人教版八年级下册英语空中课堂阶段学习自主测试英语试题 (含听力音频mp3无答案).zip

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八年级英语(第 1 页,共 8 页)八年级英语(第 2 页,共 8 页) 初中空中课堂阶段学习自主测试 八年级英语 【120 分钟完卷】 听力部分听力部分笔试部分笔试部分总分总分 题号题号 得分得分 听力部分(共 20 分) I.情景反应(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 本本题题共共有有 5 5 个个小小题题,每每小小题题你你将将听听到到一一组组对对话话。请请你你从从每每小小题题所所给给的的 A A、B B、C C 三三幅幅图图片片 中中,选选出出与与你你所所听听到到的的信信息息相相关关联联的的一一项项。 () 1. A.B.C. () 2. A.B.C. () 3. A.B.C. () 4. A.B.C. () 5. A.B.C. II.对话理解(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 本本题题共共有有 5 5 个个小小题题, 每每小小题题你你将将听听到到一一组组对对话话和和一一个个问问题题。 请请你你从从每每小小题题所所给给的的 A A、 B B、 C C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出一一个个最最佳佳选选项项。 () 6. A. Drink hot tea with honey. B. Drink cold water.C. Lie down and rest. () 7. A. To the park.B. To the food bank.C. To the TV station. ( ) 8. A. Saturday morning.B. Tomorrow afternoon.C. Sunday morning. () 9. A. By fighting with him.B. By talking to him.C. By writing a letter. () 10. A. Waiting for the busB. Climbing the mountain. C. Walking home. III.语篇理解(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 本本题题你你将将听听到到一一篇篇短短文文。 请请你你根根据据短短文文内内容容和和提提出出的的 5 5 个个问问题题, ,从从每每小小题题所所给给的的 A A、 B B、 八年级英语(第 1 页,共 8 页)八年级英语(第 2 页,共 8 页) C C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出一一个个最最佳佳选选项项。 () 11. What couldnt Kevin help his mom do? A. Make the bed.B. Clean the room.C. Do the laundry. () 12. What will Kevin do first? A. Take out the trash.B. Go to the movies.C. Do his homework. () 13. What is Kevins mom going to do? A. Go to a meeting.B. Go to the mall.C. Go to the movies. () 14. Where is Kevin going? A. The movie theater.B. The library.C. The school. () 15. Who is Kevin going with? A. His mom.B. Bob.C. His dad. .听力填空(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 本本题题你你将将听听到到一一篇篇短短文文。请请你你根根据据短短文文内内容容完完成成下下面面的的表表格格,并并将将获获取取的的信信息息填填到到相相 应应的的位位置置上上。每每 空空 一一 词词 。 Volunteer wanted Whom to helpKids with learning problems. What to do You could16them some storybooks. Its important for them to enjoy the17 of reading. You can visit the18 children in the hospital to cheer them up. What is neededYou need to work at the Volunteer Center19a week. You can call Alan at 5897-2354. Then you will find you can also make a difference to others20 . 笔试部分(共 100 分) .单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 请请你你从从每每小小题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 三三个个选选项项中中选选出出一一个个最最佳佳选选项项。 () 21. I hope everyone can show theirto others, and our world will be more beautiful. A. kindnessB. pressureC. relation () 22.- I m sorry, Miss Ii. I broke the bottle of medicine! - Oh, I know thats because you didnt open it in away. A. wrongB. strangeC. proper () 23.- Which one do you like better, orange juice or coffee? -. I like milk better. A. BothB. NeitherC. Either () 24. If you want to win, you have to be quite a good speaker topeoples interest. A. holdB. cheatC. achieve () 25. -1ast night I didnt play the piano, I watched a film The Wandering Earth流流浪浪 地地球球with my parents. How excited it made us! A. stillB. insteadC. also 八年级英语(第 3 页,共 8 页)八年级英语(第 4 页,共 8 页) () 26. On Tree Planting Day, we began to plant treeswe arrived at the top of the mountain. A. as long asB. so thatC. as soon as () 27. After hours of group discussion, we finallya new way to solve the problem. A. took care ofB. got on withC. came up with () 28. - Why did the car hit the boy? - Because the driveron the phone at that time. A. talkB. is talkingC. was talking () 29. - A mobile phone plays an important role in our daily life now. -, we should use it in a right way. A. in order toB. in my opinionC. in a mess () 30. - Tony, Could you help out with the housework now? -. Mom, Let me do the dishes right away! A. Yes, sureB. Sorry, I cantC. No way .补全对话(共 5 分) 根根据据对对话话内内容容,从从方方框框内内所所给给的的选选项项中中选选出出最最佳佳选选项项,将将其其答答案案的的序序号号写写在在方方框框下下面面 的的 横横线线上上,选选项项中中有有两两项项为为多多余余项项。 A: You look unhappy. Whats wrong? B:31 A: Can you tell me why? B: My parents always want to me be the NO. 1. A: 32 Tell them to be confident of you. B: I dont want to talk with them. 33 A:34 B: Its not easy. Im good at writing letters. A: And you can also ask your teacher for help. B: Yes.35 A: My pleasure. .完型填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 阅读下面短文,然后从每小题所给的阅读下面短文,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 On a cold November afternoon, my mother and I were walking back home from a pizza store. We bought many things. I was feeling a little 36 as I was carrying our shopping bag, so I decided to 37 something away. I was walking towards a dustbin(垃圾箱垃圾箱)38I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us. He headed over to the nearby dustbin and started to39it. I 40 felt very sorry because I was about to throw away a new drink just because it was too heavy. I walked up to him and handed the 41 and some bread over to him. The man looked up 42 and took what I gave him. A huge smile appeared on his face. I felt I couldnt be happier with 43 . But then he said, Wow, this is my sons lucky day! 八年级英语(第 3 页,共 8 页)八年级英语(第 4 页,共 8 页) () 36. A. nervousB. interestedC. tired () 37. A. throwB. carryC. lend () 38. A. whileB. whenC. before () 39. A. look throughB. look afterC. look for () 40. A. completelyB. suddenlyC. heavily () 41. A. drinkB. bagC. dustbin () 42. A. in silenceB. in surpriseC. in danger () 43. A. myselfB. yourselfC. himself () 44. A. feelingB. skillC. truth () 45. A. explainB. competeC. understand After that, he thanked me happily and started off on his bike. I even heard him singing as he rode away. I got a warm 44 inside. I now 45 what it means by the sayingGiving is getting. .阅读理解(这一部分共五篇短文,每篇短文后有五个小题,每小题 2 分,共 50 分) (A) 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 Tina did a survey about volunteer work on a social networking site. Some volunteers gave their own information about this on the site. Torlon I have been a volunteer as a French teacher for three months and it was a great experience to teach French, I really enjoyed it and I also improved my French. Freedom During my college days, I joined a group called ROS(Reaching Out Society). We provide children and other people with food. It feels great to help others. Now I often give food to the homeless people. Indy Im volunteering at an animal shelter thats just for cats. I feed the cats and play with them. Its very fun. I also volunteered at a hospital for a little more than 2 years. I answered phone calls, looked after patients and helped nurses. I did some cleaning, too. Marian I did volunteer work to graduate from high school. It was a requirement. I volunteered at a school for disabled kids. I played basketball and other sports with them and served food and drinks. It was actually pretty cool. If I werent so busy now, Ill do it again. () 46. Torlon has volunteered as afor several months. A.nurseB. French teacherC. doctor () 47. The group called ROS offersto children and other people. A. informationB. roomsC. food () 48. Indy volunteered at a hospital for. A. three monthB. a school yearC. around two years () 49. One requirement for Marian to graduate from high school was. A. to do volunteer workB. to do sportsC. to pass a French exam () 50. From the reading we can learn. A.Marian is busy now B.Indy loves dogs very much C.Torlon isnt very good at French 八年级英语(第 5 页,共 8 页)八年级英语(第 6 页,共 8 页) (B) 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 In our lives, we may have a lot of trouble. When you feel bad or forget how great you are, here are some ways for you to make you feel good about yourself. Look in the mirror and say to yourself, “Im a special person and theres no one in the world like me. I can do anything!” It really works! Do something good for someone. Helping others always makes you feel good. Learn something new! Do you always want to learn to swim or decorate(装装饰饰)your own room? Go for it! New things are fun and they can make you feel proud(自豪的自豪的). Keep a diary. Turn off the TV and let your imagination fly! If you have any thoughts or dreams, write them down! It always helps to show your ideas. Stay with your family. We all need family time. Talk with your mother and father or maybe even your cousin. ()51. Who should read the passage? A.A girl who doesnt believe in herself. B.An old woman who often falls ill. C.A boy who dislikes school. ()52. How many ways does the writer give us? A. Four.B. Five.C. Six. ()53. Why is “ to learn to swim” mentioned(提到提到) in the passage? A.Because people must learn to swim. B.Because it may be good for your health. C.Because it may be something new for you. ()54. What does the underlined word “It” refer to? A. Reading.B. Learning.C. Writing. () 55. Which is the best title of the passage? A.How to Keep a Good Mood(心情)心情). B.We Should Help Others. C.Try to Form(养成养成) Good Habits. (C) 根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从方方框框内内所所给给的的选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入空空白白处处的的最最佳佳选选项项。其其中中有有一一项项多多余余。 Fire can help people in many ways. But it can be very dangerous. Fire can heat water, warm houses, give light and cook. 56 It can burn trees, houses, animals or people. Sometimes a big fire can burn forests. 57 But there are many interesting stories about the first time a man or a woman started a fire. One story from Australia tells about a man very, very long time ago. He went up to the sun by a rope(绳子)(绳子) and brought fire down. Today people know how to make a fire with a lighter(打打火火机机). Children sometimes like to play with it. But it can be very dangerous.58A small fire can become a big fire very fast. Fire kills many people every year. So you must be careful. 59Fire needs oxygen (氧氧气气) . Without oxygen it will die. Cover fire with water, sand or sometimes with your coat. This keeps the air away from fire and kills it.60Be careless with fire, and it will burn you. 八年级英语(第 5 页,共 8 页)八年级英语(第 6 页,共 8 页) How to deal with stress Positive self-talkTell 61 positive statements every day. Remember the things youve done62in the past. 63what you can not do and let it go.RelaxationThe best way to deal with stress is to do something64 to help you. ExercisePhysical65help burn up some of that stress. (D) 请请阅阅读读下下面面短短文文,在在下下面面的的横横线线上上填填入入与与文文章章意意思思最最相相符符的的内内容容,每每 空空 一一 词词 。 Do you find it hard to sleep before the exam? Do you get a headache when arguing? If you do, it means youre feeling stressed. Here are some ideas to help you deal with stress. Positive( 积积 极极 的的 )self-talk Positive self-talk helps you to decide how youll deal with stress. Tell yourself positive statements every day. For example, “Im good at.”, “One of my personal strengths is that Im.”, “All is well”, etc. Remember the good things youve done in the past. For example, “I did well in that school project last year-this means I can do it again.” Work on things that you can do, accept the rest and let it go. Relaxation What do you find relaxing? Is it dancing, fishing, going for a walk with friends, reading a book, listening to music, shopping or playing sports? Think about things you can do to make you relax, and take time out to enjoy your life. These are the best ways to deal with stress. Exercise Many people find physical activities help burn up some of that stress. You can go out for a walk, go to swim and so on. (E) 阅阅读读下下面面非非连连续续文文本本,简简要要回回答答所所给给问问题题。 Saying no can be very difficult. Shy people often have the problem. Recently, China Youth Daily did a survey in 2019 of people, asking them how they feel about saying no to others. Lets see what they found out. 八年级英语(第 7 页,共 8 页)八年级英语(第 8 页,共 8 页) Too much pressure from the other person. Dont know to say “no” in a polite way. Worrying hurting peoples feelings. Dont know how to deal with feelings of embarrassment. Worrying hurting relation between the other person and me. In fact, in life a simple No is the best way. If you want to explain, you can keep it simple, just say, No, Ive already made plans for this timeor, Sorry, Im afraid Im not free at that time. etc. To say no you should: Start the sentence with the wordno. When you face people who are talking to, shake your head(摇摇头头) when you say no to make sure they understand. If someone makes a request(要要求求), it is necessary to ask for time to think it over. The decision should be up to you, but sometimes it is difficult to say no. You can try to reply in the following way: Sorry, I will try to help you next time. Remember that: You have the right(权利权利) to say no! 66.According to the passage, who has a problem of sayingno? 67.What do you think is the top reason that makes people not sayno? 68.In the passage, what does the underlined word they refer to(指的是指的是)? 69.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(不超不超 15 个字个字) 70.Did you ever refuse others? If your classmate invites you to go to the party on Friday evening, you dont want to go.What will you say to refuse him or her politely? .词语运用 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 根根据据语语篇篇内内容容,用用方方框框中中所所给给词词的的正正确确形形式式填填空空,使使短短文文通通顺顺连连贯贯。方方框框中中有有两两个个词词为为 多多 余余项项。 butwhatwithbuilddifficulthe rushwhykindstrongseveralfor A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his garden. While he 71 houses and creating roads in the soft sand, he found a large stone in the middle of sand. So the little boy decided to move it. He tried to move it. It didnt work. He continued 72 it very hard, but every time he thought he made 73 way to make some progress, the stone tipped(倾倾斜斜) and then fell back into the sand . The little boy tried his best, 74 his only reward was to have the stone roll back, hitting his fingers. 八年级英语(第 7 页,共 8 页)八年级英语(第 8 页,共 8 页) After the boy tried 75 times, finally he gave up and cried sadly. In fact, all that time the boys father was watching him from his living room window. At that moment, a large shadow( 影影 子子 ) fell across the boy and the sand. It was the boys father. Gently but surely he said, Son, 76 didnt you use all the strength(力量)力量) that you had? The boy cried back, But I did, Daddy, I did! I used all the strength that I had! No, son,” said the father 77 . “You didnt use all the strength you had. You didnt ask me.” 78 these words, the father reached down, picked up the stone and removed it from the sand. Do you have “stones” in your life that need to be removed? Are you discovering that you arent 79 enough to lift them? There is ONE who is always ready to give us the strength we need. When you meet 80 in your life, learn to ask for and accept the strength. X.书面表达(共 15 分) 家家务务是是生生活活中中不不可可避避免免的的, 已已经经长长大大的的你你是是爱爱做做家家务务的的小小帮帮手手吗吗?你你每每天天花花多多长长时时 间间做做家家务务呢呢?下下面面是是一一项项对对各各国国学学生生每每天天劳劳动动时时间间的的调调查查结结果果。 请请你你写写一一篇篇文文章章,第第一一 段段 描描述述调调査査结结果果,并并得得出出有有关关中中国国学学生生的的结结论论,第第二二段段分分析析这这个个结结论论背背后后的的原原因因并并给给出出 相相关关 的的改改进进建建议议。 要要求求:1 1. . 词词数数不不少少于于 8 80 0 词词( (开开头头已已给给出出, 不不计计入入总总词词数数); 2 2. . 文文中中不不得得出出现现真真实实的的人人名名、校校名名。 Recently, weve made a survey about How long do you spend on chores every day? Here are the results.
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