(新教材)2021年高中英语外研版选择性必修第三册课件:Unit 4 Section Ⅳ Writing-续写故事 .ppt

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1、Section Writing续写故事 技法指导 续写故事是在阅读故事的基础上,分析文章的逻辑,展现创 造力与想象力,运用准确丰富的语言进行表达的过程。所续写的 内容应与原有故事逻辑衔接紧密、情节和结构完整。 写作步骤如下: 1细读文本要素,品读主旨意图 阅读是续写故事的起点,起点的质量高低直接影响着续写能 达到的高度,因此进行续写前,首先要高质量地完成阅读理解。 在阅读故事的过程中,首先应梳理关键信息,弄清楚文章的 体裁、题材、中心人物、主要故事、发展线索、主旨大意等;从 语言层面感知语篇的语言风格、行文逻辑、故事发展等,从而解 答5W1H(who,when,where,what,why,h

2、ow)的问题。在品读 主旨意图的过程中,应通过关键词和故事脉络,从情感层面来探 究和确立文章的写作风格和感情基调等。续写故事不仅要求故事 情节合理发展,也需要写作风格一脉相承。最佳的续写应是在内 容、语言和情感方面与原文风格保持一致。 2预测发展趋势,建构合理情节 在提炼出人物、故事及主旨等文本要素后,充分发挥想象, 预测故事的大致走向,接着勾勒出更加丰富、合理的故事情节。 最后,根据主旨和故事发展对信息作出选择、拓展细节、组织内 容,从而完成故事续写这一创造性的思维过程。 3梳理写作要点,善用语言,关注衔接 在完成续写的过程中,细读是起点,建构是中点,而写作则 是重点。在前面信息建构的基础上

3、,将选出的信息和拓展的细节 形成故事发展的要点。续写部分与原文在文体和语言上要保持一 致。续写故事类的文章,用词应简单形象,同时确保所续写内容 的主旨积极向上、富有正能量。 精品展示 The Meredith family lived in a small community. As the economy was in decline, some people in the town had lost their jobs. Many of their families were struggling to make ends meet. People were trying to help

4、 each other meet the challenges. Mrs. Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. She knew they had problems, and they needed all kinds of help. When she had time, she would bring food and medicine to them. One morning she told her children about

5、a family she had visited the day before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife, who took care of him and could not go out to work, and their little boy. The little boy his name was Bernard had interested her very much. “I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara.

6、“ He is such a help to his mother. He wants very much to earn some money, but I dont see what he can do.” After their mother left the room, the children sat thinking about Bernard. “I wish we could help him to earn money,” said Clara. “His family is suffering so much.” “So do I,” said Harry. “ We re

7、ally should do something to assist them.” For some moments, John said nothing, but, suddenly, he sprang to his feet and cried, “I have a great idea! I have a solution that we can all help accomplish (完成)” The other children also jumped up all attention. When John had an idea, it was sure to be a goo

8、d one. “I tell you what we can do,” said John. “You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us? Well, we can make popcorn(爆米花), and put it into paper bags, and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.” 注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2请按如下格式作答。 When Mrs. Meredith heard of Johns idea, she thought it

9、 was a good one, too._ _ _ _ _ With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business._ _ _ _ _ 审题谋篇 第一步:获取故事背景信息,即setting。 在社会经济萧条的环境下,大家仍心存善念,互相帮助。文 中妈妈Mrs. Meredith一直乐于助人。虽然文章没有详述,但显而易 见,她的行为对孩子们产生了积极的影响,所以当她给孩子们讲 述了Bernard一家的情况后,三个孩子John,Harry和Clara非常渴望 帮助他,并且确实想出了一个好主意,即把家里的玉米做成爆米 花,让Be

10、rnard在社区售卖。 第二步:关注两条主线: 故事情节(plot):谁做了什么,为什么;感受(feelings): 谁感觉如何。plot属于明线。Meredith一家乐于助人,而Bernard一 家需要帮助。两家人产生交集,交汇点则是孩子们的互动: Meredith家的三个孩子积极思考,想出了帮助Bernard的方法 售卖爆米花。feelings则是暗线,需要进行合理的推测。Meredith 乐于帮助,而Bernard需要帮助。通过互动,双方都得偿所愿,情 感自然是激动、感激相互交织。 第三步:通过对Given sentences段首句的分析,推测出每段的 主要内容,构建出续写的框架;预设需

11、要用到的写作手法,使下 一步的续写和原文不仅内容连贯,而且语言风格一致。 第四步:提炼要点: 1_ 忙于做某事 2_ 同时 3_ 因某事而感激某人 4_ 养家 be busy doing sth. at the same time feel/be grateful to sb. for sth. support ones family 第五步:句式升级 1一切准备就绪后,伯纳开始了他的新生意。 (一般表达)After everything was ready, Bernard started out on his new business. (高级表达)_ _ 2他高兴地说不出话来。 (一般表

12、达)He was very delighted and couldnt speak. (高级表达)_ _ With everything ready, Bernard started out on his new business. He was so delighted that he could hardly speak. 连句成篇 _ _ _ _ _ _ 连句成篇 When Mrs. Meredith heard of Johns idea, she thought it was a good one, too. Very soon, the children learnt how to

13、 pop the corn and then were busy doing this “big” thing. At the same time, their mother went out to buy the paper bags that they needed. When she came back, she brought Bernard with her. Bernard felt grateful to all of them for what they had done for him. With everything ready, Bernard started out o

14、n his new business. Much sooner than could be expected, he returned with an empty basket and so much money that he had never seen before. He was so delighted that he could hardly speak, but his bright smiling face spoke for him. For many weeks, every Saturday, the three children would prepare popcorn for Bernard to sell. This little boy therefore could help support his family. All of this was because of Johns bright idea.


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