Unit 3 泛读·技能初养成 同步教材讲解(2020新外研版)英语必修第二册.doc

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1、 阅读 P3233的教材课文,选出最佳选项 1Which of the following statements is TRUE about Li Yue? AHe has improved his health through running. BHis asthma stopped him from running in the races. CHe won gold in the under 18s 10,000 metres next year. DHe took part in local races after hearing the doctors advice. 2Which

2、is NOT the reason that David goes running for? ATo reduce his stress from work. BTo let him not feel anxious. CTo move the tension from his mind. DTo face the new challenge. 3What is the purpose of the Great Gorilla Run? ATo raise money to save the gorillas from dying out. BTo receive a gorilla suit

3、 and off they go. CTo get a banana for a running gorilla. DHave a great day out in London. 4Whats the main idea of the passage? AFour runners share their stories about running. BIt tells the benefits gained from running. CIt explains the reasons why they began to run. DThey want to make friends thro

4、ugh running. 答案 14 ADAA Words and Phrases 知识要点1 balance n 平衡 v(使)平衡;权衡 (教材 P30) Using only a rope,you can develop your footwork and balance. 仅用一根绳子,你就可以改善你的步法和平衡。 例 1 You were working too hard.Youd better keep a balance between work and relaxation. 你工作太努力了,你最好使工作和休闲保持均衡。 例 2 You had better balance y

5、our diet by eating more fruit and less meat. 你最好通过多吃水果少吃肉来均衡饮食。 造句 这个女孩失去了平衡,从自行车上掉了下来。 The girl lost her balance and fell off the bike. 知识拓展 (1)the balance of nature 自然平衡 keep/lose/break the balance 保持/失去/打破平衡 on balance 总的来说 (2)balance against 把与进行权衡 (3)balanced adj. 平衡的 a balanced diet 均衡饮食 即学即练

6、单句语法填空 Despite some failures,our firm has had quite a good year on balance. You have to balance the advantages of living in a big city against the disadvantages. To live a long and healthy life, we must learn to have a balanced(balance) diet. 知识要点2 involve v包含,需要;涉及;使参与 (教材 P31) It involves doing ve

7、ry slow physical exercises to relax your mind and calm your body. 它包含做非常缓慢的身体锻炼来放松你的思想和平静你的身体。 例 1 Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which involves spending quite a lot of time with students. 米歇尔找到了一份中学老师的工作, 这份工作需要花费相当多的时间和学生 在一起。 例 2 Try to involve as many children as possible in the g

8、ame. 让尽可能多的孩子参与到游戏中来。 造句 经营你自己的生意通常需要工作很长的时间。 Running your own business usually involves working long hours. 知识拓展 (1)involve doing sth. 包含做某事 involve sb.in (doing) sth. 使某人参与(做)某事 (2)involved adj. 复杂的;有关联 get/be involved in 参与;被卷入 即学即练 单句语法填空 The test will involve answering(answer) questions about h

9、istory. Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience for growth. The manager interviewed everyone involved(involve) in the accident to find out what had actually happened. 名师点津 involved adj.作前置定语时,意为“复杂的”;作后置定语时, 意为“涉及的”。例如:an involved sentence“一个复杂的句子”;t

10、he people involved“所涉及的人”。 知识要点3 response n回答,答复 (教材 P31) During the interview,listen carefully to each question and try to understand the main ideas within the interviewees responses. 在面试期间,仔细听取每个问题,尽量理解面试者的答复的主旨。 例 1 More and more,silence was the response he had come to use. 他越来越多地用沉默作答。 例 2 He sa

11、id that he was delighted with the public response. 他说公众的反应让他欣喜。 造句 我敲了敲门,但没有回应。 I knocked on the door but there was no response. 知识拓展 (1)in response to 作为的回应 make a response to 对做出回应 (2)respond v. 回答;回应 respond to 答复,对作出回应 即学即练 单句语法填空 She made no response(respond) to his question because she could t

12、hink of nothing to say. I am writing in response to your advertisement for a temporary position as a waiter. You should think it over before you respond to the question. 知识要点4 power n力量;权力;能力;动力 v供给动力 (教材 P33) Then I discovered an app called Running Power. 然后我发现了一个名叫“奔跑力量”的应用程序。 例 1 The aim is to gi

13、ve people more power over their own lives. 目的是让人们更能主宰自己的生命。 例 2 The power station gives light and power to the whole city. 这座电站供给全市照明和动力用电。 造句 我不能帮你做那件事,因为这超出了我的能力。 I cant help you with that,because it is beyond my power. 知识拓展 (1)come to/into power 掌权,上台,执政 in power 当权 beyond ones power 某人力所不能及 with

14、in/in ones power 有能力;力所能及 (2)powerful adj. 有力的;(药等)有功效的 即学即练 单句语法填空 When the new president came to/into power,he took a series of measures to improve peoples life. The government in power is devoted to the improvement of education. I will do everything within/in my power to help you,but you must get

15、 prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties. Never before has our country been so powerful(power) as it is today. 知识要点5 in turn 反过来,转而;依次,轮流 (教材 P33) It can be quite stressful at times,though,which in turn makes me feel anxious. 然而,有时压力很大,这反过来又让我感到焦虑。 例 1 Theory is based on practice and in turn serv

16、es practice. 理论的基础是实践,反过来理论又为实践服务。 例 2 Each of you in turn must tell the funniest joke he or she can think of. 你们每个人依次讲一个你们能想到的最好笑的笑话。 造句 他们依次回答了老师的问题。 They answered the teachers questions in turn. 知识拓展 by turns 轮流地 take turns in doing/to do sth. 轮流做某事 Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事。 即学即练 单句语法填空 T

17、he shop assistants had to have their days off by turns. They had to take turns to look(look) after the patients. I think its my turn to drive(drive) the kids to school this week. People try to avoid transportation delays by using their own cars,and this in turn creates further problems. 名师点津 in retu

18、rn 与 in turn 形式相近,但前者意为“作为交换,作为回 报”。 知识要点6 die out 消失,绝迹,灭绝 (教材P33) This is a programme run by The Gorilla Organization to raise money to save the worlds last remaining gorillas from dying out. 这是大猩猩慈善协会发起的一个项目, 旨在筹集资金拯救世界上仅存的大猩 猩免于灭绝。 例 1 Perhaps too much fighting caused the dinosaurs to die out. 或

19、许太多的争斗使得恐龙灭绝了。 例 2 Many rare animals are dying out.We must find ways to protect our environment. 许多稀有动物即将灭绝。我们必须找出方法来保护我们的环境。 造句 那种风格的音乐十年前就已经消失了。 That style of music died out ten years ago. 知识拓展 (1)die away (声音或感情等)慢慢变弱/渐渐消失 die down (风或噪音等)渐弱;逐渐平息 die off 先后死去;一一死去 die of/from 死于 (2)be dying for 很

20、想要;渴望 be dying to do sth. 极想做某事 即学即练 单句语法填空 Although the wind died down completely,the air was still as cold as before. To his great sorrow,his chickens were dying off from the disease. After hours of working in the hot sun,the men were dying for cold water. They didnt realize the importance of prot

21、ecting environment until all the fishes in the river died out 知识要点7 inspire v鼓舞,激励,激起 (教材 P34) End by saying why he/she inspires you. 最后说说他/她为什么会激励你。 例 1 The first success inspired us greatly later in the competition. 初战的成功对我们后面的比赛鼓舞很大。 例 2 His first novel was inspired by the memory of his mother. 他

22、的第一本小说的灵感来自对他妈妈的记忆。 造句 我们的成功激励了我们并增强了我们的信心。 Our successes have inspired us and strengthened our confidence. 知识拓展 (1)inspire sb.to do sth. 激励某人做某事 inspire sb.with sth./inspire sth.in sb. 激起某人的某种情感 (2)inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的,启发灵感的 inspiration n. 鼓舞;启示;灵感 即学即练 单句语法填空 The failure inspired him to work(work)

23、 harder than ever. The captains heroic effort inspired them with determination. Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration(inspire) from nature. Inspired(inspire) by the sunny weather,I decided to explore the woods. 小片段助记 The inspiring speech gave the students great inspiration, raised thei

24、r confidence and inspired their motivation to work hard. 知识要点8 persuade v说服,劝服 (教材 P35) He then persuaded me to try ice hockey. 然后他说服我尝试打冰球。 例 1 You can save your breath:youll never persuade her. 别白费唇舌了,你说服不了她。 例 2 We have no idea how to persuade him to give up this idea. 我们不知道如何说服他放弃这个念头。 造句 无论我们如何

25、努力去说服他,他都不听。 No matter how hard we tried to persuade him,he wouldnt listen. 知识拓展 persuade sb.to do sth. persuade sb.into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb.not to do sth. persuade sb.out of doing sth. 说服某人不做某事 persuade sb.of sth. 使某人相信某事 persuade sb.that 使某人相信 即学即练 单句语法填空 I managed to persuade my classm

26、ates to accept(accept) my idea. He couldnt persuade us of the truth of his statement. It will be difficult to persuade them that theres no other choice. 名师点津 persuade sb.to do sth./persuade sb.into doing sth.表示“说服某人 做某事” ,强调结果;advise sb.to do sth./try to persuade sb.to do sth.表示“劝说/试 图说服某人做某事”,强调动作,

27、但未必成功。 Sentence Patterns 重点句式1 whether or 引导让步状语从句 (教材 P29) Whether youre a professional athlete or keen sportsperson,DX Sports Watch is the ideal choice for you. 不管你是职业运动员还是热衷于运动的人,DX 运动手表是你理想的选择。 句式分析: whether or 引导让步状语从句, 意为“不管还是”。 此句式还可用于 whether or not 或 whether or not 。 例 1 Whether he eats or

28、sleeps,he takes his mobile phone. 他无论吃饭还是睡觉,都拿着手机。 例 2 Whether you go or not,I will go to visit my teacher. 不管你去还是不去,我都要去看望我的老师。 造句 无论你是否相信,这都是真的。 Whether you believe it or not,its true. 知识拓展 whether or 还可引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句, 意为“是还是”。 翻译 It remains to be seen whether or not the operation is succe

29、ssful(手术 是否成功) Another important difference is whether it is a state school or a private one(是 公办学校还是私立学校) 即学即练 单句语法填空 It doesnt matter whether you pay in cash or by credit card in this store. What I want to know is whether or not you have lost faith in me. 重点句式2 before 引导时间状语从句 (教材 P32) But before

30、I knew it,I was taking part in local races. 但不知不觉地,我就参加了当地的一些比赛。 句式分析:before 作连词引导时间状语从句时,在句中的译法很灵活。通常 有以下含义:在之前就;在之后才;还未来得及就。 例 1 He had hung up before I could tell him where to wait for him. 我还没来得及告诉他在哪里等他,他就挂断了电话。 例 2 We must clear up the classroom before we go home. 我们必须把教室打扫好了之后再回家。 造句 时间过得很快,不

31、知不觉已经过了三个月。 Time passed quickly and three months have passed by before I knew it. 知识拓展 before 引导时间状语从句的常用句式: (1)It be时间段before 多长时间后就/才 (2)It be时间点before 不久就 翻译 If you miss this chance,it may be years before(可能需要很多年才) you get another one. It will not be long before(不久之后) we get used to the new schoo

32、l life. 即学即练 单句语法填空 He rushed out of the room before I could say a word. He took time to answer our questions.It was fully a minute before he spoke. John thinks it wouldnt be long before he is(be) ready for his new job. 猜测词义 猜测词义, 是指在阅读中根据对语篇的信息、背景知识及语言结构等的综合 理解去猜测或推断某一生词、关键词的词义。 方法技巧:利用上下文与其意义上的联系猜

33、测词义 利用文中的举例猜测词义 根据构词法进行猜测 根据因果关系进行猜测 例题剖析 But hes nervous. “Im here to tell you today why you should should ” Chris trips on the “ld, ”a pronunciation difficulty for many nonnative English speakers.His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him, whispering support. “ Vote for me ”Except for some stumble

34、s,Chris is doing amazingly well.When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion,Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him. What does the underlined word“stumbles” in the paragraph refer to? AImproper pauses. BBad manners. CSpelling mistakes. DSilly jokes. A 词义猜测题。根据段落中的“you should should ”以及

35、“ Vote for me ”这样的语句特点可知,Chris 的演讲不流畅,也就是说有不适当 的停顿。这是他表现不好的地方,与画线词后的句意“他完成得非常好”构成转 折关系,与短语 except for 的语意相呼应。注意:高考阅读中的熟词生义现象非 常关键,例如,如果能够注意到本段中的 trips 一词在此语境中的特殊意义(意为 “绊倒”)则有助于快速解答此题。 即学即练 Soon afterwards, many of those people started settling down to become farmers, and their languages too became m

36、ore settled and fewer in number.In recent centuries, trade,industrialisation,the development of the nationstate and the spread of universal compulsory education,especially globalisation and better communications in the past few decades,all have caused many languages to disappear,and dominant languag

37、es such as English,Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over. Which of the following best explains“dominant” underlined in the paragraph? AComplex. BAdvanced. CPowerful. DModern. C 根据本段最后一句“In recent centuries all have caused many languages to disappear,and dominant languages such as English,Spanish and Chinese are increasingly taking over”可知,近几个世纪以来,随着社会的发展, 很多语言已经消失, 英语、 西班牙语、 汉语逐渐占主导地位。 complex“复杂的”; advanced“高级的,先进的”;powerful“有影响力的”;modern“现代的” 。故 选 C。


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