(新教材)2021年人教版高中英语必修第三册同步课件:UNIT 2 Section D Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress.pptx

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1、Section D Reading for Writing (使)溢出 2. n.眼泪;泪水 3. n.损害 4. n.绝望 vi.绝望;感到无望 5. n.力量;威力 6. n.(网球等的)球场;法院;法庭 7. adj.灵活的;可变通的 8. n.收入;收益 9. adv.因此;所以 10. n.紧张关系;紧张;焦虑 spill tear harm despair might court flexible income therefore tension 11.waitress n. 12.pregnant adj. 13.disguise vt. n. 14.maple n. 15.ca

2、rt n. 16.limp vi. 17.fable n. 18.per prep. (餐馆的)女服务员;女侍者 怀孕的;妊娠的 装扮;假扮;掩盖 伪装; 化装用具 枫树;槭树 手推车;运货马车 跛行;一瘸一拐地走 寓言;寓言故事 每;每一 重点短语 1.trip over 2.in tears 3.in despair 4.a great deal (of) 5.crash into 6.pick oneself up 7.make an attempt to do 8.end up doing 9.with all ones might 10.belong to 被绊倒 流着泪;含着泪 处

3、于绝望中 大量 撞到上 起身 试图 做 以结束 用尽全 力 属于 重点句式 Neither she nor her friends thought about moving the stone out of the road. .释义匹配 1.disguise A.a feeling that you have no hope at all 2.despair B.the money that you earn from your work 3.income C.the place where a trial is held 4.flexible D.to change someones ap

4、pearance so that people cannot recognize them 5.court E.able to change to suit new conditions or situations 答案:1.D 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.C .单句填空 1.The writer got carried away and ended up (write) too much detail. 2.They succeeded in (launch) the satellite into orbit. 3.The man stepped out from the dark,whic

5、h made me (frighten). 4.A group of girls came along,each (balance) a pot of water on her head. 5.The man said to (him),“How can I get across the river without a boat?” writing launching frightened balancing himself 重点词汇 1.The king was in despair.国王绝望了。 【词汇精讲】句中的despair是名词,意为“绝望”,despair可作 不及物动词,意为“绝

6、望;感到无望”。 The noise upstairs used to drive him to despair. 楼上的噪音曾使他绝望。 In spite of the difficulties,he never despaired. 尽管困难重重,他从没绝望。 【词汇拓展】 in despair 绝望的 to ones despair/tothe despair of 使某人绝望的是 drive sb to despair 使某人绝望 despair of doing sth 对做不抱希望 To the despair of the workers,the company announce

7、d the closure of the factory. 使工人们绝望的是,公司宣布关闭工厂。 Their son was lost ten years ago,but they never despaired of finding him. 他们的儿子十年前失踪了,但他们从未失去找到他的希望。 2.Is there no one in this village who feels any responsibility to keep their neighbours from harm? 在这个村子里,难道没有人觉得有责任不让邻居受到伤害吗? 【词汇精讲】句中的harm是名词,意为“伤害;

8、损害”,harm也可 作动词,意为“伤害;损害”。 Shes a terrible gossip but she means no harm. 她爱说三道四,不过她没有恶意。 There was a traffic accident in this street,but no one was harmed. 这街上发生了交通事故,但没有人受伤。 【词汇拓展】 do harm to sb = do sb harm 伤害某人 cause harm to sb 伤害某人 mean no harm to.对没 有恶意 There is no harm in doing.做无害处 harmful.有害的

9、 be harmful to 对有害 It wouldnt do him any harm to work a bit harder. 工作努力点对他没什么害处。 It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health. 吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。 【微写作】 Eating too much every day is harmful to our health,that is to say,eating too much every day does harm to our health. 每天吃太多对我们的健康有害,也

10、就是说,每天吃太多伤害我们的 健康。 3.After a great deal of effort,she finally succeeded in moving it to the side of the street. 经过很大的努力,她最终成功地把它移到了街道的一边。 【词汇精讲】a great deal of意为“大量的”,后接不可数名词。 After several years self-study he acquired a great deal of knowledge. 经过几年的自学,他获得了不少知识。 I spend a great deal of time thinkin

11、g about the power of language. 我花了大量的时间思考语言的力量。 【词汇拓展】 the number of+ 可数名词的复数形式 + 谓语动词 的单数形式 a great deal of/a large amount of + 不可数名词 + 谓 语动词的单数形式 plenty of/large quantities of/a large quantity of + 不 可数名词/复数名词 many a(n)/morethan one+ 可数名词的单数形式 + 谓语动词的单数形式 a great/large number of a good many quite

12、a few +可数名词的复数形式+谓语动词的复数形 式 【温馨提示】“large quantities/amounts of+n.”作主语时谓 语动词用复数形式,而“a large quantity/amount of+n.”作主 语时谓语动词用单数形式。 4.and therefore the public would continue to receive good health services. 因此,公众能继续享受好的医疗服务。 【词汇精讲】therefore是副词,意为“因此;所以”。 Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore bur

13、n lots of calories. 肌肉细胞需要很多能量,所以会燃烧大量卡路里。 It rained and therefore the football match was postponed. 足球赛因为下雨而延期了。 【易混辨析】 however “然而”,表示让步、转折,常用逗号与句子的其 他成分隔开。 therefore “因此;所以”,表示结果。 besides “另外;还有”,表示递进关系。 instead “相反”,表示相反的情况。 重点句式 Neither she nor her friends thought about moving the stone out of

14、the road. 她和朋友都没有想着把石头从路上移开。 【句式剖析】neither.nor.表示“既不,也不”,其 含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并列的成分。 She likes neither butter nor cheese. 她既不喜欢黄油也不喜欢奶酪。 My brother can neither speak English nor write in it. 我弟弟既不会说英语,也不会用英语写作。 【温馨提示】当neither.nor.连接两个主语时,句中的谓语 动词应遵循“就近原则”。 Neither the sisters nor Tom likes to play the vi

15、olin. 姐妹们和汤姆都不喜欢拉小提琴。 文化意识 美德:在人格心理学内,是指凡是可以给一个人的自我增添力量的 东西,包括攻击,力量,勇气,自信等。 道德:指衡量行为正当与否的观念标准。一个社会一般有社会公 认的道德规范。只涉及个人、个人之间、家庭等的私人关系的道 德,称为私德;涉及社会公共部分的道德,称为社会公德。 高分写作 假如你是某校高一学生李华,从网上看到老人跌倒,路人不敢扶的 报道,请你根据以下要点给某英文报编辑写一封信。 1.简要描述报道的内容; 2.分析其原因; 3.你的看法。 生词:frame 诬陷 注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加内容,以使行文连贯。 一、审题定调

16、1.确定体裁:本单元的写作是给编辑写一封信,内容涉及老人跌倒、 路人不敢扶的社会现象。 2.确定人称:由于是说明这种现象及其原因,所以以第三人称为主。 3.确定时态:主要是说明这种现象产生的原因,所以以一般现在时 为主。 二、谋篇布局 本文分为三个段落。 第一段:开门见山,说明当前所存在的这种现象; 第二段:分析产生这种现象的原因; 第三段:自己的看法。 三、短文模板 1.常用语块 fall on the ground 倒在地上 watch with sympathy 同情地看着 help sb up 把扶起来 frame those who help them 诬陷帮助他们的人 be wil

17、ling to do 乐意做某事 get oneself into trouble 自己惹麻烦 take care of the old 照顾老人 meet with such a case 遇到这种情况 2.遣词造句 普通表达 高级表达 An old man fell on the ground and many people were standing around and watched sympathetically. A few of the people are not honest and they will frame others. Though many people wa

18、nt to help them,they dont want to get into trouble. We should respect and take care of the old and that is the traditional Chinese virtue. An old man fell on the ground and many people were standing around watching with sympathy. On the one hand,a few of the people are dishonest and they will frame

19、those who help them. On the other hand,though many people are willing to help them,they are afraid of getting themselves into trouble. Respecting and taking care of the old is the traditional Chinese virtue. 四、连句成文 参考范文 Dear Editor, I read from the Internet that an old man fell on the ground and man

20、y people were standing around watching with sympathy,but no one dared to help him up.This is what happens in our society nowadays. The reason for this is very simple.On the one hand,a few of the people are dishonest and they will frame those who help them.On the other hand,though many people are wil

21、ling to help them,they are afraid of getting themselves into trouble. In my opinion,we should all help each other.Respecting and taking care of the old is the traditional Chinese virtue.If I meet with such a case,I will call 120 first and then do what I can to help him. Yours, Li Hua .完成句子 1.办公室里只有我

22、一个人受到了邀请。 I was the only person in my office . 答案:who was invited 2.如果是这样的话,那么你对于幸福的性质有一些错误的观点了。 ,you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness. 答案:If so 3.他醒来时发现钱包被偷了。 When he woke up,he found . 答案:his wallet stolen 4.山上有一些高大的树,有些有30米高。 There are some tall trees on the hill, 30 meters.

23、 答案:some measuring 5.他和你都不勤奋。 are diligent. 答案:Neither he nor you .语篇填空 A king put a large stone with 1. (hide) gold coins in the middle of the main street in a local village.A milkman crashed into the stone, 2. (spill) the milk everywhere.He picked himself up and 3. (angry) went away.A group of 4.

24、(woman) came along,but no one thought about moving the stone out of the road.A whole day passed 5. anybody making 6. attempt to move it. Just then,the king 7. (see) a young girl coming along.The girl managed 8. (move) it to the side of the street and found the gold coins.The king stepped out from behind the tree and told her that the gold was 9. (she) because she was the only person 10. learnt the lesson he wanted to teach the people. hidden spilling angrily women without an saw to move hers who


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