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1、第 1 页 共 13 页 20202020- -20212021 学年度第一学期学年度第一学期 七年级英语七年级英语期中期中试卷试卷 七年级七年级英语组英语组 命题:命题: 校对:校对: 卷面分值:卷面分值:150 分分 答卷时间:答卷时间:120 分钟分钟 第第 I 卷卷 客观客观题题 (共共 80 分分) 一、听力一、听力(共(共 20 小题;计小题;计 20 分)分) A)听对话回答问题。 (听两遍) ( )5. What does Alice want to do? A. Watch the lion dance. B. Dance with her friends. C. Let o

2、ff fireworks. ( )6. Who cant come back at the Mid-Autumn Festival? A. Jims uncle. B. Lilys daughter. C. Jims cousin. ( )7. Which shoes does the boy like? A. The brown ones. B. The white ones. C. The black ones. ( )8. How often does Nicks father exercise? A. Seldom. B. Every day. C. Sometimes. ( )9.

3、Which class is Tony in? A. Class 1. B. Class 2. C. Grade 7. ( )10. What activity does Dave have in May? A. An English party. B. A School Open Day. C. A football match. B)听对话和短文回答问题。 (听两遍) 第 2 页 共 13 页 听对话,回答第 11-12 小题。 ( )11. How many buildings are there in Mikes school? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

4、( )12. Where are the reading rooms? A. In Building C. B. In Building B. C. In Building A. 听第一篇短文,回答第 13-15 小题。 Lindas school Environment(环境) It is big and beautiful with many_13_ around. Library It is open for _14_ hours. Reading room She can only read books _15_ ( )13.A.flowers B. trees C. building

5、s ( )14. A.9 B.8 C.5 ( )15. A. after class B. in the morning C. in the afternoon 听第二篇短文,回答第 1620 小题。 ( )16. How old is Mary? A.13. B. 14. C.15. ( )17. Where did Mary have her birthday party? A. At home. B. In the park. C. In the school. ( )18. Which was Marys favourite present? A. Toys. B. Books. C.

6、 Chocolate. ( )19. Who gave Mary a music CD? A. Her friends. B. Her uncle. C. Her parents. ( )20.What did Mary and her friends do after the party? A. They chatted with each other. B. They listened to music. C. They went to the park to fly kites. 二、单项选择(每小题二、单项选择(每小题 1 分;共分;共 15 分)分) ( )21. -What kin

7、d of TV shows do you like, Andrew? -I like Street Dance of China III. I watch it _every Saturday evening. A. in B. on C. at D.不填 ( )22. -Whats in the picture on the wall? -There _ a teacher and some students playing soccer on the playground. A. has B. is C. are D. have ( )23. Like many other cooks,

8、Rebecca dreams about having _ own restaurant. A. they B. their C. she D. her ( )24. Do you know the _ why there are four seasons in a year? asks our Geography teacher. A. subject B. reason C. talk D. world ( )25. -Look at the picture! Its Doctor Zhong Nanshan. -Yes. We Chinese will _remember what he

9、 did in the fight against SARS and 第 3 页 共 13 页 COVID-19. A. sometimes B. always C. seldom D. never ( )26. -What would you like to do when you are free, Millie? -Id like to_. I enjoy learning about things in the past. A. visit the museums B. go roller skating C. talk about my school life D. go on pi

10、cnics ( )27. -I need to get some water. Can you _ my clothes while Im away? -No problem. Ill be glad to. A. look up B. look at C. look for D. look after ( )28.-How long _Haian Library _ every day? -For six and a half hours. From 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. A. is; open B. does; open

11、 C. is; opened D. does; opened ( )29. -Could you share with me _ of your speaking skills? They are useful. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )30.-Dont go running when you are too _, Lucas. -Thanks. I know that exercising after a big meal is not good. A. happy B. tired C. hungry D. full ( )31.W

12、hich of the underlined parts has a different sound? A. talk B. walk C. chalk D. also ( )32. We are very sorry to hear that the famous movie star died _ the early morning of October 25, 2018, _ the age of only 50. Ain; at Bin; in Cat; on Don; at ( )33. - _ do you go to the school Drawing Club every w

13、eek? -Three times. I really love drawing. A. How often B. How long C. How many times D. How much ( )34.-Ill go to Changzhou Dinosaur Park(常州恐龙园) with my parents tomorrow. -_. The dinosaurs there are amazing. A. Bad luck B. Thank you very much C. Have fun D. I really dont know ( )35. -I am a journali

14、st from Xinhua. Id like to have an interview(采访) with Dr Yuan. -_. He is waiting for you in the office. A. No way B. Thats all right C. Better not D. This way, please 三、完形填空(每小题三、完形填空(每小题 1 分;共分;共 15 分)分) In my family, my mum always gives the family something special for meals -she may make breakfas

15、t food for dinner. I still remember one night my mum 36 some bread in front of my dad, something very burnt(焦的). I wait to see if (是否)my dad will get angry. To my surprise, my dad just takes his 37 , smiles at my mum and then turns to ask me how my day at school is. I 38 第 4 页 共 13 页 what I tell him

16、 that night. 39 I remember(记得)watching him put some butter on that bread. He 40 happily, every bite(一口). After dinner, my mum says 41 to my dad for burning the bread. And I never forget (忘 记)what he says, I 42 burnt bread, dear. It doesnt matter at all. Later that night, I go to kiss Dad good 43 . I

17、 ask him if he really likes his bread burnt. He has me in arms and 44 , Your mum works very hard all day. Shes really 45 . And you seea little burnt food never hurts(伤害) anyone! Now I know life is not perfect(完美). 46 is perfect, either. As for me, 1 often forget birthdays or some other special days.

18、 But I learn something 47 these years. What we really need is the understanding of each other, between a husband(丈夫) and wife, a parent and 48 or just between two friends. This is the key (关键)to a happy 49 . So dont get angry if the bread gets burnt. Remember burnt bread never hurts anyone. Be 50 to

19、 those around you and a happier life will surely come closer to you. 36 .A. cooks B. puts C. finds D. buys 37. A. glass B. milk C. bowl D. bread 38. A. tell B. know C. forget D. ask 39. A. But B. So C. Because D. And 40. A. keeps B. eats C. drinks D. looks 41. A. hello B. goodbye C. no D. sorry 42.

20、A. dislike B. love C. make D. need 43. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. night 44. A. sings B. says C. laughs D. cries 45. A. tired B. excited C. angry D. interested 46. A. Everybody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Somebody 47. A. important B. difficult C. interesting D. easy 48. A. student B. brother C

21、. sister D. child 49. A. class B. party C. life D. story 50. A. angry B. kind C. clever D. free 四、阅读理解(每小题四、阅读理解(每小题 2 分;共分;共 30 分)分) (A) Planning for a party Jimmy: I will bring some paper. I can use it to fold(折) some fun paper hats for my friends. Sometimes we have to sit on the ground. We can pu

22、t the paper on the ground to keep our clothes clean. How clever of me! Anna: Well, I will make fruit salad for this party. Barbecues(烧烤) make people feel hot, and eating too much meat is not good for us. So I think fruit salad will make the barbecue more healthy. Im sure my friends will love it! 第 5

23、 页 共 13 页 Tom: Ill bring card games like Legends of the Three Kingdoms(三国杀). It will take us a long time to grill(烤) food. Playing card games with friends is a good way to kill time. We can also make a new rule for the game. Whoever loses the game has to cook the food! Sounds fun! Jess: I want to be

24、 the cook. First of all, I will prepare(准备) some food with barbecue skewers(棒). Its easy for us to grill food. Second, oil, pepper, and soy sauce(酱油) are important. They will make food more delicious. Lastly, 1 will bring enough water for my friends. Im sure we will have a good time! ( )51.What will

25、 Jimmy do with the paper? A. Make clothes. B. Put it on the ground and sit on it. C. Make fire. D. Put trash on top of it. ( )52. What will Tom bring? A. Some meat. B. Card games. C. Some fruit. D. Barbecue skewers. ( )53. Who wants to grill food for the party? A. Jimmy. B. Tom. C. Anna. D. Jess. (

26、)54. Which question are the students answering? A. What games can you play? B. Can you cook by yourself? C. What will you bring to an outdoor party? D. What things can you bring to school? (B) People around you shape who you are Two parrots(鹦鹉) lived in a tree. A hunter(猎人) saw them. He wanted to ca

27、tch them. One of them flew away. The other bird was caught by the hunter and taken to his house. Soon, the parrot learned to speak a few words. The parrot that flew away found a church and decided to stay there. It also learned to speak a few words. A traveler was walking near the hunters house one

28、day. He heard the parrot speak. It said, “Fool, why have you come here? I will cut your throat(喉咙). The traveler left the place. Then he walked for some time until he arrived at the church. The parrot there said, Welcome to our church. We have a lot of good food on our table. Eat whatever(无论什么) you

29、like. The traveler was surprised. I met another parrot near a hunters house. It said some rude things to me. Both of you are parrots. Why do you speak so differently? “The other parrot is my brother. But we have lived in different places and among different people. It is the people around you who sh

30、ape(塑造;形成) your words and actions (行动).” ( )55.How many parrots did the hunter catch? A. Zero. B. One. C. Two. D. Three. ( )56. In Paragraph 3, we can guess that the parrot possibly learned how to talk from_. 第 6 页 共 13 页 A. the other parrot B. the hunter C. the traveler D. people in the church ( )5

31、7.The story tells us that can influence(影响)_ with our words and actions. A. hunters B. pets C. famous artists D. our close friends C A Greek shopkeeper teaches me about the power of being kind. In 2018, I left Spain to study alone in London. My parents had to bring up(养育) my three younger sisters an

32、d two younger brothers, so I found three part-time jobs(兼职) to pay for my studies. I worked early mornings and late nights, so I was tired, really tired, all the time. Unluckily, I got a cold and had a very high fever. Because I was new in London, I had no friends. Besides, I was too shy to talk wit

33、h others and ask others for help. After sleeping on the bed for two days, I went out to get some food. Usually, I went to the supermarket, but this time I went into the Greek shop, a small corner shop, because it was closer. I picked up some food and gave it to the shopkeeper, who asked me, You look

34、 terrible, my boy! You are not feeling well, right? I said YES in a low voice. She pointed at the salami and bread I was buying and offered, I can make you a sandwich, so you dont have to do it yourself. I nodded without saying a word. So, she made the sandwich and asked me to wait a moment. She wen

35、t into the back room and came again with a bowl of hot soup. (汤) It will warm you up, she said with a friendly smile. What really warmed me up was not the soup. It was her smile that told me she cared me. Her kindness made me think of my mother. I was quite shy, but from that day on, I did not let s

36、hyness stop (阻止)me from talking with and being kind to others. Now I work in a childrens hospital in Africa. I love my work and people around me. I always bring my smile and kindness to them. ( )58.What can we learn about the writer and his family? A. His parents could not pay for his studies. B. Th

37、ere are five kids in his family. C. The writer is the youngest child in the family. D. The writer left London to study in Spain in 2018. ( )59.What did the shopkeeper NOT do for the writer? A. She made the sandwich. B. She cooked a bowl of hot soup. C. She made some bread. D. She sold him some salam

38、i. ( )60.What made the writer feel warm in his heart? A. A bowl of hot soup. B. A sandwich the shopkeeper made for him. C. The shopkeepers care and kindness. D. His parents love. 第 7 页 共 13 页 ( )61. Which of the following words cant describe(描述) the writer now? A. Friendly. B. Shy. C. Nice. D. Kind.

39、 D Tarrick Walker is a 12-year-old boy from California, US. One day, one of his classmates called him a dumb(蠢的) N-word” . The N-word is a bad word that is used to insult (侮辱) black people. Walker reported this act of bullying(欺凌) to his school. But he realized that not everyone has the courage(勇气)

40、to do this. He started an activity to help people fight against bullying. Walker and his parents made stop bullying T-shirts. They passed them out for free at his school. Walker designed (设计) the shirts. They are blue. Blue is the color for National Bullying Prevention Month(全国反霸凌月), which is in Oct

41、ober. The shirts have a picture of childrens handprints and the words STOP BULLYING . They also made wristbands (腕带) with the same words. They gave away 100 shirts. The T-shirts became so popular that some other schools ordered them as well. There were over 200 orders. ( )62.What do we know about Wa

42、lker? A. He often fought with his classmates. B. He was afraid of telling the truth. C. One of his classmates bullied him. D. He didnt go to school. ( )63. From the story, we know that_ made the stop bullying”T-shirts. A. Walker B. Walker and his parents C. Walker and his classmates D. Walkers schoo

43、l ( )64. What do we know about National Bullying Prevention Month? A. Its official color is blue. B. It is in September. C. People can get free shirts during this month. D. Students in the US dont like it. ( )65. The story is mainly about_. A. Walkers school life B. how to get along with your classm

44、ates C. how Walker started his own business D. what Walker did to fight bullying 第第 IIII 卷卷 主观主观题题 (共共 7070 分分) 五、词汇(每小题五、词汇(每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分)分) A. 写单词写单词。根据音标、句意、中文提示或英文释义写出单词。 66. _ / padn/ ? I cant hear you well on the phone. 67. My cousin _ (练习;训练) drawing with her art teacher at weekends. 68.

45、In their city, a lot of schools have _ (现代的) and bright computer rooms. 69. I have bought a pen for you. What _ (other things) would you like to buy? 70. Of all the subjects, he likes _ (生物) best. B. 词形变化词形变化。选择方框内所给单词,并用其正确形式填空。 71. Lucy and Lily are new students this term. Mr. Wang will teach _ Ch

46、inese. 72. Lucy and Lily are twin sisters, but they have different _. hobby parent two they good 第 8 页 共 13 页 73. Lets clean the classroom for the _ meeting this afternoon. 74. He has lived in England for many years, so he speaks English very _ . 75. I love travelling, so I plan to go on a trip _ a year. C. 动词填空动词填空。选择方框内所给动词,并用其正确形式填空。 feel enjoy chat fly have 76. Millie always has a great time _ with her friends after class. 77. In her free time, she likes to listen to music. It makes her _ great


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