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1、 冀教版冀教版 五年级上册英语全套优质课件五年级上册英语全套优质课件 教育部审定教材教育部审定教材 全册全套课件全册全套课件 冀教版冀教版 五年级上册英语全套优质课件五年级上册英语全套优质课件 教育部审定教材教育部审定教材 Unit 1 Li Ming goes to Canada Unit 1 Li Ming goes to Canada 冀教版冀教版六年级上册六年级上册 Lesson 1 Lead-in go on a trip Summer holiday is coming. What are you going to do? go fishing go swimming But on

2、 September 1, what will you do? We will go back to school. New words home 家家 time 时间;次数时间;次数 clock 钟表钟表 Li Ming arrives today! This is our friend Li Ming. Li Ming lives in China. He is coming to Canada! He wants to go to school in Canada. He wants to learn English. Li Ming arrives today! Today is Se

3、ptember 1. He will go home on June 25. Thats ten months! Language points 1. He is coming to Canada. 他将要来加拿大。他将要来加拿大。 这句话是典型的这句话是典型的“现在进行时表示将来时态”“现在进行时表示将来时态”。在英语中有。在英语中有 4个动词可以使用“现在进行时表将来”,它们是个动词可以使用“现在进行时表将来”,它们是come(来)、(来)、 go(去)、(去)、leave(离开)、(离开)、arrive(到达)。(到达)。 【例句例句】He is leaving tomorrow. 他明

4、天将离开。他明天将离开。 【例句例句】Tom is arriving in two days. 汤姆将在两天后到达。汤姆将在两天后到达。 2. He wants to go to school in Canada.他想在加拿大上学。他想在加拿大上学。 (1)want的用法:的用法: want + 名词,表示想要某物。名词,表示想要某物。 【例句例句】I want some water.我想要些水。我想要些水。 want to do sth. 表示想做某事。表示想做某事。 【例句例句】She wants to watch TV.她想看电视。她想看电视。 (2)介词)介词in的用法:的用法: 表示

5、“在表示“在里面”。例如:里面”。例如:in the desk 在书桌里在书桌里 in + 国家,表示“在某个国家”。国家,表示“在某个国家”。 例如:例如:in China 在中国在中国 in + 月份,表示“在几月”。例如:月份,表示“在几月”。例如:in May 在在5月月 in + 年,年, 表示“在哪年”。表示“在哪年”。 例如:例如:in 2008 在在2008年年 in + 季节,表示“在哪个季节”。季节,表示“在哪个季节”。 例如:例如:in spring 在春天在春天 3. He will go home on June 25.他将在他将在6月月25日返程回家。日返程回家。

6、(1)助动词)助动词will的用法:一般将来时的表示方法:的用法:一般将来时的表示方法:will + 动词动词 原形原形,表示“将要做,表示“将要做”。 【例句例句】He will swim tomorrow. 他明天要去游泳。他明天要去游泳。 (2)介词)介词on 的用法:的用法: 表示“在表示“在之上”之上”。 【例句例句】This pen is on the table. 这只钢笔在桌子上。这只钢笔在桌子上。 on + 星期几星期几,表示“在星期几”,表示“在星期几”, 【例如例如】on Monday 在周一在周一 on + 具体日期具体日期,表示“在哪一天”,表示“在哪一天”, 【例如

7、例如】on July 10 在在7月月10日日 Theres Li Ming! Look at the clock. Its half past four. Yes, Li Mings plane will arrive at five oclock. What time is it now? Its 4:45. Please sit down. What time is it now? Its 5:15. But I cant see him. I see him! There he is! Hi, Li Ming! Nice to see you! Nice to see you, too

8、! Did you have a good trip? Yes, thanks, but Im tired. Lets go home! Language points 1.Look at the clock.看看时钟。看看时钟。 look作为不及物动词,后面在接宾语时必须加上相应的介词。作为不及物动词,后面在接宾语时必须加上相应的介词。 拓展:拓展:look for 寻找寻找 look out 小心小心 loot out of. 从从向外看向外看 【例句例句】他们正在寻找一辆车。他们正在寻找一辆车。 They are looking for a car. 2. Its half past f

9、our. 现在现在4点半了。点半了。 英语中关于时间的表达有两种:英语中关于时间的表达有两种: 直接表达,即直接念出数字即可。直接表达,即直接念出数字即可。 例如:例如:4:30可直接读为可直接读为four thirty; 5:15five fifteen。 注意:注意:用用基数词基数词 + oclock来表示整点来表示整点,注意,注意oclock须用单数,须用单数, 可以省略。如:可以省略。如: eight oclock 八点钟,八点钟,ten (oclock) 十点钟十点钟 注意:注意: A.当分钟数是当分钟数是15分钟时,可用名词分钟时,可用名词quarter (一刻钟)(一刻钟)表示。

10、表示。 如:如: 7:15可表示为可表示为 a quarter past seven, 12:15可表示为可表示为 a quarter past twelve B.当分钟数是当分钟数是30分钟时,可用名词分钟时,可用名词half (一半)(一半)表示。如:表示。如: 9:30 可表示为可表示为 half past nine,3:30可表示为可表示为 half past three。 3. What time is it now? 现在是几点了?现在是几点了? 此句型此句型用来询问时间用来询问时间,其回答一般为“,其回答一般为“It is ” 【例句例句】What time is it now?

11、 现在几点了?现在几点了? Its five oclock. 现在是现在是5点整。点整。 4. There he is!他在那儿!他在那儿! 此句型为倒装句,用来表示“强调或者感叹”的语气。此句型为倒装句,用来表示“强调或者感叹”的语气。 正常形式应该是正常形式应该是“He is there!” 【例句例句】Here you are! 给你!给你! 5. Did you have a good trip? 你旅途愉快吗你旅途愉快吗? 这是典型的一般过去时的一般疑问句,其中这是典型的一般过去时的一般疑问句,其中did为助动词,用为助动词,用 来来询问过去发生的事情询问过去发生的事情,其结构为:,

12、其结构为:Did+主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其他?其他? 答语为“答语为“Yes,主语主语+did./ No,主语主语+didnt.”。当使用助动词。当使用助动词did开头开头 的一般疑问句时,问句中的的一般疑问句时,问句中的动词必须保持原形动词必须保持原形。 【例句例句】Did you swim last Sunday? 你上周日游泳了吗?你上周日游泳了吗? Yes, I did. 是,我游了。是,我游了。 No, I didnt. 不,我没有游。不,我没有游。 Lets do it! 1.Read Part 1 and Part 2. Answer the questions. a. H

13、ow long will Li Ming be in Canada? _ b. When will Li Ming go home? _ c. How does Li Ming feel after trip? _ Li Ming will be in Canada for 10 months. Li Ming will go home at June 25. He feels tired. _ _ 2.Ask and answer. Then write. What time is it? p.m. a.m. Its one oclock in the afternoon in Beijin

14、g. Its 1:00 a.m. in Ottawa. _ _ p.m. a.m. Its 2:30 a.m. in Beijing. Its 7:30 p.m. in London. Unit 1 Li Ming goes to Canada 冀教版冀教版六年级上册六年级上册 Lesson 2 Lead-in Where do you live? We live in houses. Now lets see some beautiful houses. New words house 房屋;房子房屋;房子 study 书房;学习书房;学习 kitchen 厨房厨房 toilet 坐便器;卫

15、生间坐便器;卫生间 floor 地板;楼层地板;楼层 there 在那里(表示存在或发生)在那里(表示存在或发生) Rooms in Jennys house Here is my house, Li Ming! Come in, please ! Ill show you the rooms in my house. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor. This is the living room. This is the kitchen. Heres the bathroom. Ther

16、e is a toilet. There are four bedrooms and a study on the second floor. This is the study. This is my bedroom. That is your bedroom. Thanks! Language points 1. Heres my house, Li Ming! 这是我家,李明!这是我家,李明! “here”是这里的意思。是这里的意思。 (1)当你找到一件东西时用)当你找到一件东西时用here. 【例句例句】Wheres my book? 你的书在哪儿?你的书在哪儿? Your book

17、is here. 你的书在这儿。你的书在这儿。 (2)here指离某人近。指离某人近。 【例句例句】Here is a living room. 这是一间起居室。这是一间起居室。 2. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor. 一楼有一间起居室,一间厨房和一间浴室。一楼有一间起居室,一间厨房和一间浴室。 there的用法:的用法: (1)there 表示表示介绍离说话人较远的东西介绍离说话人较远的东西。 【例句例句】我的车在那里。我的车在那里。 My car is over there. (2)th

18、ere be 句型句型,表达“某处有(存在)某人或某物”。,表达“某处有(存在)某人或某物”。 有两种用法分别是:有两种用法分别是: A介绍可数名词单数或者不可数名词,介绍可数名词单数或者不可数名词,be动词用动词用is; 【例句例句】There is a book on the table. 桌子上有一本书。桌子上有一本书。 There is some water in the cup.杯子里有一些水。杯子里有一些水。 (book为可数名词单数)为可数名词单数) (water为不可数名字)为不可数名字) B介绍可数名词复数,介绍可数名词复数,be动词用动词用are; 【例句例句】There

19、are some trees in the park. 公园里有一些树。公园里有一些树。 ( (trees为可数名词复数)为可数名词复数) 当当there be的句子中有几个并列主语时(的句子中有几个并列主语时(be动词后面的动词后面的 名词),名词),be动词的形式要与其相邻最近的一个主语在“数”动词的形式要与其相邻最近的一个主语在“数” 上保持一致上保持一致,这个原则称之为“就近原则”。连接词“,这个原则称之为“就近原则”。连接词“and” 只用在最后两个主语之间。只用在最后两个主语之间。 例例 句句: There are two apples, a banana and three or

20、anges on the desk. 桌子上有两个苹果,一个香蕉和三个橘子。桌子上有两个苹果,一个香蕉和三个橘子。 There is a banana, two apples and three oranges on the desk. 桌上上有一个香蕉,两个苹果和三个橘子。桌上上有一个香蕉,两个苹果和三个橘子。 Lets do it! 1.Look and write. This is my_. I do my homework in the_. house study I make lunch in the _. The_ is in the bathroom. . kitchen toi

21、let 2.Draw and write. My home _ _ _ _ _ _ _ There are six rooms. There is a 范范 文:文: There are six rooms. There is a living room, I watch TV in the living room. There is a kitchen. I make bread in it. There is a bathroom. I wash my hands in it. There is a study. I do my homework and play computer in

22、it. There are two bedrooms. We sleep in them. I love my house very much. Unit 1 Li Ming goes to Canada 冀教版冀教版六年级上册六年级上册 Lesson 3 Lead-in What do you have for breakfast? bread sandwich egg and milk noodles New words breakfast 早餐早餐 table 桌子桌子 put 放;安置放;安置 half 一半;半数一半;半数 Its time for breakfast! Mrs. S

23、mith:Good morning, Li Ming and Jenny . Li Ming:Good morning, Mrs. Smith ! What time is it? Mrs. Smith:Its half past seven. Time for breakfast! What would you like for breakfast, Li Ming? Li Ming:Id like some eggs, bread and juice, please. Mrs. Smith:What would you like for breakfast, Jenny? Jenny:Id

24、 like some milk and bread, please. Mum is cooking eggs in the kitchen. This is the fridge. The juice is in the fridge. These are dishes. Lets put some dishes on the table. Breakfast is ready! Lets eat! Okay! Language points 1. Time for breakfast. 早餐时间到了。早餐时间到了。 这是一个省略句,这是一个省略句,time之前省略了之前省略了Its ,原句应

25、为:,原句应为:Its time for breakfast. 句型:句型:its time for + 名词名词 【例句例句】It is time for school. 上学时间到了。上学时间到了。 句型:句型: its time to do sth. “到时间做某事”到时间做某事” 【例句例句】 Its time to go to school.到时间上学了。到时间上学了。 2. What would you like for breakfast, Li Ming? 早餐想吃些什么,李明?早餐想吃些什么,李明? would like译为“想要”:译为“想要”: (1)特殊疑问句型:)特殊

26、疑问句型:What would + 主语主语+ like for + 三餐三餐 ? 【例句例句】What would you like for lunch? 你午餐想吃些什么?你午餐想吃些什么? (2)陈述句句型:)陈述句句型:主语主语+ would like + 名词名词. 【例句例句】I would like some apples. 我想吃些苹果。我想吃些苹果。 3. Lets put some dishes on the table. 让我们把盘子放在桌子上吧。让我们把盘子放在桌子上吧。 本句是以本句是以let开头的祈使句,译为“让我们开头的祈使句,译为“让我们”,put on 意为“

27、把某物放在某物上面”。意为“把某物放在某物上面”。 【例句例句】Put the cup on the table ! 把杯子放在桌上!把杯子放在桌上! put on 穿上穿上 【例句例句】They are putting on their coats. 他们正在穿上外套。他们正在穿上外套。 _ _ _ Lets do it! 1.Talk, write and draw. bread eggs milk What would you like for breakfast? Id like some bread, eggs and milk. _ _ _ Play roles noodles t

28、ea What would you like for breakfast? Id like some noodles and a cup of tea. 2.Read. Tick and cross. Do you know the differences between Chinese food and Western food? They are different in many ways. There are more vegetables in Chinese food and you can find much meat in Western food. The Chinese l

29、ike to eat cooked vegetables but people in the West often dont. The people in China like hot water but Western people often drink ice water. Chinese people like to use chopsticks and Western people use knives and forks. Chinese food and Western food are different in many ways. There are more vegetab

30、les in Western food. The Chinese like to eat cooked vegetables. Western people often drink ice water. Chinese people like to use knives and fork. Unit 1 Li Ming goes to Canada 冀教版冀教版六年级上册六年级上册 Lesson 4 Lead-in What do you have for breakfast? New words dinner 正餐;晚餐正餐;晚餐 dirty 脏的脏的 lunch 午餐午餐 Time for

31、 dinner! Li Ming: Jenny: Mrs. Smith: Jenny: What time is it? Its half past six. Time for dinner! Im hungry, Mum! I only ate an apple for lunch. Whats for dinner? Im cooking meat and vegetables. Lets help my mother make dinner. She needs some vegetables. The tomatoes are in the fridge. The potatoes a

32、nd carrots are on the table. Dinners ready! This dinner looks so good, Mrs. Smith. Language points 1. Whats for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?晚餐吃什么? 句型句型 Whats for + 三餐(三餐(breakfast, lunch, dinner)? 用于用于 询问某一餐吃什么。询问某一餐吃什么。 【易错点易错点】在此句型中在此句型中for不能省略!不能省略! 【例句例句】Whats for lunch? 午餐吃什么?午餐吃什么? 2. Lets help my mother ma

33、ke dinner.让我们帮我妈妈做晚饭吧。让我们帮我妈妈做晚饭吧。 help表示“帮助”,其后跟“动词原型”或者“表示“帮助”,其后跟“动词原型”或者“with+名名 词”,即:词”,即:help sb. do sth.或者或者help sb. with sth.,均表示“帮助,均表示“帮助 某人做某事”某人做某事” 【例句例句】Sam helps me clean the room. 山姆帮助我打扫房间。山姆帮助我打扫房间。 Sam helps me with my English. 山姆帮助我学英语。山姆帮助我学英语。 Lets wash the dishes. May I help y

34、ou? Sure, Li Ming! I wash the dirty dishes, You can dry them. Great! Now the dishes are clean and dry. Language points May I help you? 我可以帮助你吗?我可以帮助你吗? 此句型主要此句型主要用于询问是否需要帮助用于询问是否需要帮助。may为情态动词,意为情态动词,意 为“可以”,不能单独作谓语,无人称和数的变化,为“可以”,不能单独作谓语,无人称和数的变化,后接动词后接动词 原形原形。在商店,售货员经常会用此句型询问顾客是否需要帮助。在商店,售货员经常会用此句型

35、询问顾客是否需要帮助。 【例句例句】May I help you. sir? 我可以帮助你吗,先生?我可以帮助你吗,先生? Yes. I want a bag, please. 是的。我想要一个包。是的。我想要一个包。 Lets do it! Match and write. Mrs. Smith is in the kitchen. She is going to _ dinner. Her hands are _. She is _ing her hands. She is _ing eggs in the kitchen. They are having dinner. The dish

36、es are_. Mr. Smith is _ing the dishes. Li Ming is drying the dishes. The dishes are _ and dry now. 5 clean make dirty wash cook dirty wash 6 4 2 8 1 7 9 3 Unit 1 Li Ming goes to Canada 冀教版冀教版六年级上册六年级上册 Lesson 5 Lead-in What are you doing? Im watching TV. New words me 我(我(I的宾格形式)的宾格形式) him 他(他(he的宾格形

37、式)的宾格形式) card 纸牌;卡片纸牌;卡片 them 他(她,它)们(他(她,它)们(they 的宾格形式)的宾格形式) Mr. 先生(用于男子的姓氏先生(用于男子的姓氏 或姓名前)或姓名前) Mrs. 夫人,太太(用在已婚女夫人,太太(用在已婚女 子的夫姓或夫姓名前)子的夫姓或夫姓名前) What are we doing? Its Saturday. We are in the living room. Look at us. What are we doing? Do you like this show, Danny? Yes, I do! Jenny and Danny are

38、 watching TV. Jenny is sitting in a chair and Danny is sitting beside her. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are reading newspapers. Lynn and Bob are in front of them. Bob is sitting in a chair. Lynn is sitting beside him. They are playing cards. They are happy. Do you see me? Im sitting at a small table. Im writi

39、ng a letter. Language points 1. What are we doing? 我们正在做什么?我们正在做什么? 【时态时态】现在进行时的特殊疑问句现在进行时的特殊疑问句 【构成构成】特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+be动词(动词(am, is, are)+主语主语+动词的动词的 ing形式形式? 【例句例句】What is he doing now? 他现在在做什么?他现在在做什么? 【易错点易错点】如果问句中的主语是第二人称,在回答时候要变成如果问句中的主语是第二人称,在回答时候要变成 第一人称;如果是第三人称,回答时则不需要改变。第一人称;如果是第三人称,回答时则不需要改变。

40、 【例句例句】What are you doing? 你在做什么?你在做什么? Im watching TV. 我正在看电视。我正在看电视。 What is she doing?她在做什么?她在做什么? She is making dinner. 她正在做晚饭。她正在做晚饭。 2. Jenny and Danny are watching TV.詹妮和丹尼正在看电视。詹妮和丹尼正在看电视。 从时态上来讲,这句话是现在进行时,表示从时态上来讲,这句话是现在进行时,表示某人正在做某某人正在做某 事。事。现在进行时的构成:现在进行时的构成:主语主语+be动词(动词(am, is, are)+动词的动

41、词的 ing形式(肯定句)形式(肯定句). 【例句例句】He is cooking eggs. 他正在煎鸡蛋。他正在煎鸡蛋。 现在进行时的用法:现在进行时的用法: 当句子中有当句子中有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现 在进行时。在进行时。 【例句例句】They are playing games now. 他们正在玩游戏。他们正在玩游戏。 以以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正在进行,这开头的句子,提示我们动作正在进行,这 时要用现在进行时。时要用现在进行时。 【例句例句】Listen! The little boy is playin

42、g the piano. 听!那小孩正在弹钢琴。听!那小孩正在弹钢琴。 现在进行时的句型转换:现在进行时的句型转换: 【否定句否定句】主语主语+be动词(动词(am, is, are)+not+动词的动词的ing形式形式. 【例句例句】He is not cooking eggs. 他没有在煎鸡蛋。他没有在煎鸡蛋。 【一般疑问句一般疑问句】be动词(动词(am, is, are)+主语主语+动词的动词的ing形式?形式? 【例句例句】Are you listening to music? 你正在听音乐吗?你正在听音乐吗? 【特殊疑问句特殊疑问句】What +be动词动词+主语主语+ doing

43、? 【例句例句】她在做什么?她在做什么? What is she doing? 【易错点易错点】be动词要根据主语的变化而变化。如本句中主语是动词要根据主语的变化而变化。如本句中主语是 Jenny和和Danny,是复数主语,所以动词使用,是复数主语,所以动词使用are。 Lets do it! Read and write. Look, this is _! I was flying a kite. them, you, me, him, her, us me Your books are on the floor. Please put _ in your bag. Today is my fathers birthday. I bought a gift for _ . them you me him her us them him them you me him her us My English teacher is Miss Zhao. We all like _ . Look at _ . We have the same T-shirts


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