北师大版(三起)五下Unit 11 Weather-Lesson 2 Let's Practice.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)(编号:419d5).zip

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教学反思 本节课学习目的是通过这节课的学习,学生可以理解并且运用 新授的句型和单词谈论天气。学生学习兴趣很浓,课堂气氛热烈,学 习效果很好。本课是一节朴实、扎实、真实、又不拘一格、不乏乐 趣 的常规课。教学中有几个亮点 1、课前热身的游戏,既复习了上节课的新词有充分的调动了学生 的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,把学生马上带进英语课堂。 2、以旧引新,搭起知识之间的桥梁。由 Whats the weather like today?引出新句型 Whats the weather like tomorrow?知 识连贯,过渡自然。 3、分组竞赛是本课的一个主导,是老师评价学生的一个重要方式。 通过老师的带读、小组读、两组读、个别读、最终以小组表现作为 评价。各个环节中有比赛之处,不出错会得到奖励。比赛有趣又具 挑战,培养学生团结合作的主人翁的意识和善于竞争的能力。 4、老师和学生一起学习,不分你我、亲近学生、学生的好胜心就特 别强。每组读起句型就像海浪,一浪高于一浪,有如排山倒海。这 也是教师的独具匠心。 5、新知识学完马上进行听写练习,发现问题解决问题。 6、根据新句型自编天气词的 chant 朗朗上口,化枯燥为有趣,学习 效果事倍功半,进一步巩固看新句型。 此外,本课也存在着许多的不足。如:教师和学生间的交流还不 够深入;教师指导性语言过多,有时打断学生的发言;作业的布置 不够灵活,没有体现知识的输出性,让学生听天气预报会更有趣。 更重要的是教师要努力提高自己在英语语言方面的水平,全面锻炼 自己多方面的应变能力,做到授课时不慌不乱。 总之,落实新课标是小学教育面向新世纪的发展方向,也 是当前教育改革的主要内容。我们每一位教师必须要解放思想,更 新观念,在教学中充分发挥自己的主导作用,精心研究教法,优化 学法。北师大版小学五年级英语 Unit 11 Weather Lesson 2 Waming Up Lets Check sunnycloudywindy rainysnowy The weather today Whats the weather like today? Its sunny The weather tomorrow Whats the weather like tomorrow? Its rainy.going to be Friday?on The weather next week in The weather next week in NeixiangNeixiang Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Its going to be sunny on Monday. Its going to be cloudy on Tuesday. Its going to be rainy on Wednesday. Its going to be windy on Thursday. Its going to be snowy on Friday. Lets chant Whats the weather like on Mondy?Whats the weather like on Mondy? Its Its going to begoing to be sunnysunny day. day. Whats the weather like on Tuesday?Whats the weather like on Tuesday? Its Its going to begoing to be cloudy cloudy day.day. Whats the weather like on Wednesday?Whats the weather like on Wednesday? Its Its going to be going to be rainy rainy day. day. Whats the weather like on Thursday?Whats the weather like on Thursday? Its Its going to be going to be windywindy day. day. Whats the weather like on Friday?Whats the weather like on Friday? Its Its going to be going to be snowy snowy dayday. . summary 1.words: sunny windy cloudy snowy rainy 2.sentences:Whats the weather like today/ tomorrow/on Monday? Its./Its going to be. 3.Do you have any questions? HomeworkHomework Talk about the weather in English.1 Unit11 Weather Lesson 2 教学设计 I.Teaching aims: 1.知识目标: (1)指认、说出常见天气,如:sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy 等。 (2)能够在语境中运用以下表达法询问或说明当前或将 来的天气情况。 Whats the weather like today? Its Whats the weather like on Monday? Its going to be 2. 能力目标: (1)能指认、说出与天气有关的词汇。 (2)能根据实际情况描述天气。 (3)能结合插图和文字听懂天气预报。 3. 情感目标: (1)进一步激发学生学习英语的积极性和自信心。 (2)通过看各国的天气预报,了解其他国家的天气 和气候。 II.Teaching content: 1. Review the words. 2. Lead-in new sentences. 2 3. Practice the sentences. 4. Listen and Write. III. Teaching key points and difficulties: 1. 能够指认、说出常见天气。 2. 能询问或说明最近的当前或未来的天气情况。 IV. Teaching procedures: Step1 师生问候,复习单词。 1. Greeting. 2. Review the words: sunny/ windy / cloudy / rainy/ snowy. Step2 Play a game. 1. I do you say/I say you do. 2. Check the words. Step3 Lead-in new sentences. 1.通过前面的铺垫,直接以问题形式引入句型: Whats the weather like today? Its cloudy. 2.练习句型,教师领读、师问生答、女生问男生答、组 内合作练习多种方式练习句型。 3.学生展示。 4.借助今天的天气引出将来的天气的句型: Whats the weather like tomorrow/on Friday? Its going to be rainy. 3 4.练习句型并完成下周内乡的天气表格 Step4 Listen and Write 1. 教师带领学生一起分析图片。 2. 第一遍整体感知,第二遍听写,第三边自己检查答 案。 3. 师生一起核对答案。 Step5 Homework. Talk about the weather in English. 板书设计: Unit11 Weather Lesson2 Whats the weather like tomorrow/on Friday? Its going to be rainy.
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