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1、 1 第一课时第一课时 一、课时内容 教科书第 48 页: A. Lets try Lets talk 二、课时分析 本课时是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书五年级上册的第五单元第一课时,围 绕“What is in the room?”这个话题展开内容,为大家展示了 There is这个句型的用 法。包括 Lets try 和 Lets talk 两个板块。本课时是本单元第一课时,是整个单元教 学的总基石, 对本单元余下的课程学习起着举足轻重的作用, 只有牢固地掌握本课时的学习 内容才能为本单元其它课时的学习做好铺垫,打好基础。 Lets try 是简单的听力训练, 是为 Lets t

2、alk 部分做铺垫的, 以 Sarah 和 Mike 参 观张鹏的卧室为背景,其设计目的是为学生们展示出本课时、同时也是本单元的核心句型: There is ,让学生对这一新句型形成初步印象。这一部分的听力材料没有涉及本单元的 新单词,难度相对而言不太高。学生只要听出关键的句子和词汇,然后在课本上勾选出恰当 的图片即可。 Lets talk 是 Lets try 的一个变形、延伸练习,在 Lets try 的基础上,该部分 的背景同样是在参观张鹏的卧室时,Sarah 、Mike 和张鹏之间的对话,并且在对话的左侧 给出了一张张鹏卧室的图片,方便学生以图文结合的方式进行学习。本部分的重要句型有:

3、 There is a big bed.这里有一张大床。There is a nice photo, too.这儿也有一张好看的 相片。教材将 There is 句型放在一个完整的对话情境中,方便学生根据当时的语言环境 进一步感知该句型的语义,并学习如何正确地使用该句型。与此同时,Lets talk 中出现 了本单元的一个新单词 photo,教师可以借助该部分的图画,引导学生对 photo 一词进行初 步地认识。对话之后,课本上另外给出一张图片,要求学生能够模仿上面对话中的句式,对 这张图片进行基本地描述,进行简单的对话。如:There is a desk in the picture.图片

4、里有一张桌子。There is a plate on the desk.桌子上有一个盘子。这其实是对 There is 句型的巩固练习。 图文结合是小学英语教学中非常重要的方式和环节,由于学生年龄的限制和思维的特 点,他们对图片这种形象、直观、简单的东西更容易接受,因此图文教学不仅使得教师的教 学通俗易懂,更使学生的学习得心应手,这种方式可以说是老师教和学生学的一把利器。本 课时我将主要采用图文结合这一方式进行教学, 用图片为学生呈现一些日常生活中常见的场 景,让学生在熟悉的环境和生动有趣的图片中愉快地进行学习。 三、课时目标 1.能够听懂录音中的简单对话。 2.能够按照正确的意群、运用正确的

5、语音和语调朗读对话,并进行分角色饰演。 3.能够听、说、读、写本单元重要句型:There is。 4.理解 photo 的含义,并能正确发音。 5.能够运用核心句型对自己的卧室进行简单的描述。 四、课时重难点 1.课时重点 (1)掌握一个新单词:photo。 (2)掌握一个重要句型:There is 。 2.课时难点 会听、说、读、写核心句型:There is ,并能对该句型进行准确运用。 五、教学准备 2 教师课前精心制作 PPT 课件,准备与本课时有关的教学挂图。 六、教学过程 1.课前热身 T:Good morning, boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,

6、Miss/Mr. T:Its a nice day, how are you today? Ss:We are fine, thank you. And you? T:Im fine, too. OK, now please say after me. Can you play the pipa? Ss:Can you play the pipa? T:Yes, I can. Ss:Yes ,I can. T:Can you do any kung fu? Ss:Can you do any kung fu? T:No, I cant. Ss:No, I cant. 设计意图: 以轻松、 随意

7、的方式开始本节课, 同时带领学生复习了上一单元学习的重点句型, 让学生放松心情,在愉悦的气氛中进行下面的学习。 2.导入 (1)语言导入 T:Boys and girls, do you have your own bedroom? Ss:Yes, I do./ No, I dont. T:What can you see in your bedroom? S1: I can see a desk and a computer in my bedroom. S2:I can see a TV and a chair in my bedroom. S3: I can see many books

8、 and some pictures in my bedroom. T:Remember Zhang Peng? Do you know what is in Zhang Pengs bedroom? Ss:No, I dont. T:No problem, Sarah and Mike are in his room now, please listen to the tape and tick what is in the room. 设计意图:通过几年的英语学习,学生对张鹏很熟悉,但对张鹏的卧室却从没有涉及过,用 一个未知但却很贴近生活的话题引起学生的兴趣,使下面的课程能更好地展开。 (

9、2)播放录音,做听力练习。 请同学们根据所听到的录音内容,完成教科书第 48 页的听力练习。教师播放录音之前,提 醒学生注意听录音中出现的物体名称,这是完成此次听力训练的关键。 设计意图: 该听力材料中没有涉及到本单元的新单词, 旨在要求学生们通过听关键词汇和关 键句子选出正确答案, 同时引出本单元的核心句型, 让学生对即将学习的新句型做初步感知。 附:A Lets try 听力材料 Sarah and Mike are in Zhang Pengs bedroom. What is in the room? Listen and tick. Zhang Peng: Lets play com

10、puter games, Mike? Mike: OK, but where is the computer? Zhang Peng: There is a computer in my bedroom. Mike: Great! Sarah, can you play computer games? Sarah: Yes, I can. Lets go. 答案:左图 3 3. 新课呈现 (1)教学 Lets talk 中的对话 用 PPT 展示课本 48 页 Lets Talk 中的图片,师生共同就该图片进行简单的对话讨论。 T:This is Zhang Pengs bedroom, wh

11、at can you see in the picture? S1:I can see a desk. S2:I can see a computer. S3:I can see a bed. S4:I can see a window. S5:I can see a door. S6:. T:Very good. Can you see Zhang Peng in the room? Ss:Yes, we can see a picture of Zhang Peng. T:Its Zhang Pengs photo. 教师边说边点击图片上张鹏的照片,同时板书单词 photo。 T:Read

12、 after me, please. Photo,照片,Photo。 Ss:Photo,照片,Photo。 T:Photo, p-h-o-t-o, Photo. Ss:Photo, p-h-o-t-o, Photo. 教师板书:There is a photo.这儿有一张照片。 There is有 教师就 there 一词进行简单说明:there 读作/ e(r)/,在本单元中无实际意义,常用于 there be 句型中。并带领学生朗读 there 一词。 接下来,教师用同样的句型“There is a ”描述图片中的其它物品,学生跟读。 T:There is a computer. (教师板

13、书:There is a computer.) Ss:There is a computer. T:There is a desk. (教师板书:There is a desk.) Ss:There is a desk. T:There is a bed. (教师板书:There is a bed.) Ss:There is a bed. T:There is a door. (教师板书:There is a door.) Ss:There is a door. T:What else is in the room? 房间里还有什么? S1:There is a chair in the ro

14、om. 房间里有一把椅子。 设计意图:借助图片, 从学生已经学过的内容“What can you see?”出发,引出本单元的 一个新单词 photo,同时引出本课时的重点句型“There is a”,让学生在形象直观中课 时进入新的知识学习中。 播放课本 48 页中的教学录音,学生跟读,提醒学生注意模仿录音中的语音和语调,同时 注意录音中出现的“There is”句型,之后再请学生翻译这段对话。翻译时注意两个核心 句子:There is a big bed./There is a nice photo, too. Sarah:Your room is really nice! 你的房间真好!

15、 Zhang Peng:Thanks. 谢谢。 Mike:There is a big bed. 这儿有一张大床。 Zhang Peng:Yes. I like my bed. 是的,我喜欢我的床。 Mike:There is a nice photo, too. 这儿还有一张好看的照片。 4 Sarah:Wow! You look cool! 哇!你看起来真酷! Zhang Peng:Thank you. Hey, my computer is here on the desk. Lets play! 谢谢 你。我的电脑在桌子上,我们玩儿吧! 设计意图: 五年级学生经过三年的英语学习已经有了

16、一些朗读基础, 同时这个年纪的孩子拥 有很强的语言模仿能力, 跟读录音进一步训练学生的英语发音, 让学生在具体的语言情景中 体会英语的魅力。 同时翻译句子也考查了学生对本段对话的理解程度, 使学生真正理解对话 内容。 再次播放课文录音,学生跟读。之后教师领读,学生跟读。最后请学生自读,并指名几位 同学在全班进行分角色对话表演。 设计意图:带领学生反复朗读对话语句,熟练掌握各种英语句型的朗读要领,培养学生们养 成良好的朗读习惯,提高学生勇敢说英语的积极性。 (4)巩固练习。 教师拿出课前准备好的课本 48 页左下角的挂图,学生看图片对图片内容进行描述。 T:What is in the pict

17、ure?(教师板书:What is in the picture?) S1:There is a desk in the picture.(教师板书:There is a desk in the picture.) T:What is on the desk?(教师板书:What is on the desk?) S2:There is a computer on the desk. S3:There is a plate on the desk.(教师板书:There is a plate on the desk.) S4:There is a schoolbag on the desk.

18、T:What is on the plate?(教师板书:What is on the plate?) S5:There is a banana on the plate. S6:There is an apple on the plate. (教师板书:There is an apple on the plate.) T:You are so clever. Now, please follow me. There is a desk in the picture. Ss:There is a desk in the picture. T:There is a plate on the de

19、sk. Ss:There is a plate on the desk. T:There is an apple on the plate. Ss:There is an apple on the plate. 教师在此过程中提醒学生注意几个方位的短语 in the picture ,on the desk, on the plate, 为后面学习其它表示方位的单词和短语打下一个良好的基础。 领读几遍之后, 教师请学生翻 译黑板上的几个 There is句型,在翻译时注意引导学生先翻译后面表示位置的短语,再 翻译句子前半部分,如 There is a desk in the picture.在

20、翻译时应先翻译 in the picture, 再翻译 There is a desk。 设计意图:对本课时的核心句型 There is进行集中汇总,带领学生反复朗读,同时告诉 学生对这一类句子在翻译时应注意的问题。 教师用课件出示下列图片,学生看图片,编对话,并表演对话。 S1:What can you see in the picture? 5 S2:I can see a desk, a book, many pens and a cup. S1:What is on the picture? S2: There is a book on the desk. There is a clo

21、ck on the desk. (桌子上有一个闹钟。 )There is a cup on the desk. There is a photo on the desk.(桌子上有一张照片。 ) 4巩固操练 (1)教师出示一段对话,学生仿照例子编造新的对话。 What is in the picture? There is a desk. What is on the desk? There is a schoolbag. What is in the bag? There is a pencil-box. What is in the pencil-box? There is a ruler

22、. (2)学生小组合作,用 There is 句型介绍教室里的物体。之后老师指名几位学生面向 全班进行介绍。在学生进行汇报时,老师适时地将学生所描述的句子写在黑板上,在汇报完 毕后一一进行点评,对错误的句子进行纠错处理,提醒学生以后不犯类似错误。对于句子表 述正确的学生要及时予以表扬。 S1:There is a computer in the classroom. S2:There is a TV in the classroom. S3:There is a blackboard in the classroom. S4:There is a basketball in the class

23、room. S5:There is a big desk in the classroom. 设计意图:以小组合作的形式运用 There is句型进行对话练习,并请学生进行班级汇报, 考查了学生对该句型的掌握程度。教师及时对学生的表述予以评价,查漏补缺,批评与表扬 相结合,能很好地调动学生的积极性。 (3) 教师将学生分为每两个人一组, 小组成员中的一人用 There is句型描述出一个画面, 另外一名学生根据语言描述画出相对应的图片, 并根据所画的图片, 重新用语言对图片进行 描述。 设计意图: 抓住学生对图片很感兴趣的心理, 用“语言描述画图语言重新描述”这 一有趣的方式继续练习本课时的核

24、心句型。 5.课堂小结 T:Boys and girls, Lets look back this class. Which new word do you remember? Ss:photo T:Excellent! What new sentences do you learn today? Ss:There is a big bed. There is a nice photo, too. There is a desk in the picture. There is a plate on the desk. There is an apple on the plate. 七、课堂作

25、业 .英汉互译。 6 1.照片_ 2. 这儿有一张照片。_ 3. There is a plate on the desk. _ 4. There is a big bed. _ 5. There is a nice photo, too. _ . 单项选择。 ( ) 1. -What is in the picture? -_ a plate in the picture. A. There is B. there is C. There are ( ) 2. There _ a big bed A. do B. is C. does ( ) 3. Your room is _ nice.

26、A. really B. real C. much ( ) 4. Sarah and Mike are in _ bedroom. A. Zhang Peng B. Zhang Pengs C. Zhang Pengs ( ) 5. A.friendly B.friends C.friend . 连词成句。 1. really,your,nice,is,room _. 2. a,there,bed,big,is _. 3. is,my,on,computer,the,desk _. 4. is,a,there,photo,nice,too _. 5. plate,is,a,the,on,the

27、re,desk _. . 选择正确答语。 ( ) 1. What is in the room? A. Id like some hamburgers and juice. ( ) 2. Where is your school bag? B. There is a photo in the room. ( ) 3. What would you like? C. It is on the desk. ( ) 4. Can you play basketball? D. My favourite drink is water. ( ) 5. What is your favourite dri

28、nk? E. Yes, I can. . 读短文,判断正(T)误(F) 。 Im Miss Green. This is my desk. There is a photo of me on the desk. There is a computer on the desk, too. I work with it. There is a box on the desk. In the box there is a toy bear, my mother give it to me. ( ) 1. There is a photo on the desk. ( ) 2. There is a

29、computer in the box. ( ) 3. There is a box on the desk. ( ) 4. There is a toy in the box. ( ) 5. There is a photo, a box and a computer on the desk. 7 答案:. 1.photo 2.There is a photo. 3.桌子上有一个盘子。 4.这儿有一张大床。 5.这儿还有一张好看的照片。 .1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.我喜欢滑稽可笑的老师。 . 1. Your room is really nice. 2. There is a bi

30、g bed. 3. My computer is on the desk. 4. There is a nice photo, too. 5.There is a plate on the desk. . 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D . 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 八、板书设计 Unit 5 There is a big bed Class 1 photo 照片 There is a photo.这儿有一张照片。 There is a door. What is in the picture? There is a desk in the picture. What is on the desk? There is a plate on the desk. What is on the plate? There is an apple on the plate.


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