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1、2017-2018 学年度四年级上册期末试卷(学年度四年级上册期末试卷(C 卷)卷) 英语英语 精通版精通版 一、判断单词画线部分的发音是一、判断单词画线部分的发音是()否否(X)相同。相同。(10 分分) ( )1. grade apple ( )2. rain train ( )3. cloudy twenty ( )4. teacher green ( )5. orange only 二、看图,选单词二、看图,选单词。(5 分分) America fifteen . pear skirt strong 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、单词归类,只写序号。三、单词归类,只写序号。(10

2、分分) A. driver B. nine C. apple D. doctor E. two F. ten G. nurse H. pear I. eight J. orange 1 职业: _ 2 基数词:_ 3 水果:_ 四、给单词选出正确的汉语意思。四、给单词选出正确的汉语意思。(5 分分) ( ) 1. postman A老师 B医生 C邮递员 ( ) 2. seventeen A十七 B十八 C十九 ( ) 3. pineapple A柠檬 B菠萝 C橙子 ( ) 4. cold A寒冷的 B炎热的 C凉爽的 ( ) 5. blouse A衬衫 BT 恤衫 C. 女衬衫 五、给问句

3、找答语。五、给问句找答语。(10 分分) 1. Which class are you in? A. Certainly. 2. Where are you from? B. I m in Class Two,Grade Four. 3. What s eight and nine.? C. It s seventeen. 4. Hows the weather today? D. Its rainy. 5. May I try the shoes on? E. I m from China. 六、连词成句。六、连词成句。(10 分分) 1. does What sister do your

4、? 2. like Do you potatoes ? 3. we Shall to the zoo go ? 4. show Please that me jacket 5. look twins like We 七、单项选择。七、单项选择。(10 分分) ( )l.-_ -He s a teacher. A. Who s that boy? B. What s this in English? C. What does your father do? ( )2. Start _ from 8 to 12. A. count B. counts C. counting ( )3.-_ -It

5、 s 7:20. A. What s this? B. What s the time? C. What do you do? ( )4.-Can I _ ? -Sure ! A. try on it B. try it on C. try on ( )5. _elephant has _ long nose. A. A,an B. An,a C. An,an ( )6.-This is my _ -Oh,she s beautiful. A. brother B. father C. mother ( )7. I m _Class Three, Grase Four. A. on B. in

6、 C. at ( )8.-Do you like bananas? - A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I m not. ( )9.-_ -D-OC-T-O-R. A. Whats this in English? B. Can you spell it,please? C. Can I have this,please? ( )10.-_ -Here it is. A. Where is my hat? B. Where are my jeans? C. Where are you? 八、找出错误项并改正。八、找出错误项并改正。(10 分分) ( ) 1

7、. Is he a Chinese teachers? A B C ( ) 2. Have any water. A B C ( ) 3. It s snow today. A B C ( )4. Please show I that jacket. A B C ( )5. A monkey have a long tail. A B C 九、英汉互译。九、英汉互译。(5 分分) 1. Which class are you in? _ 2这是我的新朋友。_ 3. What s this? _ 4今天很暖和。_ 5. Can we look at the blue shorts,please?

8、 十、给句子选出对应的翻译。十、给句子选出对应的翻译。(5 分分) ( )1. What does your mother do? A.你爸爸是做什么的? B你妈妈是做什么的? ( )2. Let s count from one to eighteen. A.让我们从一数到十八。 B九加九等于十八. ( )3. It s a watermelon. A它是一个香蕉。 B它是一个西瓜。 ( )4. Do you like green peppers? A.你喜欢青椒吗? B你喜欢茄子吗? ( )5. How s the weather today? A.今天天气怎么样? B我可以试下这双鞋吗?

9、 十一、情景交际。十一、情景交际。(10 分分) ( )1你想知道对方是几号,可以这样问: ( )2你想邀请朋友一起去放风筝,你可以这样说: ( )3奶奶问你今天天气怎么样,你这样回答: ( )4想表达猫有两只小耳朵,可以这样说: ( )5你想看一下那件蓝色连衣裙,你可以这样和售货员说: A. Can I look at the blue dress,please? B. Let s play with my kite. C. What s your number? D. It s sunny today. E. A cat has two small ears. 十二、阅读短文,判断正十二、

10、阅读短文,判断正(T)误误(F)。(10 分分) A My name is Jack. I m from the USA. I am nine years old. I like basketball,and I am good at it. I often play basketball with my friends on the weekend. It s fun. I also like ping-pong,but I can t play it well. I am going to China with my parents by plane next month. I want

11、to make new friends there. I also wants to learn to play ping-pong. ( ) 1. Jack is from the USA. ( ) 2. Jack likes to play ping-pong. ( ) 3. He wants to make new friends in China. ( ) 4. He wants to learn to jump rope. ( ) 5. Jack often play basketball with my friends on the weekend. B Hello,friends

12、. My name is Rose. I m nine. I am a student. I have a happy family. Look,this is a photo of my family! The old man is my grandfather. He s seventy-three. He likes noodles. He s a farmer. My grandmother s sixty-eight. She likes fish. She s a teacher. Look at this woman. She is my mother. She s thirty

13、-five. She s a nurse. She likes vegetables very much. And this man is my father.He s thirty-nine. He likes soup. He s a driver. Mary is my sister. She is a quiet girl. They love me. I love them. ( ) 1. There are five people in my family. ( ) 2. My grandfather is a farmer. He likes noodles. ( ) 3. My

14、 mom likes beef. She s a nurse. ( )4. My dad is thirty-nine. Hes a driver. ( )5. I m Mary and my sister is Rose. 2017-2018 学年度四年级上册期末试卷(学年度四年级上册期末试卷(C 卷)卷) 英语英语 精通版精通版 一、判断单词画线部分的发音是一、判断单词画线部分的发音是()否否(X)相同。相同。(10 分分) ( )1. grade apple ( )2. rain train ( )3. cloudy twenty ( )4. teacher green ( )5. or

15、ange only 【答案】1. X 2. 3. 4. 5. X 【解析】1.grade 中的 a 字母发/ei/音,apple 中的 a 发/音。 2.rain 中的 ai 字母发/ei/音,train 中的 ai 发/ei /音。 3.cloudy 中的 y 字母发/i/音,twenty 中的 y 发/i /音。 4.teacher 中的 ea 字母发/i:/音,green 中的 ee 发/i:/音。 5.orange 中的 o 字母发/ /音,only 中的 o 发/音。 二、看图,选单词。二、看图,选单词。(5 分分) America fifteen . pear skirt stro

16、ng 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【答案】1.skirt 2.America 3.pear 4.fifteen 5.strong 【解析】1.短裙 skirt 2.美国 America 3.梨 pear 4.十五 fifteen 5.强壮的 strong 三、单词归类,只写序号。三、单词归类,只写序号。(10 分分) A. driver B. nine C. apple D. doctor E. two F. ten G. nurse H. pear I. eight J. orange 1 职业: _ 2 基数词:_ 3 水果:_ 【答案】1. 职业:A D G 2. 基数词:B E F

17、I 3. 水果:C H J 【解析】1. 职业:A.司机 D.医生 G.护士 2. 基数词:B.九 E.二 F.十 I.八 3. 水果:C.苹果 H.梨 J.橘子 四、给单词选出正确的汉语意思。四、给单词选出正确的汉语意思。(5 分分) ( ) 1. postman A老师 B医生 C邮递员 ( ) 2. seventeen A十七 B十八 C十九 ( ) 3. pineapple A柠檬 B菠萝 C橙子 ( ) 4. cold A寒冷的 B炎热的 C凉爽的 ( ) 5. blouse A衬衫 BT 恤衫 C. 女衬衫 【答案】1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 【解析】1. postma

18、n 邮递员 2. seventeen 十七 3. pineapple 菠萝 4. cold 寒冷的 5. blouse 女衬衫 五、给问句找答语。五、给问句找答语。(10 分分) 1. Which class are you in? A. Certainly. 2. Where are you from? B. I m in Class Two,Grade Four. 3. What s eight and nine.? C. It s seventeen. 4. Hows the weather today? D. Its rainy. 5. May I try the shoes on?

19、E. I m from China. 【答案】 1. Which class are you in? A. Certainly. 2. Where are you from? B. I m in Class Two,Grade Four. 3. What s eight and nine.? C. It s seventeen. 4. Hows the weather today? D. Its rainy. 5. May I try the shoes on? E. I m from China. 【解析】1. Which class are you in? 的答语为 I m in Clas

20、s Two,Grade Four. 2. Where are you from? 的答语为 I m from China. 3. What s eight and nine.? 的答语为 It s seventeen. 4. Hows the weather today? 的答语为 Its rainy. 5.May I try the shoes on? 的答语为 Certainly. 六、连词成句。六、连词成句。(10 分分) 1. does What sister do your ? 2. like Do you potatoes ? 3. we Shall to the zoo go ?

21、 4. show Please that me jacket 5. look twins like We 【答案】1. What does your sister do? 2. Do you like potatoes? 3. Shall we go to the zoo? 4. Please show me that jacket. 5. We look like twins. 【解析】1. What does your sister do? 你妹妹是做什么的? 2. Do you like potatoes? 你喜欢土豆吗? 3. Shall we go to the zoo? 我们去动物

22、园好吗? 4. Please show me that jacket.请给我看看那件夹克衫。 5. We look like twins.我们长的像双胞胎。 七、单项选择。七、单项选择。(10 分分) ( )l.-_ -He s a teacher. A. Who s that boy? B. What s this in English? C. What does your father do? 【答案】C 【解析】根据答语 He s a teacher.可知问句为 What does your father do? ( )2. Start _ from 8 to 12. A. count

23、B. counts C. counting 【答案】C 【解析】开始做某事用 start to sth 或 start doing sth,故选 C。 ( )3.-_ -It s 7:20. A. What s this? B. What s the time? C. What do you do? 【答案】B 【解析】根据答语 It s 7:20.可知问句为 What s the time? ( )4.-Can I _ ? -Sure ! A. try on it B. try it on C. try on 【答案】B 【解析】“try on 试穿”后接代词作宾语时,一定要放在副词 on

24、前。 ( )5. _elephant has _ long nose. A. A,an B. An,a C. An,an 【答案】B 【解析】“elephant”以原音音素开头,用 An,“long”以辅音音素开头,用 a。 ( )6.-This is my _ -Oh,she s beautiful. A. brother B. father C. mother 【答案】C 【解析】根据答语 Oh,she s beautiful.可知答案为女性,故选 C。 ( )7. I m _Class Three, Grase Four. A. on B. in C. at 【答案】B 【解析】在几年几

25、班介词用 in。 ( )8.-Do you like bananas? - A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I m not. 【答案】B 【解析】Do you引导的一般疑问句,肯定答语为 Yes, I do.否定答语为 No,Idont. ( )9.-_ -D-OC-T-O-R. A. Whats this in English? B. Can you spell it,please? C. Can I have this,please? 【答案】B 【解析】根据答语 D-OC-T-O-R.可知答案为 Can you spell it,please? (

26、)10.-_ -Here it is. A. Where is my hat? B. Where are my jeans? C. Where are you? 【答案】 A 【解析】根据答语 Here it is.可知答案为 Where is my hat?单数形式的句子。 八、找出错误项并改正。八、找出错误项并改正。(10 分分) ( ) 1. Is he a Chinese teachers? A B C ( ) 2. Have any water. A B C ( ) 3. It s snow today. A B C ( )4. Please show I that jacket.

27、A B C ( )5. A monkey have a long tail. A B C 【答案】1.C teacher 2.B some 3.B snowy 4.B me 5.B has 【解析】1.“一名语文老师”应用单数名词 teacher。 2.“喝些水吧” 应用 some。 3.表示天气用形容词 snowy。 4.“给我看看那件夹克衫。”用宾格 show me。 5.主语为第三人称单数,谓语用 has“有”。 九、英汉互译。九、英汉互译。(5 分分) 1. Which class are you in? _ 2这是我的新朋友。_ 3. What s this? _ 4今天很暖和。_

28、5. Can we look at the blue shorts,please? 【答案】1.你在几班? 2.This is my new friend. 3.这是什么? 4.Its sunny today. 5.请问我可以看看那条新短裤吗? 【解析】1. Which class are you in? 你在几班? 2This is my new friend. 这是我的新朋友。 3. What s this? 这是什么? 4Its sunny today. 今天很暖和。 5. Can we look at the blue shorts,please? 请问我可以看看那条新短裤吗? 十、给

29、句子选出对应的翻译。十、给句子选出对应的翻译。(5 分分) ( )1. What does your mother do? A.你爸爸是做什么的? B你妈妈是做什么的? ( )2. Let s count from one to eighteen. A.让我们从一数到十八。 B九加九等于十八. ( )3. It s a watermelon. A它是一个香蕉。 B它是一个西瓜。 ( )4. Do you like green peppers? A.你喜欢青椒吗? B你喜欢茄子吗? ( )5. How s the weather today? A.今天天气怎么样? B我可以试下这双鞋吗? 【答案

30、】 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.A 【解析】1. What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的? 2. Let s count from one to eighteen. 让我们从一数到十八。 3. It s a watermelon. 它是一个西瓜。 4. Do you like green peppers? 你喜欢青椒吗? 5. How s the weather today? 今天天气怎么样? 十一、情景交际。十一、情景交际。(10 分分) ( )1你想知道对方是几号,可以这样问: ( )2你想邀请朋友一起去放风筝,你可以这样说: ( )3奶奶问你今天天气

31、怎么样,你这样回答: ( )4想表达猫有两只小耳朵,可以这样说: ( )5你想看一下那件蓝色连衣裙,你可以这样和售货员说: A. Can I look at the blue dress,please? B. Let s play with my kite. C. What s your number? D. It s sunny today. E. A cat has two small ears. 【答案】1.C 2.B 3.D 4.E 5.A 【解析】1.想知道对方是几号,可以这样问 What s your number? 2.想邀请朋友一起去放风筝,可以这样说 Let s play w

32、ith my kite. 3.问你今天天气怎么样,可以这样回答 It s sunny today. 4.想表达猫有两只小耳朵,可以这样说 A cat has two small ears. 5.想看一下那件蓝色连衣裙, 可以这样和售货员说Can I look at the blue dress,please? 十二、阅读短文,判断正十二、阅读短文,判断正(T)误误(F)。(10 分分) A My name is Jack. I m from the USA. I am nine years old. I like basketball,and I am good at it. I often

33、play basketball with my friends on the weekend. It s fun. I also like ping-pong,but I can t play it well. I am going to China with my parents by plane next month. I want to make new friends there. I also wants to learn to play ping-pong. ( ) 1. Jack is from the USA. ( ) 2. Jack likes to play ping-po

34、ng. ( ) 3. He wants to make new friends in China. ( ) 4. He wants to learn to jump rope. ( ) 5. Jack often play basketball with my friends on the weekend. 【答案】1. T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 【解析】1. 根据第一、二句可知 Jack is from the USA.是正确的。 2. 根据第一自然段最后一句 I also like ping-pong.可知是正确的。 3. 根据第二自然段第二句 I want to make ne

35、w friends there.可知是正确的。 4. 根据第二自然段最后一句 I also wants to learn to play ping-pong.可知是错误的。 5. 根据第一自然段第四句可知 Jack often play basketball with my friends on the weekend.是正确的。 B Hello,friends. My name is Rose. I m nine. I am a student. I have a happy family. Look,this is a photo of my family! The old man is

36、my grandfather. He s seventy-three. He likes noodles. He s a farmer. My grandmother s sixty-eight. She likes fish. She s a teacher. Look at this woman. She is my mother. She s thirty-five. She s a nurse. She likes vegetables very much. And this man is my father.He s thirty-nine. He likes soup. He s

37、a driver. Mary is my sister. She is a quiet girl. They love me. I love them. ( ) 1. There are five people in my family. ( ) 2. My grandfather is a farmer. He likes noodles. ( ) 3. My mom likes beef. She s a nurse. ( )4. My dad is thirty-nine. Hes a driver. ( )5. I m Mary and my sister is Rose. 【答案】1

38、. F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 【解析】1. 根据整篇短文可知,Rose 一家有六口人.所以是错误的。 2. 根据第二自然段第二、四、五句 The old man is my grandfather. He likes noodles. He s a farmer.可知是正确的。 3. 根据第二自然段第十二、十三句 She s a nurse. She likes vegetables very much.可 知答案是错误的。 4. 根据第二自然段倒数第四、六句 He s thirty-nine. He s a driver.可知是正确的。 5. 根据第一自然段第二句 My name is Rose.和倒数第三句 Mary is my sister.可知答 案是错误的。


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