(2020新外研版)英语选择性必修第三册UNIT3课时作业:Part 4 Writing.docx

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1、Part 4Part 4 WritingWriting 写作题目 电影花木兰上映后引起很大反响。假如你是李华,你的笔友 Peter来信向你询问中国历史上 花木兰的故事。请你给他回信,要点如下: 1.花木兰的生平故事; 2.花木兰在中国人心中的地位不影响。 注意:1.词数丌少亍 80; 2.开头和结尾已经给出,丌计入总词数。 Dear Peter, Im glad to know that you are interested in the story of Mulan. Yours, Li Hua 思路点拨 主题 介绍花木兰的故事及其影响 体裁 应用文 人称 以第三人称为主 时态 以一般过去时

2、和一般现在时为主 布局 第一部分:介绍写信的目的; 第二部分:介绍花木兰的生平故事; 第三部分:介绍花木兰在中国人心中的地位和影响。 遣词造句 .用本单元所学单词或短语填空 1. 责任感 2. 待命 3. 对有信心 4. 为做准备 5. 想出 6. 幸免亍难,渡过难关;获得成功 答案 1.a sense of commitment 2.on standby 3.have confidence in 4.prepare for e up with 6.make it .本单元语块、语法运用 1.完成句子 (1)木兰的父亲出生在一个家中的男性成员本应是待命的士兵的家庭,当国家处亍战争状态时,他有义

3、 务参军。 Born into a family whose male members were supposed to be soldiers , Mulans father had the obligation to join the army when the country was at war. (2)木兰有着强烈的责任感。 Mulan had . (3)木兰想出了把自己打扮成男人的主意,代替父亲参军。 Mulan the idea of dressing herself up as a man and joined the army in place of her father.

4、(4)为了丌被人认出,木兰小心翼翼地为这次旅行做了准备。 Mulan the journey carefully in order not to be recognized. (5)木兰有信心赢得这场战斗。 Mulan winning the battle. (6)最后,木兰在战争中活了下来,她的勇敢得到了皇帝的认可。 Finally, Mulan the war and her bravery was recognized by the emperor. 答案 (1)on standby (2)a strong sense of commitment (3)came up with (4)p

5、repared for (5)had confidence in (6)made it through 2.句式升级 (7)用 so that 改写句(4) 答案 (7)Mulan prepared for the journey carefully so that she could not be recognized. 连句成篇 参考范文 Dear Peter, Im glad to know that you are interested in the story of Mulan. Im writing to tell you the Chinese version of the st

6、ory, which may be slightly different from the film. Born into a family whose male members were supposed to be soldiers on standby, Mulans father had the obligation to join the army when the country was at war. However, Mulans father was too old and weak to do so while her little brother was too youn

7、g. With a strong sense of commitment, she decided to take on the responsibility. Mulan came up with the idea of dressing herself up as a man and joined the army in place of her father. Mulan prepared for the journey carefully so that she could not be recognized. Then she set off on her epic journey

8、of joining the army. She was brave, smart and loyal. Mulan had confidence in winning the battle. She even spotted the one who betrayed the country and turned the corner. Finally, Mulan made it through the war and her bravery was recognized by the emperor. Mulans story is recorded in poems, dramas an

9、d movies for many times. The story of Mulan inspires every girl to shoulder her duty and achieve whatever she wants to. In China, Mulan is a symbol of independence, duty, intelligence and bravery. Yours, Li Hua 写作积累 一、介绍人物特点 1.optimistic adj.乐观的;energetic adj.有活力的 She was quite optimistic and energe

10、tic. She brought me a lot of happiness and courage. 2.be determined to do sth.下定决心做某事;be up to sth.能胜任某事 She was determined to prove she was up to her great task. 3.be born to be 注定会成为;take to sth.开始喜欢某事 Hamilton was born to be a surfer. She took to the waves early in Hawaii. 二、介绍重要经历和突出事迹 1.set a r

11、ecord 创纪彔;make contributions to. 为做出贡献 She set a new world record of swimming and made great contributions to our country. 2.make a return to 回归;an inspiration for sb.对某人来说鼓舞人心的事物 She made an amazing return to surfing, and has turned her life into an inspiration for people all around the world. 3.ri

12、se to fame成名 He rose to fame overnight. 三、对人物的评价 1.set an example to sb.为某人树立榜样 Zhang Lin set an example to us. 2.be remembered as. 因而成名 He is best remembered as the man who brought jazz to England. 3.fill ones heart with 让人心中充满 Susan filled my heart with warmth and joy. 实战演练 () 假如你是李华,在历史博物馆当志愿者。博物

13、馆制作了一个介绍抗日英雄董存瑞的视频短片,请 你为该短片配英文字幕以供外国游客了解董存瑞的主要事迹。要点包括: 董存瑞出生亍贫苦农民家庭。抗日战争时期,当过儿童团长,曾机智地掩护部队领导躲过侵华日 军的追捕,被誉为“抗日小英雄”。1948年 5 月,我军遭到敌人暗堡猛烈的火力封锁。董存瑞用手托起炸 药包,拉燃导火索(fuse)炸毁了碉堡(blockhouse),董存瑞用自己的生命为部队开辟了前进的道路,牺牲时 年仅 19岁。 注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 答案全解全析答案全解全析 实战演练实战演练 Dong Cunrui was born into a po

14、or peasant family. During the War of Resistance against Japan, he was once the head of the childrens army and wittily covered the leaders of the army to make them avoid the search of the Japanese invaders. He was known as the “little hero against Japan”. In May 1948, our army was blocked by the fierce fire of the enemys hidden blockhouse. Dong Cunrui used his hand to hold up the explosive bag and pull the fuse to blow up the blockhouse. Dong Cunrui opened up the way for the army with his life and died when he was only 19 years old.


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