人教版八年级下册英语前五单元基础知识巩固精讲解(word版 含答案 含PPT讲解).zip

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初中英语八年级下册初中英语八年级下册 Units 15 基础知识巩固测试题基础知识巩固测试题 ( 满分:满分:100 分分; 建议用时:建议用时:60 分钟分钟 ) I.选择填空选择填空 从每题从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30 分分) 1. Look at _______ child crying in the corner. Lets go and help him. A. the B. a C. D . an 2. Jim, _______ your bed after you get up in the morning. Ok, Mum. Ill do it. A. fold B. folds C. folded D. to fold 3. Wheres Lucy? I didnt see her today. Oh, she hurt _______ and went to a doctor. A. she B. her C. hers D. herself 4. Its a secret. Please _______ tell it to anyone else. OK, I wont. A. dont B. wont C. isnt D. arent 5. To our_______ , the little girl is the first to go to bed. A. surprisesB. surpriseC. surprisedD. surprising 6. I phoned you at 5: 00 yesterday, but nobody answered. Sorry, I _______ the flowers in the garden at that time. A. was wateringB. am wateringC. waterD. will water 7. It is raining _______ outside. We cant hang out. Oh, what a pity! A. heavily B. angrily C. clearly D. completely 8. You did a good job in the English speech competition! Thank you! _______ speak good English, I practiced a lot. A. At first B. Because of C. In order to D. As a result 9. Life is the most important. I think so. _______ is more important than life. A. Something B. Anything C. Nothing D. Everything 10. Helen has two brothers. _______ of them likes chocolate, but she loves it. A. Neither B. None C. Each D. Any 11. Jack, could you please take out the rubbish? _______. Ill do it now. A. Thank you B. SureC. Youre welcome D. No, I cant 12. Jack picked up a bag and returned it to the owner. _______ kind boy he is! A. HowB. What C. What aD. What an 13. You shouldnt have too much junk food _______ its bad for your health. A. so B. butC. though D. because 14. Could you give me a hand? I want to _______ the map on the wall. With pleasure. A. put up B. clean up C. fix up D. turn up 15. I dont have any free time to do things I like. _______ you talk to your parents? I think they can understand you. A. Why dont B. Why not C. How about D. What about II. 完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。 (10 分) 16. 学会照顾自己很有必要。 Its necessary to learn to __________ __________ of yourself. 17. 如果想交朋友, 首先要对他们友好。 If you want to make friends with others, you must be kind to them __________ __________. 18. Jack 总是陷入麻烦,我们去帮帮他吧。 Jack always __________ __________ trouble. Lets go to help him. 19. 妈妈从不把我跟其他的孩子做比较。 My mother never ___________ me ___________ other children. 20. 凌晨 3:00 当风逐渐减弱时,孩子们不再害怕了。 The children werent afraid any more when the wind was __________ __________ at around 3:00 a.m. III. 根据图片提示补全问答。根据图片提示补全问答。(10 分分) 21. A: Jack, whats the matter with you? B:_____________________________________. 22. A: I hope to work as a volunteer outside. What could I do? B:_____________________________________. 23. A:_____________________________________? B: Yes, sure, Mom. 24. A: I had a fight with Jim. What should I do? B:_____________________________________. 25. A:____________________________________? B: Gina was reading a book when her mum came in. IV. 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。 (20 分分) 26. Wang Ping stopped the bus without thinking __________ (two). 27. Could you please__________ (give) out food at the food bank? 28. Too much pressure is not good for a childs__________ (develop). 29. This is a __________ (type) farmer family. 30. He was so excited that he couldnt fall__________ (sleep). 31.The old man was very strict and he didnt allow us __________ (come) in. 32. Thanks for __________ (invite) me to your home for dinner. 33. The old man lives on the farm by __________ (he) , but he doesnt feel lonely. 34. Be quiet! All the students were reading in the library in__________ (silent). 35. I found my sister__________ (look) through my letters at 5:00 yesterday afternoon. V. 补全对话补全对话 阅读对话,从每题阅读对话,从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。 (10 分)分) A: Hi, Alice! I called you at ten last Saturday, but you didnt pick up. 36____________ B: Oh, I was looking after my brother. A: 37____________ B: He had a fever and a sore throat. A: 38____________ Is he feeling better now? B: Yes. He took some medicine and drank some water. Why did you call me? A: Im going to try out for a volunteer at an after-school reading program. 39____________ B: Sure, Id love to. But what can we do to help? A: We can help kids learn to read there. B: Good idea. 40____________ A: We can also help clean up the classroom. B: That sounds good. We will have a happy day. 36. A. What are you doing?B. What were you doing? C. What did you do? D. What are you going to do? 37. A. What was the matter? B. Was he terrible ill? C. Did he have a cold? D. Did you get on well with him? 38. A. Im happy to hear that.B. How lucky you are! C. Its pretty good . D. Im sorry to hear that. 39. A. Will you go with me? B. Why not go with me? C. Would you like to go with me? D. Can you go with me? 40. A. When will we go? B. What other things can we do? C. What event will happen? D. Where are we going? .选词填空选词填空 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次) 。 (10 分)分) Lucy was a little bit fat. (41) _____________she went to the doctor and asked him how she could lose weight. Her doctor put her on a diet(节食). And the doctor told her to eat vegetables and (42) _____________ for two days, then skip (跳绳)for a whole day. Lucy needed to keep on doing this for two weeks. “The next time I see you, Im (43) _____________ you will have lost at least 1 kilogram,” the doctor said. Two weeks (44) _____________, Lucy came back. She surprised the doctor by losing nearly 2 kilograms. The doctor couldnt believe it. But Lucy thought she was going to die (45) _____________ all the skipping. . 阅读理解阅读理解 阅读短文,然后从每题阅读短文,然后从每题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子四个选项中选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子 的最佳答案。的最佳答案。 One day, a mother duck and her ducklings were on their way to a lake. All of a sudden, the mother duck saw a fox. She became frightened and shouted,“Children, hurry to the lake. Theres a fox!” The ducklings hurried towards the lake. The mother duck began to walk back and forth, dragging (拖拽) one of her wings along the ground. When the fox saw her, he was quite pleased. He said to himself, “It looks like shes hurt and cant fly! I can easily catch and eat her!”He ran towards her. sure later so from fruits The mother duck led the fox away from the lake. The fox followed her. Now he wouldnt be able to harm her ducklings. The mother duck looked at her ducklings and saw that they had reached the lake. She was relieved (放 心的). She stopped and took a deep breath. The fox thought she was tired and he came closer. But the mother duck quickly spread her wings and flew into the air. She landed in the middle of the lake and her ducklings swam to her. The fox was very upset. The mother duck had tricked him. Now he could not reach them because they were in the middle of the lake. 46. The mother duck and her ducklings went to ________ one day. A. a river B. a lakeC. a spring D. a sea 47. The mother duck dragged her wing along the ground because ________. A. she wanted to trick the fox B. she got hurt while walking C. she was exercising D. she was looking for her ducklings 48. Which of the following about the mother duck is NOT TRUE? A. She could fly in the air. B. She loved her children. C. She had a fight with the fox. D. She protected her children. 49. According to the story, we know the mother duck is very________. A. smart B. upset C. lazy D. careful 50. From the story, we can learn that ________. A. foxes are cleverer than ducks B. its easy for animals to get out of danger C. animals can get on well with each other D. we should never look down upon our enemy1.Lookat_______childcryinginthecorner.Letsgoandhelphim. A.theB.a C.D.an 2.Jim,_______yourbedafteryougetupinthemorning. Ok,Mum.Illdoit. A.foldB.foldsC.foldedD.tofold 3.WheresLucy?Ididntseehertoday. Oh,shehurt_______andwenttoadoctor. A.sheB.herC.hers D.herself 4.Itsasecret.Please_______tellittoanyoneelse. OK,Iwont. A.dontB.wontC.isntD.arent 1 Choose the correct answers. 暂停 冠词 祈使句 反身代词 祈使句(否定 ) 5.Toour_______,thelittlegirlisthefirsttogotobed. A.surprisesB.surpriseC.surprisedD.surprising 6.Iphonedyouat5:00yesterday,butnobodyanswered. Sorry,I_______theflowersinthegardenatthattime. A.waswatering B.amwatering C.waterD.willwater 7.Itisraining_______outside.Wecanthangout.Oh,whatapity! A.heavily B.angrilyC.clearlyD.completely 8.YoudidagoodjobintheEnglishspeechcompetition! Thankyou!_______speakgoodEnglish,Ipracticedalot. A.Atfirst B.Becauseof C.InordertoD.Asaresult 1 Choose the correct answers. 暂停 to ones surprise 过去进行时 副词 短语 A.Atfirst B.Becauseof C.InordertoD.Asaresult because of: He was late because of the heavy rain. because : He was late because it rained heavily. in order to : In order to speak good English,I practiced a lot. in order that: I practiced a lot in order that I can speak good English. so that: I practiced a lot so that I can speak good English. as a result: I practiced a lot. As a result, I am good at speaking English. at first : At first I thought he was a thief. first of all: First of all, read the passage by yourself. 9.Lifeisthemostimportant. Ithinkso._______ismoreimportantthanlife. A.SomethingB.AnythingC.NothingD.Everything 10.Helenhastwobrothers._______ofthemlikeschocolate,butshelovesit. A.NeitherB.NoneC.EachD.Any 11.Jack,couldyoupleasetakeouttherubbish?_______.Illdoitnow. A.ThankyouB.SureC.YourewelcomeD.No,Icant 12.Jackpickedupabagandreturnedittotheowner. _______kindboyheis! A.HowB.WhatC.WhataD.Whatan 1 Choose the correct answers. 暂停 不定代词 情景交际 感叹句 either: -What would you like to drink, tea or coffee? - Either is ok. I dont mind. neither:- What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?- Neither.I like juice best. either.or. neither.nor. both : There are so many trees on both sides of the road. all: We are all interested in learning English. none:None of them is interested in learning English. 感叹句 what a kind boy he is! How kind the boy is! what exciting news (it is)! How exciting the news is! what beautiful flowers (they are)! How beautiful these flowers are! How fast Tom runs! 13.Youshouldnthavetoomuchjunkfood_______itsbadforyourhealth. A.soB.butC.thoughD.bcause 14.Couldyougivemeahand?Iwantto_______themaponthewall. Withpleasure. A.putupB.cleanup C.fixupD.turnup 15.IdonthaveanyfreetimetodothingsIlike. _______youtalktoyourparents?Ithinktheycanunderstandyou. A.WhydontB.WhynotC.Howabout D.Whatabout 1 Choose the correct answers. 暂停 连词 短语 提建议句型 打扫修理调高(声音) 16.学会照顾自己很有必要。 Itsnecessarytolearnto____________________ofyourself. 17.如果想交朋友,首先要对他们友好。 Ifyouwanttomakefriendswithothers,youmustbekindtothem____________________. 18.Jack总是陷入麻烦,我们去帮帮他吧。 Jackalways____________________trouble.Letsgotohelphim. 19.妈妈从不把我跟其他的孩子做比较。 Mymothernever___________me___________otherchildren. 20.凌晨3:00当风逐渐减弱时,孩子们不再害怕了。 Thechildrenwerentafraidanymorewhenthewindwas____________________ataround3:00 a.m. 2 Complete the sentences. 暂停 take care atfirst getsinto compares with dyingdown 时态人称 die dies dying died Complete the conversations. 21.A:Jack,whatsthematterwithyou? B:_______________________ I have a headache. 22.A:Ihopetoworkasavolunteeroutside.WhatcouldIdo? B:_______________________ 23.A:___________________________ ? B:Yes,sure,Mom. Could you please wash the clothes You could help to clean up the streets/city parks. 3 talk about health problems volunteering & charity chores & permission whats wrong? whats the trouble? Complete the conversations. 24.A:IhadafightwithJim.WhatshouldIdo? B:_____________________________________. You could write a letter to him. /Why dont you write him a letter? 25.A:____________________________________? B:Ginawasreadingabookwhenhermumcamein. What was Gina doing when her mum came in? 3 talk about problems & give advice talk about past events You could/ should Why dont you./ Why not.? What / How about.? 26.WangPingstoppedthebuswithoutthinking__________(two). 27.Couldyouplease__________(give)outfoodatthefoodbank? 28.Toomuchpressureisnotgoodforachilds__________(develop). 29.Thisisa__________(type)farmerfamily. 30.Hewassoexcitedthathecouldntfall__________(sleep). 4 Complete the sentences. 暂停 twice give development typical asleep 数词 动词原形 名词 形容词 形容词 without thinking twice give out be good for fall asleep 31.Theoldmanwasverystrictandhedidntallowus__________(come)in. 32.Thanksfor__________(invite)metoyourhomefordinner. 33.Theoldmanlivesonthefarmby__________(he),buthedoesntfeellonely. 34.Bequiet!Allthestudentswerereadinginthelibraryin__________(silent). 35.Ifoundmysister__________(look)throughmylettersat5:00yesterdayafternoon. 4 Complete the sentences. 暂停 to come inviting himself silence looking 不定式 动名词 反身代词 名词 现在分词 allow (sb) to do volunteer to do offer to do thanks for doing/ thank you for doing in silence / keep silent find/ see/ watch/ hear sb doing Make up a conversation. 5 A:Hi,Alice!IcalledyouattenlastSaturday,butyoudidntpickup.36____________ B:Oh,Iwaslookingaftermybrother. A:37____________ B:Hehadafeverandasorethroat. A:38____________Ishefeelingbetternow? B:Yes.Hetooksomemedicineanddranksomewater.Whydidyoucallme? A:Imgoingtotryoutforavolunteeratanafter-schoolreadingprogram.39____________ B:Sure,Idloveto.Butwhatcanwedotohelp? A:Wecanhelpkidslearntoreadthere. B:Goodidea.40____________ A:Wecanalsohelpcleanuptheclassroom. B:Thatsoundsgood.Wewillhaveahappyday. 暂停 B. What were you doing? A. What was the matter? D. Im sorry to hear that. C. Would you like to go with me? B. What other things can we do? Lucywasalittlebitfat.(41)_____________shewenttothedoctorandaskedhimhow shecouldloseweight.Herdoctorputheronadiet(节食).Andthedoctortoldhertoeat vegetablesand(42)_____________fortwodays,thenskip(跳绳)forawholeday.Lucy neededtokeepondoingthisfortwoweeks.“ThenexttimeIseeyou,Im(43) _____________youwillhavelostatleast1kilogram,”thedoctorsaid. Twoweeks(44)_____________,Lucycameback.Shesurprisedthedoctorbylosing nearly2kilograms.Thedoctorcouldntbelieveit.ButLucythoughtshewasgoingtodie (45)_____________alltheskipping. 6 暂停 Choose the correct words. sure later so from fruits so fruits sure later from 形容词 确信的 副词 稍后,后来 连词 因此 介词 来自, 从。 。 名词 水果 Oneday,amotherduckandherducklingswereontheirwaytoalake.Allofasudden,themother ducksawafox.Shebecamefrightenedandshouted,”Children,hurrytothelake.Theresafox!” Theducklingshurriedtowardsthelake.Themotherduckbegantowalkbackandforth,dragging(拖拽) oneofherwingsalongtheground.Whenthefoxsawher,hewasquitepleased.Hesaidtohimself,”It lookslikesheshurtandcantfly!Icaneasilycatchandeather!”Herantowardsher. Themotherduckledthefoxawayfromthelake.Thefoxfollowedher.Nowhewouldntbeableto harmherducklings.Themotherducklookedatherducklingsandsawthattheyhadreachedthelake. Shewasrelieved(放心的).Shestoppedandtookadeepbreath.Thefoxthoughtshewastiredandhe camecloser.Butthemotherduckquicklyspreadherwingsandflewintotheair.Shelandedinthe middleofthelakeandherducklingsswamtoher. Thefoxwasveryupset.Themotherduckhadtrickedhim.Nowhecouldnotreachthembecausethey wereinthemiddleofthelake. 7 reading comprehension. 暂停 characters 46.Themotherduckandherducklingswentto________oneday.细
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