(2020新外研版)英语选择性必修第二册UNIT1同步作业:Part 4 Writing.docx

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1、Part 4 Writing 写作题目 根据下列要点提示,写一篇关于马克 吐温及其作品哈克贝利 费恩历险记的评论。 1.马克 吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家。他出生于密西西比河(the Mississippi River)畔小城。 2.代表作(masterpiece)之一是哈克贝利 费恩历险记(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)。讲述了白人小孩 Huckleberry Finn 从家中逃走,和黑奴吉姆在密西西比河流浪的故事。 3.Huckleberry Finn 遇见的人物涵盖了社会各个阶层(a walk of life),因此这部小说生动地反映了当

2、时的社会。 4.哈克贝利 费恩历险记在美国文学史上一直被称为最伟大的作品。 注意:词数 100 左右。 思路点拨 主题 关于马克 吐温及其作品 哈 克贝利 费恩历险记 的评论 体裁 议论文 人称 第三人称 时态 以一般现在时为主 布局 分三部分:开头应简要介绍马克 吐温;中间部分应概括介绍其代表作哈克贝 利 费恩历险记;结尾应准确评价哈克贝利 费恩历险记 遣词造句 .用本单元所学单词或短语填空 1. adj.各种各样的 2. n.结论 3. 长大 4. 离开 5. 四处流浪 答案 1.varied 2.conclusion 3.grow up 4.be away from 5.wander a

3、round .本单元语块、语法运用 1.完成句子 (1)马克 吐温是一位美国作家。 Mark Twain was . (2)他在密西西比河畔的小城长大。 He on the banks of the Mississippi River. (3)他最伟大的代表作之一是哈克贝利 费恩历险记 。 masterpieces is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. (4)这部小说讲述了白人小孩 Huckleberry Finn 从家中逃走,和名叫吉姆的黑奴四处流浪的故事。 The novel tells the story of a white child Huck

4、leberry Finn who with a black slave named Jim. (5)Huckleberry Finn 遇见的人物涵盖了社会各个阶层。 The people Huckleberry Finn encountered covered of the society. (6)这部小说生动地反映了当时的社会。 The novel the society at that time. (7)总之,哈克贝利 费恩历险记被视为美国文学史上最伟大的作品。 , The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has the greatest work in th

5、e history of American literature. 答案 (1)an American writer (2)grew up in a small town (3)One of his greatest (4)was away from home and wandered around (5)varied walks of life (6)vividly reflects (7)In conclusion;been considered 2.句式升级 (8)用动词-ing 形式作状语改写句(2)并与句(1)合并 (9)用定语从句合并句(3)和句(4) (10)用 with 的复合

6、结构合并句(5)和句(6) 答案 (8)Growing up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River, Mark Twain was an American writer. (9)One of his greatest masterpieces is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which tells the story of a white child Huckleberry Finn who was away from home and wandered around with

7、a black slave named Jim. (10)With the people Huckleberry Finn encountered covering varied walks of life of the society, the novel vividly reflects the society at that time. 连句成篇 参考范文 Growing up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River, Mark Twain was an American writer. One of his great

8、est masterpieces is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which tells the story of a white child Huckleberry Finn who was away from home and wandered around with a black slave named Jim. With the people Huckleberry Finn encountered covering varied walks of life of the society, the novel vividly reflec

9、ts the society at that time. In conclusion,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been considered the greatest work in the history of American literature. 写作积累 1.The new book is making waves in China and abroad. 这本新书在国内外引起了轰动。 2.We are always finding new beauty in Shakespeares poetry. 我们总是能在莎士比亚的诗中发

10、现新的美。 3.The novel will be adapted for a film. 这部小说将被改编成电影。 4.He is an important man behind the scenes. 他是一位重要的幕后人物。 5.They had little or no acquaintance with philosophy or history. 他们对哲学和历史几乎一无所知。 6.The book is well worth reading, as it carries the main idea that justice can always beat evil. 这本书很值得

11、一读,因为它的主要思想是正义总能战胜邪恶。 7.As for the future rebuilding, everyone is important. 至于未来的重建,每个人都是重要的。 8.This month, I finished reading the book, which describes how a man can survive the death of his entire family. 这个月,我看完了这本书,该书描述了一个人如何在整个家庭的死亡中幸存下来。 实战演练 () 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友 Tom 最近看完了冰雪奇缘(Frozen),他觉得安娜的勇敢非常令

12、人感动,很有感触, 想和你进行交流,请你根据以下要点,给他写一封回信。 赞同朋友的感受 安娜的勇敢非常令人感动 表达自己的感受 艾莎对于妹妹的疼爱也很令人感动,家人之间的爱是相互 的,不要对家人发脾气 表达交流意愿 愿意和朋友进一步交流感想 答案全解全析答案全解全析 实战演练 Dear Tom, In your last letter you asked me about my feelings after I saw the movie Frozen. Id like very much to share my thoughts with you. First I agree with yo

13、u that Annas bravery is very impressive.I am also moved by her action of finding back her sister. However, the character Elsa is more attractive to me. Elsa is gone in the storm for the safety of her sister. Every time I watch the film, I feel deeply moved by the bond between the sisters. The film m

14、akes me realize it is love that is able to do wonders in the world. And it has made a difference in my life. When I want to lose my temper with my families, I would think about it and control myself. If you want to have further communication with me, just let me know. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua


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