高中(2020新外研版)英语必修二 Unit 2 Let’s celebrate单元测试(含答案).docx

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1、新外研版高中英语必修新外研版高中英语必修二二 Unit 2 Lets celebrate!单元测试单元测试 (考试时间:(考试时间:120 分钟分钟 分值:分值:150 分)分) 一、根据汉语提示写出正确的单词根据汉语提示写出正确的单词(每小题(每小题 0.5 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. What does the _(龙)represent in Western culture? 2. Mike and Peter are of the same _(国籍). 3. Grandpa made a _(灯笼)out of a pumpkin, and the kids all like

2、it very much. 4. Mr Smith opened the _(信封)and took out a letter. 5. Weve fixed the date for the outing and well go _(不管,不顾)of wind or rain. 6. Dickens novels have enriched English _(文学). 7. Our vote today _(显示)a change in our countrys political policy. 8. Will the _(软件)run on my computer? 9. Without

3、 an _(观众)the performance is pointless. 10. Will you _(向表示敬意)me with a visit? 二、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题(每小题 0.5 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. Colourful paper _ (decorate) have been hung from the ceiling. 2. Gender _ (equality) is still a problem in some regions. 3. Just now, he _ (admit) that he might be a

4、 little bit nervous on the stage. 4. Construction also continues to be a strong sector _ (global). 5. Mrs Palmer is a _ (retire) maths teacher. 6. Bob Green began his career as a sound _ (edit). 7. His death is a great _ (lose) to his country. 8. Most people dont believe in the _ (exist) of ghosts.

5、9. A career in law is becoming increasingly _ (attract) to young people. 10. I really like _ (formal) English, and its more casual than formal English. 三、三、选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式,完成句子(每小题(每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分) 1. I enjoy going with my friends to _. 2. John Brown is _ the best doctor in to

6、wn. 3. _ we are united, there is no difficulty we cannot overcome. 4. My elder brother _ pop music since he entered high school. 5. What did this _ my daughters wedding? 四、四、阅读理解阅读理解(每小题(每小题 2 分,共分,共 30 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Always something to celebrate Edinburgh is the world

7、s festival city. There are 12 festivals throughout the year, half of which are celebrated during the months of July and August. regard. as, as long as, eat out, have. to do with, be keen on Hundreds of thousands of people visit the Scottish capital during the summer. Here are some of the events they

8、 can enjoy: The Edinburgh International Festival This is the original Edinburgh festival, which began in 1947. Actors, musicians, dancers and opera singers from all over the world perform to huge audiences. You need tickets for most events which take place in theaters around the city. The Edinburgh

9、Festival Fringe(艺穗节)(艺穗节) This is the largest arts festival in the world with thousands of shows taking place across the city. More than 20,000 artists take part, as the festival is open to anyone. Visitors can choose from a huge variety of acts. Join thousands of visitors and locals at the Royal Mi

10、le, Edinburghs main street, to watch all kinds of performers and shows. The Edinburgh International Book Festival The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens, in the centre of Edinburgh. There are more than 700 events for children and a

11、dults who love books. You can meet many authors, talk to them, ask them to sign a book or listen to them talk about their stories. Children can listen to stories and watch illustrators (插画家) draw pictures. The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival Music lovers come to this festival to enjoy music shows

12、around the city. One of the highlights(精彩部分)of this musical event is the street carnival (嘉年华), which is free to all. Artists perform street theatre, dance and circus(马戏团)shows in amazing costumes, and everyone can join in the dancing. 1. What do we know about the Edinburgh International Festival fr

13、om the article? A. It started in 1947. B. Its held at the Royal Mile. C. Its free to Scottish people. D. It takes place in July every year. 2. Which is the largest arts festival in the world? A. The Edinburgh International Festival. B. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe. C. The Edinburgh International Bo

14、ok Festival. D. The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival. 3. According to the passage, what can visitors do at the Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival? A. They can try on different costumes. B. They can join a singing competition. C. They can take part in a street carnival. D. They can get pictures from

15、famous painters. B Before I turned 10, I lost my parents. I lived alone in a room that a family member allowed me to use rent-free. To support myself, I began to deliver newspapers. I would be up every morning by 5 am and walk five kilometers to the newspaper office. By 6 am, I would collect 50 copi

16、es of Urdu Daily the bundle(一捆)must have weighed over 5 kilograms. My working area spanned(跨越)3 kilometers. After distributing(分发)the copies, I would rush home another 3 kilometers quickly eat and be off to high school. One morning when I got home after my deliveries, I found a boy my age at my door

17、step. He introduced himself as Afzal and said his father wanted to see me. I was greeted at the door by Afzals mother, Naseem. She served tea and snacks as Afzals father, Mr Kader, joined us. Later, as I was about to leave after thanking them, Mr Kader asked me to wait. Naseem asked me, “How many mi

18、les do you walk every day?” “A little more than six,” I replied. My reply shocked her. I saw Mr Kader emerge again, wheeling(推)a new bicycle. It was a Hercules, quite expensive in pre-Independence India. “This is for you!” he said. It took a few seconds for the love to sink in. It felt warm, like ho

19、me, as if my mother were there for me. I didnt realize tears were rolling down my face. Mr Kader said, “Your newspaper editor is a friend of mine. He gave me your address, so I knew you lived close by. Then Afzal told us more about you.” Confused, I asked Afzal how he knew so much about me. His repl

20、y surprised me. “Everybody, not just in school but the whole of Kachiguda, does!” he said. I bowed, gratefully, shook hands with Afzal and left. This time I did not have to walk I had the bicycle. The bicycle saved my life for many years thereafter and taught me a life-long lesson: Help should alway

21、s be need-based. Never try to feed a person who is dying of thirst. 4. Why did Afzals father want to meet the author? A. He wanted to help the author. B. The authors parents used to be his friends. C. He wanted to know more about the author. D. The author reminded him of his own childhood. 5. How di

22、d the author feel after Afzals father offered him the bicycle? A. Satisfied. B. Interested. C. Touched. D. Confused. 6. To the author, the bicycle was_. A. a long-desired gift B. a childhood toy C. something that offers extra convenience D. something that got him out of difficulties 7. What does the

23、 underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean? A. Sometimes helping others can hurt your relationships. B. Try your best to help others even if you cannot. C. Know what the person needs when giving help. D. Its difficult to find out what a person really wants. C The story of Santa Claus began hund

24、reds of years earlier. During the fourth century, a Roman Catholic church official called Nicholas of Myra became famous for his many good actions. Nicholas was made a saint after his death and it became common in northern Europe to hold a celebration on December 6th, the day Nicholas died. All kind

25、s of stories were told about saint Nicholas and the Dutch brought one of these stories with them to America. They believed that each year the saint rode a white horse from home to home. He gave presents to children who had been good, and coal or straw to children who had been bad. Other Americans wh

26、o lived nearby greatly enjoyed the Dutch celebrations. They decided to make saint Nicholas part of their own celebration of Christmas. But he got a new name Santa Claus. It was taken from the Dutch words for Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus. The Dutch imagined Saint Nicholas to be a serious, even frighte

27、ning person, who could punish as well as give gifts. But in 1822, an American named Clement C. Moore wrote a Christmas poem for his children, the poem called A Visit from St. Nicholas, created a completely new Santa Claus. Dr. Moore described a short, happy, little man who rode in an open sleigh. Th

28、e sleigh was pulled from house to house by eight white reindeer. At each house Santa delivered gifts by dropping them down the chimney into the fireplace. Dr. Moores poem was published in a newspaper in New York, in 1823. It soon became popular all over America and it became the source for the Santa

29、 Claus American children still believe in today. An American artist named Thomas Nast also played a part in creating Santa Claus. Beginning in 1860s, Mr. Nast drew pictures of Santa Claus for an American publication called Harpers Weekly. These pictures showed a fat, smiling old man with a red nose

30、and white beard. He was dressed in a red suit with white fur and a black belt. Today more than one hundred years later, that same Santa Claus can be seen everywhere at Christmas time. 8. Nicholas died _. A. on December 25th B. on December 6th C. in 1822 D. in 1823 9. Nicholas became famous because _

31、. A. he lived during the fourth century B. he was a Roman Catholic Church official C. he did a lot of deeds D. he lived in Myra, the ancient capital of Lycia 10. The Dutch believed that Saint Nicholas _. A. gave presents to each child B. gave nothing to the bad children C. gave coal or straw to the

32、bad children D. gave presents to the adults 11. The Santa Claus that American children trust today comes from _. A. a newspaper B. a poem C. a chimney D. a forest D You may have been told in the past that reading to your children can help their development. Now an organization is trying to stress it

33、 even more. The American Academy of Pediatrics is now having doctors encourage parents to read aloud to their children, even at the earliest stages. They say it is an important part of the brains development in the first three years of a childs life. “Although reading to our children can be a simple

34、 thing, it has a huge effect on our children. It can encourage our children to read later on in life and give a good start to their education. It can enhance the vocabulary and other communication skills. We can continue to do something that doesnt take a lot of time and energy to tell the children

35、that love of reading is so important when they are babies,” said Dr Heidi Stoltenberg at Mayo Clinic Health System. Reading to your children is very important. Stoltenberg said it is never too early to start. “It may seem kind of unusual because we dont necessarily think babies are at an age when yo

36、u would read to them, but immediately when you come home from the delivery (分娩) of your baby is a great time to start that,” Stoltenberg said. Studies have shown that the poverty level plays a major role in parents who read to their children. Many times, that is simply because the families cannot af

37、ford books or other things to read. There are many resources (资源) in our area to help those families get reading materials. The United Way of Freeborn County, and many others across the region, have teamed up with Dolly Partons Imagination Library. Many local hospitals, including Mayo Clinic Health

38、System in Albert Lea and Austin, also take part in Reach Out and Read. 12. What does the underlined word “enhance” in the third paragraph mean? A. Choose. B. Receive. C. Increase. D. Prevent. 13. What is Stoltenbergs opinion of reading to babies? A. She thinks it is completely meaningless. B. She be

39、lieves babies may get hurt if you do that. C. She insists that the parents turn to some experts. D. She holds that reading to babies should start as early as possible. 14. Whats the main difficulty for parents to read to their children? A. Being short of time. B. Being short of money. C. The bad fam

40、ily environment. D. The poor education background. 15. What does the text mainly talk about? A. The importance of reading to children. B. New ways to develop childrens reading ability. C. Reasons that influence childrens reading habits. D. Necessity of paying attention to childrens brain development

41、. 五、七选五五、七选五(每小题(每小题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分) 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余 选项。 Everyone has received an invitation to a party or event they couldnt or didnt want to accept. Declining an invitation can be done without hurting the hosts feelings or creating hostility (敌意) between the two of you. 1

42、. _ If invited to a wedding or another event for which an is included, return the RSVP promptly. If no RSVP is requested, still call or write to the host with your regrets and thank them for including you. 2. _ Follow up with a handwritten note. Thank the host for the invitation, say you will not be

43、 able to make it, and wish them luck with their event. The type of note should match the type of invitation sent. For a wedding or bridal shower, send a formal card or use nice-looking stationery. 3. _ Be honest when giving any explanation(s). If you have another obligation, let him/her know. If you

44、 dont have another obligation, and cant comfortably explain why you dont want to go, just politely decline without offering a reason. 4. _ It will likely backfire when he/she finds out you lied, even if it was to protect his or her feelings. 5. _ For an occasion where a gift might be expected, like

45、a birthday party or a wedding party, send a small and thoughtful gift with a written congratulations after you send your regrets. Dont feel obligated(必须的)to buy a gift for someone you dont know well. It is up to your own judgment as to whether your invitation warrants a gift. A. Dont make up a reaso

46、n for not attending. B. It is considered rude to ignore an invitation completely. C. Look on the invitation for the preferred method of contacting the host. D. Respond in the manner requested as soon as possible. E. Send a congratulatory note and a gift, if appropriate. F. Its important to stick to

47、your original decision. G. Never send a typed response to a personal invitation. 六、完形填空六、完形填空(每小题(每小题 1.5 分,共分,共 30 分)分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 I had a quick thirty-minute stopover in Detroit before heading home to Toronto. After 1 up the passage in a hurry, I realized tha

48、t my gate was on the opposite end of the airport. Luckily, I got there with five minutes to 2 and stood waiting to be called. I was tired and had a 3 scheduled right after I was home. But then came the 4 , “It seems we have overbooked the flight. Would anyone volunteer to stay for the 5 flight?” There were 100-plus people and not a 6 person said a word. The next flight was in four hours. I 7 and saw businessmen needing to get home for work, mothers to


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