


1、a lovely baby What a lovely baby ! beautiful flowers What beautiful flowers ! bad weather What bad weather ! wonderful How wonderful ! How exciting ! exciting fast How fast ! Make exclamations as many as you can. happy sad carefully cool sweet / music terrible / movie dangerous / accident surprising / song 1. _____ a cute dog! 2. _____ wonderful! 3. ________ bad weather! 4. ______ carefully he studies! 5. ______ beautiful flowers! 6. ______ delicious! What How What How What How Now Kangka。

2、Topic 1 Which do you like Topic 1 Which do you like better, plants or animals ?better, plants or animals ? plant n. 植物植物 v. 种植,播种种植,播种 Look and learn. rose n.玫瑰花玫瑰花 snake n. 蛇蛇 fox n. 狐狸狐狸 (pl.) foxes insect n.昆虫昆虫 frog n. 青蛙青蛙 Look and learn. Check your sounds Look at the pictures and write down the words according to the sounds. Then listen and check the vowels and stress. / frDg / ______ / Insekt / _______ / snVk / _______ frog insect snake 3 录音录音3-P84 / 。

3、Whats wrong with you? I have a backache. Whats wrong with her ? She has a cold. Whats wrong with her ? She has a fever. Whats wrong with her ? She has a headache. Whats wrong with him ? He has a toothache. Whats wrong with him? He has a cough. illnesses 感冒感冒 发烧发烧 咳嗽咳嗽 头痛头痛 牙痛牙痛 背痛背痛 胃痛胃痛 have a cold have a fever have a cough have a headache have a toothache have a backache have a stomachache Listen and number the pictures. Then ask and answer with your partner 录音录。

4、What kind of music do you like best? Its hard to say. Sometimes I enjoy but sometimes I like Do you like classical music ? Yes, I like it very much. And I know a few famous classical composers. 作曲家作曲家 创作者创作者 Who is he ? Do you know ? Who is he ? Do you know ? 莫扎特莫扎特 How much do you know about Mozarts childhood ? Think about it and check your knowledge with the following facts. Mozart was born in Austria in 1756. At the age of three, he was able to play the piano by himself. At。

5、Topic 1 Whats your hobby ? walk a pet dog fly a kite climb mountains swim listen to music play chess collect stamps water flowers 2 Look at the pictures. Then follow the example to ask and answer in pairs. Look and say in springin spring in summerin summer in winterin winter in fallin fall A: What do Kangkang and Michael often do in spring ? B: They often fly kites. A: What did they use to do in spring ? B: They used to go traveling. Do you know what kind of book it is ? Lets learn how to。

6、Section D Tick the following ideas you think are correct before reading. Then read the passage and check. 1.The more exercise, the better. ( ) 2.We should stop exercising when we are hurt. ( ) 3.Drinking while playing sports is bad for our health. ( ) 4.Exercising in a gym is not a good idea. ( ) Should we need to warm up before running? Yes, we should. 做热身运动做热身运动 Is it necessary for us to buy good exercise equipment? No, it isnt. 运动器材运动器材。

7、apples oranges meat chicken chocolate ice cream banana hamburger rice watermelon beef tomatoes sandwiches strawberry sausage cabbage potato chips eggplant Meal Food Drink Breakfast Lunch Supper bread, eggs vegetables, fish, meat, rice noodles, fruit, vegetables milk orange juice, water hot water, milk 1 Listen and number the following pictures. 录音录音1-P41 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 1 Make sentences with the structures in the box. should / shouldnt We must / mustnt We should take showers。

8、Whats wrong with him? He has a cold. He should drink more water. Whats wrong with her? She has a toothache. She shouldnt eat too much chocolate. Whats wrong with him? He has a fever. He had better see a doctor. 最好做某事最好做某事 Whats the matter with him? He has a stomachache. He ____________ drink cold water. 最好不要做某事最好不要做某事 had better not Whats the matter with her? She has a backache. She ____________ lift heavy things. had better not Pair work For example: A: Whats wrong with 。

9、Topic 1 Which do you like Topic 1 Which do you like better, plants or animals ?better, plants or animals ? cow countryside n. 农村,乡下农村,乡下 horse hen What can we see in the What can we see in the countrysidecountryside? ? sheep some sheep What can we see in the countryside? goose some geese What can we see in the countryside? mouse some mice What can we see in the countryside? Do you like these animals ? Yes, I do. Can you see them in the cities ? No, I cant. Where do you want to live ? I。

10、What are you going to do this weekend? I am going to practice running. Why ? The school sports meet is coming. I will take part in it. will:将要。:将要。 用于一般将用于一般将 来时。来时。 Great! I will come to cheer you on! Thank you! cheer sb. on:为某:为某 人加油人加油 Of course I will. Will you take part in it? I will take part in the relay race. Which sport will you take part in? 接力赛接力赛 school sports meet the high jump the long jump relay race basketball running 100-meter race 200-m。

11、Do you like doing sports? What kind of sports do you like to play? Why? Who is your favorite sport star? Do you like David Beckham and Bobby Charlton? David Beckham A famous football player in England. Bobby Charlton A famous cricket player in England. heroes 板球运动板球运动 英雄英雄 Listen and mark T(True) or F(False). 1.Most of the English people are sports lovers. ( ) 2.Football in England has a history of one hundred years. ( ) 3.The most interesting。

12、Xiao Ming doesnt go to school because he _________. falls ill 生病生病 Could you Could you give him a give him a handhand? ? Sure! What is it? give sb. a hand 帮助某人帮助某人 Would you Would you mindmind teaching him teaching him English?English? Not at all. Would you mind doing sth? 你介意做某事吗?你介意做某事吗? Listen and answer the following questions.Listen and answer the following questions. 1.1.Which class are they going to play Which class are they going to play against?against? 2.2.。

13、What were you doing at this time yesterday? Do you think Tom and Jerry are good friends? Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the key words.with the correct forms of the key words. knock at / take a shower 1 1. When the cat knocked at the door the mouse _____________________ . was taking a shower come out / sleep 2 2. The mouse was hungry. When he __________ of the bathroom to look for food, the cat ______________。

14、Topic 1 Whats your hobby ? List hobbies as many as you can. play computer gamesplay computer games collect coinscollect coins go fishing go fishing listen to musiclisten to music watch TVwatch TV go skiinggo skiing go shoppinggo shopping go roller skatinggo roller skating play basketballplay basketball chat on the Internetchat on the Internet walk a pet dogwalk a pet dog play chessplay chess do the houseworkdo the housework play the guitarplay the guitar make model planesmake mode。

15、I have a toothache. What caused it? 引起引起 Because I ate too much candy. Eating candy is bad for the teeth. 对对有害有害 Kangkang looks tired. What did he do last night? 疲倦的疲倦的 Listen to 1a and find out the answers. 1a 录音录音1a-P35 1. Whats wrong with Kangkang? 2. Did he watch a soccer game on TV last night? 3. Is staying up late good for your health? He has a headache.He has a headache. Yes, he did.Yes, he did. No, it isnt.No, it isnt. Watch the flash and fill in the blanks. 1b Reason。

16、The school sports meet is coming. What should we take? What shall we take? sports clothes sports shoes a camera Can you tell me anything else?Can you tell me anything else? When shall we meet? Lets make it half past one. Where shall we meet? On the playground. Listen to 1a and check what Kangkang and Michael are talking about. 录音录音1a-P19 What they should take for the sports meet. When they will meet. Where they will meet. How they will go to school. Watch the flash, read 1a and。

17、What were you doing at this time yesterday? take/have a shower take/have a bath What are you doing? We are having classes. Look at the follow pictures, what are they doing? He is playing computer games. She is taking a shower. They are making the bed. She is jumping. He is skiing. Now ,at the moment, at this time, Its 10:00 a.m. Look, Listenso on They are dancing. What What werewere they doing at this time yesterday?they doing at this time yesterday? was was were was was were what。

18、1. Do you like doing exercise? 2. How often do you do exercise? 3. How long do you spend doing exercise? 花费(时间金钱等)花费(时间金钱等) What kind of sport is she doing? She is doing She is doing the high jumpthe high jump. . She is doing the long jump. She is playing baseball. She is doing exercise. She is hiking. She is cycling. Listen to 1a and complete the timetable. 录音 录音 1a-P5 Name Name ActivityActivity TimeTime AnnAnn twice a weektwice a week on Sundayson Sundays exercise in the 。

19、What happened to Michael? How long should he stay at home? He hurt his left leg. A week. Maria, Jane and Kangkang come to visit Michael at his home. Listen to 1a and mark T(True) or F(False). 1. Michaels right leg still hurts when he moves it. ( ) 2. Michaels friends brought some food and fruit for him. ( ) 3. Kangkang asked Michael not to move his leg too much. ( ) 4. Michael had better stay in bed and have a rest. ( ) 5. Michaels friends will help him with his lessons. (。

20、Do you like playing basketball? Is a basketball match exciting? How many players are there in a basketball team? Maybe there are five. Who invented basketball, do you know? What are the rules in basketball? Read 1a as quickly as you can and find out the main idea of the passage. Whats the main idea of the passage? A: Basketball is very popular. B: Basketball is both an indoor and outdoor game. C: Basketball is a team sport. D: The history of basketball. Read 1a again and check True or False。

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