Unit 6 预习·新知早知道1 同步教材讲解(2020新外研版)英语必修第二册.doc

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1、 .匹配词义 a单词匹配 ( )1.shark Av.把作为目标 ( )2.dive Bn.(鲨)鱼 ( )3.target Cv.(通常指使用呼吸设备的)潜水 答案 13 BCA b短语匹配 ( )1.in fear A因为,由于 ( )2.be scared/frightened/afraid of B对有影响 ( )3.due to C把看作 ( )4.cut off D害怕 ( )5.have a(n) effect on E害怕地 ( )6.be based on F错误地 ( )e across G以为基础 ( )8.see as H而不是 ( )9.rather than I切掉

2、,砍掉 ( )10.by mistake J偶遇,偶然发现 答案 15 EDAIB 610 GJCHF .默写单词 1scare v 使(某人)惊恐,吓唬 2fortunately adv. 幸运地 3extinction n. 灭绝,绝种 4attitude n. (尤指通过行为表现出的对某事的 一般)看法,态度 .语境填词 shark,target,attitude 1Such a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits. 2Only by working hard can you achi

3、eve your target 3Most people fail to realize that shark attacks dont happen very often. .语法填空之派生词 1The diver(dive) went into the deep water beyond the danger limit. 2I was scared(scare)to death. 3The boat sank quickly but fortunately(fortunate) everyone was rescued. 4In a word,we must take some meas

4、ures to prevent rare animals from extinction(extinct) 1This is the opening scene from the 1975 film Jaws,showing a shark attack. 这是 1975 年上映的电影大白鲨的开始场景,展示了鲨鱼的攻击。 2Finning would have an unexpected effect upon Peter Benchley,the man who wrote the book the film Jaws was based on. 割鳍可能对彼得 本奇利产生了意想不到的影响。

5、此人写了大白鲨 ,电影 大白鲨就是以该书为蓝本。 3 He came to see people as a danger to sharks, rather than the other way round. 他开始认为人类对鲨鱼是一种威胁,而不是鲨鱼对人类是威胁。 4Experts have proved that sharks do not see people as food,and they attack us by mistake. 专家们已经证明,鲨鱼并不把人当作食物,它们不过是误袭我们。 名师圈点 shark n鲨鱼 surface v升到水面,浮出水面 in fear 害怕地

6、a success 一个成功的人或一件成功的事 success 作不可数名词时,意为“成功” award n奖,奖品,奖金 strengthen v加强,巩固 scared v使(某人)惊恐,吓唬 be scared of 害怕 make things worse 使事情更糟糕 frightened adj.害怕的,受惊的 be frightened of 害怕 stop doing sth.停止做某事 (be) afraid of 害怕 the number of 的数量 a number of 大量的 due to 由于,因为 fin v切去(鱼的)鳍 n鱼鳍 cut off 切掉,砍掉

7、millions of 数以百万计的 hundreds of 数以百计的 thousands of 数以千计的 have an effect on/upon 对有影响 be based on 以为基础 dive v(通常指使用呼吸设备的)潜水 come across 偶遇 21be covered with 被覆盖 22see as 把看作 23rather than 而不是 24the other way round 相反,反过来 25from that day on 从那天起 26target v把作为目标 n目标,靶子,对象 27by mistake 错误地,弄错 28fortunate

8、ly adv.幸运地 29became/be interested in 对感兴趣 30extinction n灭绝,绝种 原文呈现 SHARKS :DANGEROUS OR ENDANGERED? We see a woman swimming1 at night in a dark sea.Suddenly,she is pulled underwater.She surfaces ,cries in fear,then disappears forever.This is the opening scene from the 1975 film Jaws,showing a shark

9、attack2It tells the story of a great white shark that attacks and kills swimmers3Jaws was a great success ,attracting huge audiences and winning many awards 4It strengthened peoples longheld idea of the great white shark as a dangerous animal. 1see a woman swimming 为感官动词后加现在分词作宾补, 意为“看到某人 正在做某事”。 2s

10、howing a shark attack 为现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰 opening scene。 3that attacks and kills swimmers 为 that 引导的定语从句, 修饰先行词 shark。 4attracting huge audiences and winning many awards 为两个并列的现在分词 短语作定语,修饰 success。 People have always been scared of sharks,but Jaws made things worse.It made people frightened 5 of sharks

11、,especially of the great white shark.Many people who saw the film6 started to believe that sharks were bad animals that ate humans7Some people stopped swimming in the sea,afraid of the horrible creature from the film.Other people started fishing for sharks,killing as many as they could8At that time,

12、nobody cared if sharks were killed,or how many were killed.People just wanted them killed9 5made people frightened 是“make宾语宾补”的结构。 6who saw the film 为定语从句修饰先行词 people。 7that ate humans 为定语从句修饰先行词 animals。 8killing as many as they could 为现在分词短语作结果状语。 9wanted them killed 为动词后加复合宾语,过去分词 killed 作宾补。 Aft

13、er 1975,the number of large sharks around America fell quickly,and soon fell around the world.This was not only due to fear of sharks,but also finning 10Finning is a type of fishing where sharks are caught and their fins cut off.11 The sharks are thrown back into the sea where they die slowly and pa

14、infully.The fins are used in shark fin soup.Finning kills millions of sharks a year. 10本句含有 not only but also 意为“不仅,而且” ,连接两 个并列成分。 11本句中动名词 finning 作主语,谓语动词用单数形式;where sharks are caught 为定语从句修饰 a type of fishing。 Finning would have an unexpected effect upon Peter Benchley,the man who wrote the book

15、 the film Jaws was based on.12 In 1980,Benchley was diving when13 he came across an awful sight.It was an area where fishermen were finning,and the sea floor was covered with 21 dead sharks14Benchley saw sharks being killed and this caused a deep change in him.He came to see people as 22 a danger to

16、 sharks,rather than 23 the other way round24.From that day on,25 he fought to protect sharks.He admitted that his book was wrong about sharks behaviour15“Sharks dont target 26 humans, ” he said.Experts have proved that sharks do not see people as food, and they attack us by mistake 2716 Only around

17、six people are killed by sharks every year. 12本句为复合句。the man 与 Peter Benchley 为同位语,其后 who 引导的定 语从句修饰先行词 the man,而 the book 后为省略关系代词 that/which 的定语从 句,修饰先行词 the book。 13本句句式为 be doing sth.when ,其中 when 为并列连词。 14where fishermen were finning 为定语从句修饰先行词 area。 15that his book was wrong about sharks behav

18、iour 为 that 引导的宾语从句作 admitted 的宾语。 16that sharks do not see people by mistake 为 that 引导的宾语从句作 have proved 的宾语。 Fortunately 28,not everyone who watched the film Jaws became afraid of sharks17some became interested in 29 understanding them.Today,as we learn more about sharks18, more people than ever w

19、ant to protect them from extinction 30. 17not everyone 表示部分否定;who watched the film Jaws 为定语从句修饰 先行词 everyone。 18as we learn more about sharks 是 as 引导的时间状语从句,as 表示“随 着”。 译文参考 鲨鱼:危险还是濒危? 我们看到一个女人晚上在漆黑的海里游泳。突然,她被拖到了水下。她浮出 了水面,恐惧地大哭,然后永远消失了。这是 1975 年上映的电影大白鲨的 开始场景,展示了鲨鱼的攻击。它讲述了一条大白鲨袭击并杀死游泳者的故事。 大白鲨获得了巨大

20、的成功,吸引了大批观众,赢得了许多奖项。它强化了人 们长期持有的观念,即大白鲨是一种危险的动物。 虽然人们一直都害怕鲨鱼,但大白鲨让事态变得更为严重。它使人们恐 惧鲨鱼,尤其是大白鲨。许多看过这部电影的人开始相信鲨鱼是吃人的坏动物。 一些人停止在海里游泳, 因为害怕遇到电影里描写的这种可怕的动物。其他人开 始捕捞鲨鱼,尽可能地捕杀鲨鱼。那时,没有人关心鲨鱼是否被杀死,或者有多 少被杀死。人们只是想杀了它们。 1975 年以后,美国各地的大鲨鱼数量迅速下降,不久世界各地的大鲨鱼数 量也随之下降。这不仅是因为人们对鲨鱼的恐惧,还因为割鳍。割鳍是一种捕鱼 方式,在这种捕鱼方式中,鲨鱼被捕获后,它们的

21、鳍被割掉。然后鲨鱼被扔回海 里,在那里它们缓慢而痛苦地死去。鱼鳍用于做鱼翅汤。割鳍每年害死数百万条 鲨鱼。 割鳍可能对彼得 本奇利产生了意想不到的影响。此人写了大白鲨 ,电影 大白鲨就是以该书为蓝本。在 1980 年,本奇利潜水时遇到了一个可怕的景 象。这是一个渔民正在割鳍的地方,海底布满了死去的鲨鱼,这使他产生了深刻 的变化。他开始认为人类对鲨鱼是一种威胁,而不是鲨鱼对人类是威胁。从那天 起,他就开始保护鲨鱼。他承认他的书中关于鲨鱼行为的描述是错误的。 “鲨鱼 不以人类为攻击的目标, ”他说。专家们已经证明,鲨鱼并不把人当作食物,它 们不过是误袭我们。每年只有大约六人被鲨鱼咬死。 幸运的是,并不是所有看过电影大白鲨的人都害怕鲨鱼有些人对了 解鲨鱼很感兴趣。今天,随着我们对鲨鱼了解得越来越多,越来越多的人想要保 护它们免于灭绝。


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