2020新外研版必修二英语-Unit 6 Earth first-Developing ideas-ppt课件(含教案+学案).pptx

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2020新外研版必修二英语-Unit 6 Earth first-Developing ideas-ppt课件(含教案+学案).pptx_第5页
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1、Unit 6 Earth first Developing ideas . 根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词或短语根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词或短语 1. _(致力,献身致力,献身)themselves to ocean conservation 2. set up a natural _ (保护区保护区) 3. _ (破损,损害破损,损害) large areas of wetland 4. _ (影响影响) your decision 5. _ (采取采取) new ways 6. _(减少,降低减少,降低) the risk of heart disease devote reser

2、ve damage affect adopt reduce 一、词汇积淀一、词汇积淀 7. without her mothers _(允许允许, 许可许可) 8. protect animals from _(灭绝灭绝, 绝种绝种) 9. _(建立建立, 设立设立) an organization 10. _(造成造成, 促成促成) to the accident 11. the trains _(平均的平均的) speed 12. _(释放释放, 排放排放) carbon dioxide 13. _(严重的严重的) injuries permission extinction establ

3、ish contribute average release severe . 文本整体理解文本整体理解: 理清文章架构理清文章架构 二、阅读精研二、阅读精研 . 文本细节理解文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息探寻语篇细节信息 1. Why does the writer write the passage? A. He wants to introduce some new ways to save energy. B. He wants to correct the false green truths and show really green ones. C. He wants to c

4、all on more people to protect the environment. D. He wants to explain the importance of energy saving. D 2. In the following, which one is not the disadvantage of plastic bags? A. Causing litter. B. Being treated as food by wild animals. C. Taking much more time to break down. D. Using much more ene

5、rgy to produce. B 3. Which one is true according to fifth paragraph? A. Leaving a device in stand-by mode is environment- friendly. B. Older devices use less energy than new ones. C. Removing the plug from power supply will stop using power. D. Using electric devices as little as possible is the bes

6、t way to save energy. C 4. Why do people prefer to eat local food? A. Because it can save the energy used to transport. B. Because it tastes better than the food transported long away. C. Because its production uses less energy. D. Because it produces less greenhouse gas. A 5. According to the passa

7、ge, when should you take a shower? A. Anytime you like. B. When you spend less than 8 minutes in a shower. C. When your bath is quite large. D. When you use about 50 litres of water. B . 文本素养文本素养提升:阅读提升:阅读技能综合运用技能综合运用 1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句 译文:这译文:这是因为即使它被是因为即使它被“关掉”,电“关掉”,电也会继续从装也会继续

8、从装 备中泄漏。备中泄漏。 2. 阅读主题活动阅读主题活动 Talk about the following questions in pairs, and find out the best answer. (1)Which of the “green truths” in the passage amazes you most? Why? Devices in stand-by mode still use power amazed me most, because I have never removed the plug from its power before. And I don

9、t think electricity keeps leaking even we turn “off” the device before reading the article. (2)What things can you do to save energy in daily life? _ _ Taking public transportation, turning off the tap after using, avoiding disposable cup, chopsticks, and so on. 【阅读微技巧阅读微技巧】 速览文章找速览文章找 寻环保寻环保措施措施, 对

10、比作者提对比作者提 出的真正环出的真正环 保的和现存保的和现存 的环保措施的环保措施 1. 关注每一段中描述环保的词汇与语关注每一段中描述环保的词汇与语 句。句。如,如,reduce waste and pollution, take a reusable bag, turn off a device等等 2. 对比作者提出的真正环保的措施和对比作者提出的真正环保的措施和 人们潜意识已存在的人们潜意识已存在的措施,认识措施,认识到环到环 保过程中的误区保过程中的误区 1. devote vt. 致力,献身,倾注致力,献身,倾注 *I dont think we should devote an

11、y more time to this question. 我认为我们在这个问题上不应当花费更多的时间了。我认为我们在这个问题上不应当花费更多的时间了。 三、要点精研三、要点精研 【语块积累语块积累】 (1)devote oneself/ones life/money/energy to (doing). 把自己把自己/一生一生/金钱金钱/精力奉献给精力奉献给(用于用于) (2)devoted adj. 挚爱挚爱的;忠实的;忠实的的 be devoted to 忠实忠实于,专心于,专心致力于致力于 (3)devotion n. 深深爱;忠诚;奉献爱;忠诚;奉献 【即学活用即学活用】语法填空语法

12、填空 Mrs White, a _ (devote) friend of mine, devoted all her energy _ her career and her _ (devote) to children made us vote for her. Finally, she was promoted to headmistress. devoted to devotion 2. reserve n. 储备储备(量量);储藏;储藏(量量); (动植物动植物)保护区保护区 v. 贮存;保留;预订贮存;保留;预订 *Experts advise to set up natural re

13、serve to protect endangered animals. 科学家们建议设立自然保护区来保护濒危动物。科学家们建议设立自然保护区来保护濒危动物。 【语块积累语块积累】 without reserve 毫无保留毫无保留 in reserve 备用备用 【即学活用即学活用】 (1)The money was being kept _for their retirement. 他们把钱存着以备退休后使用。他们把钱存着以备退休后使用。 (2)She told me about the causes of the story _. 她将故事的起因毫无保留全都告诉我了。她将故事的起因毫无保留

14、全都告诉我了。 in reserve without reserve 3. adopt vt. 采纳;采用;收养采纳;采用;收养 *Experienced as he is, he is willing to adopt others advice. 尽管他经验尽管他经验丰富,他丰富,他也很乐意采纳他人的建议。也很乐意采纳他人的建议。 *Many childless couples refused to adopt children as their own. 许多没有孩子的夫妇拒绝收养孩子。许多没有孩子的夫妇拒绝收养孩子。 【语块积累语块积累】 (1)adopt ones suggestio

15、n/idea 采纳采纳某人的建议某人的建议/想法想法 adopt sb. as. 收养收养某人为某人为 (2)adopted adj. 领养领养的的 (3)adoption n. 采用;收养采用;收养 【即学活用即学活用】用用adopt的正确形式填空的正确形式填空 (1)Youd better _ your teachers suggestion to finish the task. (2)The Smiths _ an orphan as their own child. (3)She treated her _ son as her own child. (4) The couples

16、who cant have their own child may consider _. adopt adopted adopted adoption 4. reduce vt. 减少,降低减少,降低 *(2019 北京高考北京高考) She succeeded in making a kind of candy only using natural sweeteners, which can reduce oral bacteria. 她成功地用天然甜味剂制作了一种她成功地用天然甜味剂制作了一种糖果,可以糖果,可以减少口减少口 腔细菌。腔细菌。 【语块积累语块积累】 reduce.to.

17、把把减少到减少到 reduce.by. 把把减少了减少了 be reduced to. 沦落为沦落为, 陷入某种状态陷入某种状态 【即学活用即学活用】 (1)We can _half of the past by taking high speed railway. 乘坐高铁可以让我们将旅行的时间缩短到原来的一半乘坐高铁可以让我们将旅行的时间缩短到原来的一半。 (2)The clerk _10% because we bought more than twenty books. 因为我们买了因为我们买了20多本多本书,书, 店员给我们打九折。店员给我们打九折。 (3)They _severe

18、poverty since their failure in business. 生意生意失意,他们失意,他们陷入极度贫困的状态陷入极度贫困的状态。 reduce the time of travelling to reduced the price by were reduced to 5. It is the production of food, not its transport, that uses most of the energy and produces most of the greenhouse gas. 是食物的生产而不是食物的运输耗费了大部分的是食物的生产而不是食物的

19、运输耗费了大部分的能量能量, 并产生了大量的温室气体。并产生了大量的温室气体。 【句式解构句式解构】 本句为强调本句为强调句式句式, 基本结构为基本结构为It is/was+被强调部分被强调部分 +that/who + 其他。其他。 *(2017 天津高考天津高考)It wasnt until I finished film studies that I pursued my career as an actress. 直到完成电影直到完成电影学习学习, 我才开始从事我的演艺生涯。我才开始从事我的演艺生涯。 【名师点津名师点津】 强调句的基本句型强调句的基本句型 陈述句陈述句: It is/w

20、as+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分。句子其他部分。 一般疑问句一般疑问句: Is/Was it+被强调部分被强调部分+that/who+句子其他句子其他部分。部分。 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句: 疑问词疑问词+is/was+it+that+句子其他部分句子其他部分 not.until.结构结构的强调句型的强调句型: It is/was not until.that. 【即学活用即学活用】句型转换句型转换 (1)We cancelled our picnic because it was raining outside. (强调原因状语从句强调原因状语从句) _ (2)He d

21、idnt finish his homework until 10 oclock last night. (not until 的的强调句型强调句型) _ It was because it was raining that we cancelled our picnic. It was not until 10 oclock that he finished his homework last night. 6. contribute v. 促成,造成;投稿;贡献促成,造成;投稿;贡献 *Study shows that smoking can contribute to lung canc

22、er. 研究表明吸烟会导致肺癌研究表明吸烟会导致肺癌。 *Brave soldiers make contributions to the establishment of our country. 勇敢的士兵们为我们国家的建立做出了贡献勇敢的士兵们为我们国家的建立做出了贡献。 【语块积累语块积累】 (1)contribute to 有助于有助于, 促成促成, 造成;为造成;为做贡献做贡献 contribute.to. 向向捐献;向捐献;向投稿投稿 (2)contribution n. 贡献;捐献;投稿贡献;捐献;投稿 make contributions to 为为做贡献做贡献 【即学活用即

23、学活用】完成句子完成句子 (1)Fortunately, some good learning methods _ 幸运的幸运的是是, 一些好的学习方法促成了我英语水平的提高。一些好的学习方法促成了我英语水平的提高。 contribute to my improvement in English. (2)Tu Youyou was rewarded by Nobel Prize for _ 屠呦呦因对医学界做出巨大贡献荣获诺贝尔奖。屠呦呦因对医学界做出巨大贡献荣获诺贝尔奖。 making great contributions to medical science. 7. average ad

24、j. 平均平均的;平常的;的;平常的; 一般一般的的 n. 平均平均水平;平均数水平;平均数 vt. 平均平均为;计算为;计算的平均值的平均值 *(2019 江苏高考江苏高考)Mammals(哺乳动物哺乳动物)weighing sixty kilograms have an average brain size of 200 cm3. 体重体重60公斤的哺乳动物的平均大脑大小为公斤的哺乳动物的平均大脑大小为200立方厘米。立方厘米。 【语块积累语块积累】 an average of 平均平均 on average 平均平均来看;来看; 通常通常 above the average 在平均水平之

25、上在平均水平之上 below the average 在平均水平之下在平均水平之下 【即学活用即学活用】完成句子完成句子 (1)It is reported that _19.25 cm of rain fell last year. 据报道去年平均降雨量为据报道去年平均降雨量为19.25厘米。厘米。 (2)_ parents spend 220 dollars a year on toys. 父母为孩子买玩具的花费每年平均为父母为孩子买玩具的花费每年平均为220美元。美元。 an average of On average, 8. be worth doing 值得值得做;值得做;值得做某事

26、做某事 *He always tells lies, so nothing he said was worth listening to. 他总是他总是说谎,所以说谎,所以他说的话没有一句值得听。他说的话没有一句值得听。 *The famous book is worth reading by adolescents. 这部名著值得青少年一读。这部名著值得青少年一读。 【语块积累语块积累】 be worth+钱数钱数 值值钱钱 be worth+doing 值得值得 worthy adj. 值得值得的的 be worthy to be done/of being done 值得值得 be wo

27、rthy of+n 值得值得 【即学活用即学活用】完成句子完成句子 (1)Hes decided to get a look at the house and see if it _. 他决定去瞧瞧那座他决定去瞧瞧那座房子,看房子,看是否值得买下。是否值得买下。 (2)Is it worth _(visit) the city which is famous for its history? 这个因历史而出名的城市值得去参观吗这个因历史而出名的城市值得去参观吗? might be worth buying visiting (3)一句多译一句多译 这个想法很值得考虑。这个想法很值得考虑。 Th

28、is idea is well worth _. This idea is worthy _. This idea is worthy _. considering to be considered of being considered 如何写劝说信如何写劝说信 【范例点评范例点评】 Dear Friends, We are writing this letter to raise your awareness of air pollution. The air is polluted by peoples behavior, such as overusing personal trans

29、portations, releasing industrial gas into the air, setting fossil fuel on fire, and so on. We are concerned that the polluted air will do harm to our healthy. Therefore, we must take action to improve the air condition. 四四、话题写作、话题写作 Firstly, take public transportation as possible as you can. Secondl

30、y, apply central heating system to rescue the use of fossil fuel. Thirdly, reduce the emission of polluted air from industries. We have learned that our human being cant live without the air, so let us try our best to make the air fresher. Best wishes. Class 3 【布局布局】 【文体解读文体解读】 1. 话题特点话题特点 劝说信的内容来源于

31、我们对生活的劝说信的内容来源于我们对生活的感知感知, 是就我是就我 们所发现的家庭生活、学校生活或社会生活中的某种们所发现的家庭生活、学校生活或社会生活中的某种 现象现象, 向某个组织或个人提出劝说性的建议的一种应向某个组织或个人提出劝说性的建议的一种应 用文体。用文体。 2. 话题词汇话题词汇 raise提高提高 awareness意识意识 concerned担心担心的的 improve提高提高, 改善改善 achieve达到达到, 获得获得 take action to采取措施采取措施 do harm to对对造成造成危害危害 try ones best to do尽力做某事尽力做某事 3

32、. 话题话题句式句式 (1)表达问题表达问题 The reason why the environment is polluted is That we dont attach great importance to it. 环境污染的原因就是我们没有重视环境问题环境污染的原因就是我们没有重视环境问题。 We are concerned that materials will be used up soon. 我们担心不久能源将会被耗尽我们担心不久能源将会被耗尽。 Now people in growing numbers are coming to realize that taking e

33、xercise is beneficial to our health. 越来越多的人开始意识到锻炼对我们的健康有益越来越多的人开始意识到锻炼对我们的健康有益。 A recent study shows that people spend most of their spare time on phones. 一项最近的研究表明人们把大多数的空闲时间都一项最近的研究表明人们把大多数的空闲时间都 花费在手机上花费在手机上。 (2)表达措施表达措施 In order to solve the problem, we should reduce waste . 为了解决这个为了解决这个问题问题, 我

34、们应该减少浪费。我们应该减少浪费。 I hope you can take what I have said into consideration. 我希望你能考虑一下我所说的。我希望你能考虑一下我所说的。 I wish you can realize the importance of environmental protection. 我希望你能意识到环境保护的重要性。我希望你能意识到环境保护的重要性。 We will spare no efforts to protect it. 我们将不遗余力地保护它。我们将不遗余力地保护它。 五、课堂小测五、课堂小测 完成句子完成句子 1. Too

35、much junk food may _ fatness. 吃过多的垃圾食品会导致肥胖吃过多的垃圾食品会导致肥胖。 2. Yuan Longping _ the study of rice. 袁隆平将他的一生奉献给水稻研究袁隆平将他的一生奉献给水稻研究。 3. Costs _over the past year. 过去一年过去一年, 各项费用已经减少了各项费用已经减少了20%。 4. In Africa, 4 million people a year _. 在非洲在非洲, 平均每年平均每年400万人死于饥饿万人死于饥饿。 contribute to has devoted himself t

36、o have been reduced by 20% die of hunger on average 每年 每年的的10月月31日是联合国确定的日是联合国确定的“世界勤俭日世界勤俭日”。假设你假设你 是李是李华华, 请针对校园内中学生花钱如水请针对校园内中学生花钱如水、没有节约的概念以及追没有节约的概念以及追 求生活水平的提高求生活水平的提高、追求时髦等追求时髦等现象现象, 写一封劝说写一封劝说信信, 鼓励同学鼓励同学 们养成勤俭节约的好习惯们养成勤俭节约的好习惯。 六、课后作业六、课后作业 注意:注意: 1. 词数:词数:100左右。左右。 2. 开头开头和结尾已写和结尾已写好,不计好,不

37、计入总词数入总词数。 提示:提示: 1. 世界勤俭日世界勤俭日 _ 2. 花销花销 _ 3. 概念概念 _ 4. 生活水平生活水平 _ 5. 追求追求 _ World Thrift Day expenditure concept living standard pursue Dear Friends, As we know, World Thrift Day falls on October 31. So this time Id like to discuss thrift with you. _ _ _ _ Best wishes. Yours faithfully, Li hua Thank You


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