
选择性必修第四册 Unit1 Honesty and responsibility Words Reading 1.barely.adv.刚好刚好;仅仅仅仅;勉强才能勉强才能;几乎不几乎不;刚才刚才1.Mary had barely eno,after twenty years单击此处添加副标题内容


1、选择性必修第四册 Unit1 Honesty and responsibility Words Reading 1.barely.adv.刚好刚好;仅仅仅仅;勉强才能勉强才能;几乎不几乎不;刚才刚才1.Mary had barely eno。

2、after twenty years单击此处添加副标题内容Make a dialogueSuppose now it were 2042,and you havent seen you high school friend for 20 y。

3、by zyhby zyhTakingby zyhBefore readingby zyhBefore readingResponsibilityAt what age you think is proper for teenagers to。

4、版本:译林册别:选择性必修四As a student,how can you practise responsibility in your study and daily lifeWhen you are devoted to doing。

5、Unit 1 Honesty and responsibilityGrammar and usageCore socialist valuesprosperity democracy civility harmony freedom equ。

6、Unit 1 Honesty and responsibilityReading 1After Twenty Years1.What is the most difficult choice you have made in your li。

7、Unit 1 Honesty and responsibilityIntegrated skills 1Understanding white liesYou hang out with your best friend Kate at t。

8、Part 01Vocabulary 1.disappointedbe disappointednotto do sth.因未做某事而失望be disappointed atbywith sth.对某事感到失望be disappointed 。

9、Integrated skillsUnderstanding white liesUnit 1 Honesty and responsibilityLeadinYou are a guest at your best friends hou。

10、Unit 1 Honesty and responsibilityWelcome to the unit1.Can you list some moral valuesWhy are they importantLeadinBecause 。

11、Appreciating Literature After Twenty Years By the end of this class,we are expected to:1.summarize the plot of scene 1;2。

12、Welcome to the unitReadingILeadinEnjoy the video and tell what virtues are displayed.Love and sacrificeLeadinWhat other 。

13、Bonnie选修四 Unit1Noam Chomsky过诚实正直的生活是每一个正派人的责任.read a short story about honesty and responsibility;write an article about。

14、Unit 1 Honesty and responsibilityWorkbook Building skillsCSRcorporate social responsibilityListening and speaking1.More 。

15、How do you understand the two wordsthe quality of being honestthe state or fact of having a duty to deal with sth or of 。

16、kindergartenreciteaccenthandwritingfluentcooperatecitebroaden ones mindn.学前班;幼儿园学前班;幼儿园vt.吟诵;列举吟诵;列举n.口音,腔调;重音;着重点,口音,腔调。

17、1.fluentbe fluent in.流利fluency n.尤指外语流利,流畅fluently adv.流利地练习:The boy stood out among all the candidates候选人for his great 。

18、B7 U2 Understanding each otherExtended readingIBorrowed wordsLearning goals:Learning goals:1.understand why and how word。

19、Below is a personal account by a Chinese student who studied in the UK and the USA.Find the sentences with relative clau。

20、Section BGrammar and usage01Vocabulary 1.preference have a preference for.对 偏爱in preference to 而不是giveapreference to 给以优。

21、B7U2 Extended ReadingBorrowed wordsBY G.ZStructurePara.6.The5 to borrow words has never gone out of style.Para.1.Borrowe。

22、1.They could be interpreted as a welcoming greeting from a close friend,especially if accompanied by a gentle smile.When。

23、BY ZYHB7U3 GrammarBY G.ZBY ZYHPART.01O v e r v i e wBY ZYHObject clausePredicative clause Appositive clauseSubject claus。

24、What do you want to do in the futureWhat is a must before assuming the jobB7U3 Extended ReadingTips for job interviewsBY。

25、by zyhB7U3Careers and skillsBY G.ZW E L C O M ER E A D I N GW E L C O M ER E A D I N Gby zyhNoImageNoImageby zyh The pro。

26、版本:译林册别:选择性必修四PrereadingFamous sayingP15爱比克泰德爱比克泰德1871192218711922,奴隶出身,罗马著名哲学家.这句话意在强调沟通时要注意倾听.我们有两只耳朵和一个嘴巴,所以我们可以听我们有两。

27、空白演示单击输入您的封面副标题版本:译林册别:选择性必修四Postreading1 被解释为2 用作,作为3 一种的方式4依赖于,决定于5 编译一则信息6 破译一则信息7 作为回应8一名非常有能力的交流者be interpreted asf。

28、To summarize why people need to workTo use discourse markers to express ideas logicallyTo provide an answer to the quest。

29、by zyh BY G.Zby zyhScan find out the topic sentence of each paragraph1There are other important reasons that motivate us。

30、01IntroductionDefinitionThe main bodyConclusionPara.1Para.2Para.10 the interview the interview the interviewPara.35Para。

31、UNIT 3Whats a job interviewA job interview is a conversation which occurs between a potential employer and a job applica。

32、Section C Section C Integrated SkillsExtended ReadingIntegrated SkillsExtended ReadingPART 01PART 01Vocabulary 1.applica。

33、weigh upreceiptcommercialweeklymonthlybudget权衡,斟酌权衡,斟酌n.收到的款项,收入;收据收到的款项,收入;收据adj.商业的,贸易的;盈利的;商业性的商业的,贸易的;盈利的;商业性的adj.每周。

34、Making a career planIntegrated skillsB7U3 1.u n d e rs t a n d t h e c o n t e n t a n d importance of a career plan;2.a。

35、UNIT 3 ReadingWhat do you want to beListen and answer Why do we work according to the texta.To earn a living.b.To gain f。

36、B7U4BY G.ZA Special Graduation Speech 2A Special Graduation Speech 3live and learnbe proud of our countryface the challe。

37、Talk about your opinions about Group DiscussionPostreading1 尤其;特别2 经济独立的3加入劳动力大军4 可以说5 旨在目的在于6 绝不7激励某人做某事8 追寻梦想9endeavor。

38、1.Meanwhile,it provides an opportunity for the applicant to learn more about the job and the company,and to discover whe。

39、1.If you are supposed to give tips to an interviewee参加面试者参加面试者,what will you suggestRead the transcript and summarize th。

40、版本:译林册别:选择性必修四PrereadingFamous sayingP29黄炎培黄炎培1878.10.11965.12.211878.10.11965.12.21,中国近现代爱国主义者和民主主义教育家.该句出自黄炎培教育文选.这句话表。

标签 > ppt课件_2022新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第四册[编号:671910]



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