on sexual discrimination in America and womens liberation campaign launched in recent years and then said,“All you do when you buy miniskirts is to become a sex object.”Of course,the

36、college student left_the_shop without purchasing.That night the shop_owner put a sign in the window:HELP WANTEDNO PSYCHOLOGY_MAJOR NEED APPLY. 专练四专练四 (限时:40 分钟) .应用文写作 假如你是李华。 来自澳大利亚的交换生 Kenton 首次离家来中国读书, 因生活上和 语言交流上有困难,他萌生了回家的念头。不知如何是好的他在某网站上发帖求 助,请你据此给他回帖。 注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已

37、给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Kenton, I am looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【参考范文】 Dear_Kenton, I am sorry to hear you have difficulty with life and communication abroad,and Im willing to help you out of trouble. Actually,it is natural that you encounter difficulties and want to go home.But

38、personally,I think studying abroad alone is a good chance for you to be more independent.You can call your parents more often instead of giving up your study. If you dont mind,we can chat online frequently,which may improve your Chinese a lot.Only by communicating with others can you overcome your d

39、ifficulties. I_am_looking_forward_to_your_reply. Yours_sincerely, Li_Hua .概要写作 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。 New words enter the English language all the time;in fact English has always been in a state of evolution and in recent years more and more words and phrases have entered the language,partly d

40、ue to the willingness of lexicographers(词典编纂者)to include them in the dictionaries.But where do these new words come from? Words come out of the culture that they represent and describe.So,if theres a new development in medicine,then well get a new word coming out of that.If there is a military confl

41、ict,that may well make all sorts of new words become noticed by people.Going back in time,the First and Second World Wars were times of great creativity of language because people from different countries met each other and exchanged their words.So really words come from the playground, from politie

42、s, from any area of life because every area of life is changing from day to day. And does English have more words than any other language?It certainly has more words than other European languages and probably more than any other language in the world.That is mainly because English is put together fr

43、om so many different bits.Originally it was a Germanic language and then after the Norman Conquest there was an enormous influx (涌入) of French words.It comes from a country,the United Kindom,which was quite an expansive,trading,colonial power in the past.And all these have brought all sorts of other

44、 new words into the language. As for the searching and incorporation(吸收) of new words,dictionary editors tend to type them into their computers and send them into the central computer.They dont include words just because theyve seen one example of them.They have to wait for evidence of wide currency

45、 to build up in the computer files before they start putting the word in the dictionary. 【参考范文】 New words are accepted and even officially included into English all the time.(要点 1) New words come out along with social and historical developments and changes,as well as cultural interactions.(要点 2) Due to the complex history of Britain,English is more likely to see new words come into being.(要点 3) However,new words will not be included into dictionaries until dictionary editors see high frequency usage of them.(要点 4)


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