Unit 6 教学·知识细解码 同步讲解 (新教材)外研版(2020)选择性必修第二册.doc

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1、 1crime n罪;罪行criminal adj.犯罪的;犯法的 n罪犯 2greed n贪婪;渴望greedy adj.贪婪的;渴望的 3commit v犯错误(罪行)commitment n许诺,承诺;投入;奉献 4appreciate v欣赏,赏识,鉴赏appreciation n欣赏;感激 5optimism n乐观;乐观主义optimistic adj.乐观的;乐观主义的 6consume v消费;消耗consumer n消费者consumption n(精力、 油、电等的)消耗量 7react v反应reaction n反应 8expose v使暴露(于险境)exposed ad

2、j.无遮蔽的;无保护的exposure n暴露,显露 9dust n尘土;沙尘dusty adj.积满灰尘的;满是灰尘的 1commit v做出(错或非法的事);犯(罪行或错误);自杀;承诺,保证(做 某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等);全心投入 Most crimes are committed by young men. 做出(错或非法的事) The President is committed to reforming health care. 承诺 Why are so many men scared to commit? 全心投入 There are unconfirmed reports

3、 he tried to commit suicide. 自杀 2appreciate v欣赏,赏识,鉴赏;感激 You cant really appreciate foreign literature in translation. 欣赏 I would appreciate it if you paid in cash. 感激 Words and Phrases 知识要点1 commit vt.投入;犯(错误或罪行);做(错事等);把委托于, 交付 (教材 P62) No matter how many crimes he committed, the police were power

4、less to arrest him. 不管他犯了多少罪,警察都无力逮捕他。 例 1 You dont have to commit to anything over the phone. 你不用在电话里承诺什么。 例 2 This is a man who has committed murder. 这是个犯了谋杀罪的男人。 造句 我会建议人们认真考虑答应周日工作。 I would advise people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays. 知识拓展 commit sb./ones

5、elf to(doing)sth. 专心致志于 commit sb./oneself to do sth. 承诺某人/自己做某事 commit to. 忠于,全身心地投入 commit a crime 犯罪 commit suicide 自杀 即学即练 单句语法填空 If you commit a crime, you can never escape being punished. He committed himself to the study of plants. He committed himself to reforming(reform) health care. 名师点津 c

6、ommit oneself to(doing)sth.表示“专心致志于”, to 是介词, 后接名词、 代词或动名词。 知识要点2 figure out 弄清楚,弄明白;计算出 (教材 P62) There is evidence that urban racoons are more intelligent than their wild cousins, as they frequently have to figure out difficult problems such as how to open rubbish bins and other containers which th

7、ey would not find in the wild. 有证据表明, 城市浣熊比野生的同类更聪明, 因为它们经常要解决一些难题, 例如如何打开垃圾箱和其他在野外找不到的容器。 例 1 It took them about one month to figure out how to start the equipment. 他们花了大约 1 个月的时间才搞清楚如何启动设备。 例 2 No one could figure out how he got to be so wealthy. 谁也不知道他怎么会变得如此富有。 造句 我将用我的新发明弄清楚你们在哪。 Ill use my new

8、 invention to figure out where you are. 知识拓展 (1)figure on 指望;估计到 figure sth.in 将某物包括/计算在内 (2)keep ones figure 保持身材苗条 即学即练 单句语法填空 I hadnt figured on getting home so late. Who figures out what he is thinking about? We figured in the travel expenses but forgot the cost of meals. 知识要点3 fit in with 与相适应;

9、符合;与一致 (教材 P62) Some animals have even changed their living habits to fit in with their new homes. 一些动物甚至改变了它们的生活习惯以适应它们的新家。 例 1 Production of the goods must fit in with the needs of the society. 商品生产必须符合社会需要。 例 2 Your description does not fit in with my experience. 你描述的和我所经历的不一致。 造句 我们必须努力学习以适应现代社会

10、。 We must study hard to fit in with the modern society. 知识拓展 (1)fit v 合的身;符合;使胜任 adj. 健康的;合适的 fit sb./sth. 适合某人/某物 be fit for 适合 keep fit 保持健康 (2)fitness n. 健康;适合 即学即练 单句语法填空 Neither you nor I am fit for the work. Id like to join an aerobics class to improve my fitness(fit) 知识要点4 distinguish v区别;辨别;

11、表现突出 (教材 P63) Unable to distinguish between blue sky and glass, birds crash into windows at speeds of about 50 kilometres per hour. 由于无法区分蓝天和玻璃,鸟儿以大约每小时 50 千米的速度撞向窗户。 例 1 At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong? 儿童到什么年龄才能明辨是非? 例 2 What was it that distinguished her from

12、her classmates? 是什么使得她有别于班上其他同学呢? 造句 作为运动员她已享有盛名。 She has already distinguished herself as an athlete. 知识拓展 (1)distinguish between. 辨别;区分 distinguish .from. 辨别与;使有别于 distinguish oneself (by doing sth.) (因)表现突出 be distinguished for 因而出名 (2) distinguished adj. 卓越的,著名的 即学即练 单句语法填空 People who cannot dis

13、tinguish between colours are said to be colourblind. He has talents by which he might distinguish himself(him) He was one of Australias most distinguished(distinguish) artists, renowned for his portraits and landscapes. 知识要点5 (教材 P63)However they adapt to our ways of urban living, its important that

14、 we get a better understanding of and even learn to appreciate our wild neighbours. 不管他们如何适应我们的城市生活方式, 重要的是我们要更好地了解甚至学 会赏识我们来自野外的邻居。 (1)adapt to 适应,适合 例 1 Chung has tried to adapt to local customs. 钟努力去适应当地的风俗习惯。 例 2 I think everybody will have to adapt to this. 我认为每个人都必须适应这一点。 造句 我发现适应新生活并不容易。 I fo

15、und it not easy to adapt to new life. 知识拓展 adapt.to. 使适应或适合 adapt.from. 根据改编或改写 adapt.for. 改编或改作之用 adaptable adj. 能适应的,适应性强的 adaptation n. 改编(本),改造;适应 即学即练 单句语法填空 These flowers are well adapted to the harsh winter. He tried to adapt himself(him) to the new life. The author is going to adapt his play

16、 for television. (2)appreciate v欣赏,赏识,鉴赏,感激;意识到 例 1 You cant really appreciate foreign literature in translation. 看翻译作品不能真正欣赏到外国文学原著的美妙之处。 例 2 I dont appreciate being treated like a second- class citizen. 我不愿被人当作二等公民。 造句 他们能意识到自己和别人的不同之处。 They can appreciate the differences between themselves and ot

17、her people. 知识拓展 (1)appreciate sth. 欣赏/感激某事 appreciate doing sth. 感激做某事 appreciate ones doing sth. 感激某人做某事 I would appreciate it if. 如果,我将不胜感激 (2)appreciation n. 赏识,鉴赏;感激 即学即练 单句语法填空 We shall appreciate hearing(hear) from you again. I appreciate that you have come here so early. I would appreciate i

18、t very much if you would help me with it. Sentence Pattern 重点句式 only 倒装 (教材 P63)Only then can we look towards harmoniously sharing our urban habitats. 只有这样,我们才能期待和谐地共享我们的城市栖息地。 句式分析:句中 only 修饰时间状语 then,置于句首,句子用部分倒装,把 情态动词 can 提前。 例 1 Only in this way can we learn English. 只有这样我们才能学会英语。 例 2 Only when

19、 the war was over in 1918 was he able to get back to work. 直到 1918 年战争结束时,他才能重新开始工作。 造句 他只有叫喊才能让别人听到他。 Only by shouting was he able to make himself heard. 知识拓展 (1)在 only 后作状语的是从句时,从句不要用倒装,要部分倒装的是主句。 (2)在句首的 only 如果后面跟了副词、介词短语或从句等状语,则主句用倒 装结构。如 only 后跟的是主语,就不用倒装结构了。 即学即练 单句语法填空 Only after a bitter st

20、ruggle was the aim achieved. The boy was helped(help) out only when his father arrived in a hurry. Only the teachers are allowed(allow) to use the room. 教材 高考 1.There is evidence that urban racoons are more intelligent than their wild cousins, as they frequently have to figure out difficult problems

21、 such (2019 江苏卷)Naomi managed to figure out 16 of Steves favorite, and most personal,songs. as how to open rubbish bins and other containers which they would not find in the wild. 2.Unable to distinguish between blue sky and glass, birds crash into windows at speeds of about 30 miles per hour. (2019

22、 北京卷)This task interdependence distinguishes baseball from football and basketball. 3.However they adapt to our ways of urban living, its important that we get a better understanding of and even learn to appreciate our wild neighbours. (2019 天津卷)Ideally,the system would tell us when to adapt human a

23、ctivities that are pushing an ecosystem toward a breakdown or would even allow us to pull an ecosystem back from the borderline. (2019北 京 卷 )For many students, Wilsons help is not only appreciated, its also entirely necessary for them to be able to complete their college education. .单句语法填空 1Only the

24、n did he realize the importance of English. 2The leading(lead) area of study was business and management. 3They make my eyes glisten with appreciation(appreciate) and joy. 4 When you are abroad, you must find ways to adapt yourself(you) to the culture and custom there. 5Elephants are distinguished f

25、rom other animals by their long noses. 6Of the seven bicycles we had, only two were fit for the road. 7Have you figured out why the dog lives so long? 8The government is committed to protecting(protect) the interests of tenants. 9The greedy(greed) boy ate up all the food remaining on the table. 10Es

26、timations(estimation) of our total world sales are around 50 million. .短语填空 adapt to;fit in with;figure out;out of reach;have no choice but to do 1This product keep out of reach of children and high temperature area. 2By and by youll be able to figure out what sort of person he really is. 3It means

27、you have no choice but to get on with people and be with the other cast. 4He tried to fit in with the others, but it was difficult. 5How can a leader adapt to a changing environment? .课文语法填空 Nowadays, more and more wild animals are entering cities.Most of us assume that urban 1.development(develop)

28、and climate change push the animals out of their habitats.But it is humans 2.who have moved into their territory.Cities offer 3.increasingly(increasing) appealing spaces to animals as habitats.These animals can be out of reach from their natural 4.predators(predator) Whats more, 5.hungry(hunger) ani

29、mals are finding plenty to eat.Urban animals are 6.more intelligent(intelligent) than their wild cousins.Some animals have changed their living habits to fit 7.in with their new homes.Some species are more affected 8.than others.These birds have yet to change their 9.migratory(migrate) routes. We should learn to better understand and appreciate our wild neighbours and 10.harmoniously(harmonious) sharing our urban habitats.


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