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1、 3 The fourth periodThe fourth period(第四课时)(第四课时) Part B Lets talk fork/f:k/, f/f/-or/:/-k/k/, /f:k/. Knives and forks are used in sets. A set of knife and fork means a knife and fork. He can use a knife and fork. Write down the phrase “a knife and fork” on the blackboard and teach it. T: (Point to

2、some food on the table on the PPT and say to students.) Now, dinners ready! Help yourself. Help/help/, e/e/, help/help/, yourself/, your/j:/-self/self/, yourself/. Write down the sentence “Help yourself.” on the blackboard and teach it. T: You are all polite, so you should say Ss: Thanks. T: Good! O

3、h, I can use chopsticks, but I cant use a knife and fork. Can you teach me? Ask a student to demonstrate how to use it on the platform. T: The fork is on the left. The knife is on the right. Do like this. (教师做使用刀叉的动作) Now, I can use a knife and fork. Thank you. 2. Lets talk. (1)Present the first pic

4、ture of “Lets talk”. (课件出示:教 材 P51 Lets talk 板块的图一) Teaching purpose 通过各种活动,使学生 能够充分理解课文内容,并 且能够正确朗读课文。在不 同形式的读和表演活动中, 使学生逐步理解并掌握本课 的重点句型,为其熟练表达 奠定基础。 5 T: Look. Mike is at Wu Yifans home. Its 6:00 in the afternoon. Its time for dinner. Dinners ready. Whats for dinner? Look at Picture 1. S1: Soup, b

5、eef, vegetables and bread. T: They are all western food. Why? S2: Mike is from Canada. T: Would Mike like a knife and fork for dinner? Guess! S2: Yes./No. (2)Watch the cartoon and answer the questions. (课件出示:教 材 P51 Lets talk 板块的视频) T: When you listen to the recording, pay attention to the pronuncia

6、tion and the intonation. And underline the key sentences in your book. (3)Check the answers. T: Would Mike like a knife and fork? S1: No. Mike says, “No, thanks.” T: What can he use? Can he use chopsticks? S2: He can use chopsticks. Mike says, “I can use chopsticks.” T: Would Mike like some soup? S3

7、: Yes. Mike says, “Yes, please!” (4)Read and act. Read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Let students practice the dialogue in groups. Act out. Ask some groups to perform in different roles. Step 3: Practice 1. Make a new dialogue. Take out some pictures

8、of food and tableware. Let students work in pairs to make a new dialogue. Make a model: T: Would you like some bread/? (Take out a picture of food.) S1: Yes, please./No, thanks. Teaching purpose 通过创编对话让学生把 握重点句型的结构,熟练表 达重点句型。 T: (Take out a picture of tableware.) Would you like a knife and fork/chop

9、sticks? S1: Yes, please./No, thanks. I can use chopsticks/a knife and fork. T: Now practice the dialogue with your partner. 2. Lets play. (课件出示:教材 P51 Lets play 板块的图片) T: Lets go to a restaurant now. Look! Todays specials. Soup is only 1 yuan now. Noodles are only 3 yuan now. Juice is only 2 yuan. F

10、ish is only 8 yuan. Beef is only 10 yuan. Vegetables are only 5 yuan. So cheap! Let students work in pairs. Make a model with a student. T: Here are todays specials. Would you like some beef? S1: Yes, please. How much is it? T: Ten yuan. T: Now, do it in pairs. Ask and answer, please. Ask some pairs

11、 to perform on the platform. Step 4: Consolidation & Extension 1. Make a new dialogue. (课件出示:吴一凡去 Mike 家吃饭的情景图) T: Look. Who are they? Ss: They are Mikes mum, Mike and Wu Yifan. T: Today Wu Yifan is at Mikes home for dinner. Mike is from Canada. Whats for dinner, Chinese food or western food? Guess!

12、 Ss: Chinese food. Wu Yifan is from China. (课件出示:分类展示中餐和西餐的图片) T: Please make a new dialogue with your partners. Let students work in groups of three. Then act out their dialogues. Make a model: 2. Lets chant. Teaching purpose 设置吴一凡去 Mike 家 做客的情境更具延续性。引 导学生运用所学新句型,结 合旧知,创编新对话,提高 语言的综合运用能力。 Teaching

13、purpose 利用教材中有关特惠菜 的图片进行对话交流,让学 生在交流中练习、使用重点 句型,培养学生灵活运用语 言的能力。既能落实课标的 要求,又能实现语言的迁移 运用。 7 Change the words to make a new chant. 板书设计 作业设计 1. Listen and imitate the dialogue of “Lets talk” for three times. 2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业 100 分或状元作业本对应课时作业) 教学反思 1. 在课前热身阶段,通过听歌曲、玩游戏、对话等活动让学生们在轻

14、松的气氛中进入复习,同时这些食 物类的单词和句型也起到了承上启下的作用,为新课做了一定的铺垫。 2. 设计与生活相近、与课文内容也相关的语境,导入新词汇和句型,再自然地引入课文。环环相扣,层 层深入,让学生轻松地掌握课文内容。 3. 呈现的活动丰富、操练形式多样,充分调动了学生的积极性,使学生能够积极主动地参与到活动中, 既拓展了思维,也明显提高了语言能力。 4. 本节课的对话学习中穿插了中西饮食文化中餐具使用的差异,充分激发了学生的学习兴趣。 Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims Lets talk Be able to understand the gener

15、al idea of the dialogue. Be able to read the dialogue with the correct pronunciation and intonation. Be able to use the sentence structures“Would you like? Yes, please./No, thanks. I can use”to offer suggestions on the use of tableware and make correct response in situations. Be able to use the func

16、tional sentence “Help yourself.” in situations properly. Be able to understand the meanings of the new words “knife, fork, chopsticks” in the context, and pronounce them correctly. Lets play Be able to consolidate and use the key sentence structures in the scene of food selection. Teaching Prioritie

17、s Be able to understand and say the sentence structures “Would you like some? Yes, please. /No, thanks.” “Help yourself.” Be able to understand and read the text correctly with accurate pronunciation and natural intonation. Teaching Difficulties Be able to use the sentence structures of this lesson

18、in real situations to give advice on dining or using tableware to others. Teaching Procedures Teaching Stages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Enjoy the song. 3. Play a game“Whats missing?” 4. Free talk. Ask some questions. 1. G

19、reetings. 2. Enjoy the song. 3. Say the missing words. 4. Answer the questions. Review the words learned by listening to music and playing games. And review the sentence structures of Part A in free talk. Help students arouse their existing knowledge and prepare for the next step. 9 (续表) Teaching St

20、ages Teacher s Activities Students Activities Teaching Purposes Presentation 1. Teach the new words and sentences. Learn the new words and sentences. Set the situation, and let students learn the new words in situations and perceive the new sentence structures. 2. Lets talk. (1)Present the first pic

21、ture of“Lets talk”. (2)Play the cartoon and ask three questions. (3)Check the answers. (4)Read and act. Let students practice the dialogue in groups. (1)Talk about the picture. (2)Watch the cartoon and answer the questions. (3)Check the answers with the teacher. (4)Read after the recording. Practice

22、 the dialogue in groups. Then act out. Let students understand and master the key sentence structures in this lesson gradually, and lay the foundation for their skillful expression. Practice 1. Make a new dialogue. Show some sentences on the PPT. Make a model. Look at the sentences on the PPT. Make

23、a new dialogue in pairs according to the example. Through making new dialogues, let students grasp the structures of key sentences and express them skillfully. 2. Lets play. Show the picture of “Lets play” on the PPT. Set a scene for students to practice. Make a model. Look at the picture of “Lets p

24、lay”. Practice in pairs according to the picture of “Lets play”. Ask and answer as the teachers model. Perform on the platform. Let students practice the key sentence structures. Cultivate students ability to use language flexibly. Consolidation & Extension 1. Make a new dialogue by imitating the te

25、xt. Give the central sentences. 2. Lets chant. Give an example. 1. Talk about the main scene with the teacher. Make a new dialogue in groups of three. Act out the dialogue. 2. Change the words to make a new chant. Through the two activities, let students practice and use the key words and sentence structures they have learned. Homework 1. Listen and imitate the dialogue of “Lets talk” for three times. 2. Do the exercises.


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