(2020新外研版)英语选择性必修第二册UNIT4同步作业:Part 3 Developing ideas &Presenting ideas.docx

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1、Part 3 Developing ideas were not made . A thousand gold coins spent;more will turn up again.” 5.It is important for children to family activities, which can strengthen the bonds between family members. .单句语法填空 1.The “Chinese Dream” is a dream of improving peoples well-being and a dream of (harmoniou

2、s), peace and development. 2.Experts are still (divide) over whether global warming is a blessing or a disaster. 3.I tried to persuade the other board members, but my efforts were vain, and they outvoted me. 4.My parents have been the most (influence) people in my life, and they will always be. .完成句

3、子 1.林肯鼓舞人心的演讲引起了人民的共鸣,给了他们希望、信念和展望未来的理由。 Lincolns inspiring speech struck a chord with his people and gave them hope, belief and a reason for . 2.根据他提供的证据,我们得出结论,他是无辜的,应该立即被释放。 the evidence he presented, we came to the conclusion that he was innocent and should be set free immediately. .课文语法填空 Four

4、score and seven years ago our fathers brought 1 , upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created 2 (equally). Now we 3 (engage) in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation, so conceived, and so dedicated, can lo

5、ng endure. We are met here on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of it as a final resting place for those 4 here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper 5 we should do this. But in a larger sense, we can not dedicatewe can no

6、t consecratewe can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living 6 dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to b

7、e dedicated here to the 7 (finished)work which they have, thus far, so nobly carried on. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task 8 (remain)before usthat from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave 9 last full measure of devotionthat we

8、 here highly resolve that these 10 (die) shall not have died in vain;that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom;and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 能力提升练能力提升练 .阅读理解 John Otway John Otway has be

9、en playing music and making records in the UK for more than 40 years. Over the years he has released more than ten albums. He has played at hundreds of concerts. He has written two autobiographies. He has worked with some of the countrys best musicians and he has even made a film about his life. But

10、 despite all of this, most people have never heard of him. Otway released his first record in 1972, but it was the punk movement a few years later that really gave him his big chance. Otway wasnt the greatest musician but his songs were always fun, and his performances on stage were always entertain

11、ingthere was a good chance he would fall off the stage at least once in each show. The punks liked him, and in 1977 he had a small hit when his single Really Free made it to No. 27 the charts in the UK. Otway really enjoyed his success but unfortunately, no more came. Not one of his records over the

12、 next 30 years was a hit. Although he never had much commercial success, Otway had a lot of very loyal fans. When someone asked him what he would like for his 50th birthday, his reply was: “A second hit.” His fans went out and bought as many copies of the new single Bunsen Burner as they could. And

13、in October 2002, Otway finally saw his wish come true. In the charts that featured international superstars like Will Young and Oasis, Bunsen Burner made it to No. 9.Many high street shops refused to sell the record, saying that Otway was too old and unattractive for the teenage market. Otway didnt

14、care. He celebrated his success with an appearance on TVs biggest music show Top of the Pops. These days John Otway continues to play his music around the country, and there are always plenty of people who are happy to go and watch him perform. Hes a great example to anyone who loves making music. Y

15、ou dont have to be young, good-looking (or even very talented) to enjoy a long career in the music business. 1.From Paragraph 1, we know that . A.John Otway has released hundreds of albums B.John Otway never worked with best musicians C.John Otway has written hundreds of autobiographies D.John Otway

16、 is not well-known in the UK as a musician 2.John Otway saw his wish come true when he released . A.Really Free B.Bunsen Burner C.Top of the Pops D.his first record 3.Why were some street shops unwilling to sell his single Bunsen Burner? A.They thought it was terrible. B.It wasnt a very big hit. C.J

17、ohn Otway didnt want them to have it. D.They thought teenagers would not like to buy it. 4.What can we learn from the passage? A.Musicians have to be young and attractive. B.Success isnt important in our life. C.We should be determined to do what we love. D.Musicians do much better as they get older

18、. .七选五 As is known to all, many things can be measured in terms of data. Sometimes data can indeed tell the truth. With the help of data we can easily know the price of a can of Coke in the supermarket or the result of a football match. Data can make our life easier and more comfortable. Whats more,

19、 data seem to be fairer than words or statements. 1 Nowadays, as lies exist in the world, data are expected to tell the truth. Therefore, many of us would rather believe data. On the other hand, if we judge things only by data from the so-called specific research, arent we a little too narrow-minded

20、? Many people often treat the so-called specific data unwisely just to make sure that they are making the right decisions. 2 For example, how can you tell that somebody isnt a good student just because he or she doesnt get high marks in the final examination? There are many things in our life which

21、cannot be measured by data. For example, the degree you feel happy in your life, the depth of love between you and your friends, and the faith you have in your country. 3 There is no doubt that analyzing the exact data is important to the assessment of an actual event. But data should be dealt with

22、wisely. We often get wrong data which mislead us. 4 Remember, data have no feelings but we humans have. Data do not mean much to people if we do not have the ability to analyze the data with the knowledge and confidence to judge whether they are true or false. We should try our best to be wise think

23、ers. 5 Life is much more colourful than the pale data. So give the cold data a warm heart and well find that the world is far more wonderful than the pale data can describe. A.Data are data after all. B.If the data are true, we dont have to worry about being cheated. C.But sometimes we may find that

24、 data arent everything. D.Sometimes our heart and mind are more sensitive than data. E.Now and then the so-called specific data puzzle us very much. F.The exact data should come from the assessment of an actual event. G.We can only feel them in our heart but can never express them in data. 1. 2. 3.

25、4. 5. .读后续写 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为 150 左右。 Alan and the other campers sat around the fire, talking and laughing. It would be Alans first night in a tent, and he was excited and a little nervous. Then, the conservation area officer spoke, “Much of the wildlife in this region co

26、mes out only at night. So after supper, lets start a night watch. Volunteers will take turns to stay down here by the fire, away from the tents. Those who take part will get a chance to see a different world.” “Isnt it dangerous?” someone asked. “No, its quite safe,” the officer said. “There are no

27、dangerous animals. Any volunteers?” The kid whod sat next to Alan on the bus volunteered. Alan sat still. Then one of the girls raised her hand. “If a girl could do it,I could, too,” Alan thought. He volunteered. A few more kids raised their hands. Then the officer explained, “This is how it works.

28、When the rest of you go to bed, the first watcher takes his or her place by the fire. The duty of the watcher is to keep the fire going. After thirty minutes, he or she wakes up the next person. Do you still want to volunteer?” Alan nodded but felt a little nervous. Sleeping in a tent with other cam

29、pers sounded OK, but the idea of being alone in the dark made him afraid. The officer showed the order of the watch. At ten past two in the evening, Alan found himself sitting by the fire, in a great world of darkness. He had never been so afraid. Alan had to turn off his flashlight(手电筒) because he

30、had used it too often. He looked at the stars and the rising moon. It wasnt as dark as hed thought it would be. He took comfort in that and tried to relax a little. Looking around, Alan thought he saw a large bird flying down through the air and wondered if it was an owl(猫头鹰). He had seen small paw

31、prints on the sand by the river. Paragraph 1: Then there was a noise. Paragraph 2: Alan felt a rush of excitement. 答案全解全析答案全解全析 基础过关练基础过关练 .1.mounted 2.division 3.altogether 4.nobly 5.influential .1.at a great cost 2.in memory of 3.In a larger sense 4.in vain 5.engage in .1.harmony 句意:“中国梦”是增进人民福祉的梦

32、,是和谐、和平、发展的梦。由设空处前的 of 可知,此处应用名词。 2.divided 句意:对于全球变暖是福还是祸,专家们仍有分歧。此处应用形容词作系动词后的表语,divided 意为“有分歧 的”,符合语境。 3.in 句意:我试图说服其他董事会成员,但我的努力白费了,他们投票否决了我。in vain 徒劳无益,白费力气。 4.influential 句意:我的父母是我一生中最有影响力的人,他们永远都是。此处应用形容词与前面的 most 构成最高级 修饰后面的名词 people。 .1.looking to the future 2.Based on .1.forth 考查副词。bring

33、 forth 创立。 2.equal 考查形容词。equal 在句中修饰 all men,作主语补足语,应使用形容词形式。 3.are engaged 考查固定搭配。be engaged in 忙于;从事。 4.who 考查定语从句。who 引导定语从句修饰 those。 5.that 考查名词性从句。It 为形式主语,that 引导的主语从句为真正的主语。 6.and 考查并列连词。此处指活着的人和死去的人,应用 and 连接。 7.unfinished 考查词形转换。根据句意可知,此处指未完成之事,因此用 unfinished。 8.remaining 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,tas

34、k 和 remain 之间为主动关系,故填 remaining。 9.the 考查冠词。分析句子可知,此处应用定冠词 the。 10.dead 考查名词。分析句子可知,设空处在从句中作主语,应使用名词形式,故填 dead。 能力提升练能力提升练 .语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了英国音乐家 John Otway 虽然在英国演奏音乐和制作唱片超过 40 年,但是却没什么名气。John Otway 从事音乐事业以来,虽然名气不大,但是他忠于自己喜爱的事业,并且没有放弃。 1.D 推理判断题。根据第一段中 But despite all of this, most people have n

35、ever heard of him.可知尽管如此,大多数人从 未听说过他。由此可知,John Otway 作为音乐家在英国并不出名。故选 D。 2.B 细节理解题。根据第三段中 His fans went out and bought as many copies of the new single Bunsen Burner as they could. And in October 2002, Otway finally saw his wish come true.可知他的粉丝们尽可能去多买 Bunsen Burner 唱片。 2002 年 10 月,Otway 的愿望终于实现了。由此可

36、知,当 John Otway 发布 Bunsen Burner 唱片后,他的愿望实现了。故选 B。 3.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中 Many high street shops refused to sell the record, saying that Otway was too old and unattractive to the teenage market.可知许多商业街的商店拒绝出售这张唱片,说他太老了,对青少年市场没有吸引力。由 此可知,一些街头商店不愿意卖他的 Bunsen Burner 唱片,是因为他们认为青少年不会愿意买。故选 D。 4.C 推理判断题。 文章主要讲述了

37、英国音乐家 John Otway 虽然在英国演奏音乐和制作唱片超过 40 年,但是却没什么 名气。John Otway 从事音乐事业以来,虽然名气不大,但是他忠于自己喜爱的事业,并且没有放弃。由此可推知,从这篇 文章中我们能了解到,我们应该下定决心去做我们喜欢做的事。故选 C。 原句 Otway released his first record in 1972, but it was the punk movement a few years later that really gave him his big chance. 分析 本句是并列复合句,but 连接两个并列分句,第二个分句为强

38、调句。 句意 Otway 在 1972 年发布了他的第一张唱片,但是几年后的朋克运动真正给了他很大的机会。 【高频词汇】 1.release v.释放;发行 2.reply n.回复 .语篇解读 这是一篇议论文。文章论述了数据在人类生活中被用来衡量事物和判断事物,但数据并不是一切,人 类应该明智地处理数据。 1.B 根据上一句 Whats more, data seem to be fairer than words or statements. (更重要的是,数据似乎比言语或陈述更公 平。)和下一句中的 as lies.tell the truth 可知,此处应说明数据的真实性。故选 B。

39、2.C 根据下一句 For example, how can you tell that somebody isnt a good student just because he or she doesnt get high marks in the final examination? (例如,你怎么能够仅仅因为某个人在期末考试中没有得到高分就判断他或她不是一个 好学生呢?)可知,此处表示数据不能代表一切。故选 C。 3.G 根据上一句 For example, the degree you feel happy in your life, the depth of love between

40、 you and your friends, and the faith you have in your country. (例如,你在生活中感到幸福的程度,你和朋友之间的爱的深度以及你对国家的信任。) 可知,选项 G 中的代词 them 指代的是感到幸福的程度、爱的深度、对国家的信任。故选 G。 4.D 根据下文 Remember, data have no feelings but we humans have. Data do not mean much to people if we do not have the ability to analyze the data with t

41、he knowledge and confidence to judge whether they are true or false. (记住,数据没有感 觉,但我们人类有。 如果我们不具备用知识和信心判断数据真假去分析数据的能力,那么数据对人们来说就没有多大意 义。)可知,D 项符合语境。故选 D。 5.A 根据下文 Life is much more colourful than the pale data. So give the cold data a warm heart and well find that the world is far more wonderful than

42、 the pale data can describe. (生活比苍白的数据更加丰富多彩。所以,给冰冷的数据一颗 温暖的心,我们会发现这个世界远比苍白的数据所能描绘的更美好。)可知,A 项符合语境。故选 A。 【高频词汇】 1.faith n.信任 2.assessment n.看法;评估 .One possible version: Paragraph 1: Then there was a noise. Alans heart beat very fast. Something was out there in the darkness. Alans mouth went dry. Wha

43、t was it? Slowly, he reached for his flashlight. Another sound, near the cooking pots. Alan turned on the flashlight. There, with a bone in its mouth was a creamy brown creature. It was about as big as his cat at home, but longer. Alan looked at it and the creature looked back. Then it was gone. Par

44、agraph 2: Alan felt a rush of excitement. Had it been real? Alan looked around. No more noises. He moved near the pots and saw small dog-like paw prints. Carefully, he used the pots to cover them. Not long after, he woke up the next camper for the night watch and managed to sleep a little. The next morning, the officer asked for reports. One girl said she had seen an owl. Most kids reported hearing noises. “I saw something,” said Alan, and he described it. Then he moved the pots and showed everyone the prints.


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