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1、,记叙文写作,记叙文是以写人记事为主的文章 记叙文的要求根据提供的情景组织语言材料,编写成文。 一般说来记叙文有时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果六要素 (五个“w” when,where,who,what,why以及how)。,记叙文的人称 一般使用第一人称和第三人称 第一人称 亲切,身临其境 自转,本人的经历或耳闻目 睹的事件 第三人称 客观 对重大事情的客观报道, 以及记叙 他人的经历或事迹。,记叙文的时态 因为叙述的事件都是过去发生的,因此文章的时态是过去时。根据实际需要穿插使用过去进行时态和过去完成时态. (如果介绍人物或单位的现在或将来情况,现在和一般将来时态),记叙文的篇章结构:

2、 开头the beginning-交代必要的背景,如:时间,地点,人物等。 中间the middle-交代故事情节(事情的主体)。如:事件的发生,发展和前因后果 结尾the ending-事情的结果或感想,愿望等(the result or feeling),根据下列图画中 Tom 骑自行车的经历,用英语写一篇故事。 短文要写得连贯、完整。,Sample 1,1. 主题 : 2. 时态: 3. 人称:,1. Go over the requirement,A story (a traffic accident),past tense,Tom , he,Tom /ride a bike Alon

3、g the street/road A few days ago/ the other day/ one day,2. Go over the pictures (who, what, where, when, why, how),The driver/ frightened/ run away,2. Go over the pictures (who, what, where, when, why, how),A woman/ remember the number of the car The police The driver/ catch,2. Go over the pictures

4、 (who, what, where, when, why, how),Cooperation and discussion,Contents: 1、讨论写作思路. 1点题(时间、地点) 2事件的起因3事件的发展/过程4事件的结果5扣题 2、交流所需句型、词汇.,My presentation,The other day, Tom was riding along the street when he saw a car run fast towards him. He turned left quickly but it was too late. The car hit him and h

5、e fell off his bike. The driver of the car was so frightened that he ran away as fast as he could. He was soon out of sight, leaving Tom helpless on the spot. Fortunately, a woman happened to see it and remembered the number of the car. She called the policeman and told him what had happened. Finall

6、y, the driver was caught and punished for his wrong doing.,Passage 1,3. Writing a passage,Key words,sentences,A woman saw the accident and remembered the number of the car. She called the police. The driver was caught.,ride a bike /run fast to,see the accident /remember the number /call the police /

7、be caught,be frightened /run away,hit him /fall off his bike,When Tom was riding along the street. A car ran fast to him.,The car hit him. And he fell off his bike.,The driver was so frightened that he ran away.,HAVE A TRY,2004年辽宁,下面4幅图片描述的是星期天上午在中山公园里发生的一件事。请根据图片所提供的信息用英语为你校的“英语园地”写一篇短文。 注意:短文须包括所有

8、图片的主要内容。短文的内容要连贯、完整; 短文单词数:100左右(已给句子中的单词不计入总词数); 参考词汇:货摊stand (n.) ; 抢夺 snatch (v.) ; 逮捕 arrest (v.),星期天上午,中山公园,冰淇淋货摊 One Sunday morning,;in Zhongshan Park.;At an ice-cream stand 年轻妇女的包被抢 snatch her handbag away 人们追赶抢包者 run after the snatcher 在附近长排椅上坐着一位老人 There be sb. sitting on the bench nearby,提

9、纲,从老人身旁跑过 Run past the old man 拿起伞;将伞放在他两腿之间; pick up his umbrella ; put it between the two legs of the snatcher; 摔一大跟斗 fall down on the ground heavily,两名警察来到并逮捕抢劫者 Came in a police car; arrest sb. 感谢老人的帮助 Thank sb. for his help 称赞老人的机智 Praise the old man for his cleverness,One Sunday morning, many

10、people went to Zhongshan Park. As it was very hot, some people got thirsty and were trying to buy some ice-cream. Suddenly a woman at the stand shouted because a young man behind her snatched her handbag away. Seeing this, immediately a few people began to run after him. However, the snatcher ran so

11、 fast that it was not easy to catch him. Luckily , there was an old man sitting on a bench nearby. As the snatcher was running past him, the old man quickly picked up his umbrella and put it between the snatchers legs. The young man cried and fell down on the ground hard. At the end, a police car ca

12、me and arrested the snatcher. The woman thanked the old man for his help. And all the people Praise the old man for his cleverness.,Go over the requirement(person, tense, style),Summary : How to write a picture story?,Go over the pictures(who, what, where, when, why, how),Write a passage (using conn

13、ectives and adding details and specific information. ),Goodbye,基本篇章结构 点题(时间、地点、人物、事件) 事件的起因 事件的发展/过程 事件的结果 扣题,记叙文句型优化,半个月:half a month ? 15 days 半年: half a year ? 6 months 两个礼拜: fortnight 开始:at the beginning of summer 结束:at the end of winter 有时:sometimes ? at times 最后:At last ? eventually 结果:as a re

14、sult ? consequently 期间:Within / during the vocation -? in the middle of the night,20年后:in 20 years 有一天:one day ? the other day 第二天:the following day 现在:Now ? at the present time 有一次:On one occasion 另一次:On another occasion 一礼拜后:A week later ? a week passed / went by 晚上:In the evening / in the morning

15、/ in the afternoon/ in ? towards evening/ morning/ afternoon,记叙常用链接词,时间顺序: Early in the morning / In the early morning; In the middle of the day / At noon; Late in the afternoon / In the late afternoon; Far / Deep into the night;,My presentation,审题,描述过去 个人经历,第三人称,一般过去时,1点题(时间、地点) 星期天上午,中山公园,冰淇淋货摊旁 2事件的起因 年轻妇女的包被抢 3事件的发展/过程 人们追赶抢包者 ;长排椅上坐着一位老人;抢包者从老人身旁跑过,老人用伞将他绊倒 4事件的结果 两名警察逮捕抢劫者: 5扣题 妇女感谢老人,人们称赞老人的机智, 副词:suddenly, unfortunately, luckily, immediately as a result so/suchthat two hours later, and,


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