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1、 1 Unit 6 Unit 6 Happy birthdayHappy birthday Period OnePeriod One 学习目标学习目标 1.能听辨、会说生活中的 One to Five 及其书写形式。 2.通过 Lets chant 跳绳活动,巩固操练 One to Five. 一. Review to understand.(温故知新) 1.Match the pictures with the words.(想一想,图片和单词连线。) bread juice egg milk water cake fish rice 2.Say the sentences in pairs

2、.(照样子两人一组说句子,并对同伴做出评价。) E.g. -Have some . -Thank you. -Can I drink some ? -Here you are. ( ) ( ) ( ) 二.Warm-up(热身活动) Match the dialogues with the pictures.(句图连线。) A. How old are you? A. Happy birthday! B. Im five. B. Thank you. 三.Self check(自学检测) 1.Make the sentences in the correct order.(给下列句子排序,组成

3、一段完整 2 的小对话) ( ) OK. Here you are. ( ) Five. ( ) Sure. How many plates. ( ) This one, please. 2. Interview your partners and complete the sentences.(采访同伴,完成句 子。) E.g. -How many pens, ZhangHui? -Five. -Oh! How many rulers? -One. ZhanHui 1 5 四.Consolidation.(巩固练习) Choose.(单项选择。) ( )1.-_?-Im 10. A.How

4、old are you B.Whats your name ( )2.- Happy birthday. -_. A.Yes. B.Thank you. ( )3.-Lets _ the birthday cake. A.eat B.drink ( )4.-_ I have some cake? A.Have B.Can 五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练) Put the sentences in the correct order.(给下列句子排序。) ( ) Thank you! ( ) Im 11. 3 ( ) Lets eat the birthday cake.

5、( ) Happy birthday! ( ) How old are you? Period TwoPeriod Two 学习目标学习目标 能理解对话大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并能够在图片和教师的帮 助下,在语境上中应用 How many?等询问物品的数量。 一. Review to understand.(温故知新) Read the sentences and fill in the numbers.(读句子,将句子序号填在对应的 圆圈内。) 二.Warm-up(热身活动) Look at the pictures and write the numbers.(看图读句子,在横线

6、上写出数字。) A. How many ducks? B. How many rabbits? C. How many pigs? D. How many cats? E. How many fish? 4 三.Self check(自学检测) 1Match the words with numbers.(数字和单词连线。 ) A.three B.one C.five D.four E.two 2.Colour the numbers.(给数字涂色。) Colour the number two purple. Colour the number one yellow. Colour the

7、number three orange Colour the number four blue. Colour the number five green. 四.Consolidation.(巩固练习) Match the sentences with the pictures.(句图连线。) Show me one and two. Show me five and six. A. How many pencils? _ B. How many books? _ C. How many crayons? _ D. How many erasers? _ E. How many rulers?

8、 _ 5 Show me three and four. 五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练) Match the answers.(算一算,把算式与正确结果连起来。) 1+2= four 2+2= six 11-5= three 9-4= one 6-5= five Period ThreePeriod Three 学习目标学习目标 能听,说,读,写字母 Uu,Vv,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz,并在学习字母音,形的基础 上,初步掌握 5 个辅音字母作为单词首字母的发音。 一. Review to understand.(温故知新) 1.Read the sentences an

9、d fill in the numbers.(看图读句子,将数字填在图片 下的括号内。) A.-How many rulers? -Four. B.-How many pens? -Five. C.-How many crayons? -three. D.-How many pencils? -one. 6 2.Read the dialogues in groups.(四人小组读上面的小对话, 并对同伴做出评价。 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二.Warm-up(热身活动) Look at the pictures and write the letters.(看图写出字母的大小写。 三.Se

10、lf check(自学检测) Write the letters.(抄写字母。) 四.Consolidation.(巩固练习) Connect the dots.(字母表顺序连一连,并写出这是什么动物。) 7 Its an . 五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练) Choose the different one.(选出不同类的一项。) 1( ) A. red B. pen C. book 2( ) A. panda B. tiger C. five 3( ) A. cat B. duck C. six 4( ) A. one B. orange C. three Perio

11、d FourPeriod Four 学习目标学习目标 1.能理解对话大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话, 2.能够在图片和教师的帮助下,在语境上理解 Happy birthday 的语意及其使 用场合,得体运用核心句型 How old are you? Im years old. 8 一. Review to understand.(温故知新) Match the letters with the pictures.(字母和单词连线。) Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy ZzUu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 二.Warm-up(热身活动) Look at the pictures and choo

12、se.Match the words with the pictures.(词图 搭配。) A.two B.three C.five D.one E.four 三.Self check(自学检测) Match the pictures with the dialogues.(将对话的序号写在对应的圆圈内。) A.-This is my friend (朋友)Zoom. -Hi, Zoom. B.-Happy birthday, XiaoLi. -Thank you. C.-How old are you? -Im nine.(9) 9 四.Consolidation.(巩固练习) Look a

13、t the pictures and fill in the numbers.( 根据图片完成句子,将数字 填在横线上,) How old is the duck? Its _. How old is the bear? Its _. How old is the panda? Its _. How old is the pig? Its _. How old is the monkey? Its _. How old is the dog? Its _. How old is the cat? Its _. 五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练) Make a small d

14、ialogue in groups.(照样子,四人小组说小对话,并对同伴做出 评价。) E.g.-Whats your name? -Im Mr Bear. -How old are you? -Im one. ( ) ( ) ( ) 10 Period Five Period Five 学习目标学习目标 1.学习 six to ten 五个数字单词。 2.能听辨、认读数字单词 one to ten,用 Im years old.表达年龄。 一. Review to understand.(温故知新) 1.Write the numbers.(根据对话,选择正确的数字单词写在对应的图形内。)

15、. -How old are you, Mr Duck? -Im 6. . -How old are you, Mr Monkey? -Im 1. . -How old are you, Mr Panda? -Im 4. . -How old are you, Mr Dog? -Im 2. . -How old are you, Mr Bear? -Im 5. . -How old are you, Mr Elephant? -Im 3. 2. Read the small dialogues in groups.(四人小组读一读小对话,并对同伴做 出评价。) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二.Wa

16、rm-up(热身活动) Count and match.(数一数,算一算,连一连。) A.three B.one C.five D.two E.six F.four 11 三.Self check(自学检测) Put the words in the correct order. (把下列数词按从大到小的顺序排列,将序号写在横线上。) A.tA.two B.ten C. seven D.one E.six F.five G.ninewo B.ten C. seven D.one E.six F.five G.nine _ _ _ _ _ _ 四.Consolidation.(巩固练习) Rea

17、d and draw the candles.(读句子,画蜡烛。) 1.Im Rabbit. Im three years old. 2.Im Bear. Im seven years old. 3.Im Duck. Im four years old. 4.Im Monkey. Im nine years old. 5.Im Cat. Im ten years old. 五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练) 1.Read and check.(看算式,在正确答案上面画“” 。) 12-3 nine seven ten eight 10-2 one two eight sev

18、en 12 5+2 zero seven two three 9-2 nine ten seven four 8-3 six five three one 2.Try to say.(试着说一说。) A. 10-2 Whats ten minus two? Its . B. 5+2 Whats five and two? Its . Period SixPeriod Six 学习目标学习目标 本课听力练习和 story time 考察学生对本单元所学内容的掌握程度。 一. Review to understand.(温故知新) Fill the blanks.(选择适当的单词,将序号填在横线上

19、。) 1.three five _ 2._ nine ten 3.six eight _ 4.one _ three 5.three six _ 6._ one two 二.Warm-up(热身活动) 1.Circle the words.(圈出正确的单词。) aeightf tsevenl bctengh finine 2.Read the numbers quickly.(两人一组,比一比。看谁读得又快又准,并对同伴 做出评价。) A.twoA.two B.zeroB.zero C.eightC.eight D.sevenD.seven E.tenE.ten F.nineF.nine 13

20、 三.Self check(自学检测) Read and check.(读句子, 判断是否与图片相符, 相符的打 “” , 不相符的打 “” 。 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. -How many pencil-boxes? -I can see five. B. -How many ducks? -Six. C. -Happy birthday. -Thank you. D. -How old are you? -Im eight years old. 四.Consolidation.(巩固练习) Read and choose.(读故事选择。) ( ) 1.I have _ gi

21、fts. A.three B.two ( ) 2.Happy birthday to _. A.Zoom B.Zip ( ) 3.Lets _ the cake. 14 A.eat B.drink ( ) 4.I see so many candles. You are _! A.old B.young 五.Expanding Practice.(拓展训练) Choose the answers.(给问句选择答语。) ( )1. Happy birthday. ( )2. Can I have some bread? ( )3. How many gifts? ( )4. How old are you? ( )5. Nice to meet you. A.Nice to meet you, too. B.Ten. C.Im five years old. D.Sure,here you are. E.Thank you.


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