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1、 2019年年1月五年级月五年级上学期上学期期末考试真题错题集整理期末考试真题错题集整理 【答案】【答案】 - -鼓楼区统考鼓楼区统考- - . 1 1 - -江宁区统考江宁区统考- - . 3 3 - -六合区统考六合区统考- - . 6 6 - -栖霞区统考栖霞区统考- - . 9 9 - -玄武区统考玄武区统考- - . 1212 - -雨花台区统考雨花台区统考- - . 1515 - -鼓楼区鼓楼区统考统考- - 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1._is popular in Western countries. A. Tea B. Green tea C. Coffee 【答案】C 【解析

2、】该题考查文化常识,因为咖啡在西方国家流行,所以选 C 选项。 ( ) 2. I have two dogs. One is black and _is white. A. one B. another C. the other 【答案】C 【解析】another 表示三者或三者以上中的另一个;The other 表示两者中的另一个。根据题干中的关键词 two,则本 题选 C 选项。 ( ) 3. Fish have no legs _arms. A. and B. or C. no 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查连词的使用。肯定句中用 and;否定句中用 or,则本题选 B 选项。 ( ) 4

3、. Lily _any animal friends. A. doesnt have B. has C. have 【答案】A 【解析】some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句中。本题题干关键词为 any,则本题选 A 选项。 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1). There is (be) some soup on the table. 【解析】本题考查 there be 句型的就近原则,some soup 是不可数名词,所以 be 动词用 is。 2). The art room is on the second (two) floor. 【解析】本题考查基数词与序数词的转换。本题根据

4、题意为第二层楼,即用序数词。 3). Rabbits have red eyes (eye). 【解析】本题考查名词单复数的使用。兔子的眼睛有两只,则为复数。 4). My father is a writer. He writes (write) stories. 【解析】本题考查动词变化。题干中主语为 he,则为第三人称,所以动词需用第三人称单数形式。write 的第三人称 单数形式直接加 s 即可。 5). I live in China. I can speak Chinese (China) and English. 【解析】本题根据题意为我会说中文。China 意为中国,Chine

5、se 意为中文,中国人。所以本题为 Chinese。 6). Lets go fishing (fish) tomorrow. 【解析】本题关键词为 go,go+V-ing 形式。所以本题 fish 用 ing 形式 fishing。 7). Helen doesnt have (have) any ( some) lessons at weekends. 【解析】否定句中动词用原形,所以第一空为 have。肯定句中用 some,否定句中用 any,所以第二空为 any。 三、从栏中选出栏的正确应答,并将其序号填在括号内。 ( D ) 1). Is this soup just right?

6、A. Its in the kitchen. ( A ) 2). Where is the cake? B. Two. ( F ) 3). Are there any eggs in the fridge? C. Yes, she has a dog. ( H ) 4). Where is the library? D. No. its too hot. ( B ) 5). How many pictures are there on the wall? E. Shes a nurse. 2 ( C ) 6). Does she have an animal friend? F. Yes, t

7、here are ( G ) 7). What do you like doing? G. I like reading stories. ( E ) 8). What does your mother do? H. Its on the first floor. 四、书面表达。 假设 Lily 是你的同班同学,请根据表格中 Lily 的相关信息,向我们介绍她。 Name Lily Age 11 Father doctor Mother teacher Favourite subjects English, Music Hobbies dancing, reading Weekend acti

8、vities always having music lessons, sometimes going to the library 要求: 1)短文连贯通顺,无语法错误; 2)表格中的信息点都要写到; 3)3050 词,给出的句子不算。 My classmate This is my classmate Lily. _ _ _ 3 - -江宁区统考江宁区统考- - 一、根据句意,选择适当的词或词组完成句子。 1). -Mum, can you buy a dress for (A. to/ B. for ) me? -Sure. 【解析】 固定搭配,buy sth. for sb. 为某人买

9、某物。 2). My brother likes drawing (A. drawing/ B.swim ). He is good at it. 【解析】本次考查 like+doing something。所以本题选择 V-ing 形式,则选择 drawing。 3). Su Hai and Su Yang dont (A. dont/ B. arent ) go to the zoo at weekends. 【解析】本题考查动词前用助动词,形容词前用 be 动词。go 为动词,所以用助动词 dont。 4). On Christmas Eve (A. Christmas Day/ B.

10、Christmas Eve ), children put a stocking on their beds and wait for presents. 【解析】根据后文 children put a stocking on their beds(孩子们将袜子放在床上)可知,此时应该是圣诞夜(Christmas Eve)而不是圣诞节(Christmas Day)。 5). -There is (A . is/ B. are) some tea. Do you want some? -Yes, please. 【解析】本次考查 there be 结构,tea 为不可数名词,所以 be 动词用第

11、三人称单数形式 is。 6). In Winter, I like wearing sweaters. They are warm and soft (A. soft/ B. hard). 【解析】根据题意毛衣应该是温暖且柔软的,则选择 soft 柔软的。 7). I cant see the blackboard, because theres a tall boy sitting in front of (A. behind / B. in front of ) me. 【解析】根据题意我无法看到黑板,应该是我被挡住了视线,所以推测男生坐在我之前。因此选择 in front of 在 之前

12、。 8). You can see polar bears in Canada (A. Canada/ B. Australia) 【解析】本题考查文化常识。北极熊生存在北半球 Canada 而非南半球 Australia。 9). I cant push ( A. put/ B. push ) you up. You are so heavy. 【解析】put up 意为张贴,搭建;push up 意为推上去。根据题意则选择 push up。 10). My uncle is a teacher ( A. driver/ B. teacher ). He loves his students

13、. 【解析】根据题意他爱他的学生,推测他为一名老师。所以选择 teacher 老师。 二、单项选择。 ( )1. -David, what do your parents do after dinner? -They often_ in the park near my home. A. buys things B. go for a walk C. do homework 【答案】B 【解析】根据横线后的 in the park(在公园)可知,go for a walk(散步)较符合情境,所以选 B 选项。 ( )2. Miss Rabbit has red eyes and_. She l

14、ooks cute. A. short ears B. a short tail C. four long legs 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查文化常识。兔子有红色的眼睛和短短的尾巴,所以选择 B 选项一条短短的尾巴。 ( )3. There are two libraries in our new school. They are on _floor. Lets go and have a look. A. third B. three C. the third 【答案】C 【解析】本题首先根据题意第三层楼得知需用序数词。序数词前需用定冠词 the,所以选择 C 选项 the third。

15、 ( )4. -_Bobby_ any hobbies? -Yes, he likes swimming and skating. A. Does, has B. Does, have C. Do, has 【答案】B 4 【解析】本题中主语为 Bobby,为第三人称单数,所以助动词需用 does。疑问句中动词需用原形形式,所以为 have。 则本题选 B 选项。 ( )5. Helens aunt is a nurse. She _ in the hospital every day. A. helps sick people B. takes some medicine C. makes

16、clothes 【答案】A 【解析】根据题意 Helen 是一名护士,所以她的工作是帮助病人。则本题选择 A 选项。 ( )6. -_, Nancy! Theres a hole beside you. -Oh, thank you. A. look out B. Look at C. Look for 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查词组的翻译。look out 意为小心;look at 意为看;look for 意为寻找。根据题意应该选择 look out 小心。 ( )7. -The birds wings hurt. It _. -What a pity! A. can fly B. ca

17、nt fly C. cant eat 【答案】B 【解析】本题根据题意小鸟的翅膀受伤了,所以它无法飞翔。则本题选择 B 选项。 ( )8. -What do you usually do on the Internet? -I usually _. A. reads book B. chat with my e-friend C. make a toy car 【答案】B 【解析】本题关键词为 on the internet,所以排除 C 选项。usually 后动词需用原形形式,则本题选择 B 选项。 ( )9. -Willy, _and fly a kite. -Sorry, Im bus

18、y. Im doing my homework. A. come out B. get up C. sit down 【答案】A 【解析】come out 意为出来;get up 意为起床;sit down 意为坐下。根据题意下文排除 B、C 选项。择本题选择 A 选项。 三、根据首字母和句意填入所缺单词,完成句子,每空一词。 1. Lucy likes w_ stories, but I dont. I like reading books. We are good friends. 【答案】writing 【解析】 这题容易错答成 watching; read 和 watch 都有“看”的

19、意思, 但它们用法不同, read 指看书、 看报; watch 指 看比赛、看电视,所以此处不能填 watch story,只能 read story, 故只有 writing 符合。 2. Its time for class. Please s_ talking. Lets wait for the teacher. 【答案】stop 【解析】根据上下文题意:开始上课了,让我们一起等待老师。故应该是停止交谈,停止一词为 stop。注意固定搭 配:stop doing sth。 3. Zhang Huas parents are d_.They work in a hospital. 【答

20、案】doctors 【解析】根据下文他们在医院工作可推测父母的职业为医生。此处应注意主语为 parents,所以 doctor 应用复数形式 doctors。 5 4. Today is Friday. T_ is Saturday. We dont go to school. 【答案】Tomorrow 【解析】根据题中今天是星期五及空白处后的星期六,可推测此处应填 tomorrow 明天。且与下文意思相符。 5. Li Ping s_ English on the Internet every Tuesday evening. She wants to be an English teach

21、er one day. 【答案】studies 【解析】根据题中她想成为一名英语教师,推测此处应该填写 study 学习。本题应注意时态,every Tuesday evening 表示一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数形式,所以 study 应用单数形式 studies。 6. My aunt is a music teacher. Her hobby is s_ English songs. We all like her songs very much 【答案】singing 【解析】唱歌的固定词组为 sing songs。本题应注意动词前为 be 动词,且关键词为 hobby,应用 V-i

22、ng 形式,所以本 题应填 singing。 7. John is my e-friend in the US. He often writes e_ to me. 【答案】emails 【解析】根据上文推测此处为写电子邮件 write emails。本题应注意 email 前无冠词,应永复数形式 emails。 8. There are five letters in the word “early”. The s_ letter is “a”. 【答案】second 【解析】根据题干可得知 a 是 early 第二个字母,因此此处应填写 second 第二。 6 - -六合区统考六合区统考

23、- - 一、单项选择。 ( ) 1. They are_. They_ cars. A. drivers, drive B. driver, drive C. drivers, drives 【答案】A 【解析】句意是:“他们是司机,他们开车”。 根据主语 they, 第一个空应填名词复数形式 drivers, 第二个空则填动 词一般现在时 drive. ( ) 2. The two girls _like flowers. A. all B. doesnt C. both 【答案】C 【解析】句子意思:“这两个女孩儿都喜欢花。” all 表示三者以上都,doesnt 用于第三人称,故排除,b

24、oth 可表示 两个都。 ( ) 3. -How many _are there in your family? -There _ five. A. people, are B. peoples, are C. people, is 【答案】A 【解析】people 是单复数同形,集体名词,本身可数,故选 A ( ) 4.-What _Mrs. Sun do? -_is a teacher. A. does, He B. do, She C. does, She 【答案】C 【解析】Mrs. Sun 孙太太是第三人称单数 ( ) 5. The man is from _. He speaks_

25、. A. US, English B. the UK, English C. the China, Chinese 【答案】B 【解析】选项 A 应该是 the US, 国家缩写时要在前面加定冠词 the,所以选项 B,the UK 正确。但是选项 C“China” 这不是首字母缩写,不可以加 the。 ( ) 6. -_your parents teachers? -No. They are farmers. A. Do B. Are C. Does 【答案】B 【解析】改成陈述句语序是:“我的父母是老师.”助动词提前,这里用 be 动词 are ( ) 7.I usually chat _

26、 my e-friends _the Internet. A. to, in B. with, in C. with, on 【答案】C 7 【解析】句意:“我通常和我的网友在英特网上聊天.”短语固定搭配。 ( ) 8. The worker writes emails every week. 找出划线部分发音不同的一个。 A. worker B. writes C. week 【答案】B 【解析】writes/rait/。其他都发/w/ 二、选词填空,将正确答案写在横线上。 1._(At/On) Christmas Day, people often eat turkeys. 【答案】On

27、【解析】介词短语 2. A rabbit (rabbit/cat ) has four legs and long ears. 【答案】 【解析】句意:兔子有四条腿和长耳朵 3.Helen sometimes _(go/goes) to the cinema at weekends. 【答案】goes 【解析】第三人称单数,动词 es 结尾 4. Summer comes after _(spring/autumn). 【答案】spring 【解析】句子意思春天过后夏天来 5. What subjects _(does/ do)your sister like? 【答案】does 【解析】si

28、ster 是第三人称单数,故用 does 6. There_(is/isnt) any soup on the table. 【答案】isnt 【解析】句意:桌上一点汤都没了 7. I like playing with_(them/their) dog very much. 【答案】their 【解析】这里应是“她们的狗”的意思,故用 their 8. I can see only one_(child/children) in the computer room. 【答案】child 【解析】句意:只有一个学生在机房。child 是单数形式。 8 三、书面表达 在一次国际交流活动中你新认识

29、了两位朋友,下面是他们的信息,请你选择其中一位向同学们作介绍。 要求:语句通顺,表达正确。不少于 5 句话。 Name: Peter Name: Lily Age:11 Age: 11 Country(国家):(国家): the UK Country(国家);(国家);the UK Father: doctor Father:teacher Mother: nurse Mother: teacher Favourite subjects: Maths, PE Favourite subjects: English, Art Hobbies: playing table tennis Hobbi

30、es: singing, drawing Hello, everyone. This is my new friend, _ _ _ _ _ _ 9 - -栖霞区统考栖霞区统考- - 一、根据中文意思完成句子,注意单词的形式。 1. Mum always gets up _early_(早) in the morning 2. Lets go to the cinema _tomorrow_.(明天) 3. Her aunt is a_nurse_.(护士)She helps sick people 4. Dont stand_between_(在中间)us. Stand in front o

31、f me. 5. We_visit_(拜访)our grandparents at weekends. 6. Our classroom is on the_third_(第三)floor. 7. This_letter_(信)is from your grandma. 8. This robot has no_arms_.(手臂) 二、根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。 l. I like_(swim )very much. 【答案】swimming 【解析】like doing sth.喜欢做某事。所以 swim 要改成 v-ing 形式。 2. Who gets there_(one)

32、today? 【答案】once 【解析】句子意思:谁今天去过那一次。 3. Mum usually_( watch ) TV after supper. 【答案】watches 【解析】一般现在时态,mum 是第三人称,动词+es 4. His mother is a_(write). She writes at home. 【答案】writer 【解析】句子的意思:他妈妈是个作家。write+r,名词:作家 5. Look at the boy._(he) eyes are big. 【答案】His 【解析】他的眼睛大。他的用 his 6. Look! Those animals have

33、big_(body). 【答案】bodies 【解析】bodies 是 body 的复数形式。 7. Nancy likes_(dance). She wants to be a dancer. 【答案】dancing 【解析】like doing sth.喜欢做某事。所以 dance 要改成 v-ing 形式。 三、选择最佳答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1. Would you like_ ice cream? A. a B. an C. the 【答案】B 10 【解析】单词以元音字母 i 开头,不定冠词用 an ( ) 2. He can play_ football. Hi

34、s sister can play _ piano. A. the; the B. the; / C. / ;the 【答案】C 【解析】不定冠词的固定搭配 ( ) 3._there any apple juice in the glass? A. Is B. Are C. Does 【答案】A 【解析】apple juice 是不可数名词,所以用 is。 ( ) 4. Theres _ bread in the bag. A. a B. any C. some 【答案】C 【解析】bread 是不可数名词,用 some。肯定句式所以排除 B ( ) 5. Miss Green often c

35、hats with friends_ the Internet. A. in B. at C. on 【答案】C 【解析】介词短语固定搭配,句意:“格林小姐经常在网络上和朋友聊天。” ( ) 6. He sometimes_ to the museum on Sunday. A. go B. goes C. going 【答案】B 【解析】一般现在时态,第三人称单数 v+es。 ( ) 7. Mum buys a red skirt _ Lily. A. for B. of C. with 【答案】A 【解析】句意为:妈妈给 Lily 买了一件红裙子。buy sth for sb ( ) 8.

36、 The soup is not too hot or too cold. Its_. A. all right B. right C. just right 【答案】C 【解析】句意是:这碗汤不热不冷刚好。 ( ) 9.-_ is your e-friend? -He is a doctor. A. Who B. Where C. What 【答案】C 【解析】回答是 doctor 医生,说明问的是职业,也就是做什么的。用 what。Who 表示谁,where 表示地点。 ( ) 10. -_is the old man? -Hes seventy years old. A. How old

37、 B. How many C. How much 【答案】A 【解析】根据回答推测,句子应该问这个老人的年纪。故选 A ( ) l1. You like singing. I _ like singing. A. really B. also C. too 【答案】B 11 【解析】句子意思是:你喜欢唱歌,我也喜欢唱歌,too 用于句末,可排除。故选 B ( ) 12. We all like his food. He is a good_. A. cook B. policeman C. farmer 【答案】A 【解析】此处 cook 是名词意思是厨师。故选 A ( ) 13. Su Ha

38、i and Su Yang _ like reading. A. all B. also C. both 【答案】C 【解析】all 是三者以上都,also 是也,both 是两者都。故选 C ( ) 14. We can see _ in Australia. A. kangaroos B. polar bears C. bald eagle 【答案】A 【解析】句意是:我们可以在澳大利亚看到袋鼠。A 袋鼠,B 北极熊,C 秃鹰 ( ) 15. Basketball is very popular in_. A. the US B. the UK C. China 【答案】A 【解析】篮球在美国比较流行,注意了解各个国家流行的各项运动。 四、书面表达。5 分 以 My animal friend 为题,写一篇短文,写出外貌、特点和能力,40 词左右。 _ _ _ _ _ _ 12 - -玄武区玄武区统统考考- - 一、选择所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Linda is good at _(dance/ dancing). 【答案】dancing 【解析】be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事。所以应填 dancing。 2. John _(study/ studies) har


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