Unit 6 Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas (新教材)2020外研版必修第一册课后习题.docx

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1、Unit 6At one with nature Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas 课后篇素养升华 基础夯实 .单句填空 1.She (wrap) the small red flag around her hair and smiled happily to me. 答案 wrapped 2.He had lots of homework (complete),so he couldnt go out with us. 答案 to complete 3.It is a game (design) for adults only.That

2、 is,children are not allowed to play it. 答案 designed 4.The custom has been passed down generation to generation. 答案 from 5.As we all know,it is water and sunlight that develop the (crop). 答案 crops 6.Drinking too cold or too hot water does harm our health. 答案 to 7.They explained the reason to us they

3、 had hated us before. 答案 why 8. (prevent) is better than cure,so start looking after your heart now. 答案 Prevention 9.One (tradition) belief about television is that it reduces a childs ability to think and to understand the world. 答案 traditional 10.The village (attract) many visitors ever since. 答案

4、has attracted .短语填空 feed on,plenty of,pass down,be home to,in harmony with 1.The city a worker,a doctor and a teacher. 答案 is home to 2.Man can be nature to share a common world. 答案 in harmony with 3.We all walk upon the branches,and we all the tree. 答案 feed on 4.The tradition has been for hundreds o

5、f years. 答案 passed down 5.A growing child needs sleep. 答案 plenty of .完成句子 1.你见过白雪覆盖下的高山吗? Have you ever seen the mountains ? 答案 covered in snow 2.庄稼被洪水冲走了。 The crops were by the flood. 答案 washed away 3.他的童年是在父亲用石头垒起来的小房子里度过的。 He spent his childhood in the small house with stones by his father. 答案 wh

6、ich/that was built 4.我在我老师工作过的地方工作。 It was where my teacher worked . 答案 that I work 5.这就是那个传授了我们很多知识的老师。 This is the teacher weve learned a lot. 答案 from whom 6.顺着这条路一直走到邮局为止。 Go straight down the road the post office. 答案 until you come to 7.尽管他试了,但还是打不开门。 ,he failed to unlock the door. 答案 Although h

7、e tried 8.前人栽树后人乘凉。 One generation plants the trees shade another generation rests. 答案 under whose 9.她做成这件事的方式给我留下了印象。 I was impressed by she did it. 答案 the way in which 素养提升 .阅读理解 A Located in the northeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in south China,Guilin is considered to be the pearl of C

8、hinas thriving tourist industry on account of the natural beauty and historic treasures.Covering an area of about 27,800 square kilometres(10,734 square miles),the city is rather compact when compared with other major travel destinations in the country.The eye-catching landscape in which the city is

9、 situated has a kind of magic that is all its own.The strangely shaped hills together with clear waters and wonderful caves make the city such an appealing destination.It is an important cultural city with a history of more than 2,000 years,and has been served as the political,economic and cultural

10、centre of Guangxi since the Northern Song Dynasty(960-1127).Its breathtaking scenery has attracted many famous poets and artists for thousands of years.Artists are able to find inspiration from the Karst mountains and the unmatched beauty of the Li River. Today Yangshuos nightlife has sprung up to k

11、eep pace with contemporary China.You can still catch a glimpse of Guilins yesteryear in the countryside where it has been and continues to be home to many ethnic minority groups.Every corner you look is picture postcards perfect!It is truly impossible to take a bad photo.There is an ancient saying h

12、ere“East or west,Guilin scenery is the best”. The former US president Bill Clinton visited Guilin in 1998.He said,“I heard of the name of Lijiang River long ago.Today I visit Lijiang River.It is more vivid and genuine than what I thought before.Nowhere is like Guilin.It makes me think of the traditi

13、onal Chinese paintings.” 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,描绘了桂林的青山绿水。 1.What is the evidence that best supports “the pearl of Chinas thriving tourist industry”? A.The natural beauty and historic treasures. B.The eye-catching caves and magic people. C.The clear hills and strangely shaped waters. D.The long history an

14、d famous poets and artists. 答案 A 解析细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“on account of the natural beauty and historic treasures”可知, 桂林之所以被称为“中国蓬勃发展的旅游业的明珠”,是因为其拥有的自然美景和历史瑰宝。故选 A 项。 2.How long has Guilin been the political centre of Guangxi? A.1127 years. B.1059 years. C.1998 years. D.2000 years. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“an

15、d has been served as the political,economic and cultural centre of Guangxi since the Northern Song Dynasty(960-1127)”可知,桂林从北宋起就是广西的政治中心,也就是 从 960 年起。故选 B项。 3.Why is Bill Clinton mentioned in the text? A.To indicate Guilin is home to ethnic minority groups. B.To show Guilin is separated from outside

16、world. C.To support Guilins landscape is the best. D.To tell readers he is a former president. 答案 C 解析推理判断题。根据第三段可知,例子是用来证明观点的,作者提到克林顿总统,就是为了证明桂林 山水甲天下。故选 C项。 B Whether you have a piece of land or a few pots on a balcony,plant a family garden:Youll all live more healthily!Gardening is an easy activi

17、ty to share and youll harvest benefits along with your fresh vegetables,colourful flowers and aromatic herbs.Even better,you dont have to wait for your plants to bloom to see those benefits. When parents and kids work together to plant and care for a garden,they can all enjoy these benefits. Physica

18、l activity Gardening and yard work are mild exercise,which we all need every day(for at least 30 minutes).While tending your family garden doesnt require the intense activity of,say,running or jumping,its still beneficial to your body.For one thing,research shows that once you start gardening,you us

19、ually continue for more than 30 minutes.And gardening combines delicate skill strengthening and stretching. Lower stress,better mood Gardening is excellent stress relief for good reasons:enjoying fresh air and sunlight,performance of relaxing tasks and even contact with harmless bacteria in the soil

20、 that help release serotonin(血清素) in the brain. Outdoor time Children prefer spending a lot of time indoors,which can negatively affect their behaviour and health.A family garden gets them outside enjoying and experiencing the natural world. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章说明了拥有家庭花园的几种好处。 4.What does the author t

21、hink of gardening? A.Too strong work. B.Proper exercise. C.Time waste. D.Special skills required. 答案 B 解析细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,园艺和庭院工作是强度适中的锻炼,这些我们每天都需要 (至少 30 分钟)。可见,作者认为园艺工作是一种适当的锻炼,故 B项正确。 5.What fails to be the reasons for gardening to help fight stress? A.Keeping ones brain fit. B.Enjoying fresh air

22、. C.Getting farming experience. D.Performing simple and easy acts. 答案 C 解析细节理解题。根据第四段可知,园艺工作是极佳的压力释放方式,综合了下列原因:享受新鲜空气 和阳光、从事放松的工作以及接触土壤中无害的细菌,有助于释放大脑中的血清素。可见,文中提及 了 A、B和 D 三个选项所列出的原因,但未提及 C 项。 6.What can be learned from the passage? A.Those who have plants on a balcony dont need a garden. B.Some bac

23、teria help to build up ones brain. C.Gardening helps to drive cars. D.Bad behaviour results from staying indoors too long. 答案 B 解析推理判断题。根据第四段可知,土壤中的无害细菌有助于释放大脑中的血清素。可见,有些细菌 对健脑是有帮助的,故 B 项正确。 .七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Be a Green Child What does it mean to be green?“Green” is more

24、 than just a colour. 1 Why green?Plants are green,and without them the Earth wouldnt be such a lovely home for us human beings.What can we do?Heres a four-step guide to being green. Reduce It! 2 For instance,a shorter shower means you use less water and less fuel since your house uses fuel to run th

25、e water heater that warms up the water. Reuse It! Sometimes people call ours a “throwaway society”.It means that were always throwing away old stuff and buying new stuff. 3 For instance,if your baby brother becomes older and loses interest in his plastic basketball hoop (篮圈),why not give it to anoth

26、er family who has a little kid? Recycle It! Recycling has never been easier.Many communities will pick it up right in front of your house and some towns even require it.Recycled goods go to a recycling centre,where they can be turned into new cans,bottles,and paper. Enjoy It! Its true that rubbish a

27、nd pollution are problems,but the Earth remains a huge and beautiful place thats ready for you to explore. 4 Go for a hike,visit local nature centres and gardens,and climb up mountains. But before you travel the globe,take a look at your own backyard.Is there a spot where you could plant a tree or p

28、ut in a little fruit or vegetable garden? 5 A.It also means taking special steps to protect the environment. B.Many times,even if you no longer need something,someone else just might. C.You can start locally by visiting the naturally beautiful spots in your city. D.Turn off the water when youre brus

29、hing your teeth. E.Get out there and get your hands dirty. F.You can watch with pride as your tree takes root and your garden plants grow. G.When you use less of something,you do a good thing for the Earth. 答案与解析 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍“绿色生活”的真正含义以及如何去践行绿色生 活。 1.A 上文提到绿色不只是一种颜色,此处应选择进一步解释的句子,故选择 A 项。 2.G 根据小标题可知,此处应选择表达“减少使用”意思的选项,故正确答案为 G项。 3.B 根据小标题以及下文的举例可知,有些东西自己不需要但也许别人需要,因此应选择与“重复使 用”相关的选项,故正确答案为 B 项。 4.C 上文提到“地球等待你探索”,因此应选择与游览、旅游相关的选项,故正确答案为 C 项。 5.F 上文提出问题“你家后院有能种树或者蔬菜的地方吗”,F项“你可以自豪地看着你种的树生根、 园中的植物成长。”承接上文,符合语境。


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