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1、BBC 精读:脱欧四年半后,英国和欧盟签署了脱欧后贸易协议精读:脱欧四年半后,英国和欧盟签署了脱欧后贸易协议 原文译文 Britain and the European Union have signed a post-Brexit trade deal four and half years after the UK voted to leave the block. The agreement which will define their future relationship for decades is the result of months of sometimes tense

2、negotiations. The British Prime Minister welcomed the deal, but he said the UK remained attached to Europe in many ways. Our political correspondent Rob Watson was listening to Boris Johnsons speech. His central message was, look, we promised to take back control of our laws, our borders and our mon

3、ey in 2016. If you look at it carefully, its not really that in the sense that vote leave promise that you would have exactly the same benefits as membership of the single market if you voted to leave as if you stayed in. But for me, the interesting thing now were going to find out whether Mr. Johns

4、on and leavers are correct, whether the remainers, who warned of this being one of the biggest strategic mistakes that Britain had made since the second World War, are right. 在公投脱欧四年半后,英国和欧盟终于签署了脱欧后贸易协议。双方进行了数月谈判 才达成这项协议,其中不乏紧张局面,该协议将决定双方未来几十年的关系。英国首相对 该协议表示欢迎,但他表示,英国在许多方面仍将与欧洲保持联系。以下是本台政治记者 罗伯特沃森对鲍

5、里斯约翰逊演讲的报道。他的核心信息是,看,我们在 2016 年承诺收 回对我们的法律、边境和资金的控制。如果你仔细观察,就会发现现已的协议并不是当初 投票脱欧的承诺, 即无论你是否投票脱欧, 你都将获得与欧盟成员国身份完全相同的好处。 但对我来说,有趣的是现在我们要看看是约翰逊和退欧派做出了正确的决定,还是留欧派 做出了正确的决定,后者曾警告这是英国自二战以来犯下的最大战略错误之一。 The EU Commission Chief Ursula von der Leyen said the deal brought relief and a chance to leave Brexit beh

6、ind. That sentiment was echoed by the Dutch MEP Liesje Schreinemacher. I think theres relief that we can finally have this period behind us. Its good that we can finally start focusing on the future. And I really like the fact that Boris Johnson also mentioned this in his speech, all the ways that w

7、e are still connected to each other in a cultural, historical, geographical, emotional way. And I couldnt agree with him more. The deal means that although the UK will leave the EU single market and customs union, trading goods will continue to be free from import taxes. However, exporters will need

8、 to comply with regulations in the market they are selling to, increasing red tape and costs. Our economics correspondent Andrew Walker explains the impact this will have. 欧盟委员会主席乌苏拉冯德莱恩表示,该协议让他们松了一口气,英国脱欧终于 过去了。荷兰欧洲议会议员露莎施莱因马赫也表达了同样的观点。我们终于可以摆脱这 段时期了。更好的是我们终于可以开始关注未来了。我很喜欢鲍里斯约翰逊在他的演讲 中提到的,我们仍然在文化、历

9、史、地理和情感上联系在一起。我非常同意他的观点。该 协议意味着,尽管英国将退出欧盟单一市场和关税联盟,但贸易商品将继续免征进口税。 然而,出口商将需要遵守其销售市场的规定,这将增加手续的繁琐性和成本。本台经济记 者安德鲁沃克解释了其影响。 In the very short term, there will be significant disruption with, for example, truck drivers not having all the necessary documents and business is simply not knowing, not really

10、understanding at first what they need to do. But once weve got through those inevitable teething troubles, there will be some additional costs that businesses face and well get a flavor of how serious they are for businesses fairly quickly. The longer term picture of how this affect economic growth,

11、 particularly in Britain, were looking at a process of several years in which economic growth would be a bit slower. Andrew Walker reporting. Under the terms of the deal, those wanting to cross the channel in either direction will now need a visa if they plan to stay more than 90 days. The British g

12、overnment says it will introduce a new point space system for immigration, which will put would-be migrants outside the EU on an equal footing with their European counterparts. 短时间来看,贸易将会出现重大的混乱,例如,卡车司机没有所有必要的文件,而企 业一开始根本不知道也不真正了解他们需要做什么。当我们度过了这些不可避免的初期困 难后,企业将面临一些额外的成本,我们将很快感受到它们对企业的严重影响。从脱欧对 经济增长的

13、长期影响来看,尤其是在英国国内,我们将看到一个经济增长放缓的过程。安 德鲁沃克报道。根据协议条款,穿越英吉利海峡并计划停留超过 90 天的人将需要签证。 英国政府表示,将引入新的移民点位系统,使欧盟以外的潜在移民与欧洲移民享有平等地 位。 精读解析精读解析 篇章结构 P1:在公投脱欧四年半后,英国和欧盟终于签署了脱欧后贸易协议。 P2:脱欧后贸易协议意味着,尽管英国将退出欧盟单一市场和关税联盟,但贸易商品 将继续免征进口税。 P3:短时间来看,脱欧将导致贸易出现重大的混乱。 重点单词 deal 英 di:l vt. 牌戏分;分配; 经营;施予 n. (一笔)交易;许多; 待遇; 发牌 deal

14、er n. 商人;发牌人,庄家;以某种方式待人的人;经销商 【常见用法】 to make/sign/conclude/close a deal (with sb.) (与某人)达成一笔交易 【例句】 We did a deal with the management on overtime. 我们与资方在加班问题上达成了一项协议。 negotiation 英 ngien n. 协商,谈判; 转让; 通过 【例句】 Four years of negotiation ended fruitlessly last December. 历时 4 年的谈判在去年 12 月无果而终。 attach 英

15、t t vi. 贴上,系; 附上 vt. (有时不受欢迎或未受邀请而)参加; 把固定; 把归因于; (使)与有联系 【例句】 They have attached a number of conditions to the agreement (= said that the conditions must be part of the agreement) . 他们在协议上附加了一些条件。 membership 英 membp n. 会员资格;会员身份;会员全体 【常见用法】 a membership card/fee 会员卡;会费 【例句】 The country has also bee

16、n granted membership of the World Trade Organization. 这个国家也被准予加入世界贸易组织。 echo 英 ek n. 回声,共鸣; (言语、作风、思想等的)重复; 重复者 vt. 重 复,效仿;随声附和; 类似; 发射(声音等) 【例句】 This is a view echoed by many on the right of the party. 这是党内许多右翼分子都重复过的观点。 red tape n. 官样文章;繁文缛节 【例句】 It takes weeks to get through the red tape. 办完这些繁琐的

17、手续得需要几个星期。 correspondent 英 krspndnt n. 通讯员,记者;通信者 【例句】 Our economics correspondent, James Morgan, is just back from Germany. 我们的财经记者詹姆斯摩根刚刚从德国回来。 disruption 英 dsrpn n. 分裂,瓦解; 破裂,毁坏; 中断 【例句】 The strike caused serious disruptions. 罢工造成了严重的混乱。 inevitable 英 nevtbl adj. 不可避免的;必然发生的;总会发生的;必然 发生的事 【例句】 It

18、was an inevitable consequence of the decision. 那是这个决定的必然后果。 process n. 英 prses 过程; 工序;做事方法; 工艺流程 vt. 加工; 处理; 审 阅;审核 vi. 列队行进 【例句】 Im afraid getting things changed will be a slow process. 做任何改革恐怕都会是个缓慢的过程。 equal 英 i:kwl adj. 相等的,平等的;平稳的; 势均力敌的;胜任的; vt. 等于; 比得上;使相等; 同样看待; n. 同样的人;相等的数量; 能与之比拟的东西; (地位、实力等)相同的人 【例句】 The company has an equal opportunities policy (= gives the same chances of employment to everyone) . 这家公司的政策是人人机会均等。 counterpart 英 kantp:t n. 配对物;副本;相对物;极相似的人或物 【例句】 The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart. 外交部长与中国外交部长举行了会谈。


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