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1、 3 Recycle 2Recycle 2 教材分析 本单元是一个复习单元,主要复习 46 单元的核心知识点。该单元主要包含六个部分的内 容。 Read aloud 和 Listen and number the rooms 通过 John 和陈杰去 Mike 家参加家庭圣诞晚 宴的情景,让学生在情景中综合复习 46 单元的核心句型。并通过听录音为房间编号的活动, 复习第四单元房间名称的词汇。 Look, listen and write 通过小女孩与圣诞老人的对话复习本册所学的语音知识,活动要 求学生能根据单词读音填出对话中所缺少的单词。 Look, ask and answer 通过 Jo

2、hn 一家人相聚过圣诞节的情景综合复习 46 单元的内容。包 括第四单元所学的房间名称词汇以及询问人物、物品位置的句型,第五单元的用餐情景和第六 单元询问并描述家庭情况和家人职业的句型。 Lets sing 部分的歌曲围绕本单元主题“圣诞节”展开,帮助学生进一步感知单元主题。 Play a game 的活动综合复习 46 单元的重点词汇和核心句型,通过问答竞赛的形式来复习 位置、房间、家具、家人、职业和食物等话题的词汇和句型。 教学目标 知识与能力目标知识与能力目标: : 句型句型 复习询问物品位置的句型“Where are/is the? Theyre/Its” “Are/Is they/i

3、t on/near/in the? Yes, they are/it is./No, they arent/it isnt.” ,并能够运用 这些句型询问和谈论物品位置 复习用餐时的基本句型“What would you like? Id like” “Help yourself.” “Would you like some?” ,并能够运用这些句型征求并表达用餐意愿,提出用餐建议 复习询问别人家庭情况的句型 “How many people are there in your family?”“Is this your?” “Whats yours job? She /He is a/an”

4、 ,并能够运用这些句型询问对方家庭成 员的信息和职业,回答自己的家庭情况 词汇词汇 理解 Merry Christmas 的意思,并会唱歌曲We wish you a merry Christmas 复习词汇“bedroom, living room, study, kitchen, bathroom, bed, phone, table, sofa, fridge”,并能够运用这些词汇简单描述自己的家,结合句型描述各个房间及室内家具陈设的 名称、特征、位置等 复习单词“beef, chicken, noodles, soup, vegetable, chopsticks, bowl, for

5、k, knife, spoon” ,并能够运用这些单词表达用餐食物和餐具使用意愿 复习词汇“parents, cousin, uncle, aunt, baby brother, doctor, cook, driver, farmer, nurse” ,并能够正确使用上述词汇简单介绍家人情况 语音语音 复习 a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e 在单词中的长音发音规则,并能够综合运用这些规则,逐步做 到见词能够拼读,听音能够拼写 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标: : 感受并激发和家人间互爱互助的情感 了解西方国家过圣诞节的文化习俗 进一步注意到单词音

6、、形、义之间的联系,整体学习单词,并能够将规律举一反三地运用 课时安排 第一课时: Read aloud & Listen and number the rooms & Look, listen and write 第二课时: Look, ask and answer & Lets sing & Play a game The first periodThe first period(第一课时)(第一课时) Read aloud & Listen and number the rooms & Look, listen and writeRead aloud & Listen and numbe

7、r the rooms & Look, listen and write 教学内容与教学内容与目标目标 课时教学内容 课时教学目标 Read aloud 能够理解故事大意 能够整体认读句子,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话 能够在情景中综合运用 46 单元中的核心句型 能够在语境中理解新词“Father Christmas, turkey”和情景语言“Merry Christmas” 的意思,并能够正确发音 Listen and number the rooms 能够看图说话并完成听录音给房间标号的任务 能够复习巩固描述房间名称及室内陈设的重点词汇及句型 Look, listen and write

8、 能够根据单词读音填出对话中所缺少的单词 能够读出符合 a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e 发音规则的单词 教学重点教学重点 1. 能够理解并在情景中综合运用 46 单元的重点词汇及核心句型。 2. 复习巩固 a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e 在单词中的发音,能够读出符合其发音规则的单词。 教学难点教学难点 能够根据 a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e 的发音规则拼写单词,完成听音填空任务。 教学准备教学准备 1.1.预习状元大课堂 创优作业预习状元大课堂 创优作业 100100 分 状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。分 状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。 2.2.PP

9、T 课件、课文录音、视频、人物头饰等。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1: WarmStep 1: Warm- -up & Leadup & Lead- -inin 1. Sing a song1. Sing a songMy homeMy home. . Play the video. (课件出示:教材 P44 Lets sing 板块的歌曲视频) Ask students to sing the song My home together. 2. Revision.2. Revision. Show the pictures of “Lets learn” on page 39. (课件出示

10、:教 材 P39 Lets learn 板块的图片) T:T: Whose home is this? Ss:Ss: Its Amys home. T:T: Where is Amy? Is she in the bathroom? Is she in the bedroom? Ss:Ss: No. She is in the study. T:T: Where are her mother and father? Are they in the study? Ss:Ss: T:T: Where is the bed? Where is the phone? Teaching purpose

11、通过歌曲跟唱和图片讨 论,让学生在轻松愉快的氛 围中复习相关内容,为下一 环节的学习做好准备。 5 Ss:Ss: Step 2: WhileStep 2: While- -learninglearning 1. Lead1. Lead- -in. in. Play the cartoon of the last picture of the story on the PPT. (课 件出示: 教材 P66 最后一张图片的动画) And play the song We wish you a merry Christmas as the background music. (出示课件) T:T:

12、 Is this Mikes family? Where are they? Ss:Ss: T:T: Whats for dinner? Lead students to observe the picture and answer, “Salad, bread, juice” T:T: And turkey. Teach the word “turkey”. Emphasize that “ur” sounds /. T:T: Listen! Why are Chen Jie and John having dinner with Mikes family? Ss:Ss: For Chris

13、tmas! T:T: Do you know about Christmas? Can you say something about Christmas? Ask students to say what they know about Christmas in Chinese or English. 2. Learn about the background of the story.2. Learn about the background of the story. (1)Show the pictures of Christmas tree and Father Christmas

14、on the PPT. (课件出示:圣诞树和圣诞老人的图片) Teach the word “Christmas”. Emphasize that “ch” sounds /k/. The consonant “t” is silent. Play Father Christmas and greet students with “Merry Christmas!” Lead students to say “Merry Christmas!” (2)Wear Mikes fathers or mothers headdress and talk with students. T:T: Now

15、, Im Mikes mother/father. Youre at my home for Christmas dinner. T:T: What would you like? S1:S1: Id like T:T: Would you like some turkey? S2:S2: Yes, please. / No, thanks. 3. Watch and answer.3. Watch and answer. Play the cartoon of the story on the PPT. (课件出示: 教材 P66 Read aloud 板块的视频)Ask the quest

16、ion. T:T: What would Chen Jie like? Ss:Ss: She would like some turkey. Present three questions and related pictures on the PPT. (出示 课件)Ask students to peruse the story with the questions, then answer them. Teaching purpose 通过观察动画,讨论问 题,带领学生获取对话中的 信息,初步了解对话内容。 Teaching purpose 通过讨论图片内容,让 学生理解故事的背景,为接

17、 下来的活动做好准备。 Teaching purpose 设置问题引起学生阅读 的兴趣,让学生学会带着问 题去听、去读,培养他们认 真倾听和阅读的习惯。 Where is the Christmas tree? (Its in the living room.) Who is Father Christmas now? (Mikes father.) Whats Mikes mothers job? (Shes a nurse.) Check the answers together. 4. Listen and read.4. Listen and read. Play the cartoo

18、n again. Let students listen carefully and read after it. Ask students to read the story in roles. Then act it out. S Step 3: Posttep 3: Post- -learninglearning 1. Listen and number the rooms.1. Listen and number the rooms. (1)Present the picture of “Listen and number the rooms” on the PPT.(课件出示:教材

19、P67 Listen and number the rooms 部分的图片) T:T: Look! This is Mikes home. Where is he? Is he in the study? Ss:Ss: No. Hes in his bedroom. T:T: Yes, and his father and mother are in their bedroom, too. Father Christmas will come and give gifts to children. He will put gifts in the socks. (2)Play the reco

20、rding of “Listen and number the rooms”. (课 件出示:教材 P67 Listen and number the rooms 部分的音频) Let students listen to the recording and complete the task. T:T: Father Christmas wants to give Mike some gifts for Christmas. What does he say? Does he find the sock? Listen and number the rooms according to wh

21、at you hear. Remind students that there are six rooms in the picture and only five in the recording. Check the answers. T:T: Which room is not in the recording? Ss:Ss: The bathroom. 2. Look, listen and write.2. Look, listen and write. (1) Present the pictures of this part on the PPT. (课件出示:教 材 P67 L

22、ook, listen and write 部分的图片) Talk about them with students. T:T: Do you like Christmas? Do you like Father Christmas? The name of Father Christmas is Santa Claus. Look! A girl meets Santa Claus. What does she want? (2) Play the recording. (课件出示:教材 P67 Look, listen and write 部分的音频) Ask students to co

23、mplete the task of writing the missing words. Check the answers. (3) Ask students to read the dialogue freely and practice it in roles. Then choose some students to act it out in class. Step 4: Consolidation & ExtensionStep 4: Consolidation & Extension 1. Make a dialogue.1. Make a dialogue. Teaching

24、 purpose 通过跟读使学生掌握对 话的正确读音;通过自由读 及分角色读,使学生在不同 方式的读中熟悉、巩固重点 句型,内化语言,提高自己 的综合语言运用能力。 Teaching purpose 在进行听音标号活动之 前,先对学生进行一定的提 示和指导。完成活动之后, 让学生讨论自己的答案,为 他们创造交流的机会。 Teaching purpose 通过导读帮助学生理解 对话的背景;通过各种形式 的读,让学生掌握词汇及句 子的标准读音;通过表演使 学生内化语言,提高自己的 口语表达能力。 7 T:T: Do you want to invite your friends to your h

25、ome? When will you invite them? What will you say? What will you do? Ask students to make a dialogue with their friends and practice in groups. Walk around to help students solve problems in the process. Ask four groups of students to perform on the platform. Then select the best group. 2. En2. Enjo

26、y a song.joy a song. T:T: They say “Merry Christmas!” at Christmas. They sing Merry Christmas, too. Lets listen to other Christmas songs. Play a Christmas song Jingle Bells. (课件出示:歌曲Jingle Bells) Let students listen to the song and sing along with it. T:T: Do you like the song? Lets sing the song to

27、gether. 板书设计板书设计 作业作业设计设计 1. Read the story to your family. 2. Sing the song My family to your parents. 3. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业 100100 分或状元作业本对应课时作业分或状元作业本对应课时作业) 教学反思教学反思 1. 本节课由歌曲开场,在跟唱歌曲和讨论图片的师生对话中,让学生复习了 46 单元所学的单词及短语, 然后引出相关话题的句型的复习,为本部分的对话学习做铺垫。 2. 学习故事的时候,通过图片和圣

28、诞节音乐的播放,营造了真实的语言情景。其次,通过角色扮演的方式 练习对话,提高了学生的口语表达能力。 3. 通过听录音、看图片以及填单词的活动,复习并巩固了元音字母的发音规律。 4. 通过创编对话的活动, 不仅让学生更好地内化了所学词汇和句子, 更让语言知识借助真实情景得到延伸, 并且各个话题之间有横向和纵向的构建,从而完成了语言输出。 Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsTeaching Contents & Teaching Aims Read aloud Be able to understand the main idea of the story. Te

29、aching purpose 以欢乐的歌曲结束课 程,让学生能够在愉快的心 情中结束本课的学习。 Be able to read sentences as a whole and read the story with the correct pronunciation and intonation. Be able to understand and apply the key sentence structures in Units 46 in situations. Be able to understand the new vocabulary “Father Christmas, t

30、urkey” and the sentence “Merry Christmas!” in context and pronounce them correctly. Listen and number the rooms Be able to describe the pictures and finish the task of listening and numbering the rooms. Be able to review and consolidate the key vocabulary and sentence structures that describe rooms

31、and indoor furnishings. Look, listen and write Be able to write the missing words in the dialogue according to the pronunciation of the words. Be able to read the words that conform to the pronunciation rules of “a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e”. Teaching PrioritiesTeaching Priorities Be able to understand a

32、nd apply the key vocabulary and sentence structures in Units 46 in situations. Review and consolidate the pronunciation of “a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e” in words and pronounce the words according to their pronunciation rules. Teaching DifficultiesTeaching Difficulties Be able to spell words according to

33、the pronunciation rules of “a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, -e” and complete the task of listening and filling in the blanks. Teaching ProceduresTeaching Procedures Teaching Teaching StagesStages Teacher s ActivitiesTeacher s Activities StudentsStudents ActivitiesActivities Teaching PurposesTeaching Purposes Wa

34、rm-up & Lead-in 1. Sing a song. Play the songMy home. 2. Revision. Show the pictures and talk with students. 1. Listen to the song and sing together. 2. Look at the pictures and talk with the teacher. Review the content of the rooms and indoor furnishings through the song and the pictures. Prepare f

35、or the next learning. While-learning 1. Lead-in. Play the cartoon of the last picture and the song. Teach the word “turkey”. Watch the cartoon and learn the word. Then say something about Christmas. Lead students to get information in the story and have a preliminary understanding of the story. 2. L

36、earn about the background of the story. Look at the pictures and learn the word Help students know the background of the 9 Show the pictures about Christmas. Teach the word “Christmas” and the phrase “Merry Christmas”. “Christmas” and the phrase “Merry Christmas”. story. 3. Watch and answer. Play th

37、e cartoon of the story and ask some questions. Check the answers with students. Watch the cartoon and answer the questions. Check the answers with the teacher. Set questions to stimulate students interest in reading. Develop their habit of listening and reading carefully. 4. Listen and read. Play th

38、e cartoon again and ask students to read the story in roles and act it out. Listen carefully and read after the cartoon. Read the story in roles. Then act it out. Make sure students can read the story correctly and fluently. Strengthen the key sentence structures and internalize the language. Improv

39、e students comprehensive language application ability. (续表) Teaching Teaching StagesStages Teacher s ActivitiesTeacher s Activities Students ActivitiesStudents Activities Teaching PurposesTeaching Purposes Post-learning 1. Listen and number the rooms. (1) Present the picture of this part on the PPT.

40、 And talk about it with students. (2) Play the recording and lead students to complete the task. (1) Look at the picture and review knowledge through talking. (2) Listen to the recording and complete the task. Improve students listening skills. Help students review the vocabulary and the sentence st

41、ructures about rooms. Create communication opportunities for students. 2. Look, listen and write. (1) Present the pictures of (1) Look at the pictures and talk with the teacher. Help students get the standard this part. Talk with students. (2) Play the recording. Ask students to complete the task. T

42、hen check the answers. (3) Ask students to read the dialogue and act it out in roles. (2) Complete the task of writing the missing words. Check the answers. (3) Read the dialogue and act it out in roles. pronunciation of the vocabulary and the sentences by reading in various forms. Consolidation & E

43、xtension 1. Make a dialogue. Ask students to make a dialogue and act it out in groups. 2. Enjoy a song. Play the song Jingle Bells. 1. Make a dialogue and act it out in groups. 2. Listen to the song and sing along with it. Help students internalize the language and improve their speaking ability. Homework 1. Read the story to your family. 2. Sing the song My family to your parents. 3. Do the exercises.


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