人教版八年级下册英语Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 写作课-文学与音乐ppt课件.pptx

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人教版八年级下册英语Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 写作课-文学与音乐ppt课件.pptx_第1页
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人教版八年级下册英语Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 写作课-文学与音乐ppt课件.pptx_第2页
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人教版八年级下册英语Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 写作课-文学与音乐ppt课件.pptx_第3页
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人教版八年级下册英语Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 写作课-文学与音乐ppt课件.pptx_第4页
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人教版八年级下册英语Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 写作课-文学与音乐ppt课件.pptx_第5页
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1、写作课文学与音乐 目录 上页 首页 下页 1 写作课写作课文学与音乐文学与音乐 写作课文学与音乐 目录 上页 首页 下页 2 话题词汇话题词汇 1.经典的 _ 2.小说_ 3.永远 _ 4.成功 _ 5.美;美丽_ 6.介绍;引见 _ 7.著名的 _ 8.提醒_ 9.满是的 _ classicclassic fictionfiction foreverforever successsuccess beautybeauty introduceintroduce famousfamous remindremind full offull of 写作课文学与音乐 目录 上页 首页 下页 3 10.赶

2、快;急忙 _ 11.乡村音乐 _ 12.属于 _ 13.互相 _ 14.听说 _ 15.向介绍 _ 16.放下_ 常用句型常用句型 1.Have you ever_ _Mo Yan? 你听说过莫言吗? 2.Now let me_it_you. 现在让我把它介绍给你。 hurry uphurry up country musiccountry music belong tobelong to one anotherone another hear ofhear of introduce.to.introduce.to. put downput down heard ofheard of intr

3、oduceintroduce toto 写作课文学与音乐 目录 上页 首页 下页 4 3.I have just _Red Sorghum. 我刚读完红高粱。 4.Its _good _I cant put it down. 它是如此好以至于我爱不释手。 5.The book _us _life is lively and free. 这本书提醒我们生活是鲜活的,自由的。 6.It makes me _. 它让我更热爱生活。 finished readingfinished reading soso thatthat remindsreminds thatthat love life bett

4、erlove life better 写作课文学与音乐 目录 上页 首页 下页 5 1.1.写作要求写作要求 你听说过莫言吗?你读过他的小说红高粱(Red Sorghum)吗?莫 言是我国著名作家,2012年获得诺贝尔文学奖(Nobel Prize for Literature)。红高粱是他的著名作品之一。这本书描写了“我的 爷爷奶奶的爱情故事”,赞美了生命的顽强和自由的可贵。请结合你的 读后感,向同学们介绍莫言和他的小说红高粱。 写作课文学与音乐 目录 上页 首页 下页 6 2.思路点拨 (1)体裁:说明文 (2)人称:第一人称 (3)时态:一般现在时态 (4)写作导图 写作课文学与音乐 目

5、录 上页 首页 下页 7 3.3.范文借鉴范文借鉴 Have you ever heard of Mo Yan?Have you read his novel Red Sorghum?Do you know what it is about?Now let me introduce it to you. Mo Yan is a famous writer.In 2012,he won the Nobel Prize for Literature.I have just finished reading Red Sorghum.The story is about “my grandfather

6、 and grandmothers love”.It is so good that I cant put it down. The book reminds us that life is lively and free.It makes me love life better.Ill read it again when I have time. 写作课文学与音乐 目录 上页 首页 下页 8 假如你是Lin Dan,请你用英语写一篇80词左右的短文介绍你喜欢的 作家或歌手。 写作课文学与音乐 目录 上页 首页 下页 9 One possible version:One possible v

7、ersion: MyMy favoritefavorite singersinger isis JayJay ChouChou (Zhou(Zhou Jielun)Jielun). .HisHis albumsalbums havehave enjoyedenjoyed greatgreat successsuccess inin manymany countries,andcountries,and hishis songssongs areare popularpopular withwith listenerslisteners ofof allall agesages. . I I l

8、ikelike hishis musicmusic veryvery muchmuch. .ItIt isis poppop music,butmusic,but itit hashas a a mixmix ofof otherother kindskinds ofof music,suchmusic,such asas R&B,rap,andR&B,rap,and rockrock. .ManyMany ofof hishis songssongs areare aboutabout thethe worldworld wewe livelive inin. .OneOne ofof my

9、my favoritefavorite songssongs isis DaoDao Xiang,whichXiang,which encouragesencourages peoplepeople notnot toto givegive upup eveneven whenwhen lifelife isis difficultdifficult. . I I feelfeel happyhappy andand fullfull ofof energyenergy whenwhen I I listenlisten toto hishis songssongs. .I I havehave introducedintroduced JaysJays songssongs toto mymy bestbest friend,andfriend,and hehe enjoysenjoys thethe songs,too!songs,too!


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