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1、2024二轮复习词汇200200句核心词汇及变形句核心词汇及变形1.Seeing my anxious expression,my mother asked me what had caused my (anxious)2.The sales department makes an accurate market forecast.Making predictions is vital to the company.Only adequate valid data can ensure the (accurate)3.She faced her fear of heights and clim

2、bed to the top of the mountain,displaying great throughout the journey.(brave)4.Curious to know what was inside,John stared at the bag lying beside the tree.Then he opened it out of and looked into it (curious)5.The deliberate (cruel)of her words cut me like a knife.6.After years of searching,the ar

3、chaeologists finally discovered the hidden tomb,leading to the (discover)of valuable relics that had been lost for centuries.7.Community volunteers delivered daily necessities to the residents trapped in the high-rise buildings.People expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the volunteers timely (de

4、liver).8.Although learning a new language can be difficult,with enough practice and dedication,one can overcome any (difficult)and become fluent in it.9.We must recognize the value of diverse perspectives and ideas if we hope to build a society that embraces (diverse)and promotes innovation and prog

5、ress.10.I think Im equal to the job as a teacher.I always treat my students regardless of their gender or religion.Yet I know we still have a long way to go to achieve social (equal)11.We can enquire into the total fee and the detailed telephone information by the system,and the result of the (enqui

6、re)can be printed.12.For this job,in English is preferred,and the ability to communicate and effectively with people from different cultures and backgrounds is essential.(fluent)13.The use of small trains with higher or larger trains operating less could well affect passenger numbers.(frequent)14.Wi

7、th plenty of resources easily accessible and (flexible)to learn at your own pace,online learning is definitely a perfect addition to the traditional education.15.He is always generous and willing to lend a hand or give away something to those in need.We are deeply touched by his (generous)16.As the

8、saying goes,is the best policy,but speaking,there are still some people who choose to be (honest)17.With its unique integration of traditional and modern elements,Zibo has gained great(popular),attracting a growing number of visitors and strengthening its status as a popular destination in China.18.

9、As a teacher,its my to educate my students on how to behave in society.(responsible)19.After the surgery,the patient made a (recover)slowly but steadily,and he eventually fully recovered from his illness.20.The (similar)between the two paintings is remarkable.The brushwork,color schemes and subject

10、matter are all extremely similar.21.For the sake of (secure),check that all windows and doors have been made as secure as possible.22.With a stable job and a steady income,she was able to put aside some savings for her(stable)in the future.23.The hotel recommended that we should keep all our valuabl

11、es in its safe to ensure (safe)during our stay.24.Her face turned red with anger.Despite feeling ,she tried her best to control her temper and spoke calmly instead of reacting (anger)25.We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was (fault).26.We got lost in the thick fog.The (fog)weathe

12、r made it difficult to see while we drove and added to the confusion.27.What a mess!How can you stand living in such a (mess)dorm?Dont mess up your room again!28.Riding on the (mud)road made my trousers covered with mud.29.The children used to play upstairs and the noise could be heard far away.The

13、neighbors were very annoyed about the environment.(noise)30.The girl was when she saw the snake.(scare)31.Having tasted the dishes my mother cooked,I thought they were all to my taste.The last course was especially _(taste).32.Rubbish is thrown everywhere on the lawn and flower beds,and the dustbin

14、gives out a terrible smell,turning the community into a _(smell)dump(垃圾场).33.The snowfall last night made the city a winter wonderland,and the _(snow)streets were so beautiful that I couldnt resist taking a walk in the snow.34.If you are _(thirst)for something,you have a strong desire for it.Those w

15、ho have a thirst for continually learning and growing are the ones that achieve excellence.35.The government calls for greater efforts to _(full)advance quality development and actively encourage creation.36.While the two are only days apart in age,they seem to belong to _(whole)different generation

16、s.37.We all have the potential to imagine the world in an _(absolute)new way as long as we do our best.38.She was _(bare)25 years old and already running her own company successfully.39.The project should be completed within a year,but according to the current construction progress,itll be two years

17、 before the project is complete.It is _(complete)out of our expectation.40.Some districts in Africa face a desperate shortage of clean water.People there are _(desperate)in need of safe drinking water.41.Our future depends _(entire)on how effectively the entire world would function as a community.42

18、.The boat was rocking _(gentle)to and fro in the water.43.Dont rush into your tasks.Just do one task at a time _(deliberate)ratherthan in a rush and at random.44.Organically grown produce does not differ greatly in _(appear)from conventionally grown crops.45.Im honored to invite you to attend the me

19、aningful charity concert.Please reply early to confirm your _(attend).46.The excellent teachers with an _ of teaching experience are in great demand as private schools are growing _(abundant).47.The clean air,attractive parks and the _(absent)of any industry make the small town an ideal spot for peo

20、ple looking for a quiet life.48.Good teamwork is not marked by how much progress the team makes towards its goals,but by how _ each of its members completes his or her tasks with a sense ofachievement and pride.So each member should have _ in what he or shehas done.(confident)49.The hotel is _ situa

21、ted close to the beach.You can book your room at your _.In this resort,you can enjoy all the comfort and _ of modern tourism.(convenient)50.In time of war,lots of money was spent on _ and many defensive measures were taken _ a country from being attacked.(defend)51.The fact is that no matter how nic

22、ely we dress,or how beautifully we decorate our home,we cant be truly elegant unless we have good manners because _(elegant)and good manners always go hand in hand.52.I always turn to my parents for _(guide)when facing a difficult decision,as they are the best guides from whom I could ever seek help

23、.53.We cant ignore the warning signs of an upcoming heart attack,or well pay for that _(ignore)with our lives.In fact,in some cases,we are still ignorant about our body.54.Schools should attach great _to the teaching of personal integrity.Most _,set role models for students and get them well aware t

24、hat honesty is one of the most important possessions in their life.(important)55.The reason why she shows _(prefer)for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants she prefers shopping and eating outside.56.The _ of practicing calligraphy cannot be overemphasized.F

25、eeling the peace while writing,one can _ improve their handwriting and even their artistic abilities.(significant)57.The arrival of the teacher silenced the class,but soon the silence was broken by a whistle.When the teacher asked who whistled,all the students kept _ and stared at their textbooks _.

26、(silence)58.Before I adopted him,my puppy dog was tightly tied inside a black trash bag and abandoned beside a garbage truck,shaking with fear.Since his _(adopt)into our family,tight bonds have grown between us.59.The hospitals policy requires all patients to sign an informed consent form(知情同意书)upon

27、 _(admit),admitting that they understand and agree to the terms of treatment.60.The Chinese classical novel A Dream of Red Mansions has been adapted for several TV series but the _(adapt)lose some of its original beauty because the actors and actresses who have adapted to modern life cant really get

28、 accustomed to the traditional way of life in ancient times.31.tasty【注释】to ones taste 合某人的口味 course n.一道菜32.smelly33.snowy34.thirsty(adj.渴望)【注释】have a thirst for 渴求35.fully36.wholly37.absolutely(adv.绝对地,完全地)38.barely(adv.不超过;仅仅)pletely(adv.完全地)40.desperately(adv.极度地)41.entirely(adv.全部地,完全地)42.gently

29、(adv.和缓地,温柔地)43.deliberately(adv.从容不迫地)44.appearance(n.外表,外观;出现)45.attendance(n.出席,参加,到场)46.abundance(n.丰富,充足,充裕);abundantly【注释】an abundance of.大量的47.absence(n.不在,缺席;缺乏)48.confidently;confidence49.conveniently;convenience;convenience50.defense/defence;to defend【注释】defensive measures 防御措施51.elegance(

30、n.优雅)52.guidance(n.指导,引导,咨询)53.ignorance(n.无知)【注释】ignore v.忽视 ignorant adj.无知的54.importance;importantly55.preference(n.偏爱;偏爱的事物)56.significance(n.意义,重要性);significantly(adv.显著地)57.silent(adj.无声的);silently【注释】silence v.使安静 n.沉默;寂静58.adoption(n.收养)【注释】adopt v.收养;采取59.admission(n.允许进入,收治入院)【注释】admit v.承

31、认;允许进入;接收(入学、入院)60.adaptations n.改编本,改写本【注释】adapt(oneself)to 适应 adapt.for.把改编成61.Affected by the performance of the old artist,I began to develop a deep (affect)for the shadow play.He set a good example to me and his love for it had a great effect on me.62.If your argument is based on a completely f

32、alse (assume),you are likely to reach a wrong conclusion.63.Im writing to express my (appreciate)to you for your support and encouragement.I have appreciated that reading foreign literature in the original is of vital importance to my English.64.You are advised to look around and drive at low speed

33、with extreme while travelling in thick fog.(cautious)65.It is one of the most important (celebrate)for the local people.People often celebrate the festival at home or in the community with a feast.66.My ideal job is a (combine)of both my education and work experience.That is to say,I want to combine

34、 my education in English with my editing skills.67.The scientists experiments have thrown great light on the amazing way honeybees communicate in their dark hives,which is considered as one of the most complex (communicate)systems of insects.68.They made a (compare)of different countries eating habi

35、ts.Compared with the French,the British eat far less fish.69.I find it difficult to concentrate on my work when there are distractions around me,so I try to improve my (concentrate)by working in a quiet environment.70.Walking is a cheap,safe,enjoyable,and readily available form of exercise.In the re

36、cent research,researchers come to the (conclude)that walking on a regular basis brings tons of benefits.71.We sent her a bunch of flowers with a card attached,which said,(congratulate)on your achievement!72.There is a (connect)between pollution and the death of trees.The growth of plants is connecte

37、d closely with the environment.73.Up till now,he has contributed a number of essays to the core magazines and has made a very positive (contribute)to the success of the project.74.The organization distributed food and blankets to the earthquake victims.The (distribute)of the relief(救济物资)greatly reli

38、eved their anxiety and panic.75.On big occasions,I like to have our home decorated with red balloons.My husband also enjoys the (decorate).76.Pupils should be given time to discuss the passage with their classmates.There is no denying that further (discuss)will help deepen their understanding of the

39、 authors expression.77.They held a heated discussion on how to divide the districts.There existed a sharp (divide)of opinion.78.Deeply moved by the stories of medical experts,I determined to donate my pocket money to the charity through online (donate).79.Considering his exceptional skill,I decided

40、to make an (except)and accept him.80.It is a good thing that colleges and universities expand their enrollment.But the (expand)of enrollment will also bring some problems,such as the decline of average quality of students!81.His parents expected him to work hard at school and be admitted to a key un

41、iversity.Finally,he performed well and lived up to their (expect).82.Sometimes misunderstanding is difficult to remove,because some people do not want to explain,while some people do not accept the (explain).83.While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life,co

42、llege sets the stage for that (explore).84.In the letter I expressed that I would give him a present as an (express)of gratitude.85.The art exhibits on (exhibit)will present a picture of general prosperity of Chinas economy.86.It is difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of each employee objectivel

43、y.So establishing a reliable monitoring and (evaluate)system is of vital importance.87.The theory of (evolve)proposes that all species have evolved over time to adapt to changes in their environment.88.Seeing a little dog suddenly appear in front of my car,I put on the brakes without (hesitate).89.W

44、hether you buy a second-hand car from a dealer or a private party,always inspect the vehicle thoroughly before bringing it to a mechanic for a final (inspect).90.ntndd t trt bun ftr h grdutd frm llg.Knwng h (intend),his parents praised him.61.affection62.assumption63.appreciation64.cautiously;cautio


46、.inspection90.intention91.The story was certainly my favorite one,but it was undoubtedly pure (invent).92.Before entering the restricted area,make sure you have a valid permit and obtain (permit)from the security personnel on site.93.She practiced every day in her college for she held the firm belie

47、f that good (pronounce)would impress others and make herself confident.94.She passed all kinds of tests to prove she was qualified to do the teaching job,so she gained a teaching (qualify).95.There is a general (recognize)that Chinas image is improving steadily and its role is well recognized in int

48、ernational affairs.96.Id like to reserve a table for three,so I call the restaurant and make a (reserve).97.The deadline for (submit)is drawing near.Please submit your research papers on time and pay attention to the feedback from your instructors.98.Passengers have to pay charges for the extra lugg

49、age.And ,the law in our country clearly states that dangerous objects are prohibited on planes.(addition)99.The newly built hotel has a yet peaceful location just around the corner from the citys largest shopping center.(center)100.He is faced with trouble now,which can be known from his expressions

50、.I want to ask him what has happened face to face.(face)101.Certain courses are compulsory,others are and there are various options for you to choose from.(option)102.The of this painting is still a mystery.,researchers thought it was an creation by a famous scientist,but currently it has turned out


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