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1、 3 The fourth period(The fourth period(第四课时第四课时) ) Part B Lets talk & Lets play 教学内容与目标 课时教学内容 课时教学目标 Lets talk 能够通过观察和谈论 Lets talk 板块的图片理解对话大意 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色扮演 能够在情境中恰当运用句型“What colour is it? Its”问答颜色 能够在情境中理解新词“lost, toy, notebook”的意思并能正确发音 Lets play 能够通过本板块提供的教学活动,操练并巩固本课的核心句型“What co

2、lour is it? Its” 教学重点 1.能够理解新词并掌握重点句型。 2.能够在情景中恰当运用句型“What colour is it? Its”问答颜色。 教学难点 能够在情景中恰当运用句型“What colour is it? Its”问答颜色。 教学准备 1.预习状元大课堂 创优作业 100 分 状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。 2. PPT 课件、视频等。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a songMy schoolbag. (出示课件) 3. Do the TPR action.

3、T: Where is your mouth/the door/your pen/? Ss: Here it is! Step 2: Presentation 1. Lead-in. T: Good job. Are you happy now? Ss: Yes. Show the main scene graph of Unit 2 on the PPT. (课件出示:教材 P12 主情景图中有关 Sarah 和 Amy 的图片) T: Who are they? Ss: Sarah and Amy. T: Is Sarah happy? Ss: No. (The teacher shows

4、 a notebook.) Teaching purpose 通过 TPR 活动, 将学生 所有感官调动起来,全身心 地投入到英语学习中去,同 时提前渗透句型“Here it is! ” 。 Teaching purpose 通过谈论主情景图,导 入本课话题,学习并理解新 单词“lost, notebook” 。 T: Youre right. Sarah is not happy, because she lost her notebook. Write down “lost, notebook” on the blackboard. T: Read after me, please. /l

5、/-/-/s/-/t/, /lst/. /n/-/-/t/, /nt/, the letter “e” is silent. /b/-/-/k/, /bk/, note/nt/-book/bk/, notebook . Let students read after the teacher. 2. Learn “Lost & Found, excuse me”. (1)T: Sarah isnt happy. She lost her notebook. Where can she find it? Maybe she can go to the Lost & Found. (课件出示:失物招

6、领处的画 面) Write down “Lost & Found” on the blackboard. Let students read after the teacher. (2)Show the pictures of “Lets talk” in Part B. (出示课件) T: We can see Zhang Peng in this picture. Look carefully. Wheres Zhang Peng? Ss: At the Lost & Found. T: Yes, hes at the Lost & Found. Why is he here? Maybe

7、 he lost S1: S2: Listen and choose the right answer. (出示课件) Check the answer. Answer: B T: How do you know the answer? Can you read the sentence in the book out? Ss: Zhang Peng says, “I lost my schoolbag.” Let students read the sentence one by one. T: Zhang Peng is a polite boy, because he says, “Ex

8、cuse me. I lost my schoolbag.” Let students read this sentence one by one. Present some scenes to practice “excuse me”. (课件出示:场景一: 向交警叔叔问路;场景二:借东西;场景三:请别人让路) 3. Learn the sentence structures “What colour is it? Its” and the new word “toy”. The teacher walks to S1. T: Excuse me. Can I have a look at

9、your schoolbag? T: Oh, thank you. Your schoolbag is nice. Its blue and yellow. Whats in it? (The student takes out the books and answers.) Teaching purpose 教师设置问题一步步引 导学生观察并讨论 Part B Lets talk 板块的图片,引 出并学习新词及常用语。新 句型“What colour is it? Its”的学习则是通过 实物创设情境,在真实的语 境中学习、理解。最后通过 听课文录音并回答预设的问 题来理解课文。 5 S1:

10、 A maths book, a Chinese book T: Can I borrow your schoolbag for a moment? The teacher walks to S2. T: Excuse me. Can I have a look at your schoolbag? T: Oh, thank you. What colour is it? S2: Its red. T: Can I borrow your schoolbag for a moment? Write down the sentence structures “What colour is it?

11、 Its” on the blackboard. Let students read after the teacher. Then students read it one by one. The teacher gets several schoolbags in the same way. T: Now I have some schoolbags here. But I forget their owners. Whose schoolbags are on the teachers desk? Please come here. T: What colour is your scho

12、olbag? S1: T: Whats in it? S1: T: Oh, Whats this? Its a toy. There is a toy in your schoolbag. Can we take toys to school? No, we cant. So you cant take a toy next time, OK? S1: OK. T: Here it is. S1: Thank you! The teacher writes down the new word “toy” on the blackboard. T: Now read after me. Toy,

13、 /t/-/ /, /t /. The teacher and students continue to ask and answer like this until the teacher finds other schoolbags owners. 4. Get more details. Listen to the recording and answer the questions. (课件出示:教 材 P17 Lets talk 板块的音频) Underline the key sentences in the books. Check the answers. Answer 1:

14、B T: How do you know the answer? S1: Zhang Peng says, “Its blue and white.” Answer 2: A T: Whats in Zhang Pengs schoolbag? S2: An English book, two toys and a notebook. Answer 3: Yes, he can. T: Yes. Zhang Peng found his schoolbag. He thanks Miss White very much. So he says, “Thank you so much!” Rep

15、eat “so much”. Let students read and act out “Thank you so much!” Step 3: Practice 1. Listen to the recording again and repeat. Let students read the dialogue after the recording. Listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. 2. Read the dialogue. Let students read the

16、dialogue in pairs. 3. Role play. T: Lets read the dialogue in roles. Group 1 and Group 2, you are Zhang Peng. Group 3 and Group 4, youre Miss White. Now read the dialogue in pairs. Then act it out in class. I will find the best group. The red star is for the best group! 4. Lets play. Ask students to

17、 guess what book it is according to the colours. Finish the activity of “Lets play”. (课件出示:教材 P17 Lets play 板块的图片) (1)T: Look, Whats this? Yes, Its a storybook. What colour is it? Its green. Whats this? Its a Chinese book. What colour is it? Its red Help students get to know all the books and their

18、colours in “Lets play”. Then start the activity. T: I have a new book. Guess, what is it? You can ask me the colour of my new book. Then you can know it. Make a model first. T: I have a new book. S1: What colour is it? T: Its yellow. S1: Its a Chinese book. T: Yes. Now, please do it like this in pai

19、rs. I will find the best pair. The red stars are for the winners! (2)Show time. Step 4: Consolidation & Extension 1. Create a new dialogue. Two students make a group to create a dialogue according to the PPT. Teaching purpose 学会按照正确的语音、 语调朗读对话,并能在小组 中进行角色表演。在真实语 境中操练重点句型,帮助学 生真正理解并掌握重点句 型。 Teaching

20、purpose 通过两个活动培养学生 在真实的情境中运用所学新 词和新句型的能力,放手让 学生表达自己的真实情感, 发挥学生的自主性和创造 性。 7 2. Draw and talk. Let students draw a new schoolbag and talk about it with their partners like this: S1: This is my new schoolbag. S2: What colour is it? S1: Its S2: Whats in it? S1: S2: Its nice. S1: Thank you. Let several g

21、roups show in class. Reward some presents to the winners. 板书设计 作业设计 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Act out the dialogue with your partner at the Lost & Found. 3. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业 100 分或状元作业本对应课时作业) 教学反思 1 课前热身环节通过学生喜爱的与本课时教学内容相关的歌曲、TPR 活动,充分激发学生的学习兴趣。 2 本课时的教学以“失物招领”为主线创设情境,在情境中学习新知、巩固新

22、知、运用新知。 3 在教学过程中通过师生、生生对话,在情景中习得知识,遵循了“词不离句,句不离景”的教学规律。 4 在真实语境中操练重点句型,帮助学生真正理解并掌握重点句型,学会灵活运用。 Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims Lets talk Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing and talking about the pictures. Be able to read the dialogue with correct pronunciation and into

23、nation and then act out in groups. Be able to use the key sentence structures to ask and answer the colours properly in the situations. Be able to understand and pronounce the new words “lost, toy, notebook” in the situations. Lets play Be able to practice and consolidate the key sentence structures

24、 “What colour is it? Its” through the teaching activities provided in this section. Teaching Priorities Be able to understand the new words “lost, toy, notebook” and grasp the key sentence structures. Be able to use the key sentence structures to ask and answer the colours properly in the situations

25、. Teaching Difficulties Be able to use the key sentence structures to ask and answer the colours properly in the situations. Teaching Procedures Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Warm-up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a songMy schoolbag. 3. Do the TPR action. 1. Greet

26、ings. 2. Sing a songMy schoolbag. 3. Do the TPR action with the teacher. Arouse students initiative by TPR. Learn the sentence in advance. Prepare for the new lesson. 9 (续表) Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Presentation 1. Lead-in. Show the main scene graph

27、of Unit 2 and lead in the new lesson. Teach the new words “lost, notebook”. Look at the picture and answer some questions. Learn the new words “lost, notebook”. Lead in the new lesson by talking about the main scene graph. Help students know the new words “lost, notebook”. 2. Teach “Lost & Found, ex

28、cuse me”. Learn “Lost & Found, excuse me”. Lead students to observe and discuss the pictures through setting questions. Help them learn the new vocabulary and the sentence structures by creating situations and understand the text by listening to the recording and answering the questions. 3.Teach the

29、 sentence structure“What colour is it? Its” and the new word “toy”. Learn the sentence structures “What colour is it? Its” and the new word “toy”. 4. Get more details. Show questions. Play the recording. Check the answers. Listen to the recording and answer the questions. Check the answers. Practice

30、 1. Play the recording again. 2. Let students read the dialogue. 3. Role play. 4. Lets play. Show some pictures and let students guess what book it is. 1. Listen to the recording and repeat. 2. Read the dialogue in pairs. 3. Read in roles and act out in class. 4. Look at the pictures and guess. Lear

31、n to read the dialogue with correct pronunciation and intonation. Act out in groups. Practice the key sentence structures in real context. Help students understand and master them. Consolidation & Extension 1. Create a new dialogue. 2. Draw and talk. 1. Work in groups of two and make a dialogue. 2.

32、Draw a new schoolbag and talk about it with their partners. Cultivate students ability to use the key vocabulary and the sentence structures in real situations. Let students express their true feelings. Stimulate students autonomy and creativity. Homework 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Act out the dialogue with your partner at the Lost & Found. 3. Do the exercises.


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